Civilization at any Price

Semi-private. Like a fox. (PM first?) Also, Day 2

The residential area used to house the miners, loggers, and mansion staff. Houses, mainly ranch-style and small, are arranged on one half of the U-shaped town. The other side of the U is home to a pub, a grocery store, a small convenience store, and a recreation center containing a gym and a small movie theater.
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Civilization at any Price


Post by Sister Grimm† »

((Alice Blake continued from Death at a Funeral))

((Right, before people think I can't read, I cleared adding in another thread with Greg first. So it's cool.))

Alice was still exhausted on the morning of her second day on the island. After leaving the gazebo, she'd used the rest of her time trying to reunite with Bounce and Vic. The severity of her migraine fluctuated through her search, going from dull ache to near-blinding. By the time night fell, she wasn't a stranger to the periodic brakes she needed to let her headache abate. The lack of any credible leads wasn't doing wonders for her confidence. She'd all but given up hope of finding her friends by the time it was dark. It was disheartening. If Vic and Bounce made it through the day alright, how would the fare at night? It was something Alice had thought about often during her travels. What if she was chasing after ghosts? What if she was too late?

The pale girl slept restlessly. She stumbled across a small cluster of buildings and had found her way onto the second floor of one of the outlying structures. Propping herself against the wall opposite of the door, Alice attempted to sleep with the gun on her lap, hammer cocked. But, hounded by nightmares as she was, she'd barely slept a wink. The one time she fell asleep, she dreamed of Bounce and Vic lying stricken in a forest clearing. She'd approached, horrified, guilt-filled. They were dead or dying because she had been too slow. But as she drew closer, they'd both looked up at her, their eyes hate filled and accusing. Alice had tried to explain, begged them to understand that she tried, but they both just turned away, leaving her to her guilt.

Needless to say, sleep hadn't been easy after that. She woke, her forehead covered in a sheen of sweat, panting and gasping. She hadn't much wanted to sleep after that. Even if she had, her migraine was acting up again. Instead, she thought about the good times she'd had with Vic and Bounce, making herself sick with worry in the process. Her first kiss with Vic, the time Bounce tried to explain the allure of SotF, one of the countless nights she spent with Vic curled up on her couch watching tv. Alice would chew her lower lip and feel helpless and angry that she didn't find them during the day, that she wasn't there to protect them in the night.

Once daylight started to filter though the dirty upstairs window into the dusty room Alice had taken shelter in, she felt a faint sense of hope. It was a new day, and it brought another chance to find her friends. When she climbed to her feet, she did take a moment to dust off a mirror in the corner. She expected that she would look like the dead risen, but it wasn't as bad as she thought. Her face was a little dirtier then normal, covered in spots by dirt from her unceremonious drop from the helicopter and the collapse after her attack on the beach. The hair on her temple was stiff and patched with blood, and that served as the source of the smeared blood running along her cheek. Not as bad as she thought, and not worth using up some of the water she had left to clean up after.

Eventually, Alice turned from the mirror, no longer seeing it as an issue. She spread her map out on an old desk in the corner of the room, trying to plan out her search in advance. She was in the residential area, and it seemed like she'd been through half the island the day before. Even as she scanned over the map, she was waiting for the announcements to start, feeling an unrelenting dread that she'd hear Victoria Logan or Yelizaveta Volkova. Eventually, she decided that she would start fanning back inland, starting at the church that didn't look to far off then circling back in the the sawmill and then the logging road.

Alice had started out of the house when the announcements started, blaring from some unseen speaker. Alice stood stock still, waiting with bated breath for the people she cared about to be mentioned in any respect. When the speakers fell silent, Alice let out a heavy sigh of relief she hadn't realized she was holding. That meant she had more time. That it wasn't too late. Now that she was on the street, Alice removed the map from her bag. The parish first, wasn't it? Yes, that was what she had decided on. Alice stood on the street corner, glancing down at the map, and then at her surroundings as she tried to figure out which way that meant she had to go.
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Post by Yvaine† »

((Victoria Logan continued from Stamina))

Vic was scared as she inched her way through the poor excuse for a town. Her eyes were everywhere, trying to watch everything at once. Every darkened doorway, every alleyway, every blind spot. There were just too many places that death could strike from any second. It was nerve-wracking, terrifying. In that moment, she hated Bounce. Don't get her wrong, she was grateful that she'd ran into Alice's friend. She hated Bounce for splitting their little group up, but she loved her for keeping her alive through the night. It it wasn't for the smaller girl, Vic's first day on the island would have probably been her last. She was grateful, but that didn't make the feeling of abandonment fade away.

