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The Modern Classics

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:47 am
by BetaKnight
((Open to any interested parties))

Roman Jackson avoided the urge to check his watch while his twin sister practically vibrated in place next to him. He glanced up at the coming attraction posters, trying very hard not to be irritated. He loved Alex, truly and deeply and sincerely. But if her friends did not show up in the next few minutes, he would kill her. Just wrap his hands around her neck and squeeze until she finally. Stopped. Moving.

When she had first suggested a trip to the movies with her friends, it had sounded like a great idea. A chance to get out of the house and away from their parents, and spend a few relaxing hours taking in a double feature of movies he enjoyed. Plus, he had to wait for the glue to set on the aircraft carrier he was currently working on before he could move onto the next phase of the project.

He shuffled forward as the line slowly crept towards the ticket office. A whiff of rich, buttery, delicious popcorn caressed his face as the smell travelled on the evening breeze, causing his stomach to rumble.

Oooooh. Golden, salty, greasy buttery goodness. Movie theater popcorn. Perfection in a cardboard bucket. And an ice cold Pepsi. Well, a cold Pepsi with no ice. No water to dilute the perfect combination of sugar and caffeine. Roman smiled to himself as he dreamily considered the bliss that was the snack counter inside the theater. And a box of Red Vines. They make the BEST candy straws. Mmmmmm...

His pleasant daydream was destroyed when Alex jostled him yet again. "Seriously, Alex, would you calm down!" He jerked his arm up and pushed the sleeve of his shirt past his watch face, pissily checking the time. "There's still like, fifteen minutes until the movie is supposed to start. They'll get here when they get here. It's not like they lock the doors and don't let you in if you're running a little late. Geeze. Besides, it's just A Knight's Tale and The Princess Bride. It's not like we don't all know the movies by heart."

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:17 am
by Arscapi†
Alex Jackson rocked impatiently on her toes as she stood next to her twin brother. They stood in line outside of the Sunset Cinema. She craned her neck looking for her two close friends who were, she checked her watch ten minutes late now. How hard was it to be on time for a movie? It started right after school. They were going to miss the start of the movie. Seriously, where were they? She'd manage to pull Roman away from his models for an afternoon. She loved her brother but honestly she couldn't understand this thing with models. Not when she had that classic Mustang in the garage almost up and running. She spun around as Roman tapped her on the arm telling her that they were moving up in line. Alex obediently took a couple steps forward to keep the line moving, not watching where she was going she ran into Roman, but went back to scanning the crowd. She didn't get very far when Roman said.

"Seriously, Alex, would you calm down! There's still like, fifteen minutes until the movie is supposed to start. They'll get here when they get here. It's not like they lock the doors and don't let you in if you're running a little late. Geeze. Besides, it's just A Knight's Tale and The Princess Bride. It's not like we don't all know the movies by heart."

Alex made a face at him. "Well, excuse me for being worried about my friends," she snapped.

Roman was about to reply when she cut him off. "Oh, there they are. Over here guys," she called waving her arm widely.

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:11 pm
by DetectiveArcher†
(( Olexia Kovacs continued from Eating Out (Cleanly) ))

Shutting and locking the door to her mother's silver, 2001 Toyota Corolla, Olexia Kovacs fumbled with the small set of keys before sliding them into her front pocket. Stepping from the comfortable chill of the air conditioning and into the still uncomfortable heat of the late afternoon sun, she waited for Edison to take the lead towards to theater.

It wasn't that the heat was so unbearable, so much as it was that Olexia always preferred to be cold, rather than hot. If you were cold, you could just layer your clothes and be fine. In the heat, you had to practically strip down to nothing. That might be fine for some of the more...athletic girls at school, but Olexia had never thought of herself of pulling off that sort of look.

So, enduring the mild discomfort in her long sleeved shirt and jeans, Edison had managed to talk her out of the light jacket, Olexia fell in step beside her longtime friend and confidant as they made their way through the parking lot.

Picking up their discussion from the car, the blonde girl turned towards her more imposing counterpart. "So, you're not really interested in dress shopping, then? Cause, I was kinda looking forward to it." Never one to actually show off, Olexia wondered just how she might look in something designed to be so elegant.

The line for the theater wasn't ungodly long, but still a decent enough wait for the movie. It was a good thing they'd decided to meet early. As the two approached, a figure peeked out from the throng of people waiting for their tickets. Waving wildly, Alex quickly called out and beckoned the duo.

