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Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:44 am
by Sunnybunny
((Samya Franklin continued fromThe Moon Is Laughing At You))

After pretty much single-handedly tearing apart Zach's group with her hysterics (she didn't know that for sure, but she knew nothing good came from it) she'd left. But she didn't go nearly as far as she should have, just went to another house in the district.

She had passed a dead body in the road. She felt really sorry for him and really fucking jealous of him at the same time. After all, he didn't just leave his friend behind. Bad thing was, Samya knew Zach didn't have any other friends besides her. She'd failed him.

She put the hat on the guy's head and moved on. And cried some more.

After moping in one of the houses ALL DAY (she was glad for the room to cry, scream, not be judged for just a little while), she decided to move on. She'd found the infirmary to be blessedly empty, so she tried to make it homey. A place to heal. How funny God was, while He was laughing at her suffering.

Of course, Sammy idea of homey was . . .

"You're unsuited for
the rage of war
So pack up, go home
you're through
How could I make a man
out of yoooooooooooooooooooooooooou?

Making sure everyone in a mile radius knew a semi-depressed crazy girl was in the infirmary.

With her trusty gun/security blanket by her side, uh-huh uh-huh, oh yeah.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:40 am
by BetaKnight
((Aislyn McCreery continued from The Hills Are Alive))

Walking down the mountain in makeshift rag shoes had taken far longer than she had anticipated. There were times where she had wondered if she would have been better off going barefoot again. Her knees and ankles were sore from the amount of leaning and sometimes precarious balancing it had taken to successfully walk off the mountain and not come bouncing down it like she had been auditioning for a starring role in Jackass.

Their little band had stopped for food and water breaks, and once, when Aislyn was feeling particularly generous, they had even stopped for a two hour power nap break. During it all, one day and rolled into the next, and that bastard Danya had polluted the airwaves once more. Aislyn had impassively listened to his broadcast. It didn't really matter who had killed whom. They were all trying to do the same thing. Survive. She couldn't judge anyone for that. As for those who were left, she'd deal with them on a case by case basis. No sense in borrowing trouble.

Sanctuary now lay within the trio's grasp. Aislyn had spotted the Infirmary building several minutes ago and had picked up the pace as she headed for it. Her hopes that it was empty evaporated at the sound of someone singing at the top of their lungs. Aislyn nearly abandoned her plans and was about to skirt the building when she heard what was being sung.

The was only one person in all of school who, when confronted with a life or death situation, would be singing songs from Mulan. Biting down a grin, Aislyn cautiously crept up to the door, making sure to stand to one side before banging. Empty building would have been preferable, but this was just as good.

"Samya Franklin! It's Aislyn McCreery. Permission to come aboard?"

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:22 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((Felicia Carmichael continued from The Hills Are Alive))

The island was hurting her, but she had to carry on. The only thing that pained Felicia at the moment is... she knew she had to keep living, but what for? The longer she lived, then the more likely it was to see somebody else die. When you're jus ta kid in high school, everything is just so easy... you wake up way too early, you go to school, you wake up halfway through school so you can hang out with friends, hit on guys and girls and maybe even do a little schoolwork, go home, wrap up the homework (and b.s. what you can't do in less than half an hour), then play some video games. Eat supper. Play more games. Sleep. Rinse and repeat. Was there really anything wrong with leading a life like that? They were all still just kids, all less than 20 years of age. What the hell was the point of taking all that away yet?

Who really got their kicks watching something like this?

The saddest fast was, one of those people used to be Felicia Carmichael herself. She was convinced the SotF program wasn't real, and would spend endless hours late at night arguing the point with noobs and trolls who asserted that it had to be real. Because they were all fucking idiots.

Well... look who was the idiot now. Felicia was likely now paying for her idiocy by spending time here on this island, living out the life she had written for countless characters, and witnessing the concept of death that she had long tried to desensitize herseld to through violent shooter after violent MMO. It should have been clear before, and it was certainly clear now, though: nothing could have ever prepared any of them for the terrors they were witnessing.

