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In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:33 pm
by Mitsuko2†
Penelope from: To Be The Strongest

The beating rain poured down on the small form of a girl as she slowly trudged through the island, looking for somebody, anybody, to join up with. She just couldn't believe that the entire island was against escape. There had to be a way out, there just had to. If there was even one other person trying to escape, it would have made her day. But alas, all she'd found on this island, were three people who blew up, a boy whom she killed in cold blood, and a duo, one of which ran, and the other died. It was all too much for her.

Penelope found herself at a bridge of sorts. It was a way to cross the river she guessed. She slowly made her way to it, dragging the heavy mace along the wet ground behind her. Perhaps she could find a moment's solace under the bridge, maybe just sit there for a while... her feet hurt, and she just wanted to sleep. There was no more adrenaline pumping through her veins, now, she just wanted a moment's rest.

Slowly but surely she climbed under the bridge, finding there to be a small indent in the side, probably built so that the island children could play under the bridge. Penelope heaved herself up onto the indent and pulled the bag and mace up as well. She set them aside and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her head on them. Here she was, cold, lonely, and depressed. She just needed a friend out here.

"Why am I so alone?"

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:34 pm
by baby_g†
Stephanie was completely wiped when she made her way to the river finally. She walked all the way from the wheat feild, staying clear of the church and most definetly the industrial zone. From the angle she must have taken, she ended up at the bridge located on her map. Resting on it's edge, she began to wonder if this was really the game for her. She found it exciting, and she was able to take control of situations quickly, but that whole ordeal at the park scared the shit out of her. From the annoucements, she had a feeling that the Mari chick was going to come after her, and if she wanted to stay safe, she couldn't be Steph anymore.

"This is so. fucking. stupid!" She yelled as she slammed her fist against the wood.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:35 pm
by Mitsuko2†
Penelope flinched when she heard the girl (she supposed it was either a girl or a guy with a real high voice) slam her (his?) fist down on the wood of the bridge. She didn't want to have to fight again. This was so scary. She wanted someone to come save her. Anyone. Someone who'd help her through this. She just wanted a friend. She wanted to go home to her cousin and her brother. She wanted to live.

Small sniffles began to come out of her shivering form and she hugged her knees against her chest in sorrow. She just needed someone.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:36 pm
by Megami†
((Continued from Blood Sport))

The fog that covered the island was so thick that Matthias could barely see his hand in front of his face.  Since Mr. Danya had declared the farmhouse a dangerzone earlier that morning, Matt had taken quite possibly the only course of action he could at that point and bolted from the area.  Since then, he had followed the river that, he correctly assumed, ran the entirety of the island before emptying back out into the ocean.  His jeans were ripped at the knees from having tripped and fallen several times over various tree roots and other nuisances cluttering the ground, but he didn't let it phase him.  Pain was mental anyway.

Finally, something besides the river bank and dozens upon dozens of trees came into view.  He squinted his eyes to get a better look at the structure he was coming upon.  It was an old and run down bridge, obviously out of use for a long while now.  It looked almost eerie in the thick fog that covered it, even more scary coupled with the fact that the trees overhead blocked out large portions of the barely-there sunlight.  Surely, she wouldn't have come to a place like this.  Jodeen was a brave girl, he'd give her that much, but this didn't seem like somewhere she'd go to hide.


What the hell was that?

The noise echoed out from near the bridge, momentarily startling Matthias.  Someone, or something, was there.  It was an awkward thought at best, but part of Matthias hoped that it was something, and not someone.  Given the things he'd seen over the past few days on the island, he didn't know how willing he was to encounter people again.  He'd been lucky since he and Whitney got separated in the residential area several days prior and hadn't run into anybody.  Not anyone alive, anyway.  Now, though, Matt had a bad feeling that that was about to change.

"Hello?" he called out softly, almost hoping no one would answer, "Is someone out there?  I'm looking for my sister... she's thirteen.  Have you seen her?"

