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A Light In The Dark

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:08 pm
by Lawther†
[[B-148 Daisuke Nagazawa Start]]

"Fuck you, you fat mother fucker!" Daisuke yelled at the top of his lungs at the surrounding darkness, the sound echoing throughout the tunnel that he was currently lost in. He knew that he wanted to kill that fat bastard from their little 'assembly' at the beginning the moment he laid eyes on him. He had struggled against the ties that bound him as a few of the teachers lost their heads to gunshots, but they held fast. He had felt helpless.

Daisuke Nagazawa hated feeling helpless. He had seen the rows of his fellow students in the same position. Some of them had cried, some of them were still barely conscious from the drugs they had in their system, and some of them sat with barely restrained rage etched onto their faces. Daisuke carefully listened to the man's speech, telling them that they should be good little sheep and play along with his sick little game, or people would die. However, the man had made a good point: How many of his classmates did Daisuke truly know?

Now that the game had begun, Daisuke felt bitterly alone. He had never really taken the time to get to know anyone at school, knowing full well that they would all be a distant memory in a year anyway. He never intended to see them after that. He was going to go to college, any college that would take him, and make his father proud of him once more. That was the plan. He'd made every attempt to make that plan come to life, and just as the year was about to end, this little senior trip of theirs got hijacked by terrorists. The trip he'd only agreed to go on to make his uncle happy.

Daisuke had no clue where the tunnel he was currently in lead to. The light of his flashlight never seemed to catch any signs, so he continued along a straight path, hoping that there was at least an exit at the other end and not some dead end. He was lucky enough to have found the flashlight in his new bag in the pitch black of the tunnel when he woke up. It was in that bag that he also found his new best friend: a Jericho 941F with two clips of ammo. He read the instruction manual that came along with his new friend and quickly familiarized himself with the weapon. He had never shot a gun before, but the gun felt good in his hands. It felt safe. It felt secure. If anyone tried to attack him in the darkness, they would regret it. He held the gun in his right hand as he held the flashlight in his left, not wanting to be caught off guard.

He was scared; he wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he was scared out of his mind. There were over 200 strangers here on the island with him, and he didn't have a clue to tell him who could be trusted and who would snap. However, that did not mean that he wanted to kill any of them. He hated this game, and he hated the man who made them play it. Daisuke would be damned before he was caught playing and killing innocent people just so he could go home. What did he have that was worth going home to if he killed a bunch of innocent people on national TV? He would be disgraced; he was sure not even his uncle would take him back if he stooped that low. No one would ever care about him again.

"I'll just have to find a way out of here." he told himself as he made his way down the path. "I'll get out of this tunnel, and then, I'll find a way to kill that son of a bitch who brought me here." He snarled as he thought of the fat man's face. He would never forget that face for as long as he lived. He had a gun. The fat man had a bullet with his name on it. Danya. That was his name. "I am in charge here. You would do well to remember it." he had said at their little orientation. Dayna. "You won't be in charge for long, you mealy mouthed little bastard." Daisuke muttered to himself under his breath.

It wasn't long before Daisuke caught a glimpse of another light in the distance. It was barely a speck in the darkness ahead of him, but it was there. Someone was in this tunnel with him. Daisuke cautiously made his way towards the light with his gun raised at attention. There was no turning back now, and it paid to be paranoid when you were surrounded by strangers who may or may not be trying to kill you. "Who's there!" The boy yelled out to the light in the distance. "I am not about to play this fucking game, so don't make me start! Who is there!"

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:35 pm
by Chib†
"Who's there!" The boy yelled out to the light in the distance. "I am not about to play this fucking game, so don't make me start! Who is there!"
Logan Reynolds. That's who's there.