That left Vic creeping among the buildings, clinging to the walls and peeking carefully around every corner before committing to a move. She was convinced that her death was waiting every turn, be it some stone cold killer or some kid who was just a bit too jumpy. She felt eyes watching her from every second floor window, could almost feel the breath on the back of her neck. If she couldn't have Alice, she wished that at least she could have Bounce. It wasn't the same, but at least she wouldn't be so fucking alone.

When the announcements broke the silence, the sudden noise nearly gave her a heart attack. Giving a little yelp, Vic sank back against the wall, for a moment unsure what was happening. She fought back panic for a few seconds before remembering the announcements. As that sick fuck Danya rambled on, Vic slid to the ground, still slumped against the wall. She felt exhausted. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and she was feeling it now. She was still wearing the same outfit she'd been when had woken up on the docks. Black jeans, a white t-shirt emblazoned with a thumb's up and the text 'land of the rising thumb'.

She just wanted to go home. She didn't care about Danya and his flunkies, didn't care about most anyone else on the island. She wanted to be home with Alice. She placed a hand over her eyes, trying not to think of how drained she felt. How alone. After a while, Vic mustered up the strength to stand and tried to figure out what she was going to do next. Maybe she could find Bounce, make her promise not to send her off again. It was the only idea she had, so why not? Vic started around the corner, caught sight of a figure standing alone on the corner and immediately fell back. They hadn't seen her, right? Vic glanced surreptitiously around the corner and felt her heart skip a beat.

That jacket, that hair, that height, the pale skin. It had to be her. Throwing caution to the wind, Vic turned the corner and started to the figure at a run. She felt her bag slip off her shoulder, didn't give it a second thought. Vic reached Alice and nearly tackled her to the ground. Vic wrapped her arms around the taller woman, already saying the girls name over and over. It never occurred to her once that she had the wrong person, and it wouldn't until much later. Right then, she was too ecstatic, too relieved to possibly think of anything else. This was Alice, this was the woman who would keep her alive. This was the girl who would keep her safe.
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Post by Sister Grimm† »

Maybe not the church. Alice decided after further inspection of the map. The chances probably weren't great for finding them there anyway. She tried to think where they'd be more likely to hide, but didn't decide on anything conclusive. The residential district seemed most probable, so it wouldn't hurt to do a little looking around before heading off. Maybe start at the upper-right corner of the island and then proceed in a circle, trying to cover everything and look everywhere.

According to the law of averages, she would have to find them sooner or later, in one state or another. Alive or-No, no, not a possibility. They weren't on the announcements, they're fine. I'll find them; it'll all be okay, all hunky-dorey. Despite that self-reassurance, Alice felt the same dread she'd felt countless times during her time on the island. The same dread that she would be too late, that she'd find them both slaughtered. But that wouldn't happen. She had to believe that.

Of course, she'd never find anyone if she didn't start looking. It was better not to think about it anyway. The only thing that would accomplish would be driving her crazy with worry. She would find them, protect them, and kill anyone who tried to hurt them. The revolvers weight against the small of her back felt just as comforting as it did when she first tucked it into her waistband. It was the means to keep those she cared about safe.

Footsteps. Moving quickly, and coming right at her, as it sounded. The map fell from her hands as she spun, drawing the revolver and pointing it toward her attacker. She expected some monster football player with a meat cleaver, or a pimply high school outcast slashing at her with a machete. What she did not expect was Vic. Not to say she wasn't happy at her sudden arrival. It was just, well, awfully surprising. Alice's eyes widened, not quite believing her girlfriends sudden arrival. Maybe she was hallucinating. That was more likely then Vic suddenly appearing.

She certainly felt real enough. When her arms wrapped around Alice, she was convinced. The revolver fell from her hand, instantly forgotten. The taller girl was quick to return the embrace, holding the girl tight as if she would disappear if she didn't. Victoria was saying her name, over and over, like she was just as surprised as Alice. Alice buried her face in Vic's hair, taking in her scent, her touch, relieved beyond doing anything more then keeping Vic pressed close. After what seemed like an eternity of simple bliss, Alice whispered hesitantly, "Is this real? I'm not imagining this, right?"
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Post by Yvaine† »

Vic was waiting for the other foot to fall. She had found a friend, step one checked off. She found Alice, big check there. But there had to be some good to go with the bad. Outside that guy on the beach and his imagined threats, it had been smooth sailing. No one taking a shot at her or Bounce, no nut job making a run on her with a butcher knife. If she didn't know better, it was like Alice was already looking out for her. It just, you know, seemed like things were going too well. Like some shit-storm was waiting just around the corner.