Wouldn't it be ironic if it turned out that he was only talking to the fog?  Still, things couldn't be that easy.  He was armed with only a lasso, so he'd have a lot of trouble defending himself if the need arose.  It was worth the risk of revealing himself, though.  Especially if whoever was there had happened upon his sister.  Not everyone on the island was out for blood.  Most of them were cold, scared, alone... nobody wanted to play this game.  Nobody wanted to murder anyone else.  Some of them just fell into it.  He'd been telling himself that since he came upon Eric Silvstedt trying to strangle someone else.

Hesitantly, Matthias moved closer toward the bridge, hoping to spot the other person who had yelled from that direction only moments prior.  He had been far enough away not to hear exactly what the voice had said.  Then again, maybe he was just hearing things anyway.  He drew closer, keeping his eyes peeled for any movement.  He hadn't survived this long and come this far to be ambushed and killed by some crazy that thought they could outlive everyone else.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:36 pm
by baby_g†
Stephanie jumped at the sound of sniffles so close to her, and again because of a voice coming towards her in the distance. It was stupid of her to make so much noise, but being caught up in the moment she couldn't help it. Pulling out the knife she held it out in the defensive position as she walked towards the male voice.

"Listen, who are you?"

He mentioned something about his sister. She could use this if she was careful. If she phrased it right, she could work him to think she was on his side and maybe she could use that if they ever ran into eachother again.

Changing her tone to more of a compassionate one, she came closer now to the outlined figure of the boy who had called out to her earlier.

"What does she looked like?" Steph asked quietly.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:37 pm
by Megami†
"My name's Matthias," he called back, slowly stepping closer to the figure, "My sister's name is Jodeen.  She's about four foot eight, dark headed... dark eyes.  Have you run into anybody like that?"

The girl seemed harmless enough, especially after Matthias mentioned specifically what he was doing.  He didn't want to play this game.  All he wanted to do was find his sister, find his friends, and find a way to escape before the competition dwindled down to nothing.  He had been lucky this far.  Nobody particularly close to him had died, he hadn't been injured, and his sister had remained out of the announcements.  If Matthias didn't step up a bit, though, those reassuring facts were bound to change quite soon.

"I'm not looking for trouble or anything," he stated quietly as the girl's figure finally came into view through the dwindling fog, "I just want to find my sister."

He continued to approach the girl, his arms raised into the air to indicate that he meant no harm toward her.  If she attacked him, Matthias reassured himself that he could rely on his martial arts skills to get him out of a potentially sticky situation.  The knife she was wielding in her hand made him nervous, but on the outside he remained calm, cool, and collected.  If the girl thought she was intimidating him in the slightest, she might try to use it to her advantage.

Coming toward the rustic looking bridge that crossed over a narrow portion of the river, he couldn't help but think that he heard another noise echoing out from underneath it.  Then again, maybe it was just fear playing tricks on his mind.  His eyes darted toward the bridge momentarily before returning to the unknown girl with the knife.  What if she was setting him up, and she had a friend ready to spring out into the open as soon as Matthias stepped close enough.  He really hoped that wasn't the case.  Still, as he looked the girl over, he wondered whether or not she was trustworthy.

"Wait a second... I know you."

He calmed visibly at the realization.

"We had homeroom together at Franklyn.  You're Stephanie... you remember me, don't you?"

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:38 pm
by baby_g†
Stephanie stepped back, wanting to create a thin wall of fog between them, hoping to blur her image. She knew she had to think fast, considering she wasn't counting on anyone really reconizing her.

"Uh.. no. I'm not Stephanie... I never went to Franklyn... sorry."

The boy had his arms raised, showing he didn't want to hurt her, but she still held her knife out infront of her.

"I'm not going to put down my weapon just because you did yours... but I wont attack you either... as long as you dont."

She was getting nervous. If she admitted to being Stephanie, then he would know that it was her on the announcements this morning and him falling for her innocent act would be thrown out the window.