B114 - Logan Reynolds Start

Sitting there, powerless and helpless, Logan was royally pissed off. Here he was, in an auditorium with the very man he'd spent the last few weeks researching, trying to sort the truth from the rumours surrounding Survival of the Fittest, and there was absolutely nothing he could do. Well, nothing physical, groggy he may have been, but Logan was more than capable of following up on his vows, and unleashed a tirade of just what was on his mind, for as long as his lungs allowed. Very little of it was pleasant, and it lacked his usual style of dry humour, as he certainly wasn't in the mood for joking around, not with Mr. Danya, who was - as far as he was concerned - the very epitome of modern evil.

And then he found himself somewhere else. His teachers had been executed, most of them at least, and he, along with the students and surviving faculty, had been sedated once again, this time to be taken to their inevitable fate. Laying there in the crushing darkness, Logan had spared a thought for the staff, assuming they wouldn't be playing the "game, and wouldn't be allowed to live either, unless Danya was planning to make them watch. Putting it that way, maybe being shot down trying to escape, or executed soon afterwards, was actually the lesser of two evils.
But that kind of thinking didn't bear thinking about, for Logan had his own tragedy to deal with. He was alone, presumably, in the pitch black of some unknown area. It could be indoors, it could be underground, he had no clue. Not until his searching hands felt rough stone under them, and made their way up to the uneven wall of the tunnel. The nexgt thing he realised was that, although the air was thin, he could breathe, though it might not last. "Fuck. I'm underground. At least I can breathe." were his first words on that island, not the most auspicious to be broadcast, but at least he was still lucid enough to recognise his plight and speak his mind. "I'm supposed to have a daypack or something.." came next, and he eventually found it, right next to where he'd been laying moments before. A few moments of blind rummaging, a yelp of pain and a shallow cut across the left palm later, Logan found what he was looking for, a flashlight. "Brilliant," he crowed, finally pleased with something, "Let there be light.".
Following that cheesy comment, which he inwardly berated himself for - 'You're on TV, and doomed to die or not, at least keep it witty!' - the boy turned the thin beam of light onto the inside of his pack, searching for what had nicked his skin before. He found it soon enough, as it's wooden handle took up most of the bag, and the steel pick had already been sticking out. Another pleasing revelation, Logan had been assigned a genuinely useful weapon, a Hakapik. Not that he knew what it was called. "Sweet, a pickaxe!" was what he said, taking the polished wood in hand, chuckling slightly at the irony of being left in what looked like a mineshaft with a weapon that resembled a mining tool.
With his torch now loose in his left hand, the hefty weapon in his right, and the slightly torn daypack slung over his shoulder, Logan searched around his immediate area, finding nothing of interest, and no clue as to which way he should go to get to the surface. "Shit. This is just typical." he spat, rather loudly, his usual cool quite clearly lost. "I'm gonna die in this damn tunnel, even if I wanted to play along with this sick game, I've got no fucking chance from the get-go! Fuck you Danya, way to play it fair. Fuck you and your sick murder fetish!"
Apparently the yelling brought the young man some attention. That, or his light shining through the tunnel, not aimed at anything in particular. Either way, he heard a yell in response, from a boy whose voice he didn't recognise.
"Who's there!" The boy yelled out to the light in the distance. "I am not about to play this fucking game, so don't make me start! Who is there!"
Logan Reynolds. That's who's there. He set off at a light jog towards Daisuke's voice, careful not to waste the precious underground oxygen, and gave a relieved yell in reply "I'm Logan! And yourself!? I don't plan on going axe-crazy either, by the way!"

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:28 am
by Lawther†
"I'm Logan! And yourself!? I don't plan on going axe-crazy either, by the way!" the voice in the distance replied as he already began to make his way towards Daisuke. The voice didn't sound familiar in the least. Nor did the name.

"My name is Daisuke! Daisuke Nagazawa." he yelled in return, walking carefully towards the boy in the distance. There was no way Daisuke could be sure of his intentions, but at the very least, maybe Logan could get them out of the tunnel somehow. It was worth a shot. Daisuke kept his firearm at the ready in his right hand, just in case the meeting went south. He wished he had known something about Logan from school before their unlikely underground meeting, but he couldn't put a face to the name at all. Maybe some mindless chatter could yield a bit more information?

