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Dream Melody

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:04 am
by Espi
((Theodore Fletcher's story continues from A New World Fool))

Theo staggered through the thick woods, blind in many ways. He could already feel the itch of mosquito bites, and the scratches on his legs from stumbling in thickets. He'd been walking for a ways through the woods, and after all the running he was so tired he could barely function.

Theo saw moonlight. Streaming from the heavens like a beacon of hope, Theo panted as he stepped slowly into the small clearing surrounding some kind of large tower. Theo was briefly tempted to climb the tower, to find a safe place to sleep, but he didn't have the strength at this point.

Theo walked over next to the tower, and sat down with a thud. He rested his head on his bag, which seemed oddly comfortable considering it was full of a baseball bat and a bunch of supplies. Theo giggled, half-asleep already, as his mind came to a very unusual thought.

"Damn, I cried a lot today. Nancy's gonna think I'm depressed or something."

Theo's eyes closed, and he slept, peacefully.

Re: Dream Melody

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:04 am
by Espi
When Theo awoke, early next morning he felt sick. Really sick.

Theo rolled stiffly onto his stomach, forced himself onto his hands and knees, and vomited onto the ground. The bile burned his mouth, and he retched a second time a moment later.

Eventually, he could breathe again, and he belched as he stood up properly. The nightmares, of Gabby, Dan...Hansel, bleeding, screaming, crying, dead...they'd filled his memory and made him sick.

Theo wiped his eyes of sleep and tears. He couldn't even describe the moment of self-loathing he experienced as he looked back on his stupid day. He should be put down, eliminated, he was dangerous, shouldn't even...That wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair that he'd had to do that shit.

Theo pulled a bottle of water from his bag and gargled a mouthful.

Theo hefted his bag and left, wishing he still had a plan. For now, he wished he had a means of settling his stomach so he could eat breakfast.

((Theodore Fletcher's story continues in The Genesis))