Alice spoke to her softly, like Vic wasn't the only one feeling like this was too good to be true. Vic eased out of Alice's arms just enough to see her face. Vic smiled up at her, trying to look as reassuring as possible. "It's real, babe. I'm here, you're here. We're groovy, all safe and sound." She kissed Alice, working her hand in Alice's hair and holding her close. If there was something around the corner, at least she had this. A few moments, just the two of them, frozen in time, safe. This would be the turning point. She wasn't alone anymore, relativity speaking. Alice was here, Alice would keep her safe.

When the kiss was finally broken, she smiled up at Alice. Her smile fell as she took Alice in, most particularly the matted spot of hair on her temple. Now that she was looking closer, past the dirt and the constant bags under her eyes, she could see the blood running down from that spot in her hair. Were her eyes dilated, or was she just imaging things? Alice looked more then exhausted, she looked like she'd been beaten. Vic stepped back, shaking free of Alice's arms. She placed her hands on the taller girls shoulders as she examined her girlfriend more carefully. "Alice, are you alright? You look like you've been through the fuckin' mill."

The dilated eyes could mean any number of things, but Vic wanted to take a closer look. At least her time a medical intern was finally going to pay off. A brief pause to retrieve the gun and map Alice dropped before leading she led Alice over to the wall. The gun was comforting. It was better then a baseball bat, that was for damn sure. As reassuring as that was, Alice's safety a bit more important at the moment. "Sit down. That's an order." Despite the fact Alice had a concussion, Vic couldn't help but flash a rakish grin. "Maybe if you listen up, I'll give some more orders later." Vic started going through her bag, looking for the first-aid kit while trying to remember the proper treatment for a concussion. She wanted to say rest, but that depend on the severity. Absently, she guessed this might be the other foot falling.
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Post by Sister Grimm† »

Relief, plain and simple. Once the possibility that she was hallucinating was dispelled, all she could feel was relief. Relief that she had found Vic, relief that she wasn't hurt. Relief that Alice had found her in time. As relieved as she was, it also meant that she had to be more on guard then ever before. This wasn't just watching out for her own neck, now she was looking out for the most precious thing in the world. It went from watching out for one scarred up loser to caring for the most beautiful girl in the world. Just remember, fuck up and the most important person in her world was dead. No pressure or anything.

For the moment, anyway, she could just be. Holding Victoria holding her, and delaying the inevitable. Even with her mind racing, her heart hammering in her chest, it was a welcome moment of respite. Alice appreciated the calming smile, but she treasured the kiss. It helped her relax, made her forget for the moment that everyone on the island wanted them dead. For those few moments that they were tangled together, Vic was all there was. There was only her scent, the taste of her lipstick, the feeling of her hair under Alice's fingers.

She didn't want the moment to end. All she wanted was to spend the rest of her rapidly shortening life in happy oblivion. But Vic eased back, and Alice understood that it wouldn't be that easy. Still, she flashed Vic a tense smile in return, one that seemed more then a little forced all the same.

But, of course Vic would notice that she was banged up. Alice wished she'd spared the time to clean up a little first. She tried to shift the make the matted spot less noticeable, but it was a little too late for that. Alice let herself be led over to the wall, where she sat down with an irritated sigh. Even if the concern was appreciated, this was eating up valuable time that they probably didn't have or at the least leaving them unprotected.

Alice returned the grin, but this time there was no question if the smile was forced. "Sure, Vic, fine. Just make it quick, okay?" Alice's hand settled on the revolver as she tried to peer around Vic, ever mindful of the surrounding area. Slacking off might not make a difference on her own, but she wasn't alone anymore. That was the difference between then and now.
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Post by Yvaine† »

Vic returned the smile as she knelt over Alice. It was okay that the smile wasn't exactly sincere, considering the situation. Vic was still pretty psyched from reuniting with Alice in the first place, so there wasn't much about her girlfriend she'd find fault with at the moment. Besides, at least she was making some effort at normality, despite her telling glances up and down the street. Considering Alice's readiness to adopt the protector role, it would have been easy to sit back and let Alice take the wheel. While not above taking the easy path, Vic wasn't exactly keen to sit back quite so early. It would just feel like, you know, quitting. And it wouldn't be fair to Alice, making her take all the risk while Vic stood in the background.

