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Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:44 pm
by Killer_Moth†
Quince stood in the lobby and waited. He didn't know quite what he was waiting for, but that didn't bother him too much. He was good at waiting. The game wouldn't start for an hour or so yet, but he had no reason to go grab a seat. All that would happen would be that he'd end up cold.

He vaguely hoped he'd run into somebody else along to watch the game, so that he didn't have to sit alone. It didn't bother him to do so, but he still preferred having somebody along with him. It gave him a reason to support a particular team. Normally, he didn't care who won, as long as the fighting was good.

He admitted that most of the skaters lacked form, but certainly made up for it with enthusiasm. The last time he was here, he'd been lucky enough to see one of them lose a tooth. The brutality of the game was about the only reason he came here.

He tried to think if he'd ever been that brutal. Sure, when he was boxing, there was always a certain level of violence that he perpetrated, but he never properly hated his opponent in the way that these guys seemed to. It was just a matter of go in, take them down, and get out, staying upright. On the rink, there seemed to be a much greater desire to hurt, that was echoed in the fans. He understood the bloodlust, the wish to see the hurt. He'd experienced it often enough watching. But to go out there and attack the other team with sticks, with fists, with anything they could get. He wondered just how much of it was an act for the audiences, but quickly decided that he didn't particularly care.

He was here to enjoy himself, to watch the match, and get his blood up. Maybe afterwards, he'd go down the gym, get some bag time in. Or maybe, someone would come along with a better offer. At any rate, he'd be happy enough if he didn't end up bored by it all.

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:23 am
by OverlordMikey†
Mikaela skipped into the lobby of the Steve Carlson Arena, unconcerned about the opinions of those foolish enough about such things. Those judgmental people where best ignored, best forgotten. Mikaela grinned from ear to ear, the satisfaction that she drew their attention was just the greatest feeling in the world.

Yes that's right, be aware of how totally awesome I am compared to you people. You who live you lives completely by the book society has written for you.
She chuckled at the thought of how awesome it would be to shout that out loud, but frankly even she knew some things where just a little to weird to say and do.

She then noticed a familiar face in the lobby.

Its my good friend Mr. Jones, Quincy Jones.

She laughed out loud, even though she knew that the joke was not all that funny. She then ran up to Quincy with a huge grin on her face and lightly slapped him on the back. She then sang in an off key voice and very loud voice.
"Hey Mr. Jones, ya waiting for the game? You know you've got an hour and waitin's quite a pain?"

She then peaked around to see if anyone noticed her, a few people did, which of course was a good thing. Mikaela loved the feeling of just doing whatever she wanted, she always just did what she was told at home or stayed out of the way. Doing what you want is great, why other people are so dead set on being bores was beyond her understanding.

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:55 am
by Killer_Moth†
Quincy felt a light slap on the back, and turned around to see Mikaela stood there, singing a greeting. Damn, but this girl was crazy. Fun, but crazy. He liked Mikaela. She normally had good ideas on how to spend time, and she hung with a good crowd.

This was good. Now there was somebody here, they would be able to figure out a plan for the rest of the night. That it was Mikaela meant the plan would be good. Plus, she was cute. He couldn't be bothered with a relationship on the whole, more effort than they're worth. Still, he wouldn't mind fooling around with her sometime.

'Hey there Mikaela. Nice rhymes. I don't rhyme so good. You here to watch the game? I was just chilling, waiting, seeing what was happening, who was here, Hoped somebody would come along. These things are always better with people.'

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:45 am
by OverlordMikey†
Mikaela kept the grin on her face and just shook her head yes to answer him.

"I certainly agree, my rhyme was brilliant, oh to have such talent is a curse. I was certainly considering it and now that I know I won't be alone I most certainly shall."

Now for the kicker Quince heheheheh
She grabbed Quincy's arm and put her head on his shoulder. Putting on an obviously fake pout.
"You are so right, it's boring to do things alone." She began rubbing her head gently against his shoulder well speaking in a seductive tone. "When your with a friend then every things way more awesome. Particularly when that friend is a cute boy, if you know what I mean."

She then let go of his arm and hopped back with a grin on her face.

"You know I'm messing with you of course cutie. Sorry if I got you excited." She let out a short but loud laugh.

Mikaela really had no interest in those kind of things. Relationships and Sex, everyone is interested in the later, well everyone except her. It always seemed odd, but she had never cared about sex, ever. It's just sometimes she couldn't help but mess with her male friends like Quincy. It's not that he was interested in a relationship with her, she could tell if he was, but she is an attractive girl so it's no doubt crossed his mind sometimes.