Following her friend closely, Olexia let Edison take the lead. After all, Alex was more Edison's friend than her own anyway. It wasn't that she didn't like Alex. In fact, she was actually very disarming. She wasn't quite like the other, good looking girls at school. She seemed to be less preoccupied with appearance and more with character and fun. Still, there was something that gave Olexia pause. It was probably something like jealousy.

"Hi. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Had to wait for my mom to get off work so I could borrow the car."

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:05 am
by BetaKnight
(Edison Rossivitch continued from Eating Out (Cleanly))

Edison practically leapt from Olexia's car while her best friend puttered around. She fought the urge to sigh as she leaned against the passenger side of the vehicle while Olexia bobbled her keys and adjusted her clothes. She's still fussing over the lack of a jacket, isn't she? It's too freakin' hot to wear a jacket, she silently griped as she lifted her hair off her neck in an effort to catch any stray breezes. Why her best friend never believed her when she said she looked fine, she'd never know. Like I would let her go out looking like a moron or something.

Seeing that Olexia was finally ready, Edison headed towards the line that had formed outside the ticket booth, scanning for Alex and Roman. Man, I didn't think the double feature would be so popular, especially since it's still early. I hope they're already in line or else we might not be seeing any movies today.

"So, you're not really interested in dress shopping, then? Cause, I was kinda looking forward to it."
Loudly exhaling, Edison tried to figure out the best way to word her answer. "It's not that I'm not interested in dress shopping. It's's gonna be eighth grade graduation and sophomore year's winter formal all over again."

She scowled at the memory of those disheartening shopping trips. "We're not gonna find anything that looks good on me. And then I'll get frustrated and cranky, and then you'll get upset while my mom brings a never-ending flood of dresses for me to try on, each one more hideous than the last, and then we're not gonna have fun any more. And I know that if you want a good dress, you have to spend the time to look for it and try a bunch on. Mom reminds me of it EVERY. SINGLE. CHANCE she gets. But trying on a bunch of dresses that make me look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man isn't my idea of a fun way to spend the afternoon."

Heaving a dramatic sigh, Edison let a wry little grin creep onto her face. "Bbbuuuttt since you're looking forward to dress shopping, I'll brave the silk and taffeta monstrosities that are lurking in the formal wear departments of the mall stores and go with you. But only because you're my bestest friend in the whole world and I owe you one." She took a quick step towards Olexia, gently bumping into the other girl with her shoulder.

As they crossed the fire lane in front of the theater, Edison spotted Alex's wild waving as she motioned for them to join her. "Hey, there they are. And they're not too far from the box office. Awesome. C'mon 'Lex." Edison grabbed Olexia's hand and hauled her towards the Jackson twins.

"Hey," she called out in greeting as they slid into line next to Alex and Roman.

"Hi. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Had to wait for my mom to get off work so I could borrow the car."

Edison affectionately bounced off Olexia, sending the smaller girl ricocheting off of Roman. "Yeah, well, at least your parents trust you with their car. Not that I mind bumming rides off of you. In exchange for the ride, I've got your ticket today, 'Lex."

Digging around in her pocket, Edison pulled out some money to pay for her and Olexia's tickets and then handed it to Roman. As their group stepped up to the window, Edison finally asked the question that had been on her mind since Alex called and invited them. "Okay, so is it just me, or do any of you hate the female leads in these movies too?"


"Well, excuse me for being worried about my friends. Oh, there they are. Over here guys!"

Roman sighed as Alex did her best impersonation of a Navy signal man while waving at her friends. He contemplated the wisdom of agreeing to spend several hours with them. It wasn't that he disliked his sister's friends, but being around Edison was liable to leave one with several bruises. Plus, it was like she and Alex fed off each other, getting more and more rambunctious as time went on. He did like Olexia, though. She was the most reasonable of the three, and he liked talking to her.

As soon as the other girls joined them in line, Edison body-checked Olexia into him. He reached out to steady Olexia and flashed her an understanding smile. Roman made sure to keep Olexia between himself and Edison, which lasted until Edison thrust some money at him. Never one to turn down cash, he took it and added it to the twenty his mother had slipped into his pocket as they left the house.

The line shuffled forward, and it was finally their turn at the window. "Four for the double feature, please," he said, sliding their money towards the cashier. She printed out their tickets and handed him his change as Edison asked her question. Roman looked of his shoulder at her as he pulled out his wallet. "Wait a minute. You hate the girls in these movies, but you came anyway?" he asked, genuinely confused.

