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Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:58 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Ah... home sweet home, am I right?"

The trek was a long one, but well worth it. Sean and his group wouldn't have to spend the days wandering around a treacherous island unprotected and in the open. They wouldn't have to spend nights holed up under trees wondering what was going to happen to them. They could return to the familiar ship and its natural protection, and things could go back to the way they were when Sara and Aria had arrived on the ship just a few suns ago. Only, you know, without Aria.

A bitter feeling rose up inside the little pirate. It was a gross and unwelcome feeling, and one he quickly decided to expunge. Sometimes, when one of the big and boisterous kids at Aurora felt like being a jerk, Sean wanted to lash out. However, he knew doing such a thing would only make the situation worse, and so most situations were met with a smile. When the smile on the outside no longer matched the smile on the inside, he had to learn another trick to lift up his spirits. When life wasn't treating him well, he just sang a song from ol' Blue Eyes.

"Oooooooh, out of the tree of life, I picked me a plum!" Sean merrily sang, focusing on the freighter in the distance. His pace immediately quickened. "You came along and everything started to hum! Still it's a real good bet... the best is yet to come!"

He never considered his singing to be the absolute best and, sure, he could never be up to snuff when compared to ol' Frankie. His skill in singing didn't matter, because the trick worked; just a few bars of Sinatra and the spring was back in Sean's step.

"The best is yet to come, and won't that be fiiine," Sean continued to sing, daring to rock a little while he schlepped the two daypacks. It was a trying process and, to be honest, he was exhausted as could be. Soon, though, he could rest. Soon they'd be home. "You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine!"

More and more of the beach was in view, now that they were closing in on the area. There was no time wasted in noticing the presence of a few things on the beach, mostly dark in color. Rocks sticking up from the sand? Discarded equipment?

"Come the day that you're mine..."

There was a little bit of red, there.

"I'm gonna teach you to fly..."

A morbid thought, but perhaps it was a seal carcass? That would have been most unfortunate, but Sean couldn't discredit the cruelty that could be mother nature.

"We've only tasted the wine... we're gonna drain that cup..."
Those were people. Dead people. Sean's cheerful gait abruptly vanished, leaving the boy standing stupefied in the lumpy sands of the beach. Now that he was close enough to tell just what they were, he could see one, two, three... four bodies laying near one another, all spattered in blood that stained the coast. He continued to stand in mute observance of the horrible scene before him and then, against his better judgement, continued to press on.

"What... what the heck happened here?" Sean muttered to himself, staring at the half-open eyes of Cyrus White. Not too far away was Megan Emerson and, not far from her, the corpse of Karen Idel. Practically on top of Karen was somebody Sean didn't actually recognize thanks to being face-down in the sand and mostly obscured thanks to a mop of black hair and matching black trench coat. Whoever it was, there was a gun nearby. It was the only part of the macabre scene that Sean dared to touch, shifting the considerable weight that was the two bags on his person so he could pick up the gun.

"We should probably... u-uh, well..." Sean cleared his throat and averted his eyes, focusing on the positive image that was the freighter. "Let's see what we can't secure in the way of p-provisions, ammo, food, the like. Dead men... and women... have little need for this sort of thing." Wasn't the most powerful of captain-y commands, but it'd have to do.

As the shocked boy trudged toward the familiar ship that was his home away from home, he held a concealed doubt if he was truly cut out to be a captain.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:59 am
by Maraoone
(Juhan Levandi continues from Sleeper Cell)

Both Juhan and Takeshi knew that something had gone wrong when the sky didn't glow orange.

The escape plot had its quirks. Many, many quirks. Among these quirks was what would be the signal if the plan succeeded. If Gavin, Karen, Cyrus, and Megan got their collars off, then they'd go to the southern town where they'd met up a few days ago and set it on fire. It was... a bit excessive, yes, but no one else could think up of a better plan. None of them had any flares to set off. Besides, setting the apartments on fire could also get the attention of any nearby ships, thus alerting authorities to the location of the island.

