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"This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:54 pm
by nowave†
(B123 - Alexander Campbell start)

Alex woke with a start and placed a hand against his forehead, wincing slightly. His head ached from the multiple gassings. At least the bed was comfortable. For a second, he thought he was in one of the cabins, forgetting the speech. He shut his eyes for a second. Then they flashed open again and he brought his hand up to his throat, feeling the collar.

He rose from the bed. He was in a once opulent bedroom. The house was deathly quiet.

"Oh, this is some bullshit right here." he muttered to himself.

He remembered sitting in the chair, watching the little presentation. He looked down at his hands. There were scratches from balling his hands into fists as he'd listened.

This was bullshit.

This would not stand.

Survival of the fittest. It was real then. That was the answer.

He stood up slowly, patting himself down. They'd taken things from him, his keys, a spare lighter. Anything he could possibly use as a weapon other than what they'd given him.

He walked to the duffle bag and emptied it out on the bed. He looked through the objects, till he found his "weapon".

He picked up the small black device. It looked about the size of a phone. He flipped it on. It was a gps locator, showing him his location on the island, along with various other dots. The further he zoomed out, the more he realised the scale of what was being done. There were so many people here.

He sat down on the bed and rubbed his aching head.

He opened the extra dufflebag. His first instinct was to laugh. When they'd left on the camping trip, Alex had taken a risk, bringing a packet of cigarettes. He knew getting caught with them was a risk, but no way would he spend three days on a campsight without a fag.

He couldn't help it, he let out a little chuckle. 40 cigarettes and no lighter. He pushed them into his pockets and looked up to the corner of the room seeing a camera.

He walked over and looked up into it. "I know what you're thinking. You're trying to convince yourself it isn't real. That we're all actors. We're not. My name is Alexander Campbell. I'm from Bayview Secondary School. It's in St Paul, Minnesota. Look us up. Find us. Help us." he said. "And Danya, if you're watching? I'm going to fucking have you, you miserable fucking cunt." he said. He turned back to the two packs and picked the up. Looking down he checked the gps monitor. Zooming it in on his location, what appeared to be a mansion. There was someone else here, near the western wing while he himself was in the eastern wing.

The thought of playing never crossed his mind. But the thought of others doing so he knew was inevitable. He stepped out into the hallway and began to make his way towards the western wing slowly.

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:27 pm
by gambit508†
(B015-Jonathan Jarocki Start)

Jonathan shook his head as he slowly woke up. His back ached and he felt like he had been sleeping against a wall. As the teen got a better view of his surroundings, he realized that he had in fact been sleeping against a wall. A wall that was connected to a pretty damn fancy house. Jon looked up and whistled before he realized something. The cabin weren't this nice.

Jon tried to think back, faint memories of earlier flashed through his mind. Chase breaking up with him, him giving her her birthday present, sitting on the bus, glancing out the window. Then nothing, nothing except for.

"FUCK!" Jon yelled as he felt his neck, collared by a metallic band. He looked around him, his small black bag was on his right, Jon searched through it. His extra clothes were still there, as well as the ham and cheese sandwich. Opening the side pockets, he saw that the two Mountain Dews and the three packets of M&Ms were there as well. It was almost as if nothing had been taken from him.

On a whim, Jon felt his jacket pocket, empty. His lighters were gone, figured, no one wanted him to have too much of an advantage. Jon swallowed. Yeah, he thought most of his classmates were idiots who couldn't figure out how to survive in the world if they were given an instruction guide. Yes, he was obsessed with death and liked reading about the subject. However, he didn't want to kill anyone, that was like crossing the proverbial line.

Jon turned to the second bag, a large duffel. He opened it as he went through it, some bread, water bottles, two cracker tins, map, compass, a first-aid kit, a flashlight and...Jon paused as he lifted it out of the pack. An instruction packet was with it which Jon put in his pocket as he looked at it. The packet said it was Steyr TMP, a machine pistol of some sort. Jon glanced back at, his duffel bag as he saw 4 clips were in there as well. Checking the packet, he loaded his gun and set it up. He had watched this show before and he knew that people would want to get rid of him. It was simple fact of life, people looked out for themselves. Rising from the ground, Jon noticed a figure coming from one of the rooms, pointing his gun at him, Jon shouted.

"Oi! What do you want?"

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:06 pm
by nowave†
Alex had followed the gps to the other boy's location. Trying to get a look at his face. Then, the gun was suddenly trained on him. Alex held up his hands, holding up the gps, showing he was unarmed. His faith in people was not yet so dented as to assume the boy would fire on him.

"Oi! What do you want?"

"If he was going to kill you, he'd have shot you on first sight" he thought to himself.

"A light would be nice. These bastards left me with all my cigarettes and no fire." he called back.