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:11 pm
by Arscapi†
Alex offered her friends a wide smile as they joined them in line and let out a small giggle as Edison ran Olexia into Roman. Of the two girls she enjoyed Edison's company more. Edison was usually willing to go along with whatever crazy stunt Alex had cooked up. Although to be fair Edison came up with her fair share. Olexia was much more likely to think things through, like her brother did, then they'd bring logic and reason in to destroy her plans.

"Wait a minute. You hate the girls in these movies, but you came anyway?" Roman asked, genuinely confused.

"Nobody likes the girls in these movies. You just ignore them and wait for the awesome lines and cute naked guys to show up," she said snatching the change from her brother's hand and disappeared into the theater to get in line for popcorn.

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:17 am
by DetectiveArcher†
Olexia kept her mouth shut, when Alex commented on the women in the movies. In fact, she felt a little ashamed. She liked those girls. They were all so pretty and they all had a knight to love and protect them. They were often trapped by physical or social barriers, but would always be rescued by their true love. Wasn't that good?

Although, Olexia didn't mind the idea of cute, naked guys, either. Following Alex into the cinema and to the line for the concession stand, Olexia took a deep breath. The scent of fresh popcorn rushed her. Hot, buttery, delicious popcorn. Pulling out her white leather wallet, she quickly found a wrinkled and torn ten dollar bill.

"Oh my God, is it just me or does theater popcorn taste better than the microwave stuff? And why is it so expensive? Jeez." Puffing her cheeks in irritation, she looked over the marquee. "I don't even have enough for a soda."

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:59 am
by BetaKnight
"Nobody likes the girls in these movies. You just ignore them and wait for the awesome lines and cute naked guys to show up," Alex had confidently proclaimed, and Edison nodded in agreement.

"Dude, I absolutely hate Buttercup," Edison loudly declared, drawing more than a few stare as she followed the group into the theater. "I mean, you can't exactly have the movie without her, but she's so whiney and useless and makes everything so much more complicated than it has to be."

She screwed up her face at the thought of the despised Buttercup and Shannyn Sossamon. "I really don't see what guys see in girls like that. I mean, they make life more difficult and cause you problems, not solve them. So, like, what gives?"

She looked at Roman expectantly since he was currently their lone sample for male insight, but he was quietly blissing out as they hit the line for the concession stand. Personally, Edison was not fond of movie theater popcorn. It was so greasy and salty and kinda gummy after they dumped a gallon of that artificial butter-substitute crap on it, even after you specifically told them not to. And if it touched your clothes, the stain never washed out. She contemplated getting a box of Sour Patch Kids, but then realized that she had pretty much cleaned out her wallet getting the tickets. Oh well, there's always next time.

Olexia said something about buying a soda, which was fine with her since she'd probably steal a few sips from it anyway. Since she wasn't getting anything herself, Edison began to peruse the posters for the coming attractions. Looks stupid, no way, imminent suck-fest, might be interesting, SO gonna go see that...

Without thinking, she reached out, grabbed Olexia's arm and squeezed. "Dude! Lookit! Midnight showing for Rocky Horror Picture Show next month! I've always wanted to do that whole interactive audience thing! We should go!" As she calmed down a bit, she realized that Olexia's arm was unusually hairy. She looked down at her hand, then up into Roman's pained face. "Oh. Sorry, man."

((Edison Rossivitch continued in Decisions, Decisions))


"Dude, I absolutely HATE Buttercup!"

Roman fought the urge to cringe at Edison's inability to use an inside voice, like a normal person. He flashed an awkward smile that the little old lady who glared at them as she herded a group of small children towards the restrooms. Once we get into the theater, she'll have to stop talking. Just a little bit longer. Just a little bit longer.

They finally got in line to get their snacks, and he inhaled the comforting, familiar scent of the fresh popcorn that was just out of his reach. As he watched the newly-popped popcorn come tumbling out of the pan with an almost zen-like intensity, Roman opted to ignore whatever question Edison had posed. Maybe if I ignore her, she'll get quiet. Or go bug Alex.

He noticed that Olexia had pulled out her wallet and took out a lone bill.

"Oh my God, is it just me or does theater popcorn taste better than the microwave stuff? And why is it so expensive? Jeez. I don't even have enough for a soda."

"I know. You'd think the butter substitute was made out of gold," he concurred as he checked out his own finances. The parent's money had gained them entrance to the movies, which left him with plenty of cash to purchase the perfect combination of movie snacks. An idea suddenly occurred to him.

Roman nervously licked his lips, his mouth suddenly feeling extremely dry. "Hey, if you're short money for a soda, how about we share? You get the popcorn and I'll get us the largest Coke they have?" Before she even had a chance to answer, he continued on. "If you're okay with that. And it's totally okay if you're not. I mean, we don't have to. But it kinda makes sense and...." He abruptly closed his mouth. "I'm gonna shut up now."