It occurred to her that any experience she had dealing with concussions was limited, at best. There was a difference between knowing what to do and having a 'pretty good idea'. She wanted to say that all Alice needed was rest, but then she'd feel awful if she was wrong and there was something she was supposed to do. Fat lot of good her time as a medical intern was doing her.

With an awkward chuckle, Vic took a seat next to Alice. "I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I think you just need to take it easy." She didn't bother mentioning that was only a guess, but Alice didn't need to know that. It wasn't like she didn't seem fine. This was Alice, after all, the ultimate badass, the freakin' terminator. Who was she to let a little concussion bother her? Then again, it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on her. To play it safe, you know?

Looping an arm around the others girl's shoulders, she let herself relax a little. Alice was here, that meant things would be okay. Alice even had a gun, so she could bust out some Clint Eastwood shit on the first person to mess with them. She wasn't exactly a slouch with her bare hands either. At one point, before he was carted off to Folsom Prison, she'd have bet money on her in a fight against Pondsworth. Things would be okay. Until the eventual murder of one of them, but before that it would be golden.

Vic rested her head on Alice's shoulder for a second before looking up at the girl. "What happened? Did you get in some sort of scrap?" Vic grinned, sitting up to give Alice a quick kiss. "I'd hate to see the other guy." Vic relaxed against Alice once again before continuing. "I got lucky and found Bounce right after I woke up, so she's fine. I know you were probably worried about her. She should be around here somewhere, if you don't mind waiting for her to find us." She offered a mischievous grin, leaning up to whisper in Alice's ear. "Maybe we have to find a way to pass the time, huh?"
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Bounce was alive? Better yet, she'd been traveling with Vic up until recently. Now that was a load off her mind. The only people that she cared about were both still alive, and the one who wasn't with her was nearby. It was a huge weight off her shoulders. Aside from the fact her only friends weren't dead, it also meant that she didn't have to travel all over the island to find them. Vic had come out of nowhere, and according to a trusted source, Bounce was nearby. Safe. Not, you know, dead.

Considering that, she figured it might be okay to take a breather. Just a short one, at least. If Bounce was only a short ways away, this wouldn't end the world. But, then again, Bounce wasn't exactly a one-woman army. Flashes of Pondsworth in the library, flooring her with casual disdain. Granted, she wasn't likely to run into Pondsworth, but that didn't mean she was safe on her own. When she thought like that, maybe there wasn't time to relax. It was a real bit of luck that she had found Vic in time. Alice didn't want to sit around until Bounce got hurt.

All the same, Alice stayed seated for another minute, long enough for Vic to relax against her. She flashed her girlfriend a wan smile. "Yeah, a scrap. A real knock-down, drag out rumble." This was nice. Even in the middle of all this death and destruction, finding a moment to sit back with Vic and relax. The comforting weight of Vic's head on her shoulder, even her constant flirting. Bounce was probably looking for her, but Alice couldn't make herself move from Vic's side. Vic shifted, moving to whisper in Alice's ear. The heat of Vic's breath sent shivers down her spine, and brought a pleasurable sigh from her lips. Her suggestion was tempting, no mistake. But they were also sitting on the side of the street, completely exposed to anyone who might turned the corner.

Alice flashed Vic a grin of her own. "Maybe next time, Vic. I'm sure your libido can wait a little while." The taller girl climbed to her feet, stretching a moment before turning and extending a hand to her girlfriend. "C'mon, let's find Bounce." After helping Vic to her feet, she made her way to her bag, still sitting on the curb. "You said she was around here, right?" She glanced at the map for a second, scanning the various locations before stowing the folded piece of paper in her bag and throwing it over her shoulder and turning back to Vic.

"I'll lead. Just stay behind me and I'll protect you. Throw out directions if you recognize anything. It'll be faster then me just wandering, anyway."
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Post by Yvaine† »

Disappointed, but somewhat mollified, Vic climbed to her feet after Alice. All this excitement and relief has really gotten the blood pumping, and she wanted nothing more then to tackle Alice and show her how happy she was to have her back. But practical Alice was having none of that. Vic guessed that she could understand. Alice had a wild side, boy did she have a wild side, but that didn't extend to a quickie on the street. But, like Alice had said herself, maybe next time. Maybe once they found Bounce. She had to admit, doing it while Bounce was sleeping nearby would add a sexy bit of risk.