"I don't really know who you are, Logan, but I'm willing to work together with you to get out of here." He called out to the distance as the stale hot air of the tunnel continued to oppress his senses. "All I know is, that fat fucker Danya is going down, one way or another."

Within moments, Daisuke's flashlight caught the silhouette of the boy as he jogged towards him. The kid was tall, at least a half a foot taller than himself. He looked almost gangly in the light as he trotted Daisuke's way. However, it didn't take long before Daisuke noticed the wicked looking pickaxe in the boy's hand.

That could be dangerous. Daisuke thought to himself as the boy closed in. Logan's actions didn't seem like he would be aggressive, but it never hurt to be careful in situations where terrorists handed you weapons and told you to kill all of your classmates. Better safe than sorry was Daisuke's current motto.

"Hold it!" Daisuke exclaimed loudly but firmly as Logan approached, just a few yards away. He was sure that the other boy could see his gun in his hand by now. "Now, I have a proposition for you, Logan. I just want to get out of here without either of us getting hurt, alright?" Daisuke paused to wipe his sweaty brow with his flashlight hand. The heat in the tunnel was starting to become stifling. He was only wearing a black Meshuggah T-shirt and jeans, but he felt like he was wearing a sweater in an oven.

"So, I propose that if you put away your pickaxe, I'll put away my gun, and we can figure out a way to get out of this hell-hole and get some fresh air. Does that sound good?" He calmly asked the boy across from him as he clicked the safety on his firearm as a show of good faith and slowly began to bring his arm down. "Can we trust each other here?"

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:16 am
by Chib†
"I don't really know who you are, Logan, but I'm willing to work together with you to get out of here." "All I know is, that fat fucker Danya is going down, one way or another."
Now that was an appealing proposition, one that gave Logan a little more drive to close the distance and meet this like-minded boy face-to-face. It hardly even occurred to him, as Daisuke's torchlight grew ever closer and he pushed through the last few yards, that he was still casually toting a large, dangerous-looking weapon, so he was a little bemused when heard Daisuke add "without either of us getting hurt, alright?".

"So, I propose that if you put away your pickaxe, I'll put away my gun, and we can figure out a way to get out of this hell-hole and get some fresh air. Does that sound good?" Ah, that's what he meant. All things considered, Logan would've felt a lot more comfortable if the reassuring weight of his only defence remained in his hand, and stowing it in his daypack was quite an ordeal in itself, but if the other boy was to trust him - and he did have a gun, apparently - he really didn't have a choice. Besides, if the two of them were unarmed, didn't one of the basic rules of fighting say that a good bigger man would always beat a good smaller man? Logan was sure he'd heard that somewhere, but not sure if it was neccesarily true.

"Yeah, we can trust each other here. I'd feel safer holding on to this, but I suppose I'd be a whole lot better off having a friend with a gun." He allowed the handle of his hakapik to slide along his palm, until the end of the axe-like grip wouldn't go any further, making it near-impossible to make a quick attack with. Feeling less threatening, he moved closer, enough that the weak beams of light from each flashlight illuminated both Daisuke's face and his own. "Problem is, this is about the size of a felling axe, would you mind if I just secured it to my back?". Logan tightened the strap of his daypack, showing what he meant, though his hand hovered over the zip as well, quite prepared to go through the hassle of putting the weapon away again, if it meant gaining an ally.

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:27 pm
by Lawther†
"Yeah, we can trust each other here. I'd feel safer holding on to this, but I suppose I'd be a whole lot better off having a friend with a gun. Problem is, this is about the size of a felling axe, would you mind if I just secured it to my back?" Logan's question was valid. It would be a pain in the ass to put back into the pack, and Daisuke didn't particularly mind.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Was his reply as he holstered the pistol under his belt behind his back. He didn't particularly care about concealing the weapon, just making sure it was in reach for now. Besides, if the gangly boy decided to fight him hand to hand, Daisuke was sure he could take him. Logan didn't seem to be much of a fighter as far as first appearances went, compared to the years of martial arts training Daisuke had under his belt.

