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Civil unrest

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 1:43 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
(Trevor Duncan continued from La ignorancia es atrevida)

Trevor Duncan hated America sometimes. Free speech came with complications, and one of those complications was marching around town today. Attempts to suppress the far right group's right to march had been unsuccessful and after threats of violence on both sides tensions were high. Trevor wiped sweat from his brow as he applied the finishing touches to the placard he'd spent the morning constructing in his garage. He gripped the thick wooden handle tightly and held the placard aloft. The words 'SAY NO TO HATE' were written in sharp block capitals. The black paint had dried and he was ready to go.

Trevor looked outside to see a steadily growing trickle of people heading to the site of the action, placards and megaphones at the ready to drown out the messages of hate. Trevor began clearing away the hammer and spare nails lying around the workbench, but hesitated. He gripped the hammer tightly in his hands and turned it over, examining it. There could be trouble today He thought grimly. Trevor swung the hammer a few times in the still air before sighing and returning it to the toolbox.

I can't be caught with this on me. It'd mean the end of any chance of...anything. If the shit hits the fan then don't get involved. Don't get yourself into any trouble with the police.

Trevor quickly checked he had everything he needed before manoeuvring the placard out into the street. He fell into step with the crowd and set off towards what was hopefully going to be a peaceful counter protest.

Yeah right, who am I kidding?

Re: Civil unrest

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:04 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
The chatter of voices filled the air around Trevor and he found himself absentmindedly catching snippets of conversation from his neighbours. He was glad there wasn't much wind to make holding the placard even harder, already he was regretting such a large sign. If he'd been any better at woodwork he would've sanded a grip into the handle so at least it would have been comfortable to hold.

The noise around Trevor increased as he got closer to the march. Trevor's heart began to beat a little faster and he felt a sensation just above his stomach that he normally felt when he was around a pretty girl. Like in Spanish with Ail- Trevor's thoughts were interrupted when some guy next to him decided to open up with his megaphone and begin a chant. Trevor flinched, his ears ringing.

Trevor decided to make steps away from Mr. Megaphone before his eardrums burst and headed to the side of the street. A small set of concrete steps led up to a red framed door. Trevor climbed the steps to get a better look at the crowd. There had been a good turnout, easily into the hundreds. Trevor couldn't see the march yet but he knew he was close. He could hear the chanting.

Trevor enthusiastically joined in as the counter protesters began chants of their own to drown out the sounds coming from the march. Between the bobbing heads of the people in front Trevor saw the march round a corner onto the street he was on. The protesters began to line up in a line. Trevor's eye's widened as realisation dawned. They're going to cut the street, stop the march.

Trevor's breathing quickened and he felt his mouth go dry. He took a moment to steel himself and gulped down a large lungful of air, and then another. Trevor felt alive as he stepped up to the line and took his place.

This is what it is to be part of something. We're going to make a difference here.

((Trevor Duncan continued in Enjoy the Movie))