Winston Parry

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Winston Parry


Post by Namira »

Name: Winston Parry
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Soccer and Basketball (spectating), Singing, Avoiding Conflict.

Appearance: Winston is not a big person by any means. He has only 5ft 4" to his name, and is definitely on the slender side, as he weighs only 109lbs. Although Winston is good-looking, his face seems to always be slightly melancholy, a little sad. His hair is platinum blond and fairly long, reaching his jawline at the sides and back, and his fringe having to be swept a little to one side to avoid it getting in his eyes.

Winston's casual wear consists of a white jacket, with trousers of a matching colour, underneath of which he will have a plain black shirt.

Biography: Winston hasn't ever had anything particularly spectacular happen to him during his life. He was born and raised in St. Paul and hasn't strayed too far from his home city all too often. His upbringing was very privileged, as his parents had no small amount of money. Both Adrian Parry and Olivia Brady came from well-to-do families, and as Adrian was a doctor, and Olivia a lawyer... well, Winston never exactly lacked for anything.

Growing up, Winston was a pretty shy child, something as a loner as a matter of fact. Both his mother and father were strongly career-minded people, so for much of the time, he was left to his own devices. Winston didn't make any fuss about having to occupy himself after school, and was used to just entertaining himself for long periods of time. It wasn't that he didn't like interacting with people, just that he could genuinely enjoy being on his own.

One thing Winston has always stood firm on is the issue of violence. Perhaps it is that his father is a doctor and his views on the sanctity of life rubbed off on Winston, maybe it is merely something that Winston picked up upon for himself. Whatever the reason, Winston, in his entire life, has never thrown a punch in anger, never retaliated to being shoved or bullied. People would try to confront him, put him down, but Winston would just drop his head, turn the other cheek and move on.

As Winston came to high school age, he started to come out of his shell a little more. He's by no means a socialite, but he isn't at least the complete loner he was in younger years. At around the same time, he begun to find little outlets for his feelings. It would be foolish to say that Winston doesn't feel anything at all towards those who enjoy picking on him, so he has discovered other ways of letting his feelings loose. The most obvious of these is singing - Winston has an excellent voice and can often be heard singing along to his favourite songs. As a matter of fact, Winston is the back-up vocalist for the band Blank Nation, alongside Maria Graham, among others.

Generally speaking, Winston is a pretty happy guy. He doesn't really have anything to complain about so far as home life goes. He has enough friends that he isn't entirely isolated, and he gets on well enough in the band. Winston remains someone that most people remember seeing around, but not many really know that well. Nevertheless, Winston is usually in a good mood – his conviction in his beliefs is firm and it is but infrequently somebody tries to goad him into lashing out. Winston is just plain enjoying life.

Advantages: It's common knowledge that Winston will not inflict harm on another person, so this may earn him some allies as they'll know they won't need to watch their backs against him.
Disadvantages: By that same token, some people might see a guy who won't even protect himself as dead weight, and not want to associate with him. Furthermore, Winston isn't proficient in any form of fighting and being of small stature, is neither intimidating nor particularly strong, meaning he will struggle physically.
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