Aislyn seemed to be handling this really well, something which would have been awe-inspiring if Felicia's morale were any higher than .3 centimeters off the ground. She had seen all the death and violence Felicia had seen so far, and didn't seem to be broken up by it. She wouldn't be so cruel as to say Aislyn was enjoying it, because she wasn't, but it was like she could stomach it all with her stony countenance... nothing could break her. Maybe the infirmary would hold something special for them, a sanctuary from all the death. As they approached, Felicia's heart was tickled with the sensation that it held something better.

"Samya!" She exclaimed, right after Aislyn had said pretty much the same thing. So, they were going to stay here with her? As long as nobody died... yeah, Felicia could handle this.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:40 am
by Tythanin†
((Melissa Li continued from The Hills Are Alive))

Things were better now for the young Asian. Another day had passed and Samaya's death was farther behind her. Travelling across the island had gotten her mind off the base nature of this game and Aislyn made a good leader. She was capable, confident, and all-together perfect for leading this little ragged band that they made. She even had gotten some time to rest, no matter how short it really was. Sure, Danya's annoying voice had come back rattling more deaths on the island, but she didn't recognize any of the names beyond faceless classmates and that was fine to her. As long as they didn't have a long as she didn't actually know who they were, she was fine. They were just some other person who suffered their own tragedy...there wasn't any room in her heart or her mind to mourn over someone else.

She supposed she was lucky. None of the few friends she had made at school were dead. A genuine smile worked its way across her face as she remembered the idyllic days in high school. There was Robert Jenkins, that baseketball player who always needed help in math. Peter Siu, the smart kid who was always her main competition for the best test score. Jennifer Perez, Rein Bumgarner, Ericka Bradley...there were a lot more than she had honestly expected. 'You really do never notice how lucky you are until you're in a situation like this...'

Nostalgia made her happy...hopeful for the future. Her self-esteem was still practically non-existent, but at least that self-recriminating voice had stopped yelling at her in her head. Yes, things were looking better for young Melissa Li, trekking alongside people she trusted with her life to help carry her off of this island and back to her normal life. Did she believe that they would actually escape? Deep down in her heart, hell to the fuck no. But she could was fake, forced hope, but it was hope.

Hope that was punctuated by the sounds of Mulan.



Melissa looked up to find themselves in front of hospital-like place, but what was more important was the fact that someone was singing inside of the infirmary. The paranoid part of her noticed that another girl had been singing a few hours before she had died from a snake bite, but she quickly brushed it off. It's not like something like that would happen twice in a row, would it? Of course not, that was like a one in a million chance. Just like how both of her partners seemed to know who the singer was.

Samya Franklin...was not someone Melissa knew well...hell, beyond classes the name really didn't ring a bell at all. So she hung in the back of the group, shifting her bag as she walked a little more slowly behind the others. It would be rude to echo their cries and pretend that the stranger was a friend or someone to get to know.

She wasn't.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:15 am
by Sunnybunny
Someone was always interupting the song.

In this case, Samya couldn't have been any happier to be interupted. Not at all. Because she recognized those voices.

Aislyn, her fellow Stagette. Felicia, the lucky thing who actually had a date to the prom. Both were friends.

God, Samya was so happy to see someone she could call a friend. So much so that she burst into tears again. But at the back of her mind, she wondered if she'd ruin them too. She was 0 for 1 with groups so far, but nothing beat a failure but a try, right? That's what her granny always said. Besides, a trio didn't really count as a group, so it was okay. It would be okay. Everything would be just fine.

Until something else happened, but that kind of thinking had no place in Sammy's House of Mouse.

She flung open the door with her left hand, keeping the gun in her right. It was lax, but it was there. She greeted the thr- wait, three?

The third girl was . . . Melissa Li. One of the studious, quiet, kind of girls that made Samya nervous. If this was school, the girls never would have spoken. Obviously, this wasn't school. Though she really didn't know Melissa to trust her, it would be wrong to treat her like an emeny. After all, Samya Franklin was from the South. It just wouldn't do not to show her some hospitality.

"Oh my God, I never t-thought I'd see a friendly face again! M-make yourselves at home, please." Her eyes were still teared up, but she had a huge grin on her face. She held open the door for them to enter, then stepped aside.

She took a leap for faith, a leap of faith.

