Patrick Fischer

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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42 Zombies†
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Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:52 pm

Patrick Fischer


Post by 42 Zombies† »

Name: Patrick Fischer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Painting, drawing, art club, poetry, listening to old music

Appearance: Patrick stands at a normally-intimidating 6 feet tall. However, his lack of muscle and weight of 149 lbs. somewhat diminishes this effect. His black hair is one of his more redeeming qualities, and if he came out of his shell he could probably earn dates based on that alone. Like his brother, Patrick's hair is cut to shoulder-length, brushed behind the ears neatly so the forehead is showing. Patrick dresses in dark clothing—for the trip, he picked out a pair of black jeans, a tan sweater, and a black t-shirt to go over it. The t-shirt is designed with a red Rorschach test on the front.

Biography: Twins. The joy of a child doubled, but combined with Hell on Earth. That was what early life was like for Patrick and his brother, Kaine; the two cried all hours of the night, giving their poor parents almost no time to take care of them. Sometimes, they weren't able to take care of both twins and had to leave Patrick alone. Sobbing. In that room with the clown wallpaper.

As preschool came, the twins started off as inseparable. However, Patrick watched as his brother made new friends while he was left alone in the sandbox. Too shy to make any real friends, Patrick instead began to create an imaginary friend called Mr. Clown. Mr. Clown was nice. Mr. Clown stayed with Patrick well into Kindergarten, when his parents took Patrick into therapy to get rid of Mr. Clown.

Patrick's few attempts at coming out of his shell were disastrous, to say the least. During the 3rd grade, Patrick tried to befriend a young man. However, when the two were playing on the jungle gym, Patrick fell off and broke his arm. He became very introverted until Middle School when, trying to fit in with some skaters, he took a shot at skating himself. He failed miserably and became the laughingstock of that clique.

During the 8th grade, Patrick found his true calling. Participating in an art class, his teacher saw the painting he had made and told him to enter it in an upcoming contest. Though wary at first, he was encouraged by his family and entered his painting and won 1st place. There was a look in his eyes as he took the ribbon that was unlike anything his brother had ever seen in him. It was confidence.

Cut to 9th grade. Patrick's artistic talents were beginning to define his identity. His every interest revolved around art. This didn't do much to improve his social life, despite his brother's help.

It was a warm April day when Patrick walked into his room and found Kaine with what appeared to be medicine capsules. His brother hastily explained that it was nothing, not important, and that Patrick should just leave. He heard the door lock behind him as he left the room.

2 days later, Kaine came out and explained that he had been using acid. Patrick was at first shocked by this but he condoned it out of love for his brother. Kaine, in return, offered to set Patrick up with the clique that supplied the LSD. Patrick politely declined and the two left it at that.

12th grade—beginning of the year. Kaine took a near-fatal dose of acid abd was rushed to a hospital by the people who supply it. Patrick kept their parents from finding out what happened by giving a fake name, number, and address. The stress nearly broke Patrick. He wasn't able to handle the idea of losing his only friend in the world. The experience nearly broke Patrick, and he was unable to paint anything for two weeks.

Kaine recovered, and his parents were none the wiser thanks to Patrick's quick thinking. However, the whole event had its emotional toll on Patrick. Lately, all of his paintings have taken a disturbing turn: they all depict clowns.

Advantages: Patrick's more popular brother, Kaine, might be able to get him into a group if things get messy. Patrick is also extremely imaginative and thoughtful. Most-likely, he could figure out unique ways to kill people and turn the situation to his advantage.
Disadvantages: If Kaine doesn't vouch for Patrick, Patrick will be all alone. He was never the most popular student, due to his shy, introspective personality. Also, many have mistaken his shyness for haughtiness and might target him for this reason. Finally, emotionally fragile as he is, Patrick may break easily. However, with enough resolve, he could be able to pull through intact.
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