"The main thing is, I want to talk to you, not threaten you." Daisuke said honestly to his new... traveling companion (as far as he was concerned, for now). "Plus, I want to get out of here, and I damn well don't want to play this fucking game. The only people worse than that fat bastard on this island are the ones who are willing to play, as far as I'm concerned."

With his gun stowed, Daisuke picked up his daypack and his messenger bag that he had brought along for the trip. He had a few changes of clothes in there, plus his camo jacket, and a few snacks as well that he wasn't willing to part with just yet. He looked forward to getting out of the arid tunnel as soon as possible to get some fresh air and some honest to goodness sunlight, and having someone that could help in that respect was a blessing that he was willing to take.

As far as first impressions went on an island filled with possible killers, Logan didn't seem like that bad of a guy. He didn't make a fuss about putting away his weapon for their little armistice, and he seemed just at displeased at their predicament, if some of the yelling he had heard earlier was any indication. Could Daisuke trust the guy? No, no yet. But Dai figured that as an ally, Logan could possibly earn that trust.

"Anyway, I've been walking for what feels like at least a mile and a half, so I'd think that there would probably be an exit closer to where you came from than where I was coming from, unless you've been having the same problem." Daisuke said, motioning for Logan to come with him. "No offense though, if you wouldn't mind staying by my side; I'm sure you wouldn't want to be followed by me in this situation anyway."

The last thing Daisuke wanted to worry about was someone with an axe behind him in the dark tunnel right now, and he was sure Logan wouldn't trust him to follow him out either. It was a compromise that Daisuke was willing to make to be at ease with his new traveling companion. They would have to learn to trust each other on even footing if Dai was to trust him at all.

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:44 pm
by Chib†
Glad he wouldn't have to wrestle with the stupidly large weapon to get it back into his daypack, a container it was clearly never meant to be kept in, Logan pulled the bag's strap tight to his torso, then carefully slotted the handle down between it and his back. He smiled, not that it was visible in the murky darkness, and began to feel like he was at that part of a horror movie where the redshirts were so sure they'd make it out okay...

No, bad thoughts. Logan wasn't about to get killed by some slasher psycho if he could help it, especially not when Daisuke had a perfectly good gun close to hand. Unless Daisuke was the one planning on killing him, but that would be absurd, right? He was in the exact same situation, and Logan was pretty sure he hadn't been lying about his goals. "The main thing is, I want to talk to you, not threaten you." the other boy said, snapping the lankier one out of his daydream-like thoughts. Inwardly, Logan kicked himself, getting his head stuck in the clouds was not a good idea in a situation like this, almost as bad as how he'd lost his nerve earlier. He resolved to keep an eye on his mental state, as he answered idly "I really don't know why I'm so happy to trust you this easily..."

Dai, apparently, didn't seem to hear Logan's honest musing, and continued on his rant about what he hated. Still standing around, Logan himself cast his torch around the area, finding two things of interest. Firstly, the bag he'd packed was nowhere to be seen, not that it made any difference, he'd only brought clothes, books and a few personal effects, nothing he couldn't live without. Secondly, and more important at that very moment, was the string of worklights along the curved wall. They weren't on, but if the boys' torches lasted long enough to follow them - and why shouldn't they, assuming they had fresh batteries? - the trail might well lead them to the surface, or at least a main shaft.

