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Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:27 pm
by Slam
((Janet Claymont continued from Locked Door; Pants Down))

"Welcome to Sunset Cinema." Janet recited to the large man stood between her and a row of people, as she sat behind her counter in the muggy cinema lobby.

Like a lot of teenagers, Janet Claymont had a part-time job, and for her it involved working in the Sunset Cinema: her job was to sit behind a large counter selling tickets over and over again to all the various movie-goers, be they couples off to see the latest rom-com (Cinema 4), weary parents taking their hyper kids to see the new Pixar movie (Cinema 2), or the loner with nothing better to do than see whatever was on, just like the guy in front of her. (Cinema 7)

Selecting the name from the ticket printing computer, Janet glanced behind the man and groaned internally at the long queue stood behind him. Conveniently, all the other teenaged ticket sellers were off on their lunch break, so she was lucky enough to get to handle each and every one of them individually. 'No sir, it's sold out. No sir, I can't get you more tickets. No sir, we don't allow outside food.' she would get to enjoy repeating to each and every last buyer, who apparently could never listen to a conversation right in front of them.

"That'll be ten dollars." she told him, tearing the ticket away from the machine carelessly. Forcing a smile on her tired face as she took his money and gave him his purchase, she sighed and lazily guessed how many snacks he'd be buying whilst watching him waddle over to the concession stand; at least it was something to do to add some life to this deadly boring job.

Her attention brought back to her duties by a feeble "Scuse me?" from a small woman that had taken the man's place, Janet once again returned to her work repeating the required, impersonal greeting: "Welcome to Sunset Cinema."

This was going to be a long day.

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:20 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
(Trevor Duncan continued from La ignorancia es atrevida)

If this place doesn't have anything on by next week I'm screwed. Maybe I'd have better luck trying one of the smaller places.

Trevor had been on his way home when he'd passed the Sunset and had a spur of the moment urge to check out if they had anything on in Spanish, that way he could at .least attempt learning something in an easy way before he failed the test next week. For him, Spanish just wasn't something he could learn by reading a book. It was the same as learning lines from a script, Trevor knew that the feeling of total immersion in an environment was the best way he could learn something challenging. If that meant forgoing the fun of a movie to fill himself up on Spanish sounds then so be it.

Trevor didn't often come to the Sunset but as he stepped inside he could see that today was the wrong sort of busy, the kind where there's a huge line but the management hadn't seen fit to put more than one person on front of house. Trevor decided to skip the huge line and huge the information board to see what was on. Unfortunately for him it had an incomprehensible touch screen set up and he spent 5 minutes getting hopelessly lost in sub menus before giving up.

Trevor began to sigh, but caught himself and instead let out a low whistle. Always good to have a little variety he thought. He made his way to the back of the line and stuck his hands in his pockets, looking around the room aimlessly.

At least this is better than pouring over a textbook, even if it does come to nothing

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:17 pm
by Slam
Welcome; done. Welcome; done. Welcome; done.

This was going surprisingly fast actually, Janet realised, blowing through customers with relatively little hassle. Sure it was dull and the weather was hot, but at least it would be done fast enough to not bore her to death. As she sold ticket after ticket, handling money that would never reach her own pocket, Janet felt a twinge of hope; things were looking up.

Okay, so she was still stuck in the lobby on a lovely day, she was still staffing the ticket counter all by herself, and it was still the dullest way to spend time, but at least this line was going fast. That was enough to warrant hope, right?

Yeah, it wasn't really that much compensation after all.

Sighing, Janet took the nearby pencil and doodled aimlessly on the sheet of paper tucked out of sight in front of her, probably to the annoyance of whoever was stood in front of her. Hell, it wasn't her problem; they want their tickets faster, they can take it up with the people in charge.

Resigning herself to dealing with the next customer after half a minute of aimless sketching, she looked up at the face of Trevor Duncan, although this name didn't mean anything to Janet. To her, he was just another customer that needed to be served as fast as possible. Where was everyone else anyway?

"Welcome to Sunset Cinema."

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:04 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
Trevor watched the line in front of him dwindle as people handed over their cash to the ticket girl and naturally received tickets in return. Trevor imagined himself as part of a chain gang as he shuffled closer to the desk, and after what seemed an age to him he arrived at the front of the queue. The girl was busy writing something on a piece of paper

Looks like I'm in for a wait, come on though why is she the only one on the desk?