He slowly walked forwards, keeping his hands raised.

"I'm not playing. If you were you'd have shot me by now." he said.

He stepped out of the house.

"And if I were, I'd never have left cover." he said.

Gently he lowered his arms.

"Every problem has a simple elegant conclusion, if you think about it. The only thing that ever goes wrong is people. People get scared and panicked and worried." he said, trying to talk in as calm a voice as possible. He did his best to not look at the gun and instead look into the other boys eyes. "There's a way off this island. I haven't figured it out yet but there has to be." he said. "It's just a matter of not killing each other long enough to find it." he said.

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:30 pm
by gambit508†
Jon continued to train the gun as the boy entered the light and Jon recognized him, Alex Cambell. He hadn't talked to him before, but he was better than some of the other choices.

"A light would be nice. These bastards left me with all my cigarettes and no fire."

Jon paused as the boy continued to talk as he walked out of the house through a large hole in the house that Jon hadn't noticed before. The boy pointed out that if he was playing, he wouldn't of left cover and if Jon was playing, he would of shot Alex already. Jon chuckled as he lowered the gun as Alex finished.

""Every problem has a simple elegant conclusion, if you think about it. The only thing that ever goes wrong is people. People get scared and panicked and worried, There's a way off this island. I haven't figured it out yet but there has to be. It's just a matter of not killing each other long enough to find it"

Jon nodded. "You have a point, though I still don't trust you." Jon paused as he tossed his food into the duffel bag the Survival of the Fittest gave him, leaving his clothes behind, he wouldn't be around long enough for it to matter. He picked up the bag as he placed the strap on his shoulder, walking outside as he looked at Alex.

"So whatcha get?"

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:53 pm
by nowave†
Alex breathed a sigh of relief as the gun was lowered.

"You have a point, though I still don't trust you."

"You trust me enough not to shoot me, that's enough for now." he said.

"So whatcha get?"

Alex held up the gps reciever. "Know what it is?" he said. "I think it's linked to the collars. Shows me where everyone is." It showed the island, covered in little yellow dots, each one representing a player. As they watched, Remi Pierce breathed his last as he tried to open his collar. One of the dots blinked out.

Alex kept one eye on it at all times as he sat back against the cold stone wall, looking up at the sky. How had this happened? How was this even possible?

He looked at Jon.

"It's Jonathon, right?" he said. "I've seen you around school."

He rubbed his eyes slightly. His skin felt to tight for his body, the nicotine withdrawal getting to him more and more as he became more and more awake.

"Well Jonathon," he started. "The way I see it is this. This game works by isolating us. It makes us think we're alone. Because we're alone, we get scared. Because we get scared, we kill each other. There in lies the entertainment value." he said. "But it's a lie. We're as alone as we make ourselves." he said.

He looked up at Jonathon. "So you've got to make a judgement call. You can sit down and hear what I've got to say, or you can head out that gate." he said.

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:04 pm
by gambit508†
Jon stopped as the boy lifted up what seemed to be a map of the island with several dots, one of which bleeped out in front of his eyes. "Damn" Jon whistled as Alex fell to the ground. Jon didn't blame them, it had only been a few minutes and one of them were gone. 274 to go, Jon thought before shaking his head.

"That's messed up, someone is out there killing already"

Jon thought about what Alex said, as he sat down next to him. "Well Alex, despite what some people may thing, I don't want to kill anyone, though if you try to kill me I may defend myself, just pointing that...." Jon paused as he looked at the kid. He seemed off a bit. "You okay man?" Jon asked as he set his pack down, "I got some food if you're hungry"

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:24 pm
by nowave†
"You okay man? I got some food if you're hungry"

Alex sighed and rubbed his eyes more. His everything ached. "I'm fine. It's nicotine withdrawal. They took my lighters. I'm fucking gasping for a fag."

He shook his head, trying to clear it.

"When I was ten years old, a junkie stabbed my dad." he said. He pointed to the one unpatched hole on the side of his jacket. "Right here. He bled to death before my eyes and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I am not killing anybody."

He sighed and thought about their options, looking over the map. It only zoomed out so far. They were on an island. That was all he knew.

"Although I might make an exception for Danya." he smirked, looking up at one of the cameras.

"Alright now. Brains in gear. What haven't we got. We're on an island. We don't know where the island is. We don't know how far we've travelled, and we don't even know how many days it took us to get here. What we do have is a link back home..." he said, one finger pointing at a camera. "...but we don't have any message to send other than help us." he said.

"Meanwhile, we've got 274 terrified kids, many of them armed, at least some of whom are going to decide to play this game." he said.

He rubbed his temples with his fingers, trying to think through the haze of withdrawal.

"I've got a gps. You've got a gun. We've got a wee bit of food between us. First aid kits. So on and so forth." he said. "Anything else you can think of?"

