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You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:36 am
by Hollyquin†


Garrett yelled that one word to the sky, as though cursing whatever god had let him end here.

"Fucking...shit. Fuck. Fuck you, Danya. Fuck you, terrorist assholes. Fuck all of you. You're all dead, you fucking here me? DEAD."

The boy was pissed off as hell. Under the circumstances? Understandable.

Garrett had woken up in a field of destruction. Lots and lots of dead trees. Hundreds, in fact. His first thought, as his thoughts often were, was a Fight Club quote- "I want to destroy something beautiful." Apparently someone did. Not that he cared- environmentalism? Not his thing. But the question wasn't why the trees were gone- the question was why he was in a field of stumps. Why he wasn't on his bus, making plans with the rest of the Fight Club boys. They'd been planning on having a tournament on the first night- sneaking out of the cabins and having a real competition. Crazy fun. But none of them were here now, it seemed.

But then there was that...dream. No, it wasn't a dream. He'd been in that auditorium.

Seen the blood.

Heard the news.

Survival of the motherfuckin' Fittest.

Garrett growled. This was the worst. Fight Club with actual death. And guns. Fucking guns... Garrett did not like guns. He was a hand-to-hand sort of person. He flipped through the contents of the daypack that had been left for him and was decently happy to find a shinai inside. It wasn't anything he knew how to use- to him it was just a wooden sword- but at least it was a melee weapon. He'd figure out how to use it. More likely, if it came down to it, he'd just use his fists. He rifled through the other bag- his personal bag- and found that his brass knuckles, which he carried at all times just in case, were gone as well.

Fucking figures.

Garrett fingered the collar on his neck. The symbol of his oppression. His natural instinct was to pick at it, pull at it, find some fucking way to get the thing off. But he knew that was stupid. He'd watched Survival of the Fittest before. He tried anything, it'd blow his head off. He cursed again.

"Fuck. Danya, I know you're fucking watching this, and when I figure out how to get this thing off...I'm coming after you. Me and the rest of Fight Club."

With that, Garrett kicked his personal bag aside, slinging the daypack over his back, holding the shinai in his right hand. He began to walk. Presumably he'd find someone- his first priority was the find his boys.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:21 am
by KingKamor†
(G092: Jacqueline "Jackie" Maxwell. Start)

"Come on, girl, get a grip, okay?" Jackie said softly to herself as she hugged her shoulders, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her knees were beginning to hurt, what with all of the pieces of bark and dirt digging into them from when she fell to her knees in despair at the realization. She never watched Survival of the Fittest, yet there she was, part of it. Probably without a chance in hell of surviving.

The bag that had been tucked up against her while she was unconscious hadn't been touched, and she didn't want to find out what was inside. She didn't want to get any ideas of what kinds of things she would do to her classmates if she somehow snapped. Unless she got killed, herself.

If that happened, then she wouldn't have to do any killing at all. A quick, painless death would be nice.

"No! Don't think about that!" She yelled at herself, not even caring if anyone around her was able to hear. She wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve and placed her hands on her knees. I still haven't finished my script! It's my magnum opus, as far as I'm concerned! Jackie took a deep breath and stood up with a push off of her hands. Her surroundings were dismal, to say the least, but the setting didn't bother her as much as the figure off in the distance shouting his head off.

It didn't matter what he was shouting; she had to get away. She grabbed the bag, which was still on the ground next to her, and began to tip-toe away from him as quickly as she could.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:29 am
by Sean†
((G118, Rose Codreanu, start))

Rose Codreanu was not entirely comfortable with her situation. First, there was the bus; having to put up with all those idiots was hell enough, then everyone got gassed and treated to a video of that J.R. guy blowing someone's brains out. And now... this.

They didn't even have the decency to throw her in a clearing. She awoke wedged in between two trees with a day-pack and a box containing a Beretta handgun. She wasn't familiar with the model, but it didn't really matter. If it was bad, she'd trade with some unsuspecting shmuck for something more reliable.

Rose stood up, turned directly to the nearest camera she could see, and flipped it the bird.

Okay, now let's get down to brass tacks. Time to root through this daypack, Rose monologued internally.

The Romanian girl unzipped the daypack and began rummaging through the various items.

First aid kit... survival guide... rations... flashlight... maps... compass... ooh, what's this? A guide on how to use my gun? Rose was a little surprised. She wouldn't have expected a brutal terrorist organization to actually want to help her with this. She opened up the leaflet and saw quick directions on how to use that specific gun; she made a mental note of the most important bits, such as where the safety was, how to load a magazine, and how many bullets the gun held. She continued rummaging through her daypack.