Juhan and Takeshi hadn't help up their part of the plan. They couldn't even find anyone, much less recruit them. The danger zones had been placed in rather inconvenient areas, since the town, where there would probably be more people, and the nuclear living site had been declared off-limits. Juhan didn't want to risk going into the forest again after their little journey to the school three days ago, so the only option was the airstrip.

After an hour or so, they arrived at the hangar where, lo and behold, no one was to be found. They wasted so much time there, also. They spent a few hours resting yet again, procrastinating and talking about nothing in particular. Then, they looked in every plane, as if the hangar had become the top hang-out for Aurora's students. The only good thing they got out of this was, while walking towards the airport, they found a piece of driftwood near the coast. It barely counted as a weapon, and would probably snap after one or two hits, but it was something.

They were going to check the terminal which, if they'd bothered to check, had some people who they could've recruited. But they didn't because nighttime had fallen already, and there was no smoke to be smelled or fire to be seen. All thoughts of recruiting were put on hold as they waited for them to light the fire. But nothing. After hours of watching the sky, they decided to go to the beach and see what had happened.

It was dark by now, and Juhan's flashlight was about to go off any minute. Thankfully, Takeshi's flashlight hadn't been used at all, so they could always use that as back-up. Juhan's skin was bumpy with goosebumps. His clothes were meant for a Californian summer, not a night in the mid-40s. The sea breeze only provided some respite from the cold, so his hands were tucked in his armpits as he trudged towards the beach.

A lot of the hope that Juhan had in the morning had disappeared around this time. Fear was starting to take over. The apartments weren't on fire, they hadn't found anyone, and he was still worried about Ian and Bella. Optimism could only go so far, and he wasn't quite sure anymore if everything was going to pan out the way it should.

The dark silhouette of the abandoned freighter came into view. At first, it looked like no one was here. The only things to be seen, aside from the freighter itself, were a few rocks. But as Juhan waved the beam of light around, he soon noticed a group of people walking around nearby. Perfect. The only thing he needed to find out was if they were safe or not.

He looked at Takeshi and whispered, "Come with me, please. I need help in case something goes wrong." He then walked slowly towards the group, dragging the piece of driftwood behind him, as he focused the flashlight on them. He then noticed two things. First, some of the sand was red. Second, the rocks he'd seen earlier? They had legs.

Juhan stopped walking and put any thought of talking to these people aside for the meanwhile. The first body he saw was facing away from him. It was easy to dismiss this as a body that had been there before. They had caught a glimpse of a corpse the first time they went to the beach. But then there was another one, and another one, and another one. Definitely not there before.

He moved his flashlight again. The light was very weak. He could barely tell what colors the clothes were, but it told Juhan enough. Green undershirt. Jeans. A black hoodie adorned with musical notes. This was the corpse of Megan Emerson.

The flashlight fell to the ground.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:59 am
by Zabriel†
(Takeshi Yoshikawa continued from Sleeper Cell)

The light had stayed just long enough for Takeshi to realize what had happened. As he stared in silence, he realized that he would have to choose his words very carefully. The plan had failed and the freighter team had paid for it. Takeshi and Juhan were still there though.

Maybe they think only the freighter team was in on it, or that we all got cold feet about it and decided to abandon them while we could. Maybe it's a good thing we didn't recruit anybody. Give us a little distance from them, not get blown up for defiance. Takeshi's thought process grew increasingly more practical as time passed.

"Should something...?" Takeshi inquired, mostly to shake himself out of the stupor that he felt approaching. As he spoke, he began to look around, slowly noticing that he and Juhan weren't alone. He nudged Juhan and pointed toward an upright figure in the darkness.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:00 am
by VoltTurtle
((Sara Corlett continued from On the edge))

Sara walked mostly silent behind Sean as they made their way to the freighter. She was fairly bad at making conversation, and content to simply stay behind Sean and listen to him talk about, well, anything he wanted to talk about. As the two of them started to approach the freighter, Sean started singing a song. She didn't recognize the song, and Sean's singing voice wasn't the greatest, but the song made her cheer up just ever so slightly. She quickened her pace to keep up with Sean as he moved faster and faster towards the freighter.

