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In need of people who aren't loathed quite as much as the average human.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:34 am
by Abacaba
Because it's better to have people who don't hate you than not, amirite?

Samuel Avery
Sam is... not exactly super friendly. He's autistic (though with few verbal issues) and is rather obviously odd, what with his bright green coat and generally odd mannerisms. Not exactly a popular kid, and fairly cut off from a lot of the social goings-on. He's probably going to be coldly indifferent to people at first, but bonds fairly well over shared interests, and if somebody is consistently nice to him he'll open up substantially, revealing a side that's... um... caring if you squint. He's into music of a wide variety of genres, law, chemistry, psychology, and to a lesser extent a large number of other mostly academic things, and if someone he's relatively close to has an academic interest it's likely he'll at least try to talk about it with them. Also, not huggable, and doesn't do physical contact. Also, frequently hums.

Looking for: One or maybe two friends, some acquaintances, some people with mutual or one-sided animosity, and whatever floats the character's boat as the case may be.
[+] Interaction sets
Cecil Salazar-Loveless: Sort of apathetic frenemies. Not much enmity, but not much friendship either.

Re: In need of people who aren't loathed quite as much as the average human.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:57 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Camilla is pretty focused on academics in general, and maybe she'd offer homework help or somesuch. Even if they aren't super close, Camilla would at least be friendly.

Meilin would try to make friends with him, but they have basically nothing in common, so that might not work super well.

Re: In need of people who aren't loathed quite as much as the average human.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:35 pm
by Abacaba
I can see Camilla being the kind of person Sam thinks of as 'they exist and are not especially horrible to interact with.' I don't see them being particularly close, though, due to lack of shared interests.

Sam might actually get along with Meilin. They have the shared interest of music, and with Sam shared interests are nearly a precondition for friendship. Adding to that the fact that Meilin would actively try to be friends, I can see him considering her an acquaintance bordering on friend. Of course, this all depends heavily on the specifics of the interaction.

Re: In need of people who aren't loathed quite as much as the average human.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:26 am
by The Bearded One
I am still in the process of crafting the bio & submission for Clay Barber, but I think he would fit well with Sam. Clay is very visually impaired, so the bright green would be an easy way to identify him at a distance (where otherwise everything is muted, shifting blobs of color). Also, Clay has a growing interest in both law and psychology.

Clay is also an outsider who doesn't bond well with people because he's been bullied in elementary and middle school, so he also has a misanthropic tendency.