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The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:21 am
by Courtography
(Keith Bauer continued from Topic Title)

Keith sat on one of the benches and to his surprise it held. Alice hadn't been that lucky when he'd come across her the last time he'd been here. And Alice was still alive, along with Sandra. Ty was too, as far as he knew. Although Ty must have wised up like Alice and Sandra and taken off on him.

It made sense on some level. When it came to surviving murderous classmates he probably wasn't anyone's go to guy. He wasn't all that strong. He wasn't armed. Heck he wasn't even that good of a conversationalist to pass the time with. He hadn't seen anyone for the past day though, and he was unsure if that was a good thing or not. On the one hand if he met no one, no one could kill him. On the other, his rough sleep schedule had gotten even worse when he realized that if he slept anyone could come by and slit his throat.

His eyes felt heavy behind his glasses.

He leaned over slightly as the familiar gnawing ache in his stomach turned sharp.

He waited a few minutes. Sometimes it faded, but this time it got worse and worse.

Keith's hands trembled.

With speed that surprised him, he unzipped his bag and grabbed the half a ration bar he had left. It was the only food he hadn't eaten. Before he could even think about trying to save it longer it had made its way past his lips and into his waiting stomach.

His hands gripped the bench underneath him. His stomach grumbled. It wasn't enough.

He breathed faster and tried not to think about how it wasn't enough. He wrapped his arms around each other protectively. He could feel goosebumps from the chill underneath the dirt and grime that had accumulated.

It wasn't enough to distract him. His teeth started to chatter, with his fillings making a light clicking noise.

It was the most nervous he'd been in his life.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Riki
[[Fiyori Senay, continued from Ye Not]]

The implications were troubling.

With the death of Olivia by Fiyori's very own hands, she had become just as Isabel. Once, Fiyori swore death on Isabel Ramirez for killing her dear friends. She had executed her vow successfully, and with a just might. Now, she would have become the target of Enzo and Coleen - and Fiyori would be the rightful target of their weapons.

She was to be hated, and the world was finally whole again.

An inexplicable feeling, but that was how it was. Still, there were a few other things Fiyori had considered briefly but intensely. The irony of the island had of course not escaped her. Here she was, a girl of 18 years - who for all her life had yearned for death and an escape from the world. And here she was, a girl whom had despite all odds survived into the... what thirty? Jeez.

Either way, with killing Olivia she'd become a monster. Shock had formed within her - a sense of regret to it, and combined with her suicidal self, she should've been pierced by Coleen's spear right then and there. And yet when the perfect time for her death appeared, a death which would fulfill her desire and gave her redemption, she rejected it.

The implications weren't so bad, now that Fiyori mulled it over a bit.

Either way, she looked at Keith going on and on a few rows in front of her. She had not noticed him for a while, to be fair, but that was true of him as well. Poor guy looked like he'd fall of his bones if a mouse were to sneeze at him.

So obviously, Fiyori started banging against the wood of the banks.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Courtography
A quick outburst of the word fuck and leaping to his feet was Keith's immediate reaction to the banging behind him.

Fiyori Senay was sitting a few rows back. Fucking sneak. Wait. He remembered the most recent announcement somewhat. Fucking murderer was more like it. Although Keith couldn't remember who she had killed. It probably would be a poor idea to point that out, but Keith wasn't sure. Fiyori wasn't someone he knew, and at this point he didn't really care to.

His legs felt sore, he realized.

"What," he started.

His head felt hazy, and putting any words together felt like an intense effort.

"What do you want?"

His stomach rumbled, to punctuate the question.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Riki
Fiyori shifted her own body around a bit, so that in the end she would sit on the rim of a bench with her feet planted on the seats. Her bag had been placed between her legs, which held them tightly.

"A bit of conversation."

As far as whims go, this one was probably not the worst. Fiyori had noticed Keith's grumbling stomach, and couldn't help but grin. Another whim came up.

So she opened her bag, looked for a half-finished bars of her and once she got it, flung it at Keith's head.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Courtography
Conversation wasn't the answer he expected from a killer.

Then again, neither was her throwing a meal bar at him. His left hand went up to catch it, but he wasn't quick enough. It bounced off his fingers to the bench in front of him.

"I uh, sure."

He was surprised at the answer. When faced with a killer his answer should have been to tell her to go away.

He leaned down and picked up the half a meal bar.


He'd eat it in a bit, he decided.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Riki
Hm. Fiyori tilted her head, resting it on her palm - and her arm itself resting on the back frame of the bench. She got three words thus far out of him, that was a start at least. And he didn't die of shock like a goddamn rabbit as she flung the bar at him.

Might be worth her while, after all.

"So, how're you doing?"

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Courtography

How was he doing? In the grand scheme of life he was doing pretty horribly. Getting kidnapped by terrorists and told to kill your classmates was probably pretty up there when it came to worst case scenarios. Within that though, well, okay maybe. He was alive, most importantly, uninjured, but hungry and alone. Maybe that was better than most people. He really didn't know. Keith had avoided meeting most of the remaining students, which might have been for the best.

He still felt horrible though, but he couldn't say that.

"Pretty good, well, for the situation I mean."

He didn't really want to know how Fiyori the murderer was doing, but basic politeness took over.

"How bout yourself?"

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:23 am
by Riki
"Honestly, I can't believe you're asking me a question like this in this situation."

Fiyori paused, didn't look at Keith and allowed him to parse the statement a bit. A smile on her lips gave her away, but she still couldn't help but mess with him a bit. It was how she felt she should spend her time, and by all that is holy in heaven she would do exactly that.