Samya put the gun in her bag, and took the trail mix out. She leaned against the wall, and held out the bag in offering. Like she normally did when she had food at school. Like this was normal.

"Trail mix, anyone? Made it myself."

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:12 pm
by Ciel†
Were those voices just in his head?

Had to be. Shit. It's been almost two days since he's last seen someone. You would think, with the amount of kids they carted around here, that there would be SOMEONE around!

School made a huge fucking stink about this trip too. "It'll be exciting! Everyone's going Johnny! Come on, it'll be great!" Hah. Some trip this had turned out.

Those voices were getting louder. Was he going crazy? There couldn't be people around here... Could there? No. He wasn't going to see another soul ever. He was going to keep walking until he died of exhaustion.

There was a building up ahead.

He spoke loud enough for El to hear. If she could hear.

"El, I know that ain't you talkin' to me. Kinda wishin' it was. That smile of yours is... I need to see it. Y'know?"
El's a fragile girl. This island would chew her up.
He stopped talking. Yeah. Those voices weren't just his imagination. They weren't voices at all. It was music. Depressing music too. Who was that? It was from some movie that he had watched. He looked at the back of the infirmary. Of course he didn't know it was the infirmary - he just thought it was a shack. Yet he suspected, no, knew it was coming from there! Had to be!

And after a day of staying off the radar, Johnny McDowell was on camera again.

(Johnny McDowell continued from Feeling Kind of Anxious)

Johnny heard the voices. As clear as day. Shit, you would have to be deaf not to hear them. He wasn't talking about the blaring music either. There were actual voices coming from this shack! Johnny wasn't really sure whether he should be upset or pleased. He didn't hear any names and the voices didn't ring any bells for him. For all he knew, he could jump from behind the bend and find himself staring down at a group of teenage torturing transvestites. With big swords. Johnny wasn't aware of any trannies at his school but he sure as hell didn't want to learn for himself.

Johnny pressed his back against the side of the infirmary, away from any windows. He didn't want to peek out from where he was hiding. For one, he wasn't even sure where the voices were coming from. Two, he wasn't sure if these chicks (if they were chicks, just saying) were cool. Lastly, and most importantly, he didn't know if they'd be cool with him. So that was that. Johnny would keep back and just listen.

Why couldn't he act all smooth and just walk out? He asked himself that question.

Because Johnny McDowell was on edge, shut the fuck up.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:52 am
by BetaKnight
Aislyn hesitated when Samya flung the door open and revealed her tear-stained face. And a gun.

Keeping the friendly smile plastered on her face, Aislyn tried to do a situation assessment as quickly as possible. Her group was running on little to no sleep and bare bones rations. Only potentially secure building for a while was here, but at least the current occupant was a known friendly. Trying not to let her panic show, she dropped her eyes to deadly hunk of metal in Samya's hand. A crying friendly who was holding a gun. Her weapons in this scenario, should it go ugly, were a pointy stick and a rock. Less than optimal situation, but really, that could sum up this whole damn trip.

'Better the devil you know....'

"Oh my God, I never t-thought I'd see a friendly face again! M-make yourselves at home, please."

Trying to hard to keep her body language open and reassuring, Aislyn entered the building. It looked secure enough to allow them to stay over a bit. It wasn't the Ritz or anything, but it had walls, a working door, and beds. Ohhhhhhhh...beds. Wonderful, padded beds that had to be a marked improvement over sleeping on the ground.

Just as she turned to ask Samya if there was anybody else in the building, she noticed her fellow Stagette stash her gun and offer the group some her trail mix. That trusting gesture won Aislyn over completely. It was obvious that Samya was freaking out on her own. And they were a man down, having lost Samaya on the mountain. Aislyn flashed Samya a genuine smile.

"Thanks for the offer of protein, but I'm gonna pass right now. More than anything, I could use a little bit of shuteye and a shower." She motioned at the remnants of the mud she had caked on to avoid bugbites in the swamp. "But I'm thinking we're a little short on hot water," she said jokingly. "And on a completely different topic but I have to there anyone else here with you, Samya?"