"Anyway, I've been walking for what feels like at least a mile and a half, so I'd think that there would probably be an exit closer to where you came from than where I was coming from, unless you've been having the same problem.". Daisuke's words only heartened the tall boy more, making him quite certain that getting above ground shouldn't be too hard. "No offense though, if you wouldn't mind staying by my side; I'm sure you wouldn't want to be followed by me in this situation anyway.", was the follow-up, and Logan agreed with a mirthless chuckle "Heh, yeah, I don't trust you that much either." he paused for a moment, turning the beam of light back towards the wired bulbs "See these? Lights for workers. If you came from that way and didn't find anything, I'd wager we can keep following them back to the main entrance, or at least somewhere less dingy than this hole. Shall we?". With that cunning deduction, and a slightly smug grin, Logan stepped - for there was hardly much room in the tunnel for it to be any real distance - back to Daisuke's position, standing beside him as he'd agreed to.

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:28 am
by Lawther†
"Heh, yeah, I don't trust you that much either."

And you probably shouldn't... Yet, here we are. Daisuke mused to himself. If the situation had been reversed, Dai with the pickaxe and Logan with the gun, would Daisuke have been as willing to trust Logan as much as Logan apparently trusted him?

"Tch, probably not." the boy whispered under his breath. In all honestly, his paranoia would have probably gotten the best of him. He probably wouldn't nearly have been as comfortable about the situation, if he even would have stuck together at all. And yet, Logan was perfectly fine with working together with him. Perhaps...

"See these? Lights for workers. If you came from that way and didn't find anything, I'd wager we can keep following them back to the main entrance, or at least somewhere less dingy than this hole. Shall we?"

Logan's words snapped Daisuke out of his train of thought. "Yeah, that's a good point." Daisuke replied. If they were lucky, the exit wouldn't be that much farther ahead.

"Hopefully our batteries won't be too drained after this." Daisuke mused as they made their way along the path. "After all, we've got several more days here to go before... well, I don't know what comes after this, but I'm sure it ain't pretty."

Besides getting out of the tunnel, Daisuke hadn't made any long term plans. He damn sure wasn't going to play the game, but beyond that, what could he do? It wasn't like he could just run away from the game; the collar would make damn sure that he wouldn't be able to. What then? If you weren't playing, what else could you do?

"Well shit, there's not much else to do, other than die, or maybe try to escape. Hell, I know I wouldn't be able to get this damn collar off of me, or hack the damn cameras. What the fuck can guys like us even do?" he asked his traveling partner. Maybe he'd have an idea to beat the system.

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:47 pm
by Chib†
The walk was unsurprisingly dreary and uneventful, save for the few times Logan managed to hit his head on some of the lower cielings. It would've been amusing, and perhaps was for anyone watching, but Logan certainly wasn't in the mood for humour, and presumably Daisuke wasn't either - it seemed that the both of them were pre-occupied with their plans, and how they intended to act once they got "into the game".

As much as he wanted to, Logan knew there was no way to simply "sit out". If he tried to hide, he'd be found eventually, and the limited rations were practically designed such that you'd have to at least hunt animals or gather plants, if not hunt down students to get hold of theirs. Escape was out of the question too. He didn't even need to check to know he was wearing a collar rigged with absurdly sensitive explosives. Try to take it off? It explodes by itself. Try to run? Danya blows it up. Be Adam Sinclair? Likewise. For what seemed like such a chaotic game, there really were a lot of unwritten rules to follow.

And then Daisuke spoke again, this time taking Logan's interest. "Well shit, there's not much else to do, other than die, or maybe try to escape. Hell, I know I wouldn't be able to get this damn collar off of me, or hack the damn cameras. What the fuck can guys like us even do?". He thought on it briefly. They couldn't escape, they couldn't just try to wait it out, and actively playing was out of the question. He didn't know about the other boy's morality, but for Logan at least, killing would only be acceptable - palateable, even - if it were for damn good reasons.