As they got closer, she noticed that there were some odd shapes near the freighter; she couldn't tell what they were from this distance, but the scene was cluttered, to say the least. As they got closer and closer, she was able to make out details. There was blood, a lot of blood. The figures lying in the blood were bodies. The two of them finally stopped a few feet from the scene. Sara struggled to keep composure. The scene in front of her was a massacre. Four bodies, all of them her classmates. All of them had their necks blown open, their collars detonated. She heard Sean mutter something as he moved to get closer to the bodies. Sara remained a few feet away, frozen in place at the sight of the carnage in front of her.

Sean said that they should collect their stuff. She agreed, if only for sheer pragmatism; although she didn't say anything, she simply nodded, unable to take her eyes off of the grisly scene in front of her until she got caught by a beam of light. There were two people in front of her and Sean, approaching the scene. Sara started to panic, wondering if the two of them were dangerous, but they appeared to be solely interested in the scene in front of them, seemingly completely ignoring the both of them despite them standing not a few feet away. Against her better judgement, she decided to speak up. "Um... who exactly are you two?"

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:06 am
by Ciel†
(Ami Flynn continued from On the edge)

Ami Flynn's anger was lukewarm by the time they reached the beach. Her arms crossed under her chest, dufflebag slung over her shoulder. A shiver ran up her spine as another cool gust of wind washed over her. She could just see the sun on the very edge of the sky, Sean's so-claimed ship on the horizon. He seemed intent on heading there. It might have been kind of cute if the circumstances were different. Sean's singing only made Ami sigh.

"No one's going to bother to look inside the ship," she had told Ruby as they started following behind Saran and Sean. "It's way safer than sticking with Zubin."

Sean's singing might attract people. Not her fault. She didn't expect him to start singing.

Ami kept her head turned to the sea, so much so that she didn't see what Sean was looking at right away. She only took notice when Sean stopped dead in the sand. Ami jumped.

Even in the dim light, she could make out the bodies. The color red was most abundant, coating the sand in uneven sploshes. There was so much blood.

The sight made Ami's knees buckle, but despite that she studied the scene, hands tightening around the strap to her bag. It did not take her long to determine what happened. All of them were similar.

"Their collars must have popped. But why? This place isn't a dangerzone, is it? Did they do something? I don't..."

She forced herself to look at their necks. Or, really, what could be considered their necks. They appeared bloody and mangled. She was surprised their heads were still attached.

"I don't understa..."

Something caught her eye. One of the bodies was lying on top of another. Leather jacket, messy hair.

... no. No.

Ami dropped to her knees and searched her dufflebag. Pulling out a pair of gloves, she reached both hands out to grab at the top body, tugging them off. Her fingers grabbed hold of the jacket on one side and pulled, lifting and turning it over. When she turned the boy over, a sudden spray of blood left an artery out, sending Ami reeling back. It hit her square on the shoulder, staining the cardigan and white shirt sleeve underneath. But she didn't react to that. She could see his face now.

"Christ, Gavin."


The De Profundis. It was a bible entry, Psalms 130, the Prayer for the Dead. Her father taught it to her, like his father before him, and he always made it a point to sing it every time a hour or so before a service. He told her that it would speed the process of moving from purgatory to heaven. That it was the honorable thing to do.

Eyes wide, chest flaring, she found herself muttering that same prayer under her breath. It was a reflex, unconsciously flowing from her mouth without her really noticing, just like she had mentally with Brian and Kaitlyn.

"Out of the depths I cry to You, oh Lord. Lord, hear my voice, let your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication."

Her hands drew away from the scene, the bodies, and she rose off her knees. Shaking fingers began to pull the gloves off, throwing them on the ground beside her feet. Emotions were tightening a noose around her neck, strangling her, on the verge of snapping her neck, make it quick. Her hate and irritation met shock and fear, spinning, swirling. Ami shut her eyes tight, clasping her hands together under her chin.