In the meantime, that meant...walking. Oh, be-still her heart, more walking. At least it was walking with less dread of someone showing up and killing her. Because Alice had a gun. A honest God shootin' iron. If that didn't inspire feelings of safety, she didn't know what did. With a gun, they could handle anything that came their way. Some douche bag jock looking to pick off two helpless girls? Bang! Some nutso loner wierdo looking to get back at two hot girls for all the torments he faced in high school? Bang! Have gun, will travel.

"I'm gonna hold you to that later, babe." Vic said as she fell into step behind Alice. "And you owe me at least three times." Vic quickened her pace so that she was walking side by side with Alice. She flashed another rakish grin and planted a quick kiss on her cheek. "Shame I didn't bring any rope, huh? I bet you wouldn't have minded that."

After that, Vic gradually let herself drift behind Alice, only a few steps short. She understood what Alice was getting at. If anyone showed up, she would be standing in front of Vic, like a sort of human shield. The mental image of that made her wince. Okay, bad choice of words. Okay, not a human shield so much as a protector. You know, someone to deal with shit before it escalated. Better yet, they were going to find Bounce. Adding her tactical knowledge to Alice's psychical capabilities should make them invincible. It was reassuring, if anything.
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Post by Grim Wolf »

(Naoko Raidon continued from Fight or Flight)

It had been a desperately lonely few days for Naoko Raidon.

His encounters with people had been brief throughout. In point of fact, he had managed to avoid others, which was the best strategy. There was no reason for him to engage anyone, really; if he came across someone who was dangerous...

Don't bullshit yourself. You're afraid.

He felt his throat tighten.

He had spared the girl. Charles' friend. Why had he done that? She had shared the same mad plan as Charles--she would have opted to have them all die. That she and Charles couldn't possibly succeed mattered less than the fact that she was willing to kill them all

To what? Ensure we don't become murderers? Little late on that score.

Without thinking, Raidon lifted his hand to the hat on his head, still slightly stiff with the blood of it's former owner.

The more he reflected on the death of Scott McGregor, the worse Raidon felt about it. It was not the killing that really got to him--to survive in this place, you had to kill, Raidon had confronted this fact and moved past it. But at the moment when he had killed...

"Don't you run from me," he repeated under his breath, and then shuddered.

A complex. Something he hadn't foreseen. Had he?

Take it. End him.

He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts--so desperate to avoid thoughts of his father, and equally desperate to try and figure out what was wrong with him before it was too late--that when he stumbled onto the pair of girls walking in the opposite direction.

Thinking's over. Act.

Shocked, he took two steps backwards and jerked his gun up.
Those Whose Time Has Come]

Terra Johnson (female student no. 73, DECEASED): Oh...duh...Abel's...dead...the one who...lives is...

Tom Swift (male student no. 60): It didn't matter what he wanted anymore.

Daria Bhatia (female student no. 56): "I pity you, and everyone who knows you. Because if you can live with this, I don't...I don't think you're human anymore.”

[+] Those Who Have Gone Before


Alex Tarquin (male student no. 32: "No more...masks..."

Tara Behzad (female student no. 12): "They don't get to decide how I die."

Lizzie Luz: "I don't want to go."


Tyler Lucas: "I had fun. You?"

Karen Idel: Game over.

Xavier Contel: " people, Arthur. G-g-gotta try. C-can't be afraid."


Naoko Raidon (male student no. 54): Dying like...this isn'

Mirabelle Nesa: "I'm a weak little girl who couldn't save anyone, even myself, but god damn it I beat you and god damn it you are going to remember that because I am Mirabelle Nesa and I am a hardened goddamn warrior and I am not going to fucking give up now!"

Simon Grey: "I never was a hero, but, God help me, I tried."

David Meramac: "Running towards nothing. Running from nothing."
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Post by Sister Grimm† »

The pair had been exploring for a few minutes before they ran into company. Moving up and downs the streets, poking through some of the more open buildings, that sort of thing. Alice didn't really expect to find Bounce during their search, but it was definitely better then wandering aimlessly. Besides, it gave them something to occupy themselves with until she found them, along with the possible discovery of supplies. The consensus early on had been that Bounce would probably be the one who saw the pair first. Not counting suddenly appearing strangers, of course.