Oh hey, they let me keep my nice duffel bag. How sweet of them, Rose thought somewhat bitterly. She looked through it and saw nothing different; her clothes were there and her iPod was also there. Unlike her friend Joe Rios, who brought an entire week's worth of food in his travel pack, Rose Codreanu traveled light. She ate light in addition, which helped with that.

Now that THAT was over with, the petite girl decided she needed to see if anyone else was in the area, and did the only thing she could that wouldn't make people think she was trying to kill them. Which she wasn't. Not yet, anyways, maybe later.

"Hey! Anyone out here?" she yelled at the top of her lungs. It wasn't as powerful as she had hoped, as the gas was still affecting her lungs, but she figured it was loud enough to reach anyone in walking distance. She had specifically hoped it would reach Joe, as she had a feeling they'd need to stick together, but she had settled for anyone in the general area.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:18 pm
by Hollyquin†
There were definitely people here, that was the good news, probably. Garrett didn't really consider anyone a threat at this moment- until he found the boys, he'd have to find another group to lead. They'd be expendable, sure, but he didn't particularly want to kill anyone. That was what he wanted. Danya. And he refused to let that bastard get what he wanted. So he'd have to make allies instead.

The bad news- they were girls.

Garrett groaned. Great. I'm gonna have to escort a bunch of girls out of here. Sounds like a fun fuckin' time. Garrett was a misogynist in the worst way, and he admitted it. It was bros before hoes all the time with him. But there was a girl's voice yelling, asking if anyone was around, and he spotted the silhouette of a second girl moving away from him. Two allies are better than one, Garrett thought. Even if they are girls.

"Yeah, someone's fuckin' here! I am! You too, girl," he said slightly less loudly, motioning towards the other girl, the one moving away. "Over here. Or leave and get yourself killed, no fucking skin off my bones."

Garrett then changed direction, moving towards what he perceived was the direction the voice had came from. The terrain was treacherous- he was thankful that he was used to this kind of shit from UrbanExpo back home. He managed not to fall as he made his way up a steep hill, until eventually he discovered the source of the voice. Yes, it was a girl.

A girl with a gun.

Garrett's hand tightened on his shinai.

"Hey. Name's Garrett. I saw some other girl back there, either she's coming or she's not. And you are?"

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:59 am
B001 - Rein Bumgarner - Start

Rein woke up with one of the worst headaches he had ever had in his life. On the bright side he was enjoying every single moment of it. The young German masochist always enjoy having a good headache. It was this nice throbbing feeling that wasn't actually harmful or visible. It was his own private pain.

Then he began to feel his surroundings. It wasn't a nice comfy bed he was sleeping on but instead some dirt, twigs, rock and other natural things you would find outside. He went ahead to sit up and look around. The destructive sight was slightly confusing at first. What was he doing here? Wasn't he just on a bus a while ago? Yeah he was and then...

And then the kidnapping. It all became clear to him now. Every single student in the trip was kidnapped and put in the most violent entertainment game ever. Survival of the Fittest. The news slowly crept up to him. All of his friends were now in a life and death situation. Even his best friend Gary. They were all going to have to fight and die. Except Elaine who was home safely. Rein felt relief wash over him as he realize his girlfriend was home safe. Nothing could make him more happier then knowing that. As long as she was safe he couldn't care less about his safety at this point. She meant the world to him. Instead his thoughts wander to Gary.

His best friend was still in danger.

Without hesitation Rein stood up and look at the bag he had given him. He gave a small laugh at the number he had which was 001. Great so he was number one. What did that mean? He was first pick by the terrorist? Who knows. What was more important was what was inside the bag. He quickly went towards it and search the items he was given inside the bag. Apart from what was shown by Danya he had two extra items. First was a small knife in which Rein figure he could only use in a very desperate situation. The second was a picture of him, Elaine and Gary side by side. He took a moment to look at it. It shock him to know he might never see Elaine again or that Gary might be dead the next minute. That the three of them would never be together again. He took a moment to close his eyes. Even do the thoughts were hurting him he knew what Elaine would want him to have done. Find Gary and get him home.

Putting the picture in his pocket he stood up with a knife in hand and the bag toss over his shoulder. He had to move fast to find Gary and make sure he was still alive. He started a light job in a random direction and hoping he was going the right way. Then all the shouting began. First it started off with a guy screaming. Then it was follow by a girl. So obviously people were alive and nearby. He went towards the direction of the voices. As much as Gary was on the top of the to save list he had to make sure these people were okay. He wouldn't be able to die knowing he could of made a difference for someone. Only a short while after did he notice a guy with a wooden sword and a girl with a gun... Rein wasn't sure if this was the best situation to enter but he felt he might as well talk to both of them. Walking towards them he wave with his hand that had the knife.