"If You, oh Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand, but with You is forgiveness, that You may be revered I trust in the Lord my soul trusts in His word my soul waits for the..."

She could feel the storm inside of her settling, her heartbeat lowering, but it wouldn't be enough. Her hands went to her head just as she caught sight of something from the corner of her eyes. Two figures, neither Sara or Ruby, standing a good distance away. One of them shined a light on a corpse.

"I-It's not what it looks like!" Ami stammered without thinking. "We, uhh, we just found them like this. Their necks are..."

Her hands moved to shakily pick her bag back up, doing well to point it away from the two kids that just found them. She didn't like this. She couldn't see who these two kids were and that was her problem. They could have guns, they could be killers. One of them dropped their flashlight, she saw that much. Were they shocked by what they saw? They didn't think the four of them had anything to do with this!

"Okay, I'm just... going to go." she muttered, shrugging the bag onto her shoulder. "I've got to go."

This was becoming too much for her. Seeing Sean leaving, Ami quickly follows after.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:07 am
by Fiori
((Ruby Forrester continued from On the edge))

Dear god...

Ruby knew it was only a matter of time before she witnessed a sight like the one before her.

She had gone along with Ami's suggestion to follow Sean without any arguments. Not that she had any problem doing so anyway, seeing as Sean appeared to be relatively harmless, but at the same time she didn't really have anything else in mind when it came to any long-term strategies for their survival. What was the point? Unless you were either planning to shoot your way out or get yourself killed trying to escape, there wasn't really much else you could do other than hide away somewhere and hope for the best. And what better place to hide than an abandoned freighter.

It was an impressive sight, to say the least. Despite a decade's worth of rust and decay, there was something about the ship that made Ruby's heart soar. Maybe it was because the sight of any boat or plane, regardless of their actual usefulness, was enough to fill her with just a smidgen of hope. Or maybe it was because out of everywhere they had been, this ship looked like the most secure safehouse yet. Or maybe she was just looking forward to pretending that she was on some desert island looking for buried treasure. Either way, after everything that had happened thus far, seeing the ship brought about good feelings.

Although, any positive emotions that she had because of the ship were quickly diminished once she saw all the bodies.

There were four in total, all lying near one another with gaping bloody holes where their necks used to be. It was tricky to tell who they were at first, with the exception of one dark-haired individual with a certain distinctive leather trenchcoat.

"Jesus..." she found herself uttering under her breath as Ami examined Gavin's body, unsure really what to think. Sure, Gavin was kind of a creep, but he sure as hell didn't deserve to die like this. None of the people laying before her did. They were all just stupid kids whose greatest crime was getting excited about going to Disneyland, yet for some reason here they were dying horribly for no conceivable reason.

What the hell had happened here? Was this a mass suicide or something? Or maybe they found out something about the collars that gave the terrorists reason to take preemptive measures? She didn't hear Gavin's name during the last announcement, so she had to assume that this was fairly recent. Of course, it had nearly been a whole day since the last announcement, so god knows how many people had died since then.

She remained silent all the way through Ami's prayer, not wishing to interrupt her friend. Ruby had almost forgotten that Ami's family worked at a funeral home. A part of her couldn't help but wonder whether or not that helped when it came to coping with their horrible situation, given her relative familiarity with the dead, although she quickly shook those thoughts away. Just because someone's family business involved a lot of dead bodies didn't necessarily mean that they were desensitised or anything.

In any case, Ruby tried to not think too much about the bodies as she silently followed Ami and Sean towards the ship. She was having a hard enough time trying to avoid thinking about Brian or Mallory without adding a small massacre to the list of memories she was trying to suppress for the sake of her own sanity.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:07 am
by MK Kilmarnock
None of what was going on behind Sean concerned him, and he wondered if maybe he should have felt bad about it. A prayer? That was pretty nice, but he couldn't pick out too many of the words when he was trekking towards his ship with single-minded determination, grunting the whole way from his over-encumbered state. With the two bags he was carrying, plus the gun he lifted off the face-down dead guy, he realized he probably wouldn't be able to travel through the tricky terrain that was the freighter's interior.

