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The Big Night

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:47 pm
by Ciel†
((James Mulzet continued from Seems About Right))

Despite having been so excited, James Mulzet was nervous. He had been waiting for Prom Night for so long and yet he was so nervous that he couldn't walk up to his date's front door.

It wasn't he had been this nervous that morning. He couldn't wait! He got his black tux out and tried it on, he combed his hair more times he could count. His hair was perfect - his hair was flat behind his head, not a single strand sticking up. All of the planning that he did months before had paid off.

James had even got a car for the Prom. The car was a semi-fancy Cadillac, a rental that had to be driven straight back the next day. James had hoped he would get a limo but he thought it would be impossible to get one on his parent's budget. His parents had picked it out for him a few days before. When they first told him about the decision he was understandably a little upset – "You picked one out with without me?" he had asked a million of times – but when he saw the car he realized that his parents made a good decision. The car was slim with steel black plating, big black tires and tinted windows. It was about as close to an actual limo as a middle-class family could get! The rental was expensive though and this stuck in the back of his mind like glue.

During the slow trudge over to Thea's house, the thought of banging the car up overshadowed the prom. What if he got into a crash? He wasn't like this when he was driving his parents car! He made it to Thea's place in once piece, pulling right in front of her house. He had sighed when he finally turned off the car.

James Mulzet had finally made it to Prom Night! He was so excited that he was shaking. Wait, why was he shaking now? James couldn't be nervous, could he? This was not the time to be a chump! He had to grow up! He opened the door to his mini-limo and got out. And then stopped. He was shaking violently. Stop it James, damn... Be a guy. James had to force himself to the doorstep, his muscles finally relaxing when he stopped at the door. He knocked on the door before he could freeze up again.

"Alright James," he told himself. He had never met his date's parents... what were they like? Would they like him? His heart was racing. "You're doing alright. You'll do fine. This is only the girl you've been thinking about for a long, long time. It's okay, everything will be great. Just get through her parents and you're free."

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:34 am
by Arscapi†
((Thea Kairos continued from She Shook Me Cold))

The opened to reveal a man in his early 60's. He had a slight build, and the family resemblance was clear. "You must be James," he said in a gruff slightly accented voice. "Please come in."

He ushered James into a tiled entryway with a curved wooden staircase. "So you're the one taking my granddaughter to prom," he said stepping back and looking James up and down. "Where exactly did you meet, and what are your plans for tonight?"

"Dad, please you're going to scare the poor boy away and then Thea will never forgive you," a woman's voice rang out. High heels clicked on the entryway and in a moment a woman joined them in the entryway. "Hello, dear, I'm Thea's mom," she said extending her hand. "Please excuse my father-in-law."


Thea stood in front of the bathroom mirror, swaying slightly to the music she had playing as she got ready. She pulled the curling iron free from her hair for the last time and carefully set the curling iron down on the counter. She fluffed her newly formed curls until they fell in a cascade down her back, just a few allowed to frame her shoulders and face. Leaning closer to the mirror, she examined her make-up for any imperfections. Finding none, she smiled to herself and then ran her hands down her pink dress, smoothing out imagined wrinkles, her hands stopping briefly at the lace waist. Glancing at the clock, that was on her nightstand she realized she was late. Gotta run. I was hoping to spare James the third degree. Grabbing her, small pink handbag from the dresser she made her way downstairs. The black tulle swaying against her knees as it peeked out from beneath the skirt.

"Grandpa," Thea scolded making her own appearance, her black heels clicking as she stepped off the stairs. "We talked about this."

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:53 pm
by Ciel†
The grandfather's appearance surprised James. Thea had said he was an athlete back in the day but he didn't know he would be this built up, THIS musclebound. James tried to hide his surprise (or even fear, maybe that was it) from Thea's grandfather. He wasn't really too sure whether or not the guy was buying it or if he even cared. He seemed extremely gruff!

"Um, your daughter is in a bunch of my classes," James answered, looking away. "Um, ahh, well.."

What were their plans for tonight? James really had no clue, but he knew it was nothing worth this much suspicion. Then again, this was Thea. From what she's told him, this was just casual conversation compared to what he was really capable of. Thankfully Thea's mother interjected and told the grandfather to calm down. James was certainly lucky to have her there or he would have definitely turned and raced out of the door.

"Oh! Hello!" James smiled and took Kate Kairos's hand, making sure not to shake it too firmly. "I'm James Mulzet, though I'm guessing Thea already told you that! It's nice to meet you,, the both of you."

That was when he heard Thea. Her voice came from somewhere on the staircase, and he looked up to see Thea. The first thought that popped into his head was gorgeous. That dress fit her perfectly, and her hair oh wow her hair. James was grinning like a madman, rubbing the back of his neck as she finally made it downstairs.

"Oh hey Thea!" He said, standing up straight now. "You look wonderful tonight!" He paused, looking back at his car at the sidewalk. "Should we get going? I'm sorry for being late, there was..." He turned back. "Loads of traffic."