"Seriously though..." her head slowly turned towards Keith again, her eyes trying to meet his. "I've been trying to find people - and it's getting pretty tough 'cause whenever I find them they end up dead."

In two of three cases, because Fiyori killed them, or took part in their killing, but that was a side point.

"Making me feel very melancholic, you know?"

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:23 am
by Courtography
His mouth opened and then closed. She had just asked him the same thing.

But it was a joke of some sort, evidently. Keith didn't like that. Humor had its place, but that kind of humor in this situation just seemed manipulative. Keith preferred to be straightforward and to the point.

But she had lost people. Everyone probably had at this point. Keith was tempted to point out that killing people put others in that same position, but he didn't. It would worsen the situation, and he had no way of knowing if she had any weapons stuffed in her bag. He couldn't remember if the announcement had mentioned a weapon.

He nodded.

"I think everyone's in the same boat," he responded, his voice sounding almost sympathetic.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:23 am
by Riki
Fiyori put her palm to her chin, and looked contemplatively at her own legs, on which her arm was also resting.

"I disagree."

Not by a large margin, to be completely fair. Keith talked about the loss so many of the alive suffered, but that wasn't exactly what Fiyori was talking about. Regardless of that, it would not be unthinkable to think that they are truly monsters out there on the island. People, for whom every corpse is a further step in going home. Or people like Isabel, perhaps more or less subtle in what they are doing.

She noted that Keith has yet to eat the bar. She figured he'd wait until she was gone.

"You know, speaking of it, I was hoping you could help me."

Fiyori started looking around the chapel. The place at which she had planned to rendezvous with Brendan days ago. It had been troublesome to find it at first, but Fiyori had no idea why. It wasn't that difficult to find, though perhaps that was the perfect vision of hindsight speaking. And Fiyori wasn't really acquainted with perfect vision. Or listening to her feelings of hindsight.

That was just always so frustrating.

"Brendan Harte. Blair Moore. Tyler Yazzie.

"These are the three people I am looking for, can you point me to any of them?"

She waited a moment, unsure whether to add what she would ultimately add.

"If you've met them, and can tell me about the condition, that would be fine too."

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:23 am
by Courtography
Of course she disagreed.

Why he wasn't sure, but it almost seemed like she just wanted to be contrary. Maybe someone had asked her not to kill them and she had immediately decided that was what she just had to do.

That probably wasn't the case. But it gave some sort of explanation, and he didn't have another one.


He kinda doubted he could help her, and he didn't particularly want to, but he would listen.

Oh. Tyler. This was an awkward revelation. Did she want to kill him?


He had no way of knowing what her intentions were, and just because Tyler had up and left on him didn't mean that Keith wanted to send murderers his way.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:23 am
by Riki
She couldn't help it, but she did feel a bit of irritation. There she went out of her way to give this poor dude food and keep him some friendly company, and all she got in return was this rude and dry response.

Fiyori chuckled. For a moment there, she forgot she was a known murderer.

"Well, let's see. Blair got rid of a problem for me and I want to say thanks. Brendan is someone I gotta say sorry to."

She'd have, at some other time, added that he'd have to apologize for killing Bee in anger. But then Fiyori realized that she lost the moral high ground there. Lost it, in the meaning of taking a heartfelt leap of it into the abyss.

Oh well.

"As for Ty... well, simply put, I gotta find him and make sure he'll live."

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:23 am
by Courtography
The explanations made sense, although she could very easily lie and he had no way to verify if she was or not. He wanted to believe she was sincere. Helping someone with good intentions would be better than being a useless lump, right?

He sighed.

"Haven't seen the first two, sorry."

He wasn't really feeling sorry about it. Besides, why she would apologize to someone who had murdered more than she had was a mystery to him. It's not like you could kill that many people in self-defense.

"Ty, well, Ty ran off a couple days ago." Was it a couple days? Keith was pretty sure it was, but it seemed like all the days were running together at this point. He thought that a week and a half on the island sounded right, but he wasn't entirely sure. Listening to the next announcement to hear if they mentioned it would be a good idea.

"We were in the asylum," he muttered absentmindedly.

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:24 am
by Riki
That was incredibly unhelpful.

As far as Fiyori was concerned, she was now just as well informed as she was five minutes ago. Ah well, bread and butter by the fishes, or however that one saying went. She shouldn't the one to expect too much here. She'd meet again with Ty and Brendan, Fiyori knew, soon enough, and she wouldn't need to bugger Keith with that.

Fiyori jumped off the bench, dust whirling from the ground as it was hit by her feet. She stabilized herself a bit, shifted around her weight a bit until she found a comfortable position. A look around the chapel.

"You're not really good at this conversation thing."

She turned around, to the exit, and with small but steady steps she went away. But not before she would turn around once more and look at Keith.

"Well then, farewell. I hope your last days won't be too bad."

[[Fiyori Senay, continued elsewhere]]

Re: The Waste

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:24 am
by Courtography

No, he wasn't particularly good at it. Still, he had to wonder what the point of searching for good conversation in the situation they were in.

He picked the half a meal bar off the floor. His stomach rumbled.

There probably wasn't a point. The vast majority of them were going to die, and having had one conversation or another probably wouldn't make a difference for whoever did live, or to the families they left behind.

He bit into the meal bar.

So Fiyori the murderer could could insult his lack of conversational skills all she wanted, but odds were that both of them were going to be dead within a week.

Besides, he'd given what information he could.

He finished the rest of the meal bar in one ravenous bite. His stomach ached less.

It would have to do for now.

He picked up his mostly empty bag and left the chapel. Even though he'd probably be dead soon, it probably wasn't good to let a known murderer know where he was hiding out.

(Keith Bauer continued in Late to the Party)