"Hey dere! My name is Rein! Vho are you guys?" He call out.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:59 am
by KingKamor†
Jackie froze where she was at the sound of Garrett's voice. She almost tripped over a dead tree root before she was able to get her bearings and turn around, slightly embarrassed. Why am I embarrassed, though? This is a serious situation we're in! A few steps towards the boy told her that he was holding a weapon that was not necessarily lethal. However, the thoughts of what he would have to go through to actually kill someone with it made her complexion go pale. Would he beat someone's skull in? Would he break it and stab the sharp splinters into someone's eyes? The possibilities were endless, and this was just the game to show them all.

She brought up an arm from her duffel bag and waved at him. She said, "Uh... hi!" before giving a nervous chuckle. He looked a little rough and tough, but he seemed like a good guy to her, though her judge of character wasn't exactly great. It was when Jackie saw the other girl that she remembered what Danya said about the contents of their duffels. The other girl in the area already had a gun. A shiver ran up Jackie's spine and she stepped back behind a large tree stump.

"I-if you keep that thing, then I don't think I can stay calm..." she whispered just loud enough for them to hear her.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:58 am
by Sean†
After a few minutes passed, two men walked up the hill to Rose. Neither of them were anything like what Rose wanted to see, and both wanted to know her name.

Oh no, Rose thought. I've got a horribly-dressed imitation version of Udo Kier along with the biggest asshole since the end of The Wall following me.

She scanned the area and realized that she probably shouldn't have been that worried. Garrett, the asshole, was armed with a wooden sword (of all things) and Rein, the weird German, was armed with a paring knife. On the other end of the stick, Rose had a handgun. If it came to a fight, she already had a deceptively simple plan: shoot both of the idiots before they got in melee distance.

However, she put this plan on the back burner for now. The first thing to do was introduce herself, since both of the idiots had asked her name.

"I'm Rose." She realized that she was holding the gun, and that Garrett, at the very least, was glaring at it. "Don't mind the gun, the safety's on and I'm not killing anyone that doesn't attack me first."

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:54 am
by Hollyquin†
Fuck this. I've got this clumsy-ass whore over here, the bitch with the gun here, and who's this pansy with the faggy accent? These guys aren't gonna last a second out here. But...the girl does have a gun. That's something. I'd rather have brass knuckles or something but...hell, she could kill me if she wanted. Garrett didn't even like acknowledging that thought. Killed by a girl? I'd rather just commit suicide. But...yeah, might as well not make enemies.

Garrett didn't take his eye off of Rose's gun, still ready with his shinai- though he had a feeling that he could better incapacitate anyone here with his bare fists. Even still, he looked more intimidating holding a weapon.

"Alright, well, I don't know any of you." For obvious reasons. "And I sure as fuck don't trust any of you. But we're all here, and I'm pretty sure no one here's playing." At least, not yet. "So we might as well not kill each other and try to get out of the fuckin' deadwood alive, eh?"

Garrett shrugged. "I can lead us out of here. I'm pretty sure I could beat anyone we'd run into in a fair fight. We run into someone with a gun, Rose can pop 'em. Sound good?"

Garrett wasn't all that sure the others would be good with his plan, but in all honesty, he didn't give a shit. Mostly what he wanted was some protection against the gun-wielders. Rose could do that. If they said no...

What the fuck ever. These losers will wish later they went with me. I'm good to my space monkeys.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:05 am
Rein kept a smile when he arrived to the group. He wasn't oblivious to the fact there was hostility in the group. Garret didn't seem to trust anyone, Rosa had a gun and seemed cautious and the third girl was scared out of her mind. Rein didn't enjoy the situation as much but he felt he should at least diffuse the tension. To add Garret seemed to have the right idea about working together.

"I agree vid Garret dat ve shoult stick togeder until ve get out of this area. I'm looking for my best frient but until then I'll lent my support to dis group vhatefer vay I can alright?" He replied to Garret with a bright smile.

Of course there was one last thing bothering him and that was the poor girl that seemed scared to hell. It made him think of Elaine. How would she have reacted to this situation? Terrified? Brave? Thankfully he would never know as she was safe at home. Of course it pained him to think he might never see her again but... He knew that if she was watching him he had to do his best to protect others. He wanted her to know he wasn't going to play this stupid game. That he was going to help people and not harm them.