Reluctantly, Sean set down Aria's bag at the shore and took a moment to re-adjust his own bag. Once he felt he was set, he stepped onto the edge of the large breach in the ship's hull.

"Somebody get that other bag? I'm... kinda worn out from carrying it," Sean said, stepping the rest of the way inside. He was itching to sleep, to just pass the heck out right then and there once he found a remotely comfy spot, but he knew the best thing to do was to make sure the entire ship was in order. He clicked on his flashlight so he could navigate the dark passages and avoid the flooded bits, and began working his way up to the deck.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:08 am
by Maraoone
It was surreal, really.

This girl was asking her who they were while this other girl was praying for Gavin's dead body and this guy as well as the other girls were looting their corpses and Takeshi was asking Juhan what he should and he really didn't fucking know, he didn't.

He was awake every time the announcement's came on, and he heard every name, some of them twice or thrice. And it hurt Juhan, and he wanted to scream, wanted to shout, but he could never get the chance because he had to keep it together for someone, be it Francis, Megan, Ian, Bella, or now Takeshi. He couldn't cry because there was never any time to grieve because they were running from escape zones or writing on maps or testing bombs and they could never rest. All the weeping and shouting and therapy sessions could come after they escaped, because Juhan was an optimist and it would happen, there was no chance of anything else happening. But now, all of that was gone, all of it. All of his hopes, all of his plans for the future had been riding on these four, and now they had holes in their necks.

So now they were screwed, and now it was time to grieve, because now there was nothing else they could do. Some of his closest friends had been killed, and there was no way he'd be able to form a new plan and make his way out. No one to save, and nothing to hope for. So he grieved. Juhan knew that the cameras would be watching him, and that he'd end up on CNN and ABC and NBC and CBS, and that Kaisa and his mom would see him crying like a maniac, but dignity was the last thing on his mind at this point. So he dropped to his knees, and the first tears fell out, washing away some of the soot and dirt that had collected on his face over the past few days. And then the first sobs came out, and they sounded scratchy and pitchy. And he covered his eyes and wiped away the snot flowing from his nose, because there were people in front of him, maybe concerned, maybe without a care about what was happening. But it was no use, for the tears still fell out and the sobs turned into shouts, and he couldn't do it anymore. His head fell upon the bloodstained sand, and his fists beat upon the ground over and over, and he found himself looking at Megan's face, a distance away. Her eyes were vacant, and the hoodie was ripped around the shoulder area. Her cheeks were stained with splatters of blood, and her face, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was wide open because she died shocked. She counted on the escape plot as much as Juhan did, and look where it got her.

He got up, still crying, and ran away from everyone. He didn't care enough to see if they were talking to him, or if Takeshi would follow him because he needed to go somewhere, anywhere. There was nothing left for him at the beach. Everything he had relied on, everything he needed, it was gone and now the only thing left to do was to run away.

(Juhan Levandi and Takeshi Yoshikawa continue in So, How Was Your Day?)

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:09 am
by VoltTurtle
((GM'ing of the other characters approved by their respective handlers))

Sara was taken aback when one of the two people suddenly broke down right in front of her. She stood awkwardly a few feet as he sobbed, not entirely sure what to do or say. Perhaps seeing all of the bodies was too much for him to bear? Perhaps the boy knew some, or maybe even all, of the people who died? That seemed likely to her. Whatever it was, he was extremely upset. Sara didn't want to see anyone like this, but she wasn't sure what she could possibly do to help. She slowly backed off from the bodies and the two people and turned around. Sara moved towards the freighter where the others were, not looking back at the two and trying to not think about all the misery that the game has already wrought upon its victims.

By the time that Sara reached the ship and climbed through the hole in the hull, the rest of the group had already set up and appeared to be getting ready to sleep in one of the dryer spots in the ship. She joined them, silently pulling out her extra clothes and setting up a makeshift bedroll just like she did the last time she was in the freighter. She lied down and rested her head on her bag, in a vain attempt to sleep. She couldn't sleep though, the images of Aria, the bodies, and the boy crying over them was too much for her to handle. Like it or not, her or someone close to her was going to suffer just like that boy was over someone's death, only to then die themselves. Maybe it would be her suffering over Sean's death.