"I've seen your sister.. sure... she just passed over the bridge heading towards the forest... an hour ago I'm sure...."

please work.. come on...

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:39 pm
by Mitsuko2†
"That's a boldfaced lie!" Penelope cried from behind the girl. She'd since crawled out of her spot under the bridge when she heard voices from above.

"You liar! No one's passed here for hours. I've been here for at least half a day. You two are the first!" she chided. As she looked through the fog at the two, she immediately recognized them.

"Matthias?! And Stephanie?!" She gasped. She had taken English with Matthias, sat next to him. And Stephanie was in her Math class! How strange to see two people she knew.

"It's so good to see someone familiar..." She sighed. Then she hefted the mace up onto her unburned shoulder. "Why did you lie Stephanie?"

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:39 pm
by baby_g†
"OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" She hissed at the new person to enter the conversation. Not only did she challange her lie, but she also reconized her. If she was going to keep on living and playing this game, she'd have to think of something quickly to cover her ass.

"....I'm sorry," Stephaine sniffled. "I'm sorry... I'm just scared! You know how it is! If you didn't you wouldn't have been hiding this whole time..... no one knows what to do here... I don't know what to do here... I'm sorry okay?!" She began to cry. Not enough that it was sobbing or too loud, but just more than usual, to get her point across.

The tow of them seemed weak, and if she could keep them in her grasp, she'd make it out of this area in one peace.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:40 pm
by Megami†
Matthias's eyes brightened for just a moment when the girl, who he still couldn't help but think looked stunningly familiar, confirmed the fact that Jodeen had passed through this area, and not more than an hour ago!  Finally, he was on the right track.  His look of excitement quickly disappated, however, when the girl who had been hiding under the bridge climbed out from her sanctuary and challenged Stephanie.  He recognized the girl as Penelope Withers, they'd had a class together back at Franklyn.  That was of little consequence at the moment, though.

Penelope chastised Stephanie for telling lies, and just as quickly, Stephanie burst into tears, claiming she was alone and afraid.  Then again, that wasn't so hard to believe.  Everybody on this island was alone and afraid.  Hadn't the announcements said she had murdered somebody?  Matthias couldn't quite recall, but it seemed like a girl named Stephanie had been mentioned.  Then again, names he had never expected to hear broadcast across the island had been read off in the past few days, so it wasn't really a surprise.  Maybe he thought less of it than he should have, but the girl was crying, and Matthias didn't really know how to react.

"So then you... haven't seen Jodeen," he muttered, "I have to find her before something bad happens to her.  I know she's here.  She was on the bus, so she has to be here."

He offered the girls a compassionate smile before slinging his bag back over his shoulder and preparing to continue on his journey.  He supposed that he could use the friendship and the company of the two ladies, but Stephanie had already proven herself a liar, and Penelope had just emerged out of thin air, it seemed.  He didn't have time to be fooling around with two squabbling girls right now.  Still, the gentleman in Matthias wouldn't allow him to leave both of them unattended in a place like this.  He already felt emmensely guilty for having abandoned Whitney several days prior, even if it had been purely on accident.

So now, Matthias found himself at a stalemate.  He could stay with the girls and hope that they'd help him continue his search for Jodeen, or he could carry on with the search himself and leave them here to await whatever fate befell them.  He couldn't help but think how guilty he'd feel if their names were read off in the next announcement... if something happened to them because he left them on their own.  Still, they weren't really his responsibility.  No, his responsibility was floating around somewhere on that island, expecting and depending on Matt to find her and keep her out of harm's way.  A light sigh escaped his lips as he looked at the two girls.  No good could come of this.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:40 pm
by baby_g†
((continued from .. The Wicked Game))

Matthew and Rob made it towards the river under the cover of the fog. It was really the only time Matthew really was thankful for it. His noise was killing him, his ribs still hurt and it seemed the more women he met, the closer he got to disappointment. He motioned to Rob to stay quiet as they neared what sounded like bad company. From Matthew's view, he saw the back of one girl and two others standing closer to the bridge. It looked like a girl and a boy, but he couldn't really tell.