Trevor looked behind him to see a few people wandering about the snacks that were on display. At least there isn't a huge line backing up, but what's so important that it can't wait for the last guy to get done? Trevor repressed the urge to speak up, he wasn't in any hurry and it hadn't been all that long of a wait anyway. It reminded him of what Einstein had said about time being relative. At the end of it all he'd only been waiting for about a minute before the ticket girl looked up at him and said her introductory line.

I've seen this girl before at school. What's her name again? Something J. Jackie? Jeanette? Agh I don't know. There are hundreds of kids in my year alone. I'll look at her name badge if I get a chance.

Trevor instead dodged the name issue by ignoring it. It wasn't likely to come up anyway.

'Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I know it's a long shot but have you got any films showing soon that are in Spanish? Like before next week?'

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:39 pm
by Slam
((Ick, silly me forgetting about this thread!))

Janet raised an eyebrow at Trevor, examining him in confusion; what sort of guy goes to a cinema and asks for a Spanish film? Whatever though; it didn't hurt to get a weird one every now and then if it broke her out of this stupid routine.

"Yeah, hang on I'll check." she replied, turning her attention to her on-hand computer. Her face blank with boredom and mindlessness, her mouth hung slightly open as she lazily clacked at the keyboard, looking through all the movies they had screening in the near future. Just to make her life easier of course, there wasn't any language search functions so she'd have to look through each and every one of them by hand; she could've dropped her head onto the keyboard there and then.

About halfway through, she just gave up. She wasn't going to find any Spanish movies anyway, so why bother wasting her time looking in the first place? Better just cut him the news, then move along and get back to – oh wait, she didn't have anything to get back to.

"Yeah, sorry we don't have any Spanish films." she told him, not bothering to give him a look of sympathy. Really, did he honestly expect them to be showing something like that in the first place? It's not exactly a popular thing for films in America.

Continuing to look up blankly at him, Janet waited for him to either leave or say something else. Preferably she could've just ignored him, but for all she knew her day manager was just around the corner, and the last thing she wanted was to get laid off because of some Spanish loving guy needing her attention.

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:54 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
(It's cool)

Trevor could tell he would have no luck here; it was obvious in the way the bored girl half heartedly pawed at her computer with a slack jaw and vacant stare. She either really hates her job or is higher than a kite he thought. Trevor wasn't too bothered; he knew the chances had been slim at best. He should have just gone and rented a movie and switched the language track. Trevor cursed himself for forgetting. He was sure he had some DVDs lying around somewhere. It seemed so obvious that he wondered how he had missed it the first time.

When the girl, Damn I really should know who she is, finally confirmed that there was in fact nothing showing that he needed Trevor shrugged. He knew it was coming. He didn't feel bad though, it wasn't as if she had anything else to do. Working on a counter must be the most boring thing ever. All you do it sit and repeat the same old tired shtick to everyone who comes to the desk. Trevor was suddenly struck with the thought that this blank persona had to be an act.

'Well thanks anyway, I wasn't honestly expecting anything, worth a shot though'

Trevor was about to speak again when he felt a dull vibration from deep inside his coat pocket.

'scuse me' Trevor turned away from the ticket girl and walked off to the side of the room, raising his battered phone to his ear as he did so.

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:11 pm
by Slam
Barely nodding at Trevor as he politely gave his thanks, Janet saw to her surprise that she had in fact cleared the queue of customers single-handedly. Whilst she knew it was something to be happy about, she found herself too concerned with the crushing boredom to really give a damn for more than a second.

"Don't use that inside." She said, her face smirking slightly as she noticed Trevor reaching for his phone; didn't people know anymore that phones weren't allowed in the cinema? Of course, as a lowly ticket girl, she didn't actually get to go inside the cinema and see people using them non-stop, but she'd heard her co-workers groaning about it enough to have an imagined picture of it in her head.

Turning back to the empty space where a line once was, Janet realised that without the boring routine of serving customers, there was even less to do in the Sunset cinema: no-one to talk to; no job to hate doing; no 'free' popcorn to help herself to. If she didn't do something right there, she could very well have torn her eyes out for a change of pace.

In a blatant act of hypocrisy, Janet reached into her own pocket and pulled out her flashy iPhone, searching through her contacts for Chadd Crossen (Hospital Guy). "Sooooo bord chad" She lazily typed into the device, "com save me plz." Hitting send, she watched the message fly away into cyberspace before carelessly tossing her cell phone down onto the table.

Well, that killed about three seconds.