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:42 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
The focus on trail mix and the other girl's friendly face was so strong that Felicia hadn't even noticed the gun at first. Even worse, Samya looked as though she had been crying. It was enough to make Felicia want to hug her out of trying to cheer her up, but also enough to nearly make her cry. This was affecting all of them just as hard, and Samya probably had a good session of sobbing recently, just like Felicia had spent her first waking moments that swamp crying her eyes out. Even Samya's name reminded her of Samaya, and that was more than enough to get Felicia down in the dumps.

"Sammy, I'm so glad you're okay..." Felicia found herself saying. One of the most cliche lines ever, but she'd be kicking herself for it if it weren't so damned heartfelt. Who wouldn't be glad that one of their friends was okay, when there was good reason to believe they were in danger? She stepped forward to embrace the other girl, and in that moment wondered to herself whether or not to tell her the news about Samaya. All in all, the weapons that each girl had on them drew further and further away from Felicia's mind.

Something that didn't pull away from her mind, however, was that delicious trail mix. The mention of the beds was nice, and the showers blissful... but that could wait, at least for her. Aislyn deserved her shot at getting some shut-eye, and Felicia sure as hell didn't care about sleeping for the time being, not with the nasty shock she got when she last woke up. Food, however... that would always be nice. To hell with the stomach being the quickest way to the heart of a guy; it worked on girls just as well.

"I'll try some, actually..." Felicia said, pulling back far enough to dip her hand into the bag. "They could have given us more food, you know... this is a freaking life-saver." For now, the topic of Samaya could wait. Just for now, these few blissful moments, the girls could pretend everything was alright.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:43 am
by Tythanin†
"T-Thanks..." was all Melissa could mumble as she shuffled in after the other girls, shame turning her cheeks a shade of light pink. Samya was more than willing to welcome the three of them inside of the building and Melissa couldn't help but feel upset that she had been suspicious of the other girl at first. After all...Samya had every right to be suspicious of her, of everyone, but she had put away her weapon and even offered her some of the food she had. The offer was probably more directed towards Felicia and Aislyn considering, but that didn't make it any less generous.

But now that they had been invited into the was like a weight was being lifted off of Melissa's shoulders. There would be actual beds to sleep on, four walls to protect the girls from the elements, and a ceiling to block out the scorching sun or, in a worse situation, freezing rain. As long as Danya didn't declare this a dangerzone anytime soon, it was possible that the four of them could stay inside here for quite a while. 'No more walking in the wilderness. No more worrying if the next shadow was a killer lying in wait. Just stay in here and tell the rest of the world to leave us alone. Please.'

She offered Samya a brief smile, shaking her head at the offer of trail mix. "Thanks...but I don't want to impose. Honestly...I just want to rest my feet for a little bit. We've been walking for a while...but um...thanks for the offer. It means a lot."

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:21 pm
by Ciel†
(Gonna skip you Sunny, sorry!)

" there anyone else here with you, Samya?" Why yes there was Ms. I Don't Know Who You Are. Of course Samya would never know there was a beefcake sneaking around outside. Samya Franklin - he had math with her, didn't he? He couldn't recognize any of the other voices. Should he go for - Holy shit they had trail mix? That was it.

Okay. He felt confident now. They had trail mix, everything was cool. All Johnny had to do was mosey on in and everything would be fine. Act cool. Yeah. He was good with the women, knew them inside and out. He'd go in there and be all like "Ladies~ Need some company?" and they would be all like "Oh, Johnny, you are so sexy~" and he'd reply with "Yeah, I know!" Of course he was only a ladies man in his own mind. Not a single girl has ever called him sexy but he hoped knew that they were thinking it. Secretly.

So yeah, now he had the courage to go upto them. All he needed to do was to lie to himself be positive. Everything would be fine if he used that famous McDowell tongue of his. So there he was, walking out from the corner. Oh yeah, he was a smooth customer. They'd see. So he spoke like a smoooth customer.

"H-Hey there!"

Oh shit, did he just scream that? Yes he did. Holy shit, was he shaking? Yes he was. Were they all staring at him? Jesus they were. Oh shit oh shit. Get back on the ball!