"What's your take on them?" He whispered over his shoulder.

Seeing as all the kids were standing down and not actually fighting eachother, he and Rob had the advantage. If worse came to worse, maybe he'd hear his name on the announcements again for a kill. Wouldn't that be something to make his dad proud.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:41 pm
by Ares
((continued from The Wicked Game))

"Tough call." Rob said in a low voice, "I mean, we don't know what their weapons are, and for all we know, if we approach them wrong, they do have a numbers game. It's really up to you dude. I don't mind either way."

Rob reached into his bag and pulled out his new SMG, he'd looted from Anna. He also made sure to keep his other hand on the grip of the pistol he had stuffed in the belt of his pants, in a very gangsta way.

"I say we approach, but with our weapons in plain sight. Don't directly point them at the people, but it lets them know we're loaded. Make sure you load your SMG up, because if worse comes to worse, that thing can empty faster than an audience leaving the venue of a Coldplay concert."

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:41 pm
by baby_g†
Stephanie back up a bit, away from the boy and girl confronting her. She wished deep down that she could just die in peace, at home, in her bed. The feeling of being here made her more sick to her stomache than the thought of what the worst possible death here was. Seeing as what she had been hearing on the speakers, there were some pretty sick fucks here, who'll do just about anything.

She was still sniffling at this point but no more tears were coming. She backed up more, nearing some bushes. She kept her eyes on the kids wondering if the boy's 'I'm not going to hurt you' act was really true.


Matthew crowched down as he saw the girl backing up towards him and Rob. If they didn't do something soon, she'd bump right into them, probably scream as all chicks do and then they really would have a problem. She came, 5 feet, 4 feet, 3 feet, she was now almost infront of him. The people infront of her were now barely shadows as Matthew quickly stood up, wrapping his hand around the girls mouth to muffle any noise and pulled her down.

"Rob!" he hissed, "Get her legs!"


As Steph backed up more and more, her one thought was to bolt and get away from them. They'd either slow her down or kill her and she couldn't deal with either. Just as she was about to turn and run, she felt a cold hand cover her mouth and the force behind it, pull her down to the ground, dropping her knife as she fell. She heard a boy call to his friend to grab her legs. She had been thrashing around trying to get out of his grasp, though it wasn't much use seeing as she wasn't as strong as him.

Straining her eyes, she could have at least been greatful that she was in the company of good looking men. She pulled as his hand that was around her mouth, trying to get him to let go. She knew the only way they were going to let go of her, was if she laid perfectly still and be putty in their hands. Prove she wasn't a threat and when they least expect it, kill and run.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:42 pm
by Ares
Instinctively Rob reached out and wrapped his arm around the girl's legs. He and Matty pulled her out of sight, into the bushes and laid her on the ground. To his surprise she did not thrash around or resist.

In a whisper Rob said to the girl, "Listen, we are not going to hurt you. We grabbed you because we didn't want you to freak out if you stepped on us. I'll release your legs as a sign of no hostility."

With that he released her legs, hoping that he made a wise decision.

Re: In The Darkest of Times

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:34 am
by ZigZaggerty†
((Continued from the Wheat Field))

Debrah didin't know what to do, she was lost and alone. There wasn't anyone there to protect her. The fog pervaded her senses, she felt so scared. Her sister's severed hand wasnestled safely in her pack, hidden from prying eyes. She softly mumbled to herself as she went along.

"I don't know what to do Deliah...I'm so sorry..." She whimpered, her messed appearence did not go well with her wide frenzied eyes and bloodied hands. She continued to slowly stumble through the thick fog until vague shapes made themselves prominent to her.

"H-Hello...?" She silently squawked, unaware of the dawning situation before her. Her axe gripped in her hands and her gun in her belt she was unaware of her own preparedness.