Dropping her head to the desk, Janet groaned out miserably as she left her phone in front of her, staring blankly into the wood that was as uninteresting as everything else in the world right now.

Worst. Job. EVER.

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:41 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
(Sorry for the shortness of this but I couldn't think of anything)

Trevor looked on incredulously as after he was chastised for answering his own phone the girl then picked out HER phone. Honestly, some people. Trevor hated hypocrites and almost went to say something. Then he remembered he was in a public place and it mightn't be best to cause a scene.

A muffled 'hello?' drew his attention back to his phone. Trevor quickly walked to the exit, not bothering to turn around and say goodbye. She probably wouldn't even notice if I jumped on her desk. I'll be amazed if I ever even speak to her again. Still he thought ah whatever. This was a waste of time.

Trevor finished his phone conversation and found himself outside. The sky was clear and Trevor felt happier to be outside in the sun. He checked the time and began to hurry home. Hopefully he wouldn't be late.

(Trevor Duncan continued in Poker night!)

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:52 pm
by Fiori
As Trevor rushed to get home on time, he happened to pass none other then Marty J. Lovett and Joshua Krakowski as they made their way to the Sunset Cinema to see the latest Blockbuster. The blockbuster in question being Wanted, a movie which the two had been looking forward to for the past few months, albeit for different reasons. Marty wanted to see it because of the fact that he happened to quite like the original comic series it had been based on, whilst Joshua on the other wanted to see it simply because of the matrix-style action. Oh, and also the fact that it had Angelina Jolie wielding duel pistols and doing crazy car stunts. That was more then enough to get Joshua hyped.

The tall rocker-wannabe looked back at Trevor as he moved on past them briskly. "Huh, I wonder why he was in such a hurry..." Joshua said to himself.

"Who cares. Lets focus on getting in on time, I don't want to miss Wanted just because you got distracted by something shiny like last time...." Marty replied, despite the question not being aimed at him.

"Oh come on! They were selling a limited edition of Spectacular Spider-Man #200... How could any sane human being NOT resist!"

"Yeah yeah... Still, on the bright side, at least it meant we were saved from being subjected to Jumper of all movies..."

The two laughed briefly at this comment as they entered the cinema, stopping as they briefly took note of their surroundings.

"Strange. Not as many people here as I thought there'd be..." Said Marty.

"Well, guess that means no waiting in line for us!" said Joshua enthusiastically as he made he way quickly towards the till, Marty following shortly afterwards.

As they arrived at the till, they were both somewhat confused to find the ticket girl face down on the desk, and for a brief moment anyway weren't sure how to react. After a short while, Joshua finally mustered up the courage to say something.

"Uh... You ok?"

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:40 pm
by Leonshade†
((Continued from Why life could suck and why it doesn't))

David Walker walked into the lobby of Sunset Cinema, lost in his thoughts. He was still a bit freaked out from his nightmare and wanted to get his mind off things. David figured that there should be some mindless flick playing at the cinema to get his mind off things for an hour or two. Looking around the lobby, he noticed that the place was mostly empty, bar for two guys standing in line.

"Well, at least I won't have to wait long", David thought to himself as he got behind the two men, waiting for his turn. At this moment he realized that he didn't have any idea what movies were playing at the moment. "This is what happens when you don't socialize enough", David thought as he looked around, checking out the posters in the lobby, trying to pick a movie. A poster for a movie called Wanted looked like exactly what he was looking for, something to get you to forget about yourself and your troubles for two hours. "I hope it's playing right now", he thought as he waited for his turn.

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:59 pm
by Slam
Much to her dismay, Janet's exciting staring contest with the table was interrupted by a voice from in front of her, asking if the girl with her face planted in the desk was in fact alright. "No, I'm not okay." she thought, "I'm staring at a table because I'm stupidly bored dumbass."

With what little motivation in life she could muster, she wearily brought her head up and away from the desk to look at the two customers vying for her attention, as every person she was fortunate to meet in this job had; ahead of her stood a contrasting pair of young men, who Janet would have likened to a comedy duo off TV if she was paying half as much attention as she should have been.

"Sorry." She said at the scrawny little guy, only paying enough attention to know where to talk at. "Bad day." Rubbing her head momentarily whilst she regained her bearings, questoining why she was still the only person working at that counter, she let out a small sigh and returned her attention to the task ahead of her: serving this pair as quickly as possible so she could get back to nothing important whatsoever.