Alice and Vic had just finished rooting around what looked like it used to be a hotel. Fruitlessly, by the way. Unless they were in dire need of moth-eaten sheets, they were out of luck. Alice was entertaining the idea of holing up in one of the buildings, if only to stay out of the open. The only problem with that idea was that it relied on Bounce walking down the specific street they were hiding on. The two of them had started down yet another street when the boy had shown up.

Even at first glance, he looked twitchy. Raidon something, she remembered after a second. She didn't know anything about him outside the name, but that was no surprise. After all, Alice didn't exactly, you know, talk to people. But she didn't need to talk to him to get the idea something was off. Lost, maybe, would be a good word. The gun in his hand didn't exactly soothe her paranoia either.

Alice pulled back the hammer of the revolver in her hand, the click as it settled into place seemingly deafening. He wasn't being overtly hostile, but Alice would be damned if she was going to be unprepared in the event she was wrong. "Hold on, Vic." She said softly over her shoulder, even though Vic probably didn't need to be instructed to slow down.

When Raidon's gun went up, so did hers. Alice held the revolver in a two handed grip, arms extended in front of her, steady and collected to Raidons frightened surprise. That wasn't to say she wasn't nervous, of course. This guy had a gun on both of them, and the revolver itself was untested. What if she missed? What if he didn't go down if she did hit him in the first place? What if something happened to Vic because she wasn't quick enough? Too many possibilities, too many variables. Alice carefully readjusted herself so that she was between the boy and Vic, just in case.
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Post by Yvaine† »

Make no mistake, Vic had been stuck to Alice like glue. Alice meant safety, that gun of hers meant safety. Well, there was the whole 'love' thing, too. She guessed that was pretty important. It was probably pretty selfish that she was almost more happy that Alice was armed then that she was actually safe. Needless to say, she shut down that kind of thinking pretty quick. Sure, safety was important, but not quite as important as the fact Alice was relatively safe and sound. Can't understate that bit.

Seeing how Alice was the designated protector, Vic was going to follow her lead. That wasn't even including that Alice had a considerably better head on her shoulders then Vic did. Smarter, for one. Actual inclusion of common sense, for two. Knowing herself as well as she did, Vic would probably talk her way into a bullet to the head. So, when Alice suggested checking out some of the buildings, was she really going to say otherwise?

Even if it did seem like a waste of time. Alice wasn't doing it for shits and giggles. Doing shit for no reason wasn't exactly her style, you know?

So, she followed. Followed and stood well behind Alice. Smartly done, as it turned out. After clearing out some dusty old building, they ran into another student. Raido Mitsubishi Toyato something Japanese. Whatever, he looked pretty jumpy and jumpy on this island was pretty close to fucking worrisome. Vic stopped behind Alice, glancing surreptitiously over her girl's shoulder while trying her best to stay hidden. No, this was fine. Alice was just being cautious, everything was still cool.

And then suddenly he had a gun pointed at them, and Alice had a gun pointed at him. "Whoa whoa, hang on!" Vic cried, trying to shrink further behind Alice and be heard at the same time. She placed her hands on Alice's shoulder, trying to maybe calm Alice down before someone started shooting. "Let's just put our guns down, okay?" She was nervous, hell yeah, but she wasn't exactly scared yet. It was funny. Back on the beach, she'd been terrified and that guy then hadn't even looked threatening. This guy had a fucking gun on them, and she wasn't exactly pissing her pants. Still, that probably chance pretty damn quick if someone started shooting.

"Just, easy man. Put your gun down, and we can just go out separate ways. Fuckin' chill, okay?"
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"Separate ways," Raidon repeated. "Right." He was reviewing his options as quickly as his brain could manage, which wasn't, admittedly, very quickly.

This was new to him. With Clio, his sense of danger had been submerged beneath the rush of adrenaline--beneath his own anger, beneath the sight of a killer, beneath the sight of someone being killed. He had been able to bypass his reason and simply attack. Here things weren't so simple. Here he felt the keen danger. He could fire, it was true; it was possible he could injure her before she could injure him? Possible. Possible, but not worth the risk. She had a gun, but there was no reason to kill her.


His eyes flickered to his gun.

Six bullets fired. Fifteen remaining. If was going to be a threat on this island--if he was to actually be capable of making it through to the end--he had to stay armed. This girl, whoever she was, had a gun, and are you really thinking of killing this girl because she has a gun!?.

Raidon swallowed.

