Trixie Trent*

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Trixie Trent*


Post by ZombiexCreame† »

Name: Trixie Trent
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies: Shopping, the outdoors, tanning, rap music, horror films and Nick Audley.

Appearance: Trixie is short, yet lean. She's only about 5'3 and weighs about 135 pounds. She's mostly average, nothing out of the ordinary. She isn't exactly model beautiful, but she is very pleasant in appearance. Just a petite girl who always smiles and looks friendly, which leads to her best attribute: Her pearly white teeth which shine beautifully against her lightly tanned skin. Trixie has a slightly round face with tranquil grey eyes, a turned-up nose and pouty lips that always have a thick coating of lip gloss slathered on them. Aside from those things, there are quite a few attributes that make Trixie stand out from the average girl. Her first attribute isn't something that she's exactly proud of, a very large birth mark. It's a large milk colored splotch that is much lighter than the rest of her skin. This divides her face in half vertically, so she has one side white and other side tan. Usually she can counter this by tanning a lot and caking foundation onto her face. Her next attribute is her large ears and her final and most noticeable attribute is that she's about eight months pregnant, so she's a lot larger than she normally is.

Trixie originally had blonde hair with light brown eyebrows, but has recently been dying her hair a shade of natural looking dark brown-ish black. Her hair is rather thin and goes about to her elbows. She'll normally wear it down and straight, or curly and up in a ponytail. Under her hair lies her tweezed-thin eyebrows, a light brown in color. Trixie doesn't really keep up with fashion and wears whatever she thinks is cute or adorable. For piercings, she has few ear piercings (two piercings on each lobe) and a monroe piercing. As of late, Trixie has been wearing clothes that are more on the comfortable and loose side. Baggy pants, birkenstocks and hoodies or baby-doll tops complete her look.

Biography: Trixie was born in New York, New York to her very artistic parents, who both had influential places in the art industry. Her mother, Georgina, was a graphic artist and her father, Jim, was a photographer. When Georgina gave birth to Trixie, she decided that Trixie would be her one and only child. The Trent family agreed that one child was enough to make them happy, no matter what. And Trixie did. She was a very bright and happy child, who was always entertaining herself and making light of any given situation. She wasn't a tough baby to please, to put it simply. She wasn't picky, she rarely had temper tantrums and even potty training went smoothly. And of course, Trixie was spoiled every once in awhile. Life couldn't be any better for the Trent family.

In elementary school and middle school, Trixie behaved well. She had average grades at best and was never an honor roll type of kid. Her parents always thought that Trixie had some sort of attention deficient issue since she could never manage to focus in class. She was far more interested in chatting with her girlfriends and flirting with boys. School work just wasn't her thing. Throughout her whole school career, Trixie has always been cheerful and happy to all her peers, gaining their popularity. Even though a lot of girls call Trixie a fake or 'two-faced', Trixie commonly likes to act cute to gain attention, especially from the boys. If any girl calls Trixie out on this, her inner demons come out and she'll verbally fight like hell to set other girls straight. Like most teenage girls, Trixie absolutely loves drama. She just can't help it.

In Trixie's 7th grade year, her father got a job offer in St. Paul, Minnesota for their local newspaper as a photojournalist. Not wanting to deny such a great offer, the family packed their bags and moved west. Trixie was sad about leaving the friends she grew up with and the big city, but even she wanted a fresh new start. Trixie immediately fell in love with St. Paul. Sure, there was nothing too awfully special about it, but she liked it better. It was smaller than the hustle and bustle of New York City and the people seemed to be very friendly. She made plenty of friends immediately. She was pretty much known as the "girl who just couldn't sit still", as she was always seen walking around the school when class was in session, talking to her friends. She's always seen with a smile on her face and a giggle in her voice. But while Trixie may seem like a nice girl, she absolutely despises people who talk about her behind her back and will do whatever she can in her power to ruin that person by spreading nasty rumors. However, Trixie rarely does that and it's only been necessary once.

As Trixie got into high school, she began loving her new freedoms. She would ignore her homework and classwork and often go tanning and shopping with her friends on the weekends. She's an avid lover of rap music and is often seen blasting the tunes in her iPod during lunch breaks. During her sophomore year, she immediately fell head over heels for a guy in her biology class, Nick Audley. He just seemed like the perfect guy for her. After finding out that he was indeed single, Trixie used everything at her disposal to charm Nick. This is where her "acting cute for attention" skill started becoming handy. She would often poke fun at him in class, giggle whenever he said something funny (or not funny) and they even started eating lunch together outside. It wasn't long until the two of them became a couple and a very happy couple they were.

They were perfect for each other. Nick shared her love for horror movies and the outdoors, so they would commonly go on dates to the movies and to the park. Wherever Nick was, Trixie was sure to follow. Trixie and Nick's relationship was known all around the school and she let everyone know it. "Trix and Nick 4Ever!" is often written on her hand, her binders or even on the walls at home. Not to mention she absolutely cannot get through the day unless she has at least 10 "I Love You" texts sitting in her cellphone inbox. Trixie really isn't entirely sure if she's a clingy girlfriend, but honestly, she doesn't care. She loves Nick far too much.

By the beginning of senior year, Trixie had begun to fall into the usual peer pressure, and not of the booze and drugs variety. She convinced Nick that since they've been going out for almost two years, they should be doing something more than kissing and hugging. There really was no amazing story to this. There was no booze-filled parties, 'nor strange situations where Trixie just woke up in a disgusting hotel with her clothes strewn all over the floor. It just happened. It wasn't until after Trixie and Nick had sex that she realized that she hadn't taken her birth control. A few missed periods later and she realized her grim situation: She was pregnant.

At first, she felt entirely stupid. She considered abortion but was against such a thing. She dreaded the day that she would have to tell her parents and her boyfriend. She was extremely afraid of her boyfriend leaving her, like many boyfriends commonly do. One day when they were alone in the library, studying for a chemistry test, Trixie simply broke down and told him. Although Nick was shocked, understandably, he refused to leave Trixie. Shortly thereafter, Nick and Trixie told their parents of their mistake. Trixie's parents were more understanding than most. They understood that mistakes happened. Of course Trixie wasn't happy at the fact that she was pregnant, but her situation couldn't be better. Her parents weren't terribly mad and her boyfriend didn't leave her. And so Trixie decided to have the baby and raise it with Nick.

As the months went on, Trixie's pregnancy started to show more and more. Many people chattered about Trixie behind her back, but she learned to ignore this. Some of her own friends even began avoiding her, which stung. In a way, she's excited about her pregnancy and her cheerful demeanor hasn't changed at all, though she has gotten a bit more moody. She really hates it when people call her irresponsible or tell her that she fits the mold for the stereotypical knocked up teen, but she tries not to react in anger. At times, she even pretends that she loves being pregnant and can't wait to have a baby. No, Trixie doesn't exactly want be a pregnant teenager, but she doesn't mull over her mistakes either. "What's done, is done," she often says. As long as she has Nick, Trixie has realized that she'll pull through this, even though she doesn't have many plans for the future.

Advantages: Trixie is a positive thinker, always trying to think of options to get out of tricky situations. Also, since she's quite visibly pregnant, other students may feel apprehensive about outright attacking her.
Disadvantages: A life time of shopping, tanning and MySpace-surfing has left her physically unfit, since she's never played a single sport in her life. She really has no clue what it's like to rough it in the wild, despite enjoying the outdoors. She's very, very dependent on her boyfriend Nick and since she's also very pregnant, she really can't do much. She definitely wouldn't be a fast runner or a strong attacker.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler ZombiexCreame. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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