And that was the idea that really got him thinking. "We can't run or hide, and joining in doesn't bear thinking about... Obviously we'll defend ourselves, but what about everyone else? Sure we can just look out for ourselves and hope we make it to the end. I mean, at least that way we know it can only be you or I that 'wins'. But in the mean time...". Logan paused, not quite sure how to phrase the last part. He stopped abruptly, realising he'd rather say it to Daisuke's face. "The people that do take part. They're murderers, and they're doing it willingly. They're a threat to anyone that's innocent." The tall boy lay a hand on his companion's shoulder, adding an even more emphatic tone to his plan; "Players are fair game, as far as I'm concerned. Murder deserves justice, and I doubt anyone else is gonna step up." With that, he almost made to continue walking, but figured it'd be best to give Daisuke the same face-to-face situation for his reply. Were it visible, his face, previously set in the very picture of seriousness, now bore the unspoken question "What do you say?"

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:10 pm
by Lawther†
"We can't run or hide, and joining in doesn't bear thinking about... Obviously we'll defend ourselves, but what about everyone else? Sure we can just look out for ourselves and hope we make it to the end. I mean, at least that way we know it can only be you or I that 'wins'. But in the mean time... The people that do take part. They're murderers, and they're doing it willingly. They're a threat to anyone that's innocent."

Daisuke stopped in his tracks as Logan reached out to grab his shoulder. His fists reflexively tightened as he prepared to throw a punch straight to the boy's jaw. Luckily, Logan was quick to look him in the eyes and begin explaining things once again. Daisuke relaxed.

"Players are fair game, as far as I'm concerned. Murder deserves justice, and I doubt anyone else is gonna step up."

Daisuke shook the hand off of his shoulder, now that Logan was done talking. He wasn't quite comfortable about getting buddy-buddy with someone he just met in a tunnel, even if the boy did bring up a good point. If they waited around and did nothing, eventually the end would come for them in one form or another. Only one question remained unanswered; was Daisuke willing to hunt monsters simply to keep the so called 'innocents' safe?

In the past, Daisuke wouldn't have cared about anyone but himself before he'd turned over a new leaf thanks to his uncle. He would have probably been content to let them all die. Better them than him. However, his uncle and sensei had instilled in him a new sense of direction in his life. Even though he often disliked people in general, they still deserved a chance at life. If he saw someone being beaten up, he would try to help them. On this island, perhaps taking out the players wouldn't be any different.

"You're right." Daisuke said when Logan mentioned that nobody was probably willing to step up and protect the innocent. "Someone needs to take out the psychos, and I don't think many people would have the resolve to do it. Maybe we'll even give some of the peaceful students a chance to bust us out of this joint by taking care of the players."

And maybe, just maybe, I can redeem myself by saving the lives of innocents Daisuke thought to himself, hoping that this could be his last chance at redemption in his father's eyes. All that he cared about now was seeking that redemption, whatever the cost.

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:57 pm
by Chib†
Daisuke shook Logan's hand away. He shrugged, offering "Too familiar? Sorry.". The words were wasted, though, as it seemed the Japanese boy was busy considering his proposal. Logan couldn't blame the guy, he had just suggested they team up to dispense lethal vigilante justice to their fellow students, kind of a big choice to make, even if it was literally black and white to Logan himself. Perhaps there was something he didn't know about that was being considered. Some kind of non-violence vow? An analogue to "Thou Shalt Not Kill" from one of the Eastern religions? He didn't know, and didn't bother to guess any further. Made more sense to just wait, and if Daisuke wanted to tell him, he would.

"You're right."

Logan let out a breath he hadn't even realised he'd been holding in. The moment before those words had been spoken, he'd been considering the possibility that Daisuke was actually rethinking playing, that he'd have a serious fight on his hands. Major relief. "Someone needs to take out the psychos, and I don't think many people would have the resolve to do it. Maybe we'll even give some of the peaceful students a chance to bust us out of this joint by taking care of the players.". Now Daisuke was talking Logan's language, the language of cautious optimism and dedication to what he - they? - believed was right.

"Exactly. Now let's get started by finding daylight, eh?"

With a little extra enthusiasm in his step, Logan set off. He didn't particularly mind any more, having Daisuke behind him with a gun. Something told him he could trust the other guy, and he'd probably catch up in a few seconds anyway.

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:13 pm
by Lawther†
"Exactly. Now let's get started by finding daylight, eh?"