Without any warning, Edison reached out and grabbed his arm in a vice-like grip. He couldn't concentrate on what she was squealing about because SHE WAS RIPPING SOME OF THE HAIR OUT OF HIS ARM! He let out what he hoped was a small, barely audible whimper as she looked at her hand, then up at him.

"Oh. Sorry, man."

"Yeah, sure no problem," he ground out as she let him go. "Please go stand by my sister. Please?"

((Roman Jackson continued in Art for Art's Sake))

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:43 am
by ElTejon†
This post intentionally left blank.

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:05 am
by Arscapi†
Alex absently listened as her brother babbled at Olexia, she could step in and help him out, but was too focused on deciding whether she wanted licorice or Milk Duds. She finally decided on licorice then glanced down at the money she'd borrowed from her brother and frowned, she'd have to spend some of her own money if she wanted a drink.

"You get the popcorn and I'll get us the largest Coke they have?"

Wait a minute, did her brother just offer to share a drink with Olexia? She turned slightly and inspected the pair behind her. Was there something going on between the two of them? There couldn't be, was Roman actually going to try this whole dating thing again?

Before she even had a chance to answer, he continued on. "If you're okay with that. And it's totally okay if you're not. I mean, we don't have to. But it kinda makes sense and...." He abruptly closed his mouth. "I'm gonna shut up now."

Okay, maybe not. He really needs to learn to quit while he's ahead. Alex ordered and paid for her soda and licorice on autopilot trying to figure out a way to help her twin out without him telling her to butt out. Alex chewed on her lower lip as she pondered the question.

"Please go stand by my sister. Please?"

"Well maybe if you two weren't holding up the entire line, we could actually go see the movie," she said teasingly. She fiddled with the wrapper to her licorice and caught Edison's eye motioning her towards the usher. Then, shifting her drink into her other hand, she dug into her pocket and presented the ticket getting directions to the theater.

((Alex Jackson continued in Let's Do the Time Warp Again))

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:17 am
by DetectiveArcher†
Cocking her head, looking at the marquee of the concession stand, contemplating what to compromise on, Olexia tuned out her best friend's rant on the uselessness of movie heroines with practiced ease. Maybe, she wondered, I should just forget the whole thing. It's not like I really need to eat things like that, right?

She pulled a face as the thought struck her. If she weren't in public, she'd prod at the offending bit of fluff around her midsection. It was so unbecoming. She should never have let Ed talk her out of wearing the jacket. She allowed herself a small grumble of disapproval.

In her quiet, self-examination, she almost missed Roman coming to occupy the space next to her. "Hey," he wondered aloud, "if you're short money for a soda, how about we share? You get the popcorn and I'll get us the largest Coke they have?" Her cheeks tinging pink, Olexia gave the boy a quick look before going back to her wallet. She wanted to take him up on the offer, but a small voice from deep inside her demanded she take umbrage and turn the offer down. Nobody wants you to eat more, little piggy.

If Roman took notice of her shrinking away, he was rather nice about letting her know. "If you're okay with that. And it's totally okay if you're not," he began to recover. "I mean, we don't have to. But it kinda makes sense and...." He allowed himself to trail off, leaving a rather awkward silence. "I'm gonna shut up now."

She quickly shook her head. "No, that's fine. I mean...if you wanna share and stuff, that's good. I don't think I'd want to eat a whole bucket of the stuff myself, anyway." Laughing nervously, the blond girl tried to convince herself that Roman didn't mean anything insulting by his offer or retraction thereof. Ed always told her that she thought the worst of what other people thought about her.

"So, do you want the money, so we can make it one order, or-"

The query was cut short as a strong, sure hand clamped down on Roman's arm. Tracing the offending extremity back to her best friend as the excitable young woman exclaimed about the upcoming Rocky Horror Picture Show. Roman cringed at the sudden snatching of his arm. It took her a moment, but Edison quickly noticed her mistake and apologized.

To his credit, Roman kept a mostly neutral face as he murmured a slightly pained "Yeah, sure no problem." With a slightly pathetic look, he managed a plea for Ed to stand closer to Alex. Olexia frowned at the request, but allowed it to roll off her back. Taking the small gathering of bills from her wallet, she presented them to Roman. "Here, this should be enough for the popcorn, right?" She offered quietly.

((Olexia Kovacs continued in Decisions, Decisions))

Re: The Modern Classics

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:07 am
by BetaKnight
Out of respect to Jerred, this thread will be closed.