"Oh, um, h-hey? What's... going o-you ladles want some company?" ... did he just call them ladles? Fuck Johnny, you're off your game. Get back on the horse! "I mean, uhh, I'm just looking for someplace to crash too, uhh." He laughed nervously. "I don't... have anything dangerous... I'm cool... yeah..."
El would be shaking her head right about now.
Smooth Johnny.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:46 am
by BetaKnight
Something was wrong. Samya hadn't answered her question about anyone else being in the building; instead she kept herself busy doling out some of the precious trail mix. Something about this whole situation was off. It wasn't like Samya to duck a question. Not like her at all.

Aislyn tightened her grip on her would-be spear while palming the rock again. 'Maybe she just didn't hear me. Maybe I'm overreacting,' she silently reasoned with herself as she warily scanned the room. Nothing seemed out of place. But then again, she had only arrived here moments ago. What did she know about what was normal or not. Aislyn snorted to herself in disgust. 'And maybe monkeys will pop outta my butt. No such thing as overreacting here.'

Just as she spotted the slightly opened door, some crazed weirdo barged in, screaming at the top of his lungs. "H-Hey there!"

Her jaw dropped as her brain absently informed her that Krusty the Klown had just barged into her sanctuary. She dislodged the idea with a little shake of her head. It was not Krusty but a tall guy who just kept talking. And did he just call her a ladle?

"What the fuck?" The muted whisper slipped from her lips as she stared at the intruder in confusion.

"I mean, uhh, I'm just looking for someplace to crash too, uhh. I don't... have anything dangerous... I'm cool... yeah..."

Aislyn's confusion evaporated as the guy's words registered. 'He's cool? He's COOL? The HELL he's COOL! *Nothing* about this is remotely cool.'

She stood up, her indignation at his sheer audacity pulling her ramrod straight. "Yeah, um, guy? You might be cool, but I am not cool with this. I don't know you from Adam, so, ummm...yeah. You gotta go." She pointed the spear at him. "Like, now."

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:34 pm
by Sunnybunny
Samya hadn't been ducking Aislyn's question at all, she was just busy being glad to have some company. She should have known her luck wasn't worth anything at all, here.

So when Aislyn got all tense and started gripping her spear-thingy, she expected the situtation to spiral out of control. True to the pattern, it did.

"H-Hey there!"

Why does everything hate me so much? Damnit, this is why I left Zach in the first place.

Not only was this guy a lot taller than her, he seemed to be a wannabe ladies man. And Samya, believe it not not, was really, totally freaking sick of ladies's men. And she was sick of screaming, and fighting, and being here, and the rainbow was starting not to be enuff.

"Well, no one else was here, anyway." she sighed. She gave Aislyn a look that she hoped she understood, she was just so tired of this shit. If anything got too heated, she'd just leave.

She then turned her attentions to the stranger. If she knew him, she was too stressed to realize it. "I hate to toss you out in a place like this, but why should we believe you?" Her voice sounded worn out.

Like she'd done this kind of thing before.

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:17 am
by MK Kilmarnock
There were many ways to take such a thing, but Felicia had become somewhat jaded to situations like this.

Maybe that was a bad thing, or at least a bad way to be looking at things, but she just... was. After waking up to see the dead body of one of her best friends resting right next to her, anything past that just seemed to be a party and a half. So, when Felicia got to enjoy herself with eating a handful and a half of trail mix, having a strange boy arrive from nowhere just wasn't a big deal. Actually, in a sense, it was pretty hilarious.

Felicia had turned to stand nearest to Samya, probably the calmest person of the bunch. Melissa seemed to be pretty low key too, but she had dealt with the same things Felicia had, and so didn't seem as cheery. And Aislyn? Well... she was Aislyn, their fearless leader, but not a good person to offer stress relief. If Felicia really searched within her self (or even cared to do so), she might've found the resentment that she held for Aislyn when she forced them to march on so soon after Samaya's death, but there was no point in dwelling on that now. Right now, there was entertainment to be had in the form of that silly ol' Johnny McDowell.

"Awww... we're making him go away? The guy's obviously harmless!" Felicia cooed, a smile returning to her face. "In more ways than one, if you know what I mean!" She laughed at her own joke, hoping the audience might get it. Somebody had to be the girl pulling the strings on the weight that was pressing down on everybody's backs, that oppressive weight named 'Stress'. Hopefully, Johnny got the joke too.

