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School's Out Forever, Part One

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:13 pm
by Dropbear†
((Ben Powell continued from Just Another Night))

Well. This is it. One more week.

The man brushed his brown hair out of his eyes and looked back at the main building of Bayview Secondary School, feeling the green blades of grass on his back, the sunshine on his face. A perfect day.

Ben was oddly calm. And why wouldn't he be? All of his exams were done (although he thought he screwed up Physics, not good at all), tomorrow was the trip, and in a week, valedictory day. He would move on to bigger and brighter things. Take his place in the world. After 13 years of study and fun, with the most inspiring and amazing twist and turns, friendships that could last a lifetime, it was finally all over.

School was out. Forever.

Sighing and giving a smile, he closed his eyes.

((Ben Powell continued in The Dance Must go on!))

Re: School's Out Forever, Part One

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:22 pm
by gambit508†
(Daniel Vaughan coming from some place I forget)

The familiar crunch of the gravel echoed as the redhead raced walked past the halls of learning that he had traversed several times within the last four years.

His grades were fine, like always, managing to get a high B average, thank to him almost acing his Advanced Biology final. He grinned as he thought about his upcoming life, he planned to go off to college at Indiana University, since they said that had a good biology field.

He hoped Jude wold be alright by himself though. Daniel lightly touched the scar that marred his freckle covered face and nodded in determination. Jude would be fine, he was almost a senior now anyway.

Lost in his thoughts, Daniel almost didn't noticed the boy sprawled out on the grass, lost in his thoughts apparently. Daniel recognized him as Ben Powell, one of the Australian students that populated the senior class. Daniel bent down as he grinned. "Sup dude, whatcha doing?"

((Daniel Vaughan continued in Let the Dance Begin!))