Maybe it would be Sean suffering over her death.

Sara stayed up for another hour or so, lying on her makeshift bed, listening to the sounds of the others going to sleep and thinking about her imminent future before slowly drifting off to sleep herself.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:11 am
by Fiori
As cool as the ship looked from the outside, the interior was not nearly as appealing.

Once Ruby got over the initial excitement of being on a flipping abandoned ghost ship, it quickly became apparent that the boat was just as old and broken down as the rest of the island. Most of the ship was too dark for her to do any proper exploring without some form of light, and there were rooms so rusty and coated in cobwebs that she couldn't bring herself to go anywhere near them. Not to mention the cold. If there was one thing she missed more than her family and loved ones back home, it was probably central heating. In the more central areas of the island it wasn't as big a problem, but right next to the sea all Ruby could think about was just how cold it was at night.

Nevertheless, after setting up a makeshift bed of sorts with the rest of her friends by circumstance, Ruby eventually found herself falling fast asleep. The thought had crossed her mind that she should probably keep an eye on her new companions, but she was too tired to actually do anything. She didn't really speak to either of them that much, or even Ami for that matter. Whilst she wasn't intentionally avoiding them or anything, after everything that had transpired the past couple of days she couldn't really bring herself to say anything. It was hard making small talk when all she could think about was death. Like the pile of corpses just a dozen yards away from the hulk they were sleeping in, or the unfair fate that had befallen Mallory and Brian and every other kid on that island.

Damnit, so much for not thinking about what happened to Brian. Despite her best efforts to dream about something nice, like spending a nice evening hanging out with Regan or taking a relaxing walk through Laurelhurst Park, that night she kept on replaying what had happened over and over in her head. Her subconscious desperately trying to think of how she could have avoided getting her best friend killed right in front of her. Should she have opened fire like she had promised too? Had her hesitance brought about Brian's death? Or would none of this happened if she had just kept her head straight and not threaten every stranger she came across? These thoughts and more stuck with her throughout the night, up until she was eventually awoken by the all-too familiar noise of the morning announcement.

For the most part, it was the same old schtick. Some people she knew were dead, other had become killers. Whilst she was distraught to hear of Michael Eastmund's death, after everything that had happened she couldn't bring herself to care as much as she would have in any other situation.

She did however care about the fact that one of the names mentioned belonged to a certain Sean Mulcahy.

What the fuck...

Sean had murdered someone. Straight-up killed someone. The supposedly harmless guy she assumed would never hurt a fly was a frigging killer.

Naturally, she immediately went for her gun and aimed it in Sean's direction.

"Okay, don't make a fucking move!"

That was the last time she would make the mistake of trusting anyone on this island.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:12 am
by Deamon
((Gray Emerson, Cassandra Black and Corey Esposito continued from Whereabouts Unknown))

Yet again Gray found himself walking around the island. Only this time he had a clear destination, that being the beach. Under different circumstances a trip to the beach for Gray would have meant he'd be going out into the sea to surf. It also would have meant he was with Kyran, since Kyran was his lift to the beach and all. Sadly nothing that was likely to come from their trip to the beach would be anything like the surfing trips and the good memories he had of them.

He took another bite out of the energy bar he had been munching on as he walked. Conserving food hadn't been that difficult for Gray to do. He'd just gutted out most of the hunger, eating at set times, or at least trying too. All told the lack of activity he'd encountered on the island had worked in his favour for that. He hadn't exerted much energy since all he'd been doing was walking and talking. Once he had to run and actually be physically active he anticipated using more food. For now though he was doing well.

Gray saw the ship before he saw the sea. Since it looked like a massive freighter and took up most of the view. Shining the torch in its general direction confirmed that it was indeed a massive freighter.

