Meghan Weinberg

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Meghan Weinberg


Post by Elma† »

Name: Meghan Weinberg
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior [12th]
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Track, Video Games,

Appearance: Meghan stands at 5'10 feet, weighing 145 pounds. Meghan isn't as stunning as her friend Amanda, who she is often compared to as the pair are inseparable. Her eyes, a pale brown, are covered by her large horn-rimmed glasses, which have thick lenses due to her incredible nearsightedness. Her nose is large and has a somewhat pointy end to it. Her full rosy lips are almost cartoonist in their size. Her frayed, brown hair is tied into twin braids on both sides of her head, tied at the ends with gorgeous bows.

Meghan always plans her outfits in advance, to compliment what Amanda's going to wear. It's usually a skirt and a tank top in pastel colors. She wears sneakers and other flat foot wear, as it's easier to run in, however unattractive they might be.. She rarely deviates from a skirt, showing off her strong, yet feminine legs she built up from hours of track.
Biography: Meghan wasn't born to some exciting lifestyle, instead she was born to Joel and Sarah Weinberg, two lawyers from New York, who moved to St. Paul to settle down to a quieter lifestyle and raise a family.

Meghan was the second born out of three girls, making her the middle child, and the one that gets the least amount of attention. She was fine being confined to her room, playing hours and hours of video games. She opted to game rather than socialize for quite sometime. Her most cherished game, was World of Warcraft, a fantasy game in which one creates a player and runs around a fictionalized world. With her friends she made on the game, she was content not being part of the 'in-crowd'. But that all changed when on her Bat Mitzvah, a traditional Jewish ceremony for girls on their 13th birthday, only a handful of people showed up. When confronted, they lied directly to her face, stinging even more than sheer honesty would have.

Naturally devastated, she made it a personal mission to have the popularity she assured herself she didn't need. She went through many groups through her freshman year, before befriending Amanda Sinclair and her group. Though the group turned out to be mean, conceited and overly materialistic, Meghan dreaded going back to being a nobody, so she's tolerated it, but is almost always nice to the people her group bullies. She can't find it in herself to be as catty as her friends, and risks her stance in the group by occasionally standing up to Amanda, which usually ends in them ignoring Meghan for a few days, and Meghan dying to get back in the limelight.

Meghan has been constantly bullied within her own group of friends, leaving her emotionally starved for positive attention. This need has manifested into promiscuity. Rumors have spread around about how easy of a lay she is, a fact which garners a lot of negative attention from some of the student body, but gains her the affection of the guys that want to be with her. She thrives on this attention, and does anything in her power to keep guys with her, even if it calls for sex.

At School she's a fairly good student, pursuing a career in finance management, she takes a couple AP classes, primarily excelling in AP Calculus, and AP Physics. She's quite bright, and is considered one of the strongest students in her class, a fact which she pretends to not care about, but is enthralled. She is on the track team, but doesn't place too highly, just using the team as a good way to exercise and keep fit.

When she's not in class and not running off somewhere with her group, she's often out at track meetings, with people she feels sincerely like her. They question how she could be friends with girls like that, but they accept her as she is, making Meghan wish she could leave Amanda from time to time.

She can keep up with the majority of them, and run great bounds and still be seemingly not exhausted. She's never placed first in races, but she's a good candidate for the longest section as she is quite good at endurance. She might also be back on World of Warcraft with her gaming friends, though she would never admit to playing the game and have anyone think she was a 'nerd' or 'geek'.

Advantages: Meghan is pretty fit from her days on track. While she isn't a star athlete by any means, she has been known to run great distances on her track team. While she isn't the fastest on the team, she has enough endurance to outlast quite a few on the field.

She is also quite nice, despite the group of friends she hangs out with. She's stood up for the bullied groups, and has a nice relationship with her track team, so kindness really does pay off later in life.
Disadvantages: Meghan is severely co-dependent, from years of her group deconstructing her self-esteem. She needs someone to latch onto, and shouldn't function all too well without a strong group to back her up.

Her group might be her biggest disadvantage, as there are quite a few people who hate them. Should Meghan run into one of them, she might be in tremendous jeopardy.
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