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:37 am
by Arscapi†
"Oh hey Thea!" He said, standing up straight now. "You look wonderful tonight!" He paused, looking back at his car at the sidewalk. "Should we get going? I'm sorry for being late, there was..." He turned back. "Loads of traffic."

Thea blushed at James' compliment. "Thank you James, you look handsome tonight too." She took James' arm and was heading for the door when her mom called them back, demanding they pose for several pictures. Thea beamed through all of them ignoring the scowl her grandfather wore. As soon as her mom was satisfied she walked over and threw her arms around him, dropping a kiss on his cheek. Aelous features softened slightly as Thea walked over and once again slipped her arm through James as she reached for the door.

Once they were outside the door she stopped him with a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry about my grandfather. I was trying to be ready on time, so that you didn't have to face him alone. It wasn't too bad was it," she said biting her lip.

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:57 pm
by Ciel†
James wasn't expecting Thea to compliment him back. "Oh, um, thanks Thea." He laughed, not realizing that he was grinning like an idiot. "I spent so much time on my hair, I'm glad it came out nice!"

Then came the pictures. James managed to relax as he and Thea posed for her mother - the night had finally begun! He beemed along with Thea as her mother took a few photos, slipping his arm through Thea's once again as they walked out of the door. Thea stopped him half-way to his car, apologizing for her grandfather's behavior. While the man's scowl had unnerved him deeply, he didn't mind all that much. He smiled at his date.

"No no," James waved Thea off before lightly tugging on her arm. "It's fine. I kinda knew it was going to happen. I really can't blame him for it too! He's never met me before! C'mon, my car's over there."

The mini-limo was unlocked, a bad decision on James's part. Anyone could have just walked up and taken it! James never really thought of that as he opened the passenger's door for Thea, holding it open for her as she sat down. He closed it, making sure that her dress didn't get caught before rushing over to the other side. He slipped into the door, closing and locking the doors with a loud click, and sighed loudly. He closed his eyes as he turned the keys in the ignition. James looked over at Thea with a smile. "So... ahh... haha." He blinked, thinking for a moment. He turned back and drove out of the street, soon turning onto the highway. When he was finally on the highway, he spoke. "Do you have any ideas for after the Prom? Or should we wait until we get there to decide?"

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:53 am
by Arscapi†
"Well, I've heard several kids planning on going out to eat after prom, but that might make any restaurant open that late crowded. I say we play it by ear. The squad might come up with something, if you don't mind being with them," she said.

She smoothed her skirt and shifted in her seat, admiring the inside of the car. "Nice ride," she commented then made small talk about classes and classmates until they arrived at prom.

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:47 pm
by Ciel†
"I don't mind going with the squad. Evelyn is cool with me coming over, right?" James smiled as he pulled into the left lane. "Oh yeah, thanks." No way he was going to tell her it's a rental. Even if she figured that, it would totally kill the mood. He continued to talk with Thea all the way there, laughing occasionally.

They were getting close to the rec center, the place the prom was being held at. James was unimpressed, but he was fine with the location all the same. He wasn't going to make a huge complaint about it anyway. As he stopped at a red light, one with an awkward silence. He turned to Thea and smiled at her. "Hey... Thea. I wanted to say it's really cool that you decided to come with me to the prom. I was seriously expecting you to say no when I asked! I really thought someone already asked you out or something."

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:47 am
by Arscapi†
"Hey... Thea. I wanted to say it's really cool that you decided to come with me to the prom. I was seriously expecting you to say no when I asked! I really thought someone already asked you out or something."

Yeah, you'd have thought that huh? was Thea's first thought, but fortunately was not what came out of her mouth. She really liked James. Instead she laughed. "It's nice of you to say that James. I guess you proved the adage the early bird catches the worm," she stopped and made a face. "No wait, I don't want to be a worm. What else can I be?" She sat pondering that for a moment before finally shrugging. "Guess, it's not really that important. I'm glad you asked me James. I really am," she said putting her hand on his arm. "Sometimes I get a little sick of the drama of the cheerleading/football world. Wow, I'm getting incredibly cheezy now, maybe we should head inside."

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:44 am
by Ciel†
(Sorry about the wait Arscapi :D)

James could help but laugh as Thea was getting flustered. In truth, he would have felt the exact same way. His question had come from left field. He felt her hand against him arm and froze up. He laughed again, feeling like an idiot.

"Oh, hah, I almost forgot about the prom! Oh my god! Hah! We had better get inside huh!" He laughed, pulling into the parking lot. It was packed - no doubt the cars of most of the kids.

Oh man, I'm shaking again. I'm so excited!

"C'mon." He smiled, unbuckling his seatbelt. "We're late!" He jumped out of the car and ran around to the other side. He opened the door for her, holding his hand out for her. "There we go. Take my hand, we'll run in real quick. You excited?"

(James Mulzet continued inside the prom.continued inside the prom)

Re: The Big Night

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:38 pm
by Arscapi†
"There we go. Take my hand, we'll run in real quick. You excited?"

Thea let out a laugh and took his hand. "You really don't expect me to run in these do you? We're only a couple minutes late."

(Thea continued in The Dance Must Go On )