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The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:31 pm
by Badb†
((Dom Hoffman, Continued from Keep your head down))

Dominic was pleased with himself. He'd actually managed to get everything he wanted done that day done, and was now sipping a can of coke on the third level of the Promenade, a fairly large bag of shopping in his free hand, containing some clothes he'd bought, a six-pack of coke, a voucher for iTunes, and a copy of 'A Fistful of Dollars' on DVD he'd found in a video store dirt cheap.

Criminally for someone who was fairly well versed in Westerns, Dom had never seen the Dollars Trilogy, and always tended to change the subject any time they were mentioned in conversation. Dom had decided it was about time he got round to it, and quickly bought it.

Gotta start somewhere, right?

Dom stopped for a second, placed his bag on the floor and took a large swig of coke. It would take something particularly bad to pull him out of his good mood.

Re: The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:37 pm
by Parzel†
( Kent Chirper Continued from Singalong)

Kent sighed, the food court. The centre of the recycled vomit they named food, He strolled inside, clearly distraught that he had been dragged in by colleagues, who then seemed to disappear into the crowd.

I guess I can use this to my advantage, they must do drinks here

Kent walked towards the fridges; a look of horror plagued his face as he saw a bunch of cheap products, which labels seemed to be wrinkled all over. He wrapped his hand around one and pulled it up, the grotesque liquid inside mocking him. His eyes then darted to a small round can, a Coke. He picked the can up; being more of a Pepsi man he took a deep sigh before observing the can.

"You kiddin' me? This thing is two months out of date!" He said reasonably loud so some people could hear, he would not accept this. A Two month old drink was just another topic to make a deal out of. He paced towards the Cashier to complain, although his mission had failed due to the workers incomprehensible English. He almost rapidly threw the Coke back and headed towards the exit, where he saw someone swaging from the Coke. Unclear who it was, he felt it was his right to inform him of the injustice of the coke.

"Hey, I'd check the sell by date on that, one I just saw was like three months outta' dat..." Kent paused, the person he was speaking to he began to recognize, and it wasn't until he saw the complete image that it clicked. Hoffman, the ass hole who had randomly called him a prick and turned up in the mall for no reason, this guy was asking for trouble.

"Oh it's you, well you may as well go ahead drink that coke, hopefully you'll get sick and I won't have to endure your face for much longer." Kent made a cold smile and slowly looked around for any of his other friends; they were probably still too busy with the hordes of food crammed onto the shelves.

Re: The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:10 pm
by Badb†
Dom took another swig of coke and fumbled to check that his bag was still there, before someone walked up and gave him a rather unnessecary word of warning.

"Hey, I'd check the sell by date on that, one I just saw was like three months outta' dat..."

Where do I remember that voice from? Oh well, guess I should thank them anyway.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine, I bought a six pack a coupl-"

"Oh it's you, well you may as well go ahead drink that coke, hopefully you'll get sick and I won't have to endure your face for much longer."

It clicked, The voice belonged to Chirper. Kent Fucking Chirper. An arrogant douchebag if Dom had ever seen one, though not as bad as some people in Bayview, if the rumors were to be believed, and an arrogant douchebag that Dom kept running into.

Think of a witty comeback, Dammit!

"Fuck Off, Chirper." Dom said reflexively, before taking another swig of coke "What's the matter? You pissed because you lost in a chess tournament or something?"

Re: The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:42 pm
by Parzel†
Kent Frowned, Hoffman had pierced his weak point, loosing, but considering they had not had a chess tournament in quite some time he didn't get too infused by it. Instead he took a deep breath, controlling any anger inside him and gently sighed towards Dom.

"Pathetic, you really are. To answer your dumb question no I did not, and I will not "Fuck off" I am waiting for my friends, so if it is bothering you that much, Dom, I suggest you leave." Kent said, emphasizing his name and once again staring around for his comrades, his vision blurred by the seas of paper hording towards the food aisles.

"In fact, I wouldn't want to be seen with you, so if you wouldn't mind moving, or at least turning your back to me it'd be nice, I have a reputation to uphold and don't want an asshole like you ruining it with your stupid ways." Kent then turned his own back on Dom as he awaited the arrival of his friends, who could of already gone before he knew.

