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Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:29 am
by decoy73
((Kat Tolstoff continued from Rebel Diamonds))

Kat was unpleasantly surprised, to say the least. The announcements had come up a few minutes before, and Miles somehow had not died. On top of that, Becca, Naomi, and Stacey were dead, Naomi by Summer's hand, and Stacey by some Yuki girl. Both Miranda and Mara were on the kill list, although given what she had done, it would be hypocritical to call them out on that. And that was on top of whomever had died on the first day, of whom she had never found out.

Either way, she was here at what looked like a small runway with some planes on it. She shook her head and sat down by the small door. So now Miles and maybe Stacy had lost it, and she was likely next. She hadn't even seen Edgar around anywhere, and she knew he had gone on the trip. If things kept going like this, she was fucked sooner rather than later.

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:29 am
by KamiKaze
((Miranda Millers continued from I Want To Get Off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride!))

It wasn't just getting surreal anymore. It was reaching the point where Miranda wondered if the blow to the head Baxter gave her had dislodged something. Homesteads, amusement parks, and now? Airfield. It only provided more evidence to her theory that the terrorists were sick fucks who liked taunting them. Here, let's remind you of how you got here to begin with, and provide naive hope that you'll get out! What a treat. But apparently it wasn't the hallucination caused by head trauma; she had looked at her map again a few minutes ago and thought that having it be on the map seemed a little complex for that. She had walked a fair ways away from the amusement park, she had realized.

Her head was still killing her right now. Though, Miranda thought she was going to be okay despite that. A little exhausted, a little nauseous, but there were other factors in that. The bruise still proudly showed itself on her face though, like some sort of badge from battle. Her shoulder ached a little bit as well.

But she was fine. Just needed to rest.

It was good to stop here.

Miranda ducked through the large rusted metal entrance. It was surprising cool in a way here. Sure, there was a bit of warmness still there. But it was a bit cooler than the inside. There wasn't much light in it, though. Miranda squinted her eyes. It was still pretty light out, but what light streamed in wasn't enough. There was a bit of stuffiness in the hangar, as well. And insects swarmed the inside, for their own shelter.

Though, something seemed familiar here, and Miranda wasn't sure what it was at first. But as she looked around her, she realized what it was.

A smell she remembered from not too long ago in the day had come back.

Miranda's eyes quickly found the source. A girl was lying face down on the ground, motionless. Like Mark, flies had started to gather around her, though in a greater number. This entire time, Miranda had been sharing the same shelter as a recently killed corpse.

She didn't care to figure out who exactly it was. In fact, she wasn't going to stick around for that much longer.

Miranda pulled herself to the other side of the hangar, trying to get away from it as much as possible. There was something disturbing about a corpse in a dark place. Sure, it was far from the first she had seen, but the circumstances were somehow worse in the dark.

What appeared to be a smaller door for an emergency exit loomed in front of her. Miranda's feet dragged themselves to it.

The hangar didn't seem to be a good place to hide out for the time being. Unless she would drag the body out or use her flashlight. But she wanted something... cozier. A plane's cockpit? Perhaps. Either way, she was going to head out, at least for a while.

Besides, even without the corpse something freaked her out a bit about the hangar. There was something depressing about it. This whole place was essentially a graveyard for planes.

Miranda reached for the door's handle, and. clutching Kyoko tightly with her other hand, she started to pull on the handle. It was somewhat rusted and her hand was somewhat unsteady, causing her to fumble with the knob a bit.

On the other side of the door, if one was standing near it they could hear small noises coming from someone trying to open it on the other side.

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:29 am
by Ruggahissy
"Maybe you should knock."

((Mara Montalvo continued from Walk the streets so mean))

Mara stood behind Miranda watching her try to open the door, not making her presence known until this moment. She'd walked for a bit after leaving Finn, not sure exactly where it was she'd left her bag, but she knew that if she saw the place she'd remember. She was woken up early by the announcements again. They said she was a killer, but she knew what happened and that was enough for her. There was a weird feeling for being acknowledged for a kill like that. She almost felt sort of proud. And everyone that heard knew she was strong now.

However, Summer killed Naomi. This was not good. Not good at all. It was the first death that made Mara unhappy. There was a sense of loss, like something that one was there was gone now, but it didn't feel real. She just saw Naomi on the plane. What had happened? She knew Naomi could be an undercover bitch. That was the only difference, Naomi was a secret bitch and Mara wasn't. Maybe she tried to attack Summer. Summer was so sweet and nice. Mara couldn't imagine her murdering someone for no reason. They were both her friends.

Mara walked into the hanger hoping for a bit of shade and maybe a cleaner place to sit and rest. She hated the dirt. There was some kind of racket when she walked in. The source seemed to be a girl and when she looked closer it was Miranda, who she'd seen on the first day acting shell-shocked. She was also on the announcement. Mara knew it was a better idea to walk away, but the girl had been her friend and there was a great curiosity tugging at her.

She had her bag over her left shoulder and the gun held loosely in her uninjured, but non-dominant right hand. Miranda looked feral, dirtied and with her huge spear, now slightly red. Suddenly Naomi being gone and Summer being tainted came back to the front of her mind. Mara just looked at Miranda for a moment, as she fought the door. She felt like crying; it was a feeling that was starting to crop up frequently. Miranda had a bruise on her face.

"Maybe you should knock."

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:36 am
by decoy73
Kat got up from her little spot and started walking around after a few minutes. She didn't really know what else to do. She was alone, in a game where people had already decided to just go crazy. So she started walking around, and then she heard the noises.

It was at one of the planes, as if somebody was trying to move part of the plane, and then a voice. Somebody was there. Her heart thumped as she gripped her knife with both her hands, ready to swing it in a powerful swing as she rounded the plane slowly. She swallowed as two figures came into view. One had a mini skirt and black hair, but the other one ...

Kat let go of her knife, leaving it in her dominant left hand as she relaxed. She could trust Miranda at the least as she walked towards her and her partner, which was becoming more and more evident to be Mara. Of all the coincidences ...

As she approached the two, she noted that both of them, like Kat, were in a state of disrepair, being in what was likely the same clothes for three days straight with no shower or chance to change. However, Miranda looked pretty different from how Kat remembered - bruising aide, Miranda had started the trip with longer hair.

"Well, don't we all look like shit." Okay, maybe that wasn't something that should have been said out loud, but the slight giggle suggested that she was just taking the good things as they came - hopefully. But still, it was funny, right?

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:36 am
by KamiKaze
A voice behind her told her it was probably a good idea for her to knock.

Miranda practically jumped out of her skin. In the process, she hit a piece of machinery with her spear, sending out a loud CLANG that rang throughout the hangar. A chill ran up and down her spine twice as she swiftly turned around to see who said it.

Her eyes squinted, as she tried to get a closer look at who said it. Someone was behind her, but it only took a beat in the light to see who it was.

"Mara...?" she asked, her voice distant.

It was best she keep her guard up. Mara had killed too, and she was very capable of doing it again. Not only did she kill, but she had killed Mike, who they both had seen at the first town. Was she a friend? Sure. But now Miranda was even more scared of her than the last time they met. It was only a concern last time, and she had turned out to be in denial. Now there was some proof of what she could do. Mara did have some capability.

Really, a lot had changed since the last time they had met. Neither of them had killed then, and now Mara had one and Miranda had... possibly two. They both had an idea of what they had done previously, and things were going to be different than before.

Mara was her friend. But she was still someone to be concerned about.

Miranda didn't look so good. A large purple bruise had appeared on the side of her face, while a matching smaller bruise was on one of her shoulders. While she had changed clothes and bathed as best as she could, that was yesterday; she hadn't found the time to change into fresh clothes again and as a result she was filthy. A good portion of her hair had been chopped off, and left in a uneven style. Miranda didn't have fresh makeup on, either.

It was clear that Miranda didn't stay cute like Mara suggested. Which a second voice acknowledged.

Miranda felt herself seize up again, taking a second to figure out who that was.


Kat was here, too. Had they been traveling together? Did that mean she knew something about Mike?

She was another friend of hers, without a doubt. Her name hadn't come up on the announcement, but that didn't mean that she wasn't capable of something. Just because they were friends didn't mean something was up. To Miranda, that chuckle and joke wasn't good. Maybe it was just the island getting to her, but it made her even more nervous. Which is to be saying a lot, seeing as she was currently in a dark abandoned hangar where there was a dead body on the floor. She felt a bit like she should be happy to see them alive, but she didn't know what was going on inside their minds.

Miranda looked between the two, and felt her grip on Kyoko tighten.

"Urm... hi. What have you two been up to?"

If they had been working together, could she fight them off if something happened? What if it was just one of them? Could she get them then? What if they did?

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:37 am
by Ruggahissy
Another voice came from behind them. Mara's hand closed around the gun and she turned her head. It was Kat. She turned back to Miranda and rolled her eyes. Kat, who had the smarts of a block of wood. They were acquaintances only because they had to be. It was a half friendship of convenience.

"Speak for yourself. I still look great." Miranda for sure looked worse for the wear though. She'd obviously not had a very easy time since they had last seen each other.

"What happened-" Mara saw her grip on on the spear tighten. Her eyes narrowed and then widened. "- to your hair?" She shifted uncomfortably and took a step back so that she now had a girl on either side rather than one in front and one behind. She took the gun in her right hand and held up her bandaged hand. The bandages had just a few flecks of blood that had seeped through. She didn't like the way Miranda looked at her.

"I was walking and Hansel shot Dan, that guy who works with deaf kids, right as I was talking to him. I ran to a lighthouse and he followed me, so when he walked in I threw a snow globe at his head and he went down. Right when I was trying to escape, Mike came in and thought I'd attacked Hansel so he threw me on the floor. He was on top of me, so I stabbed him with a piece of the broken snow globe." She wiggled her hand as evidence of her story. "As soon as I did it, I got up and ran away. I found Finn the next morning and he helped me fix my hand. I'm supposed to meet up with him tomorrow."

She looked at the other girl with her head tilted and her eyes searched. They roved over her, critical of every detail. Mara took another step backwards. This wasn't what she thought she thought Miranda would be when she finally found her. She This was a somewhat damaged Miranda. It made her uneasy.

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:39 am
by decoy73
Miranda was, needless to say, surprised at the two of them. While Miranda looked like she'd been beaten up and (possibly) tortured, Mara looked okay. Also, Kat had a big-ass knife, and Mara had a gun.

Mara related her tale of how she saw Hansel kill somebody, ran off, found Hansel again, and fought him off before running into Mike and having to stab him. Why? Mike wasn't that bad of a guy to justify trying to kill him. It wasn't like everybody she'd met so far had gone -

Oh, right.

"Well, I awoke to some Mexican standoff or something and hightailed it out of there when I ran into Miles and Chuck. We spent the night at some lagoon and I woke up to see that Miles had stabbed Chuck in the neck. We had a small argument where he kicked me in the stomach and I shoved a knife up his ass. So, you know, nothing really to write home about," Kat replied with a roll of her eyes. It was funny. Given what had happened, she was the only one of the three to not have a kill to her name, and that wasn't even due to lack of effort.

"But seriously, other than getting attacked or whatnot, are you okay? Or as close to it as possible?" she asked. They were still her friends, after all.

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:40 am
by KamiKaze
"I cut it off so it wouldn't get in the way", Miranda replied, deadpan.

Her eyes continued to flick between the two, and she couldn't help but remember a bad dream she had once, from before. What had inspired it was that she was watching an anime. When someone online had recommended it to her, she thought it was going to be something "cute". Needless to say, it wasn't. While the more... frightening moments did disturb her, she thought it was okay. However, it managed to find its way into her dreams shortly after. In it, many of her friends from school tried to kill her using various sharp objects. She tried to run away, but she in the end had a syringe stuck in her throat by Mara before waking up.

Back then, it had been a dream, inspired by an anime where schoolgirls do die, occasionally in gruesome ways. In fact, Miranda hadn't even thought about it again. That is, until now. Now, it was very much a reality.

Mara started to explain what happened. Apparently, she saw Hansel kill someone, and then... they got into a fight? And then Mike attacked her thinking that she was trying to kill him and then she stabbed him. She was supposed to meet up with Finn, it would seem.

Kat went on her own explanation. Something about a Mexican standoff, then her being with Chuck and Miles before one killed the other- dear god, she hoped "shoved a knife up his ass" wasn't literal. It... wasn't something she wanted floating around in her head.

Her head continued to ache further as she tried to process the information. So they weren't off working together after all. Well then. Miranda, in spite of everything, felt the need to give out a bit of info.

She reached up with her free hand and rubbed her forehead.

"I'm not feeling good, so let me keep this brief."

Miranda grimaced a bit, trying to think where to start.

"Basically, I woke up on the beach and started thinking about what to do. I went into the town, and had to interact with Veronica. Mara, you saw that, of course. After that, I hid out in some building until morning, where I saw Kaitlyn Williamson lurking about. I freaked, and... um, yeah."

She visibly paused at this, remembering what happened. It wasn't something she liked to remember.

"Anyways, I didn't see anyone else until this morning. I saw Baxter, he... he was nuts. We argued, then he attacked me."

Miranda paused again.

"I'm not sure if he's... uh, still alive."