"But I suppose, if we really HAVE to... sorry hon, you're just gonna have to wait another day to find a harem, huh?"

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:02 am
by Ciel†
There had to be a bitch, had to be a bitch, HAD TO BE A BITCH. Johnny jumped. "Woah woah woah!" He stuck his arms up. "Jesus, chill the hell out! I-I don't know any Adam or anything, but the guy must sound like a badass! I-I'm just nervous and... yeah..."

Oh god Johnny stop talking JUST STOP TALKING. Samya asked him why he should stay. That was a good question. Fuck, he didn't know why. Because he was human? Wouldn't that be reason enough for them to trust him?

"Uhh..." He blinked. "I can... sit in a corner and keep quiet?"

This was going downhill quickly. Ahh jeez. They weren't going to gang up on him and curbstomp him right? That was, like, the last thing he wanted. His man card would be ripped in half if that happened! Then one girl, Felicia, was actually... upset that they wanted to kick Johnny out? He grinned at her. Yeah yeah! Someone understand!

"Yeah, she's right!"

... hey. In more ways than one? What the heck was that supposed to mean? Felicia started laughing. So Johnny started laughing too. It didn't matter that he didn't get the joke. At least he KNEW it was a joke. You would have to be an idiot not to know that it was a joke! Johnny... just didn't know about what.

Then Felicia said he had to go. Johnny pouted. Aww. B-But he wanted a harem.

"C-C'mon guys! I've been walking for at least a day. I haven't even seen anyone else! I-I mean look at me! Do I look like the kind of guy who's going to cause you any trouble?"

He pointed at himself, as if to emphasize just how harmless he was. The beefcake certainly didn't look like he could do any lasting harm... to himself, maybe?

Re: Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:01 am
by BetaKnight
Aislyn made a sour face at Johnny. He was right. He wasn't vaguely or even remotely physically imposing. And he didn't exactly sound like the sharpest crayon in the box, as evidence by his agreeing with Felicia's dig at him. She lowered the spear a fraction of an inch. Maybe it would be okay for him to stay, if the others were okay with it. After all, this wasn't her base. Samya was here first, and she had allowed them to stay.

"What say you, Franklin? This is your place. He stays or he goes? I'll stand by whatever you say." Aislyn tried to keep any emotion out of her voice, not wanting to sway Samya one way or the other. Besides, if she felt Johnny was a threat, the safest way to deal with him would be later, when he was sleeping.

Leaving the others to debate the future of Johnny, Aislyn walked farther back into the infirmary. Better to investigate it now, before anything else diverted her attention. Several doors caught her attention. Which one to check out first? She was fairly certain that no one else was hiding out in here or else Samya would have heard them by now. If there was someone hear sleeping, they would have been treated to the impromptu Disney concert. Not too many people could have slept through that.

Picking the closest one, Aislyn reluctantly put her spear on the floor before opening the door. If there *was* someone hiding in there, waiting to attack, there wouldn't be enough room for the spear to be anything but a hindrance. Better to keep the rock with her in case of a close quarters attack.

She waited a moment after the door silently swung open before peeking in. The new room looked like a supply area. It had a lot of secured cabinets. Maybe this was the pharmacy. Things looked fairly normal still. Another door lead out of the room. Aislyn slowly opened the new door and stood back, waiting to see if anyone rushed the opening.

Again, silence greeted her. She looked back over her shoulder, debating whether she should go on ahead without telling anyone what she was doing. It wasn't tactically sound. But then again, if she yelled, the others could follow the trail of open doors and figure out what was going on. She forged ahead, boldly stepping into the new room.

The first thing she noticed were the two shrouded bodies. Great, just great. Someone left corpses in here. Sighing, Aislyn stepped closer and peeled back the sheets on the first corpse. The girl's face was pretty battered. Stepping over to the second body, she noticed a blood spot on the sheet. Aislyn didn't bother to lift the sheet. Whatever had killed the second person had probably been messy too.

Wiping her hands on her pants, Aislyn turned and backtracked. When she returned to the first door, she poked her head out and called the group. "Hey guys, there are some bodies back here. Should we just leave them here or move them outside?"