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Anna Gauk*

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:04 am
by Ares
Name: Anna Gauk
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Music, Chemistry, Running and Fashion.

Appearance: Anna is tall when compared to most other Asian girls, standing at 5'8''. Her face is very rounded with a few defining features. The first of which are her eyes. They are big and open, supported by well defined brows and eyelashes. Anna's natural eye colour is brown, however she chooses to wear a pair of sea green contact lenses. Her next defining feature is her nose. Once again she differs here in that her nose bridge is much more noticeable than the majority of Asians. The final defining feature of Anna's face is her set of semi-full lips. They retain a shade of soft pink even without the aid of lip gloss or any other makeup. Her skin tone can be described as light caramel. Anna's weight fluctuates between 125 and 130 pounds giving her a body with nice curves and a very fit appearance with some muscle definition in her abdominal area and her legs. Clothing wise she prefers her designer Ed Hardy brand jeans and her pink American Eagle t-shirts and lady polos.

Biography: Anna was born to parents Zhenyu and Li, both biochemists for a local laboratory. Her home life has been very stressful on her as both Zhenyu and Li are extremely traditional. Anna was forced to attend Chinese school every Saturday from the time she was four years old until she was sixteen. In addition to being forced to attend Chinese school, Anna has been dragged to all of the Chinese community events as her parents are leading figures in the local Chinese community. Also contributing to the stress at home is the preferential treatment given to Anna's younger sister Stephanie. Though Anna is a gifted student, Stephanie excels academically, musically and athletically. Anna has made it known that she feels excluded at home, however this has just led to an even more stressful relationship with her father. Even with Stephanie, Zhenyu has very rarely ever shown physical affection for his daughters, be it a simple hug or kiss on the cheek. It is because of these factors that Anna has been planning on moving out once she is finished College.

As mentioned previously, Anna is a gifted student, possessing more book smarts than street smarts. Her best subjects are biology and chemistry. Due to her love of both of these subjects she has applied to Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan for Biology/Pre-Medical, with eventual plans of staying at Wayne State University for their Pharmacy program.

Though Anna has a lot of friends at school, she is the girl who has to invite herself to social events through her friends. She secretly hates the fact that her friends seem to distance themselves from her outside of Bayview, but she has yet to ask any of them why that is for fear of offending them. When Anna isn't out with her friends shopping at the mall for the latest look, she is at home practicing piano and listening to her music. Her music tastes are varied with her favourite bands being the All-American Rejects and Rascal Flatts.

In recent times Anna has begun to try new methods to help her deal with her family stress which includes going for a morning run and another run in the evening. Anna finds that running helps shift her focus away from her father and more towards her own life. On top of the running Anna also got a part-time job working for the American Eagle store at the mall.

Advantages: Anna is a very nice person on top of being a pretty girl which could help her gain the trust of her friends and fellow students.

Disadvantages: Despite recently beginning to run twice a day, Anna is still not a gifted athlete by any stretch and could quite possibly be overtaken in a footrace with anyone who possesses decent speed. She is also not a strong person and has no combat training.