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Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:08 pm
by KamiKaze
((Emma and Sabrina Luz continued from Deep Below Ground, Where Memories Sleep))

A long time ago, Emma had a sister.

They were close to a year apart in age, but they'd always been in the same grade. No one skipped or anything, but what happened was that they were close enough in age that the school system decided that they were in the same grade. Emma had been born in the fall, but Sabrina had been born over the summer. It'd always been slightly odd to some. She remembered once that someone thought Sabrina was her twin sister. But, because they were in the same grade, it did play a role in how close they were. They'd almost always ended up in the same class together growing up, and even when they went to Junior High, they still found themselves taking the same classes at the same periods. It was something a little odd to think about now, to be honest, but she couldn't help but think.

Her memories got more and more distant, but she remembered them. She remembered that Sabrina liked Gordon Ramsay. Emma stopped in thought for a moment, to remember who exactly he was. He was the angry British chef, right? The one who shouted, and came up with creative if cruel insults. But he had somewhat of a reason to do that. He'd won countless Michelin Stars, so he probably knew what he was talking about. It wasn't like Emma didn't pay attention to what Sabrina liked, it was just... she wasn't sure of what exactly she remembered and what happened anymore.

Sure, she could remember a few other things. Sabrina had always been worried about her after her diagnosis. When Emma collapsed in... Freshman year, she thought it was? When Emma collapsed, it'd changed a lot of things at home. But Sabrina had been there for her, even then. Sometimes, she'd feel a little guilty that she'd insist on doing things like driving. Emma had always been a bit stubborn, she had to admit. And, well, she did like her independence. But, on the other, looking back... she missed Sabrina.

She wanted to miss everyone.

A lot of people had become monsters over time. They'd become cruel, selfish, and unfeeling. Emma was ashamed that they were part of her school. At the same time, those memories, dim and distant and fading as they were, were still there. She remembered little things. Singing along to songs from Frozen after a concert, but she barely remembered the words. Discussing ways to improve the school with the rest of the student council, but she couldn't remember what they talked about. But, she remembered. It didn't make her feel better. It made her feel worse, and uncertain.

Was she