He was still, at the least, thirsty. But he knew he could not leave this battle, he didn't want to look weak after all. Controversy for the sake of Controversy, that was Kent's middle name, a long one at that.

Re: The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:34 pm
by Badb†
Dom smirked. That one hit hard. Unfortunately for Dom, he wouldn't have the courtesy of time to think of his next argument, as Chirper quickly began a rant back, which Dom didn't pay the slightest intention to, Instead scratching his head and checking how much coke he had left in the can.

Empty, Great.

"This is a public place, Chirper." Dom calmly responded "You want me to move, you better do it yourself."

Dom crushed the empty coke and tossed it towards the nearest trash can, only for it to bounce off the side and clatter down onto the floor.

Kent began another rant of truly epic proportions, and

"You're a fucking joke, Chirper." Dom Barked back, "Think you're so fucking high and mighty 'cause you got a couple of friends..." Dom noticed that Kent had turned his back, and wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to what he was saying.

Ever so slightly annoyed, Dom grabbed a fresh can of coke out of his bag, shook it up for a good ten seconds, and aimed at Chirper.

This'll get his attention.

"Bombs away, You bastard." Dom said, smiling an malicious, and ever-so-slightly immature grin as he opened the can.

Re: The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:12 pm
by Parzel†
Kent smirked as he looked away from the boy, Dom began to babble on about something Kent didn't care about, thus he proceeded to look around for his friends. Hoffman's voice was beginning to piss Kent off, the annoying and monotonous drone which Kent seemed to get from it forced him to turn around and confront him

"Look, How about you just..." He then realized what Hoffman was holding; Dom obviously did not hear what Kent was saying and proceeded to manically spray the coke straight onto the front of Kent. His jaw dropped, his chin dripping with the black liquid, it soaking through his shirt and gently laying on top of his chest. Rage seemed to blur his vision as he almost erupted.

"You Fucking WHAT!?!?" He shouted, although the sound quite inaudible. "I Cannot fucking belief you, you... you!" He looked down at himself, attempting to brush down the coke, of course failing. People attentions begin to change to the two, the room fell silent, Kent didn't care.

"I'll get you for this Hoffman! This isn't over!" Of course, Kent felt slightly embarrassed, what could he do? He was Coke ridden and helpless, of course his frenzy had stroke up some unwanted attention. Soon, a few staff members hurried over and shooed both of them out.

"I'll get you! You just wait for it... you just... wait... for, yeah." He blabbered out, Kent left, almost running home.

(( Kent Chirper Continued Elsewhere ))

(( I just managed to get this in, my computer still playing up, didn't get time to read through it so, it might hard to put together some sentences. ))

Re: The Importance of Being Idle

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:54 pm
by Badb†
Dom held onto the can for a few seconds, revelling in the juvenile glee of what he'd just done. Kent had fallen for it completely, turning round at just the right time to be completely drenched in coke.

"You Fucking WHAT!?!?"

It was only when Kent responded, however, that Dom tried to speak, instead breaking into loud, long laughter.

"Well, " Dom said, still chuckling. "I do believe I sprayed you with a can of coke"

"I Can not fucking believe you, you... you!"

Much to Dom's continued amusement, Kent unsuccessfully attempted to brush off the coke, only managing to rub it further into his clothes.
The Room fell silent, everyone's attention seemed to be focused on the two boys, and at this moment Dom felt rather awkward, if he was being quite honest. Dom imagined that the two of them were making quite the scene, anyway.

"I'll get you for this Hoffman! This isn't over!"

"I'm sure it isn't, Chirper." Dom picked up his bag, and took a couple of steps back.

The staff quickly made gestures for the two to leave, and Dom complied, he was in no mood to be thrown out by force.

"Alright, I'm moving, I'm moving."

"I'll get you! You just wait for it... you just... wait... for, yeah."

Kent was blabbering now, losing all confidence.

The battle won, Dom chuckled, and held up the six-pack of coke, minus the can he'd sprayed Kent with, as Kent walked down the hall.

"I'll be waiting!"

((Dom Hoffman continued in Test of Courage))