Nuaghty, naughty thoughts. What a bad bad boy you are! It's never gonna happen, no man or women shall ever have this body.

"Anyway why else would I come here? For the over priced snacks? Oh by the way do you have any plans for after the game?"

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:49 pm
by Killer_Moth†
He smiled as Mikaela started yammering about nothing. Just like her, always talking about something. That was fine. The more she talked, the less that he had to say. As long as he remembered to put the appropriate responses in, then he could get by without having to put too much effort into it.

Then she pulled the kicker. She grabbed his arm, threw it round her and started to nuzzle into his shoulder. She'd done this before, loads of times. It meant just as much now as it had done every time before. This was why he couldn't be bothered trying anything with the girl. Too many head games. She was trying her best to be seductive, and in other circumstances he might be turned on. As it was, he just felt embarrassed.

She disengaged, and laughed like she always did. "You know I'm messing with you of course cutie. Sorry if I got you excited." Quince shook his head, but threw her a quick smile. She was happier if she felt she'd had her joke. She'd never be interested in him anyway. There'd be loads of guys out there that'd be happy to go out with the girl, but she never seemed to talk about anything like that.

Quincy didn't spend too much time thinking about that, and she moved quickly onto the next subject. "Anyway why else would I come here? For the over priced snacks? Oh by the way do you have any plans for after the game?"

'Hey, those overpriced snacks really make this place. But yeah, my evening's open. You got an offer for me, I'm listening?'

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:40 am
by OverlordMikey†
'Hey, those overpriced snacks really make this place. But yeah, my evening's open. You got an offer for me, I'm listening?'

Mikaela just waved her right hand infront (or in her case her right sleeve) of her face. In her mind everything had to have involve movement, from a subtle wink to a hop backwards, after all it was fun that way. Also in her mind his reply just met whatever random things she decided she wanted to do next he would take part in.

"Well you see I wanted to go bowling, but then I realized it costs money to go bowling so I though, duh why spend money on such a thing with all the free crap I could do! So I thought I could just hang out at the mall but then it hit me like a ton of bricks!"

Mikaela knew she had been ranting, but building excitement was part of the fun. The reason for the building the excitement was in fact because she was literally trying to make up something off the top of her head since she just didn't want to go home alone, her mother and stepfather where always much nicer when company was around. Suddenly in a flash of inspiration it hit her. She hopped back an slammed into someone who yelled at her about something, but of course that met nothing to Mikaela.

"Let's karaoke! I got a machine and haven't gotten around to using it! I have such an amazing voice that it would be a shame to test it with no one around and of course as a rule you to must sing as well. Perhaps I can contact some other friends to jo...."

Before she could finish her rant music began to play. It was the English version of Evil Queen from Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure*. As peoples heads turned to look for the source of the strange music Mikaela checked to see who was calling.

Damn mom, what does she want?
A scowl crossed her face and her voice became harsh.
"I'm sorry Mr. Jones, if you would excuse me I must take this call, I will be right back."
She gave a wink and grinned even though she was clearly in a bad mood. She quickly rushed out of the door, apparently knocking into the same guy again on her way out as he shouted about her doing something again.

*An RPG with a small cult following made by Nippion Ichi Software (Although it was very popular in Japan and was NIS first RPG), the makers of Disgaea, Makai Kingdom, ect . It's known for being girly, funny, easy, and having really catchy music. How she got this song as a ring tone it a mystery, but it was a sure things to get heads turned.

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:22 pm
by Killer_Moth†
Karaoke? Oh, why not. Quince wasn't a great singer, and by no means did he want to participate, but hanging with Mikaela was a better deal than anything else that he was coming up with. Anyway, she could sing, and if he had to, then at least it wouldn't be with an audience.

He was just about to agree to the plan when she started jumping about in response to her phone. Despite her grin, he could tell that she wasn't happy about the call. Hope it isn't something serious. She called him Mr Jones again, something that she had to know annoyed him, and made a quick excuse. Obviously somebody she didn't want him to know about. Fair enough. He was quite happy with the need to know basis, and tried to not need to know as often as he could.

The Mr. Jones still stung. He would never be Mr. Jones unless he was in trouble. He didn't deserve the respect of being Mr. Jones. He would be Quincy, or Quince, or Jones, but never Mr. Jones. Still, he wouldn't let that get in the way of enjoying the evening. He stood and waited for Mikaelas call to be over and for her to return, as he idly contemplated the over-priced snacks.