"I, um..." He started. He was thinking of the list; he couldn't lower his gun first if either of these people had killed (and if they hadn't they might be easier to kill themselves no!). "Names, please," he said. "Preferably your real ones." He hesitated. "I simply want to make sure I'm not dealing with any..." He searched for a named. "Chris Hartmanns, or whatever her name is," he finished.
Those Whose Time Has Come]

Terra Johnson (female student no. 73, DECEASED): Oh...duh...Abel's...dead...the one who...lives is...

Tom Swift (male student no. 60): It didn't matter what he wanted anymore.

Daria Bhatia (female student no. 56): "I pity you, and everyone who knows you. Because if you can live with this, I don't...I don't think you're human anymore.”

[+] Those Who Have Gone Before


Alex Tarquin (male student no. 32: "No more...masks..."

Tara Behzad (female student no. 12): "They don't get to decide how I die."

Lizzie Luz: "I don't want to go."


Tyler Lucas: "I had fun. You?"

Karen Idel: Game over.

Xavier Contel: " people, Arthur. G-g-gotta try. C-can't be afraid."


Naoko Raidon (male student no. 54): Dying like...this isn'

Mirabelle Nesa: "I'm a weak little girl who couldn't save anyone, even myself, but god damn it I beat you and god damn it you are going to remember that because I am Mirabelle Nesa and I am a hardened goddamn warrior and I am not going to fucking give up now!"

Simon Grey: "I never was a hero, but, God help me, I tried."

David Meramac: "Running towards nothing. Running from nothing."
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Sister Grimm†
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Post by Sister Grimm† »

Alice was incredibly conscious of Vic clinging to her back. The feeling of Vic's breasts against her back, her warm breath on the back of her neck. It was comforting and worrying at the same time. It was both a reminder that she was still alive, but also that he'd be hit if the boy lost his cool and started shooting. Alice wished that Vic had found better cover then her girlfriend. Still, on the bright side, it was easier to protect her that way, considering Vic was directly behind her and all. Not to say she wanted the guy to start shooting, but you know. At least Alice wouldn't have to look for her if it did.

Thankfully, Vic was trying to keep that from happening. Ever the peacemaker, she was at least trying to keep things calm. She kept her focus on the boy and his gun all the same. Just because no one was shooting and Vic was trying her best to calm things down, Alice wasn't going to be the one who lowered her guard first. If he even tried to hurt Vic, Alice would gun him down without a thought. Or so she liked to think anyway.

It was Vic, sure, but it was also a human life. Was she comfortable with ending Raidon's? No, the answer was no, obviously. Alice didn't want to kill anyone, self-defense or not. What would her parents say, if they were watching at home? Would they be disappointed in her, no matter how just the reason was? How would they feel knowing their daughter was a murderer? But, on the other hand, they'd both be killed if she were weak. If she was too slow to decide, too slow to draw, too slow to fire, they were both dead.

Alice would rather be a killer then let Vic die. That was a fact. If it meant Vic would live, she would do anything.

She watched the boy carefully, leaving the talking to Vic. He seemed more nervous then she initially though, making sure they weren't on any of the announcements so far. Alice ignored the question, leaving it to Vic to answer for both of them. She would have chalked his state up to the surprise at seeing a gun pulled him, but Alice had the feeling it was more then that. Of course, that was just a feeling. Maybe he was sizing them up, trying to decide if he could kill them both before Alice got off a shot. That would support his question, making sure they were inexperienced, easy targets. Maybe.

Alice was tense, keyed up on nervous energy. She readjusted the aim of her gun and tried to ignore the faint tremble in her arms. She had to be ready, had to be prepared. Just in case.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Sister Grimm.
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Post by Yvaine† »

This would probably be easier if Alice eased up with her six-gun. Promises of peace weren't worth much if they were said down the barrel of a gun. But, if Alice thought that was the best course of action, she was probably right. Raidon seemed pretty strung-out, and if Alice wanted to play things safe, great. Better then the alternative, at least. Still, she'd prefer to keep things from going to hell. If she had a choice, she meant. Not dying in a frenzy of gunfire was cool with her.

She had to be cool if she wanted to talk this down. Alice was probably keyed up to start shooting, and she didn't need to be Sherlock fuckin' Holmes to tell the guy down the street was just as antsy. "Just cool it, man." Vic said soothingly, edging out from behind Alice a little. Tense as this situation was, it was probably the wrong message to send that she needed as human shield. "I mean, no one wants this to turn ugly, right?"