"We've made it." Gray said over his shoulder to Cassandra and Corey. He stopped walking and stretched out his leg. His knee had been getting sore from all the walking and he didn't want it to lock into place. Hopping down onto the beach in the dark would have been more than a little painful and awkward. He crumpled the wrapper of the energy bar up over the half he hadn't eaten and put it back in his bag before starting on his descent onto the beach.

Once he hit the sand he scanned over the beach with his torch. He wished he hadn't. There were five corpses spread across the beach. Gray moved towards the closest one and crouched down onto the balls of his feet shining the torch on their face to see who they were. He recognised Cyrus Whites hair before he recognised the face, which said something. Cyrus's collar looked like it had blown up and it had taken a good portion of his throat with it. Gray nudged the boy's head with his head and watched the wound deform as the muscles in his Cyrus's neck moved. It was weird, turning up after something big had clearly gone down. He sighed and stood up running the torch over the other corpses.

"This is messed up."

Both the scene before him and his reaction to it. Gray hadn't even thought twice about messing with a corpse. The first corpse he'd ever seen in his life and there he was poking it and watching it move.

He felt sick.

Moving away Gray set his bag down and pulled a water bottle out. He took a long drink from it while avoiding looking at Cyrus's body.

"So messed up." He muttered.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:57 pm
by BROseidon†
((Cassandra Black continued from Whereabouts Unknown))

Cassandra found herself throwing up.

The corpses on the beach were the first dead bodies Cassandra had managed to find on the island. Sure, she'd spent time with Alex, show as now dead, but she had not seen the corpse. Her mother had been killed years ago, and she had been forced to identify the body. Images of her mother's corpse in the morgue came to her mind. She saw the stab wounds throughout her torso, the blood covering her wrecked shirt.

Gray said something. Cassandra could not hear what he said, nor did she care. The sight in front of her was too much.

So she just kept throwing up.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:58 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
With bandanna and katar donned, the captain of the Rusty Freighter pirates had been heading up to the deck through the droning noise of the announcements when Ruby had told him not to move. Rudely, at that. Sean jumped at first when she moved and spoke all so suddenly, nearly high enough to hit his head on the doorway when he was by no means a tall person. Why had Ruby stopped-

Oh. Right. The announcements.

Sean slowly turned his head to look at Ruby. "Well, couple things. You could have said please, for starters." The rest of his body started turn until he saw that gun, and it was directly pointed at him. His body tensed up, the hand holding the katar clenching in a fist around the handle. Ruby seemed to be awfully upset about him putting down a mutiny, so much that she was starting up another one. Was this an endless trail of things to come?

"Are... you seriously going to shoot me?" Sean asked. At first, it was just inquisitive, curious to Ruby's intentions. The more he looked at her, though, the less he really had to question her resolve. She looked mad... mad enough to do exactly what she may have been threatening to do.

"Wait... you're..." Sean became acutely aware of the bulge of the gun inside the cargo pocket of his shorts, the same gun he had lifted off the beach. Unfortunately, in order to get to it, he would have to fiddle with a few patches of velcro and pull it out. It was a process that was mere seconds, and yet far too long when facing down the barrel of somebody who probably wasn't exactly going to allow him to call 'parley'. "You're actually going to..."

His body trembled just a little bit, but the captain never got to contemplate exactly what; before he knew it, he was lunging at Ruby with the blade of the katar held forward, ready to end another mutiny. To end it before she could pull the trigger.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:58 pm
by CondorTalon
It was funny, really. Corey wasn't at all fazed by the bodies strewn around the beach. He felt that he should have, but the only thing that was there was a sort of morbid curiosity. He watched as Gray nudged the mangled body, watched as Cassandra hurled all over the ground.

Maybe the Internet had ruined him after all.

Still, looking at the scene was something he wanted to avoid. He instinctively put his hand up to his neck, wincing as he imagined that kind of pain.

Not pleasant.

He moved to Cassandra.

"Hey, you alright?"

The speakers coming to life at that moment were the last thing on his mind.

Re: Tell No Tales

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:58 pm
by Ciel†
It would have been incredibly easy to shoot Sean when he had his back turned. He was a walking target, with his stupid bandanna. Ami could have shot him. That would have been the end of it.