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:54 pm
by OverlordMikey†
Mikaela stood against the wall outside staring at her mother name. She was nervous. On one hand it could just be her checking up on Mikaela like a good mother, on the other hand she could be in a bad mood and ready to take it out on her daughter.

Mikaela sighed then answered the phone, her mother's tired voice came through the other end,

"Oh hi mom do you need something?"
"I'm checking to see when you'll be home."
"Not quite sure, why?"
"Nothing. I'll let you go then."
"Alright then. Oh right I'm gonna have some company over later."
"Company, did you make a friend at school." Her mother voice was patronizing, Mikaela could feel a headache starting to form.
"No mom, I have friends at school, a lot of them. Please don't talk to me like that."
"So which friend is it?"
"Quince Jones, I don't think he's been over our house before when you where home so you may not have actually met him, but I do think I've mentioned him."
"Oh I see, I don't remember you mentioning him. You must be mistaken."

Mikaela head began to pound, her mother always just assumed that she is right and Mikaela is wrong regardless of the facts. Still there is no point in arguing as she would most likely grow old and die taking care of her mother. She did the only thing she could think of.

"Excuse me mom I have to go, my friend is calling me."

She hung up and rushed back inside the lobby. As she walked up to Quince she raised her right arm into the sky, waving, her signature grin on her face.
"Hey false alarm, so see any good snacks well I was gone or" She then gasped and with badly faked, over the top sadness said "maybe you found some cute girl and are about to tell me it's over between us."
She then sighed, her arms fell flat, and she just stared into his eyes, however her grin remained. "Well that jokes over, I went and killed it off, yep never gonna hear that one again." Of course this was a lie, Mikaela would bring it up again, maybe not today, but when she felt it was time. "Anyway any good snacks?"

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:04 pm
by Killer_Moth†
Jones felt relief as he saw Mikaela walking back over to him. Then he wondered why he felt that. Was he worried she was going to ditch him? Nah, she wouldn't do that, not without good reason. Would she? He doubted it. For all of her wackiness, her constant bouncing about, she was fairly solid.

There she goes again, breaking out the fake sadness over our 'break up'. Yeah, just cause I'm over Sarah doesn't mean I like to be reminded of it. Hang on, the joke's over? No more trying to turn me on with that cute pout? I'm Free!!!!!!

Quincy knew that this wasn't the end of it, that as soon as she found it amusing again, Mikaela would start with the gentle teasing all over again. But not today, and for now that was good enough.

'Oh, er. The snacks, yeah. I dunno, I was thinking hotdog, but I'm not sure how much actual meaty goodness you get in one of those. Coach wants me to stay away from anything too fatty, keep my muscle up. Is popcorn good? Do they even do popcorn here?'

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:43 am
by OverlordMikey†
Hotdogs or popcorn.

Mikaela closed her eyes and put her hands to her head. She didn't have to, but these little quirks are what make her interesting, what make her worth spending time with, at least that was her belief.

"I will use my great deduction skills to figure out which snacks should purchased."

Popcorn would be nice. I like hot dogs, but sometimes I get sick from eating them. How much meaty goodness is in a hotdog? That depends on the kind right. Places like this might have good hotdogs, but they would be way beyond expensive. On the other hand if the hotdogs are just normal overpriced then there is a chance that they are cheap ones.

Mikaela opened her eyes and put he hands on her hips. Her faced became dead serious and she spoke in a way that made it sound like it was a life or death situation.

"Popcorn, you don't wanna risk the hotdogs! Some hotdogs taste bad and are terrible for you! I think they have popcorn here so we must get that!"

She gave him a thumbs up and winked. She put her hands on her hips again and grinned.

"Another day saved by my amazing perception! Although personally I think I'll skip the snack and just get a drink."

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:30 pm
by Killer_Moth†
"Okay, popcorn it is. Erm, do I want, sweet, salted or buttered?"

He looked down at Mikaela, knowing that as always when other people were around, his brain was slowly switching itself off, and he was just there for whatever ride he would end up on. Usually with Mikaela, it was an interesting one, one that made it worth spending time with her. She would joke, she would be impulsive, and she didn't make his head hurt. Most importantly though, she was happy to take charge.

Quince had tried taking charge when he was younger a few times with friends. He was laughed at. His ideas called stupid. He was useless, just like his old man. Just like his older brother. After a while, he agreed with them. His ideas weren't as exciting as the other kids. When he let others take charge, or when he was just watching, he always had more fun. He could still make a contribution. He could always come up with a lame joke, or could do the heavy lifting.