"Welcome to Sunset Cinema. How can I help." she said monotonously for the hundreth time that day; if she didn't need the money, she would have suggested that the managers use a tape recorder instead.

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:04 pm
by Ruggahissy
((Nick LeMonde))

Nick walked jauntily up to the Sunset Cinema whistling with his hands in his pockets. He let out a little sigh of relief when he entered the new, air-conditioned atmosphere. Seeing a little bit of a line, Nick took his place at the end, taping his toe and bobbing his head to music that it seemed only he could hear.

He didn't normally go to the movies by himself but Nick was really bored and couldn't find anyone to go with him. Not that it mattered; he didn't have a problem going to the movies by himself. He couldn't understand why some people did. Some people go there entire lives without going to a movie by themselves. He wondered why it bothered people so much.

He leaned his head to the side to see who was working the desk. A girl. She looked familiar. A girl from school? He'd have to ask her about it when it was his turn. He leaned his head the other way now to get a look at the people in front of him. Two people he didn't recognize. But the one in front of him looked familiar too. He looked to his left, then his right. The lobby seemed empty.


Oh, he didn't know his name. That was okay. He'd find it out.

"...guy from school!"

Nick gave him a hearty pat on the back. Perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

"How's it goin' man? Coming to see a movie?"

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:52 am
by Leonshade†
Hearing someone behind him greet him, David takes a second before realizing that he should turn around to greet them back. He's too late to do so, though, instead getting startled by a heavy pat on his back. David quickly turns around to take a good look at the man behind him.

David looks up at the eyes of the guy that greeted him. "This guy is huge", David thought, slightly intimidated by his size. After taking a closer look, however, David thought he looked familiar "He did call me a guy from school, I guess that's why I recognize him", David thought to himself as he tried to remember the man's name. "Are we on the same grade? Must be, this guy looks old enough to be a senior."

David suddenly realized that he hadn't answered his question yet. "Uh, yeah, a movie." David took a second to wonder why else someone would be in line at a cinema, but thought that he should keep talking. "My name's David, by the way. David Walker".

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:39 pm
by Fiori
Marty and Josh didn't take any notice of the other two guys behind them as Janet slowly got up from her slumped position on the desk, wearily taking notice of them.

"Sorry. Bad day"

"Uh, I see..." Replied Marty, who briefly glanced at Joshua to see what he thought. He noticed that his friend seemed somewhat transfixed by the red haired girl's appearance, something which confused Marty slightly. Huh, didn't think you were into tall girls...
Well, that was only half true. Whilst yes, Joshua definitely considered the girl to be attractive, he was more concerned with the fact that he could of sworn he'd seen her somewhere before... Is she from school? Huh, can't really remember... I'd of DEFINITELY remembered a girl with red hair like that, no problem... Hmm...

"Welcome to Sunset Cinema. How can I help"

Marty left Joshua to ponder his thoughts as he replied to Janet.

"Anyway, uh... Two tickets for Wanted please." He asked. Christ, I hope its not sold out... Otherwise, i'm gonna have to see something else, and I have a BAD feeling about 10,000 B.C....

Re: Enjoy the Movie

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:30 pm
by JamesRenard†
((Miranda Merchant debut))

'Okay, I'm here at last. Now, let's see if they still have any tickets for that movie I want to see,' Miranda thought as she walked into the main lobby of the cinema. She hoped that she could still pick up a ticket for Sex and the City and watch the antics that Carrie and the gang got themselves into. If that didn't work out, well either Wanted or maybe even WALL-E would suffice. Both were supposed to be very good, or so she'd heard.

It was the first time she'd been to this particuar venue since moving from Green Bay, and she was extremely impressed with the look of the place. The first thing that caught her eye was the snack bar displaying various confections, snacks and beverages on offer for the hungry cinema goer. She wondered whether to buy a small tub of popcorn, or a box of nachos, or even skip the food altogether and get a refreshing chilled drink instead. If she was willing to splash her hard-earned cash on seeing a movie, she may as well treat herself to something to snack on while she was at it.

Turning her gaze away from the snack bar, she located the ticket desk and made her way over there. Much to her disappointment, it looked as though she was going to be in for a moderately long wait to buy the tickets. There were four guys already in the queue, and for some reason, just the one girl serving them with all the other positions closed. 'Well that's a drag. Oh well, maybe I can make my mind up on what to buy while waiting to be served,' she thought, joining the back of the queue behind the tall boy.