Maybe, maybe if she get him to lower his gun, things would level out. Alice would chill, they'd all talk then head separate ways. That would be the best outcome, no question. All she needed to do was calm the guy down.

Stepping around Alice, Vic dropped her bag and held up her hands, making it clear that she was unarmed. Slow, as calm as possible despite her many reservations about this plan, she started toward the boy. "I'm Victoria Logan." She flashed him a strained grin, trying to inject some levity into a tense situation. "You might have heard of me? My less then awesome reputation?" Still slow, she motioned toward the woman behind her. "That's Alice Blake. Trust me, she's just putting on a brave face. No one wants to hurt anyone. Right?"

In a move that she thought was questionable even as she was making it, Vic stepped into Alice's line of fire and blocked her view of the boy. Vic trusted her, but she didn't trust her knowledge of that gun. She could easily see Alice accidentally firing off and starting a whole shit-storm. If she was in the way, Alice would lower the gun and things would probably calm down a lot. So, standing directly in front of the Asian boy, Vic flashed another smile, a little more natural but just as nervous. "We're both fine, haven't hurt a fly. How about you put the gun down and we maybe talk this out?"
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Yvaine.
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Grim Wolf
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Post by Grim Wolf »

Raidon didn't expect the other girl to lower her gun--he didn't deserve to be trusted, after all--but a name would have been nice, something to let him know he was in no mortal danger himself, something to let him know...

And then the other girl stepped out.

"Victoria Logan," she said.

Victoria Logan. Alice Blake. Reputation as lesbians--well, Vic had a reputation as a bit more. "Yes," he said, smiling weakly. "I...I heard something about that." He reached up and adjusted the bloodstained hat he was wearing. "Still, your reputation can't be as bad as mine, can it? At least, right now."

And Raidon lowered his gun.

It wasn't an entirely selfless move--with an unarmed girl in between the two of them (and Alice clearly cared about this girl, she'd moved quickly enough to shield her from Raidon), he didn't feel very much in danger. But he was considerably impressed by Victoria Logan--her willingness to confront danger...

He was reminded, fleetingly, of Mizore. And the moment that thought crossed his mind, he couldn't keep his gun up.

"Well," Raidon said, smiling. "Would that we could find more time to chat, but while I now have a great deal of reason to trust you--" he nodded at Victora. "You have absolutely no reason to trust me." He shrugged. "Good-"

And the moment of shaky calm and admiration he'd felt vanished, because these people weren't like Mizore, because all this girl had done was defuse a tense situation, because her girlfriend still had her gun pointed at him, and most of all because she had a gun.

She doesn't deserve to-

No one deserves to.

It wasn't his father's voice, and it wasn't some flashback; it wasn't an accident of someone tripping and it wasn't someone else's sudden movement. It was the ice in him that had been whispering since day one, only this time it didn't whisper, this time it yelled, and Raidon not only recognized the voice as is his own--entirely his own, not some stress-wrought fracture in the way his mind was working--but recognized its advice as the best.

He took one step forwards, swung his gun up, and placed it against Vic's forehead. Another step, and he forced her body back and stopped it centimeters in front of her girlfriend. "The only way I don't have incentive to kill you," Raidon said, with absolutely no emotion in his voice. "Is if Alice gives me the gun."
Those Whose Time Has Come]

Terra Johnson (female student no. 73, DECEASED): Oh...duh...Abel's...dead...the one who...lives is...

Tom Swift (male student no. 60): It didn't matter what he wanted anymore.

Daria Bhatia (female student no. 56): "I pity you, and everyone who knows you. Because if you can live with this, I don't...I don't think you're human anymore.”

[+] Those Who Have Gone Before


Alex Tarquin (male student no. 32: "No more...masks..."

Tara Behzad (female student no. 12): "They don't get to decide how I die."

Lizzie Luz: "I don't want to go."


Tyler Lucas: "I had fun. You?"

Karen Idel: Game over.

Xavier Contel: " people, Arthur. G-g-gotta try. C-can't be afraid."


Naoko Raidon (male student no. 54): Dying like...this isn'

Mirabelle Nesa: "I'm a weak little girl who couldn't save anyone, even myself, but god damn it I beat you and god damn it you are going to remember that because I am Mirabelle Nesa and I am a hardened goddamn warrior and I am not going to fucking give up now!"

Simon Grey: "I never was a hero, but, God help me, I tried."

David Meramac: "Running towards nothing. Running from nothing."
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