Mikaela wasn't like that though. She seemed to like spending time with him, but he couldn't see why. Maybe it was just because he let her have free rein to be who she was, just as she allowed him the same.

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:25 am
by Candescence†
((Rudy Leyton arriving from Music of the Spheres))

One bus from the school. It took long enough.

Rudy was one corridor away from the lobby. Why was he here? He liked hockey, of course. He didn't play the game, but he liked the sport, and loved seeing the players getting the shit kicked out of each other. It was all in the game. As for the stadium itself... Ah, yes. He once pulled off an absolutely epic prank - somehow, he managed to convince a few others to help him sneak inside, and graffiti the stands and the rink itself, right before a major game. This was one of the few times he didn't need to sell anyone out, it was so well-planned that everyone got away scot-free and were laughing their asses off about it in secret the next day.

Less than an hour till the game started... How the heck could he pass that time? A glimmer shone out from a bin he passed by-

Wait, a glimmer?

Rudy took a step back, looking in the bin, expecting nothing special. There was the usual crap inside, but there was also a seemingly untouched item that was the source of the shine. It was a revolver. To be more accurate, a fake Single Action Army. At a mere glance, anyone could tell it wasn't a real weapon. But all the same, it looked particularlly valuable. Who the hell in their right mind would throw away something like this?

Oh, well. Finders keepers.

He snatched up the fake revolver, admiring the engravings. The sheer detail was impressive. He liked the feel of the grip, it felt like a weapon, but it really wasn't. That feeling of deception melded perfectly with him. Hmm... How about spinning it? Surely spinning a gun couldn't be that hard?

Apparently it was that hard. The gun slipped from his finger as he tried to do it. He kept trying as he walked along the corridor. Somehow, he managed to pull it off just as he got to the door. He grinned, trying to juggle it off and onto the other hand... Nope, screwed that up too. Oh, well.

He went through, continuing to spin it, and the first thing he saw? Quincy and Mikaela. Oh, lord, this was going to be sweet. Quincy was strong, he was a boxer. But Rudy knew from experience that he was manipulable. Someone to be played like a fifty cent kazoo. Mikaela was the sort of person who thought she was the boss, or at least gave that impression. That sort of person was just as easy to play - suck up and play the inferior, and they just fall right into your hands.

He spun his fake revolver, remarking, "Mr. Jones, Miss McNinch... Surprised to see me?"

He burst into laughter, walking over to them. "Seriously though, what's up, Quince, Mika? Waiting for the game? Look what I just found in a trash can - a fake revolver. Who would throw this away? It's a god-damned Single Action Army, the finest handgun in the world. Then again, what would I know about guns? I'm so keeping this."

Rudy slipped the fake revolver into his pocket, with it slightly sticking out. At least he had someone to talk to. "Just before I came here, I was in the Drama Room, rehersing a play called 'Cosi', it's an Aussie play, long story... Then comes Asher Kerrington, we have a bit of a chat, then Tom Guthrie comes along and we're suddenly singing 'Everybody Ought To Have a Maid.' It's was incredible fun, you had to be there. So, what's up?"

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:57 pm
by OverlordMikey†
"I say go with salted. Sweet make you feel like your eating well sweets and butter gets your hands messy then you want to wash them, but you can't because you'd miss part of the game! You sit there unable to stand the feeling of greasy butter on your hands and you... "

Mikaela was dead serious about what she had just said. It was from her personal experience that she was speaking, however she had begun to speak incoherently. She wasn't even really talking, she was just staring at her hand intently.

Mikaela then heard a voice, it was Rudy Leyton and she was indeed shocked, but not at what he said, but by the gun in his hand.

It's not safe to spin a gun around like that, doesn't he know anything about gun safety. Oh wait I think it's fake.

"Hey Rudy."

She just stared at the fake revolver as Ruby described how he had found it to her. Her step-father owned guns, mostly Shotguns though. He hunts, but he never offered to take Mikaela with him, just another bit of proof that he is incarnation of the evil step-parent stereotype.

The fake revolver was still visible as Ruby put it in his pocket.

"We're going to see the game, wait did you say Everybody Ought to have a Maid. I think know some of that, I heard it once. I have no idea where though."

A grin spread across her face, then she opened her mouth to sing. The sound that followed was like a sledgehammer to the head, it was beyond mere tone-deaf, it was something much worse. If you wanted to described Mikaela singing in a positive you could say she's spirited and "shows" emotion, oh she was loud. Mikaela's voice was off key, scratchy, and used more emotion then most people would show when their pet died,on their wedding day,and a loved ones funeral combined. One could take it as her trying to hard, but regardless Mikaela was a horrid singer, although telling this to her would only cause trouble.

"Everybody ought to have a maid,
Everybody ought to have a working girl,
Everybody ought to have a... "

And then as if by some divine intervention Mikaela began to cough and the song was over.

"Damn I was thrown off, oh well maybe some other time. I couldn't remember all the lyrics anyway. So are you here to see the game to or just here for the overpriced snacks." Mikaela laughed at what she perceived as a joke, although honestly the snacks are overpriced.

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:00 am
by Killer_Moth†
Quince relaxed slightly. As bouncy as Mikaela could be, she was good at making decisions. So, salty popcorn it was. Now where was that seller?

He scanned the room and saw Rudy coming towards them. Was he holding a gun? Nah, a quick glance, and anyone could see it was a fake, a bad replica. He thought he used to have one like it when he was a child. Mr. Jones, Miss McNinch... Surprised to see me?

Jones, bristling slightly at the Mr Jones again (did nobody use first names in these parts. These were his friends), had to admit he was a bit surprised. He hadn't seen Rudy at the games before, didn't really consider him a hockey type. Nah, he was more of a prankster, somebody who liked to be the bad boy, but in secret. Never let anybody who mattered in on the joke.

Quince was in on the joke, and had helped out on a few pranks. Nothing major, but he'd gotten in trouble, while Layton had gotten away with it. Still, he wasn't going to rat him out, he'd gone in with his eyes wide open. You don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Wait, Rudy was still speaking. Singing in the Drama room, a song about a maid. Was he meant to know the song? Damn, was it new, or one of those faggy musicals that those drama kids were always doing on. Why was there no real music, something heavy, with a bit of Drum n Bass.

Damn, even Mikaela knows the damn song. Am I missing something here? Nah, I really don't know it, even if that's the right tune. He shook his head at the singing, and at Mikaela continuing about the over-priced snacks. Wait, does she want me to pay for her snacks. I've maybe got enough money. Maybe I can borrow a bit from Rudy, pay him back somehow later. Some of the guys at the gym, he knew, were making book on the fights down there, and Quince could always bet on himself, which helped 'cause he was usually a sure thing.

'I'm not doing too much just now, Rudy. Hanging here, waiting for the game. Mikaela's gonna set up some karaoke afterwards. Thinking about gettin' some popcorn, but now I don't know if I'm hungry, or if I'm gonna be hungry in an hour, or what. What I could really go for is a beer, but they ID here.

'So, yeah, what's the deal with the kiddie gun? You just taking trash, or you got somethin' going on you need a piece, cause if you do, that bit o' plastic ain't gonna cut it.'

Re: Waiting for Inspiration

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:24 am
by Candescence†
Rudy chukled, but inside, he cringed. Dear God. Mikaela was awful at this singing thing. Simon Cowell's jaw would drop if he heard this sort of horrific singing. Rudy had spent several minutes in the drama room before singing in a trio, and it was fun and wonderful. Now he had to endure this dreadful... Wait, it just ended. Thank God.

Then she changed the subject, asking Rudy if he came for the game or the overpriced snacks. Rudy smirked, as he replied, "I came for the game. Hey, I enjoy hockey, especially when it gets nasty. I must have a bit of Roman blood in me," he joked, chuckling. The Romans enjoyed blood sports, and they were arguably the worst of any civilization in history, purely because they killed people for sport. Everyone else had a excuse, as naive and misguided as they were, but the Romans...

Wait a minute. That just raised a rather interesting question. Rudy asked, straight out of the blue, "Speaking of which... If americans enjoy Survival of the Fittest, does that make them no better than the ancient Romans, who enjoyed live and professional murder of humans and animals alike purely for entertainment?"

Wait, now Quince was talking. He was asking about the gun. Rudy pulled out the fake revolver once more, smirking. "It's a one-time thing, I simply noticed it in the trash, and even if it's fake, it doesn't look like a tacky plastic thing, look at it! Some modifications, and you could make it look like a replica of the real thing. I wouldn't have a use for a real firearm anyway.

He spun it in his hand, before sliding it back in his pocket. "Maybe it would be cooler if I wore a berret... Or a longcoat, duster and spurs? Oh, well. Remind me, how long till the game starts?"