With that, Logan took off ahead of him with a renewed vigor in his step. Daisuke was quick to follow suite. However, just because they were in agreement, it didn't mean that everything was settled just yet. Dai had a few precautions in mind that he needed to bring up.

"Hold on, Logan." Daisuke said as he met up at Logan's side once again. "There's just one thing I want to add to our little agreement. It has to be between just you and me; no other people involved, unless we both agree that we can absolutely trust them. I don't trust anyone here as far as I can throw them, and I damn well don't want some charity case coming back to bite us in the ass."

Daisuke barely trusted Logan as it was; he wasn't about to accept anyone into the group out of some misguided sense of charity. "Don't get me wrong though, if someone's in trouble, we'll save 'em. But we're not taking them with us. We hunt alone. The fewer people we have to worry about in a combat situation, the better."

Up ahead, Daisuke's flashlight caught a glimpse of a metal doorway. He breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they would be getting a little bit of fresh air. However, there was still one more thing to discuss before they moved on. "I don't want this becoming some supergroup all of a sudden. You know what I mean?"

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:30 pm
by Chib†
((Apologies if this comes off a little... half-arsed. I'll be busy for the next two almost-whole days, so I figured it'd be best to finish up rather than leave you waiting.))

"Hold on, Logan."

Waiting, as requested, Logan took heed of what Daisuke had to say. Some of it did indeed seem a little callous, but Logan could see his concern. Betrayal and desperation were bound to be rife, moreso with every passing hour. Helping out, just as Daisuke said, was obviously a yes, but turning into a huge posse - particularly if many of them are useless in a fight - was starting to look like a very bad idea. As for the matter of both of them agreeing on trust, Logan simply nodded, with a frank "I thought that went without saying.". As the rest of Daisuke's demands(?) came to a close, Logan gave another nod. "Good point. Keep it tight and precise, I don't fancy becoming a giant walking target either, if we're supposed to be the ones doing the hunting down."

Soon enough, the tunnel became more and more noticably angled upwards, and it didn't take long for the two beams of light to fall on a rusted metal door. Freedom. Logan fumbled for a way to open it, as Daisuke said the last thing on his mind. The door swung open, filling the dingy pit with brilliant sunshine - judging by the sun, it was late afternoon and they'd come out facing west. Logan turned off his torch, and replaced it in his daypack. For the first time, he realised that it had his name printed on it, beneath a number - B144.

"I don't want this becoming some supergroup all of a sudden. You know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean. We're just two guys, and for all Danya knows, we're playing just like anyone else, working together for as long as it's convenient. Our actual motives probably won't matter to him anyway. You ready?"

[Logan --> Don't go breaking my heart...]

Re: A Light In The Dark

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:22 am
by Lawther†
"Good point. Keep it tight and precise, I don't fancy becoming a giant walking target either, if we're supposed to be the ones doing the hunting down."

Perfect. Logan was on board with keeping the group small. Daisuke was feeling a bit more confident about the next few days, now that he had a plan. Even if they were inevitably going to die, it was better to die trying to save the innocent then playing the game in his mind. If everything went well, perhaps he would at least be remembered as a hero by those that knew him before, rather than the degenerate he really was.

It wasn't long before the pair finally made it to an exit. As Daisuke swung open the door and bathed in light and fresh air, Logan made an excellent observation. "We're just two guys, and for all Danya knows, we're playing just like anyone else, working together for as long as it's convenient. Our actual motives probably won't matter to him anyway. You ready?"

Daisuke looked at his pack in the light of day, seeing his assigned number for the first time. B-148. The number was meaningless; a simple way to track down the children as they made their way across the island. It was also a constant reminder that they were the property of the terrorists. He pulled out his camouflaged army jacket, the one he'd worn almost every day for the past two years, and put it on without a word. Now he was ready.

"Let's do this."

[[Daisuke Nagazawa continued in Don't go breaking my heart]]