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:45 pm
by gambit508†
Jon nodded, understanding. "Well man, maybe we could find something to light up with on this island" he joked as Alex grew solemn, relaying a story about his dad's death. Jon shook his head, he didn't really care but that sucked, he stood up as he looked at the camera Alex had pointed out, lifting the gun Jon almost took it out when he stopped. Right, mess with the camera, you get fucked in the ass Danya style.

"Right, we have flashlights, maps and compasses and I got some book telling me how to shoot this thing" Jon said, keeping his fingers away from the trigger until he needed to. "We managed to luck out on the weapon shill, I've watched this show before, people getting some really craptastic weapons. " Jon sighed, "Look man, if we're going through with this escape deal, we can't spend our time talking about it, sooner or later this place is going to be made off-limits. Thus we better get moving and probably find some more people. There are some people on this island that I would prefer to see make it off, I'm sure the same holds for you"

Jon started to walk as he turned back to Alex. "So, Alex. You coming?"

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:03 pm
by nowave†
Alex looked down at the gps device. Surrounding the mansion was a large expanse of grass. Someone was there, he could see the little yellow dot blinking. "Hey, wait a second." he said, standing up himself.

He brought the device over and tapped it, showing that there was someone there, beginning to move away. "If we hurry we can catch up. If they're friendly, they can help." he said. He slung his own bag over his shoulder and for a second he wished for his guitar. There was no time for that now.

"Come on." he said, walking towards the gate, trying to move swiftly. "We can do this. I know we can beat this bastard." he said.

He wished for his guitar. He wished for his lighter. He wished for a warm bed and a powerful joint and a pear cider and some music. How does this happen. You wake up one morning and you're a kid, a nobody, some punk stoner that the classier people would look down on. The next you're on an island and suddenly everything you were taught about right and wrong is in question.


Nothing was in question here.

Murder was not the way. Murder was never the way.

Alex headed through the gates and towards the signal on the reciever.

(Alexander Campbell continues in White Knight Nightmare)

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:14 pm
by gambit508†
Jon nodded as Alex started to get up and pointed out someone was close by. Jon started moving toward the dot as he shifted the bag on his left shoulder to help his weight. He clenched the gun in his hand, as he followed the stoner.

"We're going to beat this, and then Danya, you're going down. You're just human after we're see you soon." Jon said to the camera he passed before pausing and bring his face close to it. "and if you hurt Chase, I will make sure you suffer slowly, I will go fucking Jigsaw on your ass" Jon knew he and Chase weren't together, but he still cared about her and he need to keep hold of that care, he need something to link him to sanity, otherwise he might lose it.

The cynic walked through the gates, his message echoing in his mind

(Jonathan continued in White Knight Nightmare)

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:04 am
by chitoryu12†
((Christopher Carlson continued from D-Day))

After picking his way through a small forest, Chris came upon one of the biggest houses he had ever stood outside of. What had once been a majestic structure, however, was now overgrown with weeds and moss. It was about three stories -- not including the roof -- with two separate wings. It was as wide as six of his houses side by side, painted a nice cream with a dark blue roof that had a large chunk taken out of it, as if some giant had decided it looked like a nice snack.

Chris stopped and shrugged the bag off his shoulders into a patch of weeds, sitting down and digging his map out of his pack. Apparently, the mansion and beach were in the far southeast corner of the island. Looking off in the distance, he could just make out the peak of a mountain over the trees.

He looked back at the paper. Apparently there was a town far to the north. He guessed that he could find some shelter there, and also maybe he could find one of his friends there. If he was lucky, he could get a gun off of somebody. Unfortunately, he may have to fight someone for it.

Was he really ready to do that? Chris was an excellent fighter, simply because he was willing to do anything to win a fight. Gouging eyes, twisting balls, biting, pulling ears. If it meant that he got out with as little damage as possible, he did it. But he needed to be REALLY pissed at someone to do that. If someone he knew and liked suddenly came at him, would he be able to bring himself to break their fingers, or stab them in the heart?

He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and took a swig from a water bottle. It was warm and a bit salty, but tasted like heaven to his parched throat. He put the cap back on and tossed it in his pack, then slung it back on his shoulder and began creeping up to the front door of the mansion. His duffel bag was hanging off his shoulder loosely, so he could quickly drop it if he needed to.

It was quiet. Eerily quiet. He figured that the mansion was so big that he couldn't hear all the way to the other side, unlike his little ranch house. But he almost knew that someone would be hiding in here.

With that, he slowly pushed the door open and slid in.

Re: "This one time, I had to use a lamp as a pillow"

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:09 am
by SOTF_Help
This thread is actually closed, it just was not locked for some reason. All the characters have left. You should probably move your reply to the current mansion thread.