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Nathan Price

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:47 am
by decoy73
Name: Nathan Price
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: Senior (12th)
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: MMORPGs, Dungeons and Dragons

Appearance: Nathan Price is 5'4" tall, and weighs 108 pounds. His nose is slightly larger than average, in the center of an oval face that is somewhat marred by a mild case of acne. His straight hair is black, and it is combed back, causing a slight ducktail style. His blue eyes are framed by thick Browline eyeglasses.

Normally, Nathan wears a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Most of his T-shirts are black, or one from Survival of the Fittest. His jeans are normally faded at the knees, with small holes occasionally.

Biography: Nathan Price is an unusual character. Born in Boston, Massachusetts to two loving parents of decent socio-economic standing, Nathan's life was relatively normal. His parents lavished him with praise and attention, which led to Nathan having a high amount of self-esteem. When Nathan was eight, the family, moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, to better care for his paternal grandmother, who was suffering from distal muscular dystrophy.

As a child, Nathan preferred to play video games, especially Warcraft, as well as role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons. As a result, he spent most of his time either alone, or with a small group of close friends that he had made over elementary and middle school, not socializing with anybody else.

Nathan's life changed when he became a freshman. Instead of going to his district's high school with his friends, his parents enrolled him into Bayview Secondary School due to its high academic reputation, a decision he was quite sore about. As a result of Nathan's upbringing, which was mostly centered around being praised for his accomplishments and being himself, he had become very uncompromising, making only a token effort to befriend others, and refusing to befriend anybody who approached him, believing himself to be above those people. Rather, he remained with the circle of friends he had made originally, continuing to hang out with them, while at school, he would occasionally spread hurtful rumors around school, as revenge for what he would feel as an insult by a classmate. While the first few were believed for a while, the students gradually noted that Nathan spread many of these rumors, and realized that he was not to be trusted. However, Nathan continued to spread rumors, until one day, he picked a fight with Craig Hoyle, a member of the football team whom he had been slandering at the time. Nathan confidently threw many punches, however he was defeated after Craig reflexively kicked him in the groin out of self-defense, having had no other choice to stop Nathan. Nathan was suspended for one week for fighting and lying (On top of his slander, Nathan claimed that Craig had been the one to start the fight, even though the fight had been in the cafeteria during lunch period, allowing for many witnesses to state otherwise), and given a behavioral contract. Because of this incident, he has stopped spreading lies, so as to avoid another confrontation. However, he still generally shuns the rest of Bayview, only associating with his friends from outside of Bayview.

Currently, Nathan is socially at the bottom of the Bayview social pyramid. He is "quietly hated" by much of the student body: because he has little to no respect from the other students, he is simply avoided. Nathan, not really liking the students at Bayview, merely avoids the other students, causing somewhat of a vicious circle which prevents him from moving up socially. Not wanting to shot down his goals of college, he has stopped lying, merely avoiding the other students. Outside of school, he mostly spends his time at home, where he has a decent relationship with his parents, or with his friends, none of which go to Bayview. Around these people, a different side of Nathan is seen, one that is warm, friendly, and somewhat caring, if snarky. His attitude towards others is very black-and-white. He is and sees others as either a loyal friend, or a hated enemy. Academically, he does quite well in math and science, pointing him towards a major in game design, while having only an average performance in the other subjects, giving him a GPA of around 3.1. His only friends are those he made before Bayview, whom he hangs out with at least once a week, playing Dungeons and Dragons, or online.

At home, his relationship with his parents and grandmother is relatively strong, although Nathan is somewhat beleaguered by his parents' insistence on improving himself socially, which he is still not used to hearing, although this is smoothed somewhat by the fact that his parents merely know that he is unpopular, as Nathan has not revealed the full extent of his social standing. While he doesn't talk to his grandmother much, he still loves her, giving her assistance when she requires it.

Advantages: Nathan has very little respect for his fellow classmates. In a situation such as SOTF, he would have an easier time getting into the spirit of the game. Also, he is of above-average intelligence and able to make up lies on the spot. On the other hand, should a student genuinely gain Nathan's trust, he would be an attractive asset, showing a genuine desire to help and a steadfast loyalty.
Disadvantages: Nathan has few social skills. As a result of his uncompromising personality, he spends most of his time either with people like himself, or online. Also, his lifestyle has ensured that he is incredibly out of shape, and he is hated and distrusted by the class, being known (correctly) as a petty, vindictive liar. His vision without glasses is very poor, and without them, he will be unable to see anything clearly. Last, he is incredibly arrogant. He believes that any plan he creates is 100% foolproof, even when there are clear flaws, while plans created by other people are automatically inferior, no matter how well thought out those plans might be, having truly convinced himself that he is smarter, more athletic, and more popular than he really is.