But no. Of course she didn't do that. Instead she just stood there like an idiot. A dozen feet away from the scene, gun gripped in her hands, Ami Flynn just watching the scene unfold.

There was a time she kind of liked Sean. It wasn't the usual 'like' scenario most girls her age fell into; not puppy love or a massive crush. He was cute, yeah, sure, but it had nothing to do with attraction. He just seemed like a harmless person, non-confrontational, a kindred spirit in a way that Ami could not adequately describe. True, she barely knew him past a select few details. But, really, how could anyone expect to know everything about a person? He came off as a good person. She told Ruby that much herself. Ami vouched for him, after all.

When Ami heard the announcement and Sean's name, her first reaction was complete, utter dread.

"Oh my God."

Immediately she thought of Ruby, bellow deck, completely outnumbered. Ruby had a history of irrationality. And here she was, standing up on the deck. But then the dread was replaced. The anger from the day before began to rise in the pit of her chest, stronger than ever, and she knew that she had to get Ruby and leave, before Sean tried something.

At that time, she swore she would kill Sean Mulcahy if she had to.

How odd, it felt, that she seemed so confident a minute ago. Right then, standing a dozen feet away from the boy she felt had betrayed her, she couldn't do it. She just couldn't.

It didn't take her very long to find Ruby and Sean. They weren't that far off from the stairs to the deck of the ship. She wasn't sure if Ruby noticed her, peering over the corner and stepping out. Ruby seemed most preoccupied with Sean, wearing the exact same expression she had when she was seconds away from shooting a camera. Sean, on the other hand, had his back to her. That made it hard for her to actively attack him. So she hesitated. And stood there, watching the two of them.

There was a very long silence. Sean mumbled something, a question Ami could not make out. He was trying to talk her down, she thought. It seemed the logical thing to do. Ami started scanning for tells.

She had to kill him, she concluded. Or at least incapacitate him. If he had a gun, or any sort of small weapon that he felt the need to hide, then that meant he could harm Ruby if she lowered her guard. He killed Aria Samuels, a boy even more harmless than Sean himself. That implied that he could kill, and if he could kill someone like Aria, he could kill a brash girl like Ruby.

She had her doubts though. Her proof wasn't sound. Paranoid-fueled. He probably didn't have a gun. He didn't have one when he ran into them the day before. Besides, even if he had a gun on him, why didn't he bring it out and shoot Ruby yet? Because Ruby would shoot him if he tried. What idiot would pull a stunt like that?

Ami could have kept going, mentally arguing with herself for ages. However time began to speed up again and Sean finally spoke. She took notice.

"Wait... you're..." he said. "You're actually going-"

That's when she saw it. Sean's hand moved out, the figure of a strange blade clutched in his hand. She didn't see him with it before! The blood drained from her face.

Ami brought up her gun again. No, she had to do it. Ruby was hesitating. She was giving Sean a window to attack. He could kill her. Thinking was out of the question. She held the gun up, hands trembling, stock placed under the arm. Not even the least bit concerned with recoil or blowback, she pulled on the trigger.

But the click did not come. The trigger wouldn't move at all. Apart from loading and testing it the day she arrived, Ami could not recall ever actually using it. She just assumed that, if she had the bullets where they needed to be, the gun would be able to fire them. No matter how much she tried it would not work. A casing was stuck inside.



She watched as Sean made his move. He jumped forward, the hand holding the knife out of sight. Ruby still had her gun trained on him but she still hesitated.

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen.

In that moment, time began to slow down. Everything moved in slow motion. But the only thing in her mind was white noise, no processing, no context.

Ami's vision blurred; something in her mind snapped like a tree limb in a hurricane. That's when she lost it.

Before she knew what she was doing, she'd thrown her gun over her shoulder, clutching the stock with both hands.

She ran.

She cleared the distance in a matter of seconds, adrenaline and hate coursing through her veins. With every drop of strength in her body, she leapt forward, turned at the hip, threw her arms back, and swung the gun cage-first. Straight at Sean.