
You don't get away with everything

The school campus is very well maintained. The grass is always kept neat and short, and the hedges around the school are always kept trimmed. The sports fields are all in immaculate condition, and a nice quad area has been set up for the students outside, with tables, chairs, and a gazebo.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

((Montgomery abducted from Homework: Last Resort of the Bored))

Principal Kendrick took no nonsense from the student's at Bayview Secondary. He didn't have an all-seeing eye, but he tried to make damn sure that nobody ever got away with breaking the rules. A lot of the time, he was successful.

The young man standing in front of Kendrick was a repeat offender, and this most certainly had not been the first time he had found himself in the Principal's office. Montgomery Pondsworth was a name that Kendrick found himself hearing with depressing regularity. Then again, when you had an egg as bad as that one, it was little surprise that he hadn't mended his ways.

Kendrick decided that enough was enough: last second chance for Pondsworth. If he screwed up after this, he would be gone from Bayview - and good riddance. It was already a minor miracle that Pondsworth hadn't been expelled yet... if the boy had spent all of his school career under Kendrick, then he most certainly wouldn't have lasted this long.

He had found Pondsworth exiting the cafeteria, having already been informed of two incidents earlier in the day. Upon seeing Pondsworth, Kendrick immediately added a third stroke to his mental tally - something that was confirmed not long afterwards. Pondsworth had found himself taken all the way to the Principal's office under escort from the man himself.

"Monty, Monty, Monty... how many times is it we've had these chats now? Ten? Eleven? Even more than that? Somehow, I'm not quite sure how, it hasn't quite reached through your skull that you are going to be punished, time and time again."

Kendrick regarded the sullen student - fully six inches taller than himself, with a every-so-slightly malicious gleam in his eye.

"But you still haven't learned your lesson I see. First, you hit Yelizaveta Volkova across the face with what I understand to be very little provocation. You then proceeded to stub out a cigarette onto the neck of Victoria Logan. Somehow not content with that, you then decided to pick a fight with Christopher Carlson too. Monty, I have a simple question for you:

Did the idea arrive, at any point, that any of this might not have been such a good plan? Wait, don't answer that. If you had the ability to think before you acted, you clearly wouldn't be here already."

The Principal reminded himself to reign things in a little. It wouldn't do to enjoy this too much, despite the fact that he liked laying down the law. Pondsworth had had this coming for a long time, and Kendrick was determined to leave a lasting impression. He didn't want to expel anyone, but it was true that this student was treading on thin ice.

"You're suspended for three weeks, effective immediately. Get out of my sight."

((Actions have repercussions, and after Monty's little rampage, this is a very real consequence. The next three threads that Monty appears in must be outside of the school, to represent his suspension. More serious consequences may result if fighting inside the school continues)).
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Post by R-S-Lee† »

Monty Pondsworth continued in Nowhere to go)
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