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The Tenth Announcement

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:19 pm
by Namira
The appropriate calls had been made. The appropriate individuals spoken to.

Some of the conversations had been, to understate it, a little more difficult than the others.

Telling the wife of one of your oldest friends that her husband wasn't going to be coming home... that was difficult.

At the very least, this painfully long game was going to be over soon. Not long left now.

Then? Once it had finished?

Well, then it would be up to Greynolds to pick up the pieces. Analyse things to try and see where it all went wrong.

But right now, the whole project tasted like bitter ashes.

These wounds would take a long time to heal.

Greynolds sighed, rubbing at his temples.

Time to continue.

He keyed the PA system.


(Credit Toben)

"Greynolds here, again. It's time for roll call.

"First to die was George Leidman, whose neck was snapped by Maxwell Lombardi. Next off, Josie Vernon shot Morgan Leftowitz full of holes.

"Kris Hartmann continued her explosive kick by blasting Sunil Savarkar to pieces, along with a good portion of the dock. Kitty Gittschall shot a hole in Autumn O'Leary's head, then waltzed away. Showing that it's never too late to randomly murder a second person, Ema Ryan killed Ma'afu Tuigamala and then butchered his corpse.

"Maxwell Lombardi killed... wait, no, Maxwell Lombardi was killed by Raidon Naoko, who did a pretty good job of it. The eventual cause of death was the fall from the cliff, though I'd be remiss not to mention that it wasn't that simple. Following the pushing trend, Ericka Bradley shoved Thea Kairos into the tunnels. Not quite a kill, but still a death.

"Kitty Gittschall was torn to pieces by Garry Villette. Then, Alice Boucher was shot in the chest by Julian Avery, who died himself shortly thereafter, from wounds sustained in his earlier tangle with Lombardi. Then, Aston Bennet shot Quincy Jones in the head. And a couple of other places too. Finally, Robert Barron hit upon the genius idea of fucking with his collar, so it fucked with him. Better."

"Since there are less than fifty of you left, it seems a good time to rein things in a little. For the rest of the game, you should stay out of both sides of the Felled Forest, the Northern Cliffs, the Key, the Greens, and the Warehouse.

"Also, the Hall of Mirrors is off limits until tomorrow. Mr. Villette has a prize to pick up there.

"As always, I've got things covered. We'll speak again tomorrow."


Congrats to Greg and Ciel, for the deaths of Morgan Leftowitz and Kitty Gittschall respectively.

Here are some rolls. You're welcome.

#1 Garry Villette (Renard)
#2 Neill Robertson (Fairy)
#3 Jessica Pentangeli (Ciel)
#4 Jason Harris (Julian) - Rhory Anne Broderick (karsk, Hero Card used)
#5 Janet Binachi (Dete)
#6 Joe Rios (Sean)
#7 Kris Hartmann (Namira)
#8 Nathan Choultard (Greg)

Usual deadlines apply. Three for cards and DZs, seven further for completion of the death.