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Ashlie Webber

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:16 am
by Mimi
Name: Webber, Ashlie Imogen
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
Grade: Senior [12th]
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Cheer Squad, Modeling, Television, Fashion, Woodshop

Appearance: While there's nothing at all remarkable about Ashlie's face, it's memorable in its own right. Possessing what some would call a flat face, Ashlie lacks the angles that could bolster her attractiveness up a multitude of levels. Her light, mocha colored skin is silky and soft, save for a problem area of stubborn acne on her forehead. Despite trying just about every cream or mask money could buy, the infuriating spots refused to let up, before eventually settling on hiding the blemishes beneath her bangs. Underneath said bangs lay almond shaped eyes, which happen to be Ashlie's favorite part of her face, that are a deep brown in color. Though she probably doesn't need it, Ashlie is notorious for applying a tad too much make-up- having not figured out yet that a little goes a long way, though she is definitely not up to 'clown' standards yet. Sitting beneath her eyes is probably the bane of her existence. Her nose is ever-so-slightly wider than average and seems to lack a defined bridge, which bugs the poor girl to no end and even pushed her to the point of begging for a nose job on her fifteenth birthday. One can sometimes find a pair of square, black rimmed glasses perched on her nose, though she strictly limits them to the classes where her assigned seat is in the back. Rounding out her face are her plump, ever-stained with lip-gloss lips, her delicate chin, well-groomed eyebrows, and hair that just brushes the top of her shoulders- though it's always tightly pulled back against the nape of her neck.

Clothes-wise, Ashlie often finds it hard to dress her body-type- having been described as 'pear-shaped' on numerous occasions. Stores like Aeropostale and Old Navy are among her favorites, though she isn't against spreading her horizons at other stores. Items like tank-tops and baby-tees are commonplace in Ashlie's wardrobe, as are clunky pieces of jewelry- mostly large bangles and necklaces. Her abduction outfit consists of a short-sleeved sky blue Henley top with 'Aero' printed across the chest and a pair of form fitting white capris, along with a pair of pure-white tennis shoes and metallic bangles.

Biography: Ashlie's life has, for the most part, remained perfectly bland and uneventful. Right out of the starting gate, Ashlie's been graced with the luck of the roll and wound up with a pair of eager, ladder-climbing, professionals as parents. Life in upper-middle class promised Ashlie things other kids could only hope for, though Mr. and Mrs. Webber made sure not to spoil her to the point of no return. Attention, however, was lavished onto the only child for quite some time but, as always, all good things come to an end and the Webber's welcomed twin boys into the family. Raymond and Michael had always been pleasant children, causing no harm or annoyance to Ashlie, surprisingly enough. Ashlie did, however, avoid the babies at all costs. Kids never were her thing- even at the tender age of seven.

As Ashlie grew older, so did the burning desire for excitement that she possessed. She wanted a life like she saw on TV, lives like Clarissa and Alex Mac and all her other favorite characters did. She wanted for that, so badly, to be her life. By the time she turned thirteen, Ashlie's discontentment with her own unremarkable life drove her to do make choices specifically to spice it up. Those choices ranged from running away from home for an afternoon to starving herself for a few days, though, whether it be from lack of drive or fear of repercussion, Ashlie never actually carried through with these acts for a long period of time.

Ashlie formal pastime consisted of watching TV/Movies, though it probably wasn't very healthy. Her favorite television program, hands down, was America's Next Top Model and she absolutely idolized Tyra Banks and dreamed of one day becoming a model like her hero. Mr. and Mrs. Webber, however, didn't approve of the career choice and refused to hire the young Ashlie an agent, no matter how much she begged. Ashlie watched her time closely, because one day she'd be an adult and her parents couldn't stop her then. But for now, she'd just have to wait.

Somewhere between those cries for excitement, Ashlie joined Bayview's Cheer Squad freshman year, an act that she was sure would make her life like the movies. While it didn't exactly accomplish the goal as quickly or exactly how she hoped, Ashley discovered her love of the sport. She liked pumping everyone up before a big game and she liked working on a teamed and miraculously enough, Ashlie continued to sport well into her junior year, until a bad decision quickly came back to haunt her and continued to do so well after she quick the team. Said bad decision is the pivotal part of Ashlie's high school career that propelled her quickly from her social circle. During a drunken escapade, Ashlie ruined everything she had worked so hard for by sleeping with Riley Flynn's boyfriend and the girl has had it out for her ever since, going so far as to outcast the girl from her clique.

Shortly after her ousting, Ashlie joined woodshop in an attempt to gain new friends, though she found herself repelling any form of friendship that came her way. It wasn't mean or cruel, but she didn't want new friends. She wanted her friends.

Advantages: After being a cheerleader for so long, Ashlie has a physically fit body. Her looks could possibly be an advantage, but only if she were very, very lucky.

Disadvantages: Ashlie would probably have enemies within people, thanks to Riley, or even from Ashlie's own personality. She lacks a mental filler and often says things she immediately regrets. Though she has naturally good intentions, they sometimes gets skewered when acting it out. Though she wishes for big things, Ashlie is really just a naïve girl who probably wouldn't see danger if it hit her in the face.