With that, she looked up, and looked back at the other two. Miranda's eyes looked skeptical. Yet at the same time, even as she reminded herself there wasn't much to be judged for anymore, it seemed like there was still a part of her from before that still remained. So she ended with:

"Don't. Judge."

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:40 am
by Ruggahissy
"Well, yeah, Baxter was kind of a brute."

Mara looked at what she recognized used to be her friend, Miranda. She assured herself she didn't look or sound as bad as Miranda did. Just in case, she smoothed down her hair. She looked between her and Kat, like either might at any moment shiv her. This was not good because it meant she was jumpy and more prone to a possible shiving herself. It was ended for a plea not to judge.


"Of course not."

Given the present company, it was probably prudent to leave and continue trying to find her bag. After all, she said she'd meet Finn. This girl looked like she was about to snap at any moment, and in fact, she may have already.

She put one foot behind the other preparing to leave and looked sideways at Miranda. Her look softened for a moment. After everything, the girl was still someone she had been friends with and someone who she had even liked.

"I have to go now, but you better pull it together, Miranda. You have to do it for yourself because no one is going to help you. Get yourself in line and tough it out. I'm not saying that to be cruel. I'm saying it because no one else will." She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should do or say something more.

"Good luck."

((Amaranta Montalvo continued in Dude! Fortified!!! Pt. 3 ))

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:43 am
by decoy73
"Wait! Don't ..." By that time, Mara was already gone. Shit. That was going to make it harder going forward - for the two of them and Mara. Kat just shook her head. So Miranda had gotten into a fight with Baxter. Wasn't that big of a deal.

"Yeah, well. You didn't kill him. I wouldn't worry about it that much." Kat looked around for a second. Aside from the two of them, there was nobody around.

"So, you have any idea on what to do? I'm fresh out of ideas."

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:43 am
by KamiKaze

Of course Mara were to judge her. Mara had killed someone, herself, of course, but really. How was she supposed to act? Then again, it was still very strange what you ended up talking about here. But Mara too, she had changed. Somehow, that disturbed Miranda. Change was expected.

But this was something different in Mara, and needless to say, she wasn't the same person that she had ran into on the first day. Just like how Miranda wasn't... exactly the same either. Things change, people change, what could you do?

Miranda tightened the grip on Kyoko a bit as she went into some kind of lecture. Was she freaking out that badly? But it was justified, wasn't it? A lot of things had happened recently. Mara didn't seem to think that she was doing so well.

She frowned a bit more. Mara was acting weird, no doubt. Once again, though, Mara was leaving her life. Miranda tried to think of something to say. After what Mara had just said, there wasn't much that came to mind. But one came to mind:

"Good luck, Mara. Stay safe."

Her voice came out distant, faint.

As Kat spoke, Miranda realized just how hard she had been gripping on the spear. Her nails had been digging into her palm, and she loosened. A small pain still resided. She didn't kill Baxter? Was Kat sure?

"Are you sure about that? I ran into him at the homestead-" she struggled a bit through the memory. "-And I injured him. Don't know if he got out, since it was... yeah."

Her head still throbbed on top of it. Maybe she should have taken the pills. Miranda wasn't sure what she could do now. Sometimes she was sure she was going to make it. Sometimes she wasn't. RIght now it was the latter. Everything seemed to have changed so quickly.

Miranda forced a smile on her face. She wasn't so good at faking them anymore, she realized. But the part of her that worried about people she liked, the part of her that still wanted to impress them, still remained. And she hated it. It wasn't necessary at all to surviving.

"Listen, Kat", she began. "Things have been rough."

Miranda wanted to say something more, but she couldn't. She just couldn't.

"I think the only thing left is to... survive. That's it."

Miranda didn't dare look Kat in the eye as she spoke, her voice coming out weak. That was her head, she was certain. Her feet became moving towards the way she came, the sneakers echoing soft squeaks on the concrete. Miranda turned her head to Kat, wondering if she should say anything more.

What was there to say?

((Miranda Millers continued in Waking Up to Ash and Dust))

Re: Out of the Frying Pan ...

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:44 am
by decoy73
"Are you sure about that? I ran into him at the homestead, and I injured him. Don't know if he got out, since it was... yeah."

Miranda tried to smile, but she wasn't really looking at Kat.

"Listen, Kat", she began. "Things have been rough. I think the only thing left is to... survive. That's it." She started walking, looking back at Kat once before continuing. Kat just shook her head and followed. Miranda was definitely not all right. Hopefully she was just shocked from her maybe-killing of Baxter.

So now I have to hope that her trauma is temporary. Nice.

((Kat Tolstoff continued in Waking Up to Ash and Dust))