To start it all off he would have the help the girl. She too must have family, friends and even a lover who cared and loved her. They would want others to help her just like he would have wanted others to help Elaine if she was in danger and that was why Rein would help that girl.

He went ahead to walk towards the scared girl and hopefully help her out. Rein notice that she didn't seem to have any weapons so it might explain why she was terrified.

"Hey girl! Name's Rein Bumgarner. Look I knov you're scaret but unless you're armet vid a goot veapon you shoult stay vith me, Garret and Rosa. At least den ve can provite protection to you. Heck if you vant a veapon you can have my knife. It's not much but... I vant you to trust me alright? I don't vant to kill anyone on dis island. I hope you ton't eider but I'm not here to judge you for dat. I just vant to help you." He started. As he got closer he went ahead to toss his knife in front of him and hopefully close enough so that the girl could pick it up if she wanted.

"Anyvay here's my knife if you vant it. I toubt I'll be using it. To add if you're still terrified of Garret and Rosa I'll stant betveen you and the tvo of dem." He said still smiling and hoping this would work. "Oh right vhat's your name anyvay miss...?"

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:53 pm
by KingKamor†
Even at the slow pace in which the conversation was going, it all was still too fact for Jackie to comprehend. Though she didn't notice it, she had begun to hug her arms around herself as if to keep warm.

"Don't mind the gun, the safety's on and I'm not killing anyone that doesn't attack me first." The girl calling herself Rose said.

Ugh, that's hardly the point. Jackie thought to herself, too paranoid to even think of saying anything remotely offensive out loud in Rose's presence. The gun may have been relatively small, but it was the first real gun Jackie had ever seen, and it was almost as if the weight of the steel contraption was pinning her where she stood.

"We run into someone with a gun, Rose can pop 'em. Sound good?"

He said it so casually that a chill ran up Jackie's spine. Had all of her classmate hid such secrets from her? Just how many of her fellow students were able to look at a gun in their current situation and still speak like a normal teenager? She was able to tell that the guy who called himself Garrett was definitely the most fit-looking person in the group, and that he might have been able to kill them all already if Rose did not have the gun. There was no way to tell whether or not he was legitimately thinking of teaming up for survival or just playing it safe so that he could kill them all later. Rose may have a sweet face on at that moment, but she might end up hiding murderous intent underneath it.

"Anyvay here's my knife if you vant it." Rein's knife fell down to Jackie's feet with a heavy thud. She had been so lost in thought that she wasn't even listening to what he had been saying. Nevertheless, she picked up the knife-- it looked just like one that she could have found in the kitchen back at home-- and held it in her free hand.

"Th-thanks. I can at least scare somebody off with this. You sure, though?" He did not look nearly as strong as Garrett did, nor did he look nearly as intimidating. If he was willing to give up his weapon, though, then Jackie was glad to let Garrett do all of the muscle flexing for all four of them.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:48 am
by Sean†
Rose sighed and palmed her face. She had ended up with three of the weirdest fucking people humanly possible. The ABBA wannabe was giving his knife to The Incredible Shrinking Woman over there, and Garrett was still being a sociopath as usual.

Oh well, time to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"Hey, any of you seen Joe Rios lately? It's a long shot, but I figure one of you might've," Rose asked the group.

Rose had a simple relationship with Joe. They were definitely close friends; in fact, she was one of his only real friends, period, end of discussion. She had even started to see the faintest inkling of romantic feelings coming from Joe shortly before all this happened; in spite of recent events making all that impractical at best and fatal at worst, this wasn't an entirely unwelcome development, and whatever the case he was probably on the lookout for her at this very instant.

It sure as hell feels good to have an ally on this slice of Hell. Even if I will have to choose between killing him and dying by his hand eventually (and that's the best case scenario), it's still comforting. Rose waxed philosophical in her head about her current lot.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:10 am
by Hollyquin†
Irritated. Nah, fuck irritated. Pissed off, that was the name of Garrett's game. Fuck if that was anything unusual- Garrett had a notoriously short fuse, particularly when he wasn't with his 'space monkeys' and especially when people weren't listening to him. And wasn't it just his luck that, when faced with a fucking battle to the death on a deserted island, he not only ends up NOWHERE NEAR his space monkeys but instead ends up by a bunch of obvious idiots? As evidenced by mister I'm-not-gay-I'm-European giving the fucking pussy-ass bitch his knife. What the fuck? Stupid fucking move. She could go right ahead and shank him. That's what she SHOULD do. But she's not going to because she's a fucking idiot just like the rest of these losers.

And what about the other girl? Facepalming? Daring to facepalm Garrett fucking Hunter? He'd go ahead and smack her, but there was that whole girl-with-a-gun thing to worry about. Fucking hell. Garrett was NOT used to being out-powered. Especially not by a girl. ESPECIALLY NOT BY A GIRL. He was beating himself up mentally for letting this even happen. Not that he could do anything to stop it but fuck, Garrett, you'll get your chance soon enough. You don't even want the gun. Guns are for pussies. Like this bitch.

Don't worry about it, man. You know you're better than them.

"Hey, any of you seen Joe Rios lately? It's a long shot, but I figure one of you might've,"

Garrett didn't roll his eyes, but considering his tone of voice and his facial expression, he really might as well have.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I woke up about five minutes ago. So no, I haven't fucking seen anyone except you three. Which is why I'm saying we should try to get out of here together."

Because right now, I don't have any other options. Believe me. I'd rather do ANYTHING else.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:57 am
"Neider hafe I" Rein responded to Rose.

As for Garret's question, Rein wasn't so sure if was such a great idea. As always he had felt that the group was too hostile to one and other. Everyone here except himself seem to trust themselves more and each and other less. He could just see them turning on one and other. Honestly Rein didn't want to be in that kind of scenario. Nor would he want to put anyone he trusted with these kind of people. So he had to make a choice now. Stay in a alliance that was thinner than a string of hair or leave to find Gary by himself. It seem obvious at this point.

"Actually I'll be going off on my ovn vay Garret. Sorry to say but I also hafe my priorities and honestly staying vid you and miss Rose might make dings more harter dan dey shoult be. So gootbye for now and de best of luck." Rein responded to Garret's question. He then headed off in a random direction away from the duo. Of course he felt kinda guilty of leaving the scared girl behind with the two. He turned around for a brief moment to look at her. "Oh if you like you can tag along vid me or stay vid dose tvo. Your choice." He announced and then continued on his way.

((Rein Bumgarner continued to Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be))

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:24 pm
by KingKamor†
Jackie was definitely not liking the chemistry going on between the four of them. Garrett was clearly pissed off -- and why wouldn't he? -- Rose seemed completely indifferent, and Rein seemed to be trying his best to make nice between everyone.

She did not answer Rose's question, since the answer was pretty obvious, as Garrett so eloquently put.

A glance at the knife in her hand reminded of stage fighting for West Side Story and the little wooden knives that they used to act the scenes out. She had been cast as a male member of one of the gangs, so she had a chance to practice knife fighting when those playing as the main characters weren't looking. The weight of the knife in her hand was definitely enough to make her mess up if she tried to stage fight with it, but if she messed up, then the other person would get hurt. Right then, that was a good thing.

"Actually I'll be going off on my ovn vay Garret." Rein said as he walked off. She would have said goodbye if she did not know that it was most likely for good. It took her by surprise when he turned to her and said, "Oh if you like you can tag along vid me or stay vid dose tvo. Your choice."

After a moment of contemplation, Jackie wiped her tears and, with a good wind-up, smacked herself across the face. The sting made her eyes close tightly, but the sharpness of the pain brought her back to reality. Damn it, Jackie, you're an actress! Audiences will throw flowers at your feet at the end of every show, and people will flock to you for your autograph! No way in hell will this island get in your way! Man the FUCK up! With a deep breath in through her mouth and big sigh pushed out her nose, she said, "I'll be okay. Hope you find who you're looking for."

As Rein ran off, Jackie glanced at her bag. Her weapon was still unknown to all, but she was just given a knife fit to fillet a small fish. If it cuts, it works. All else fails, she can chuck it at someone. I don't need to know what's in here and neither do these two.

Re: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:34 am
by Sean†
Rose sighed.

"Yeah, that's why I called it a long shot," she told Garrett. She was annoyed, but she made a solid effort at hiding it. The fact that she was surrounded by idiots actually added to the danger of the situation; the gambit she was being forced into playing required everyone else to be somewhat intelligent.

Rose knew how to use a gun, but by no means was she good with it. Garrett was close enough (and strong enough) to knock her out with one strike of his shinai, so she was essentially relying on his fear of her weapon; this, naturally, would fail if Garrett was too dumb to consider his own life.

Rose wasn't even factoring the other girl in, as all she had was a measly paring knife. The other girl would have to be very strong or very lucky to do anything with it, and in Rose's view the girl was far too shy to be either one of those things. The Romanian girl sat on a tree stump.

"Fuck, I'm bored," she said in a dejected manner. For such a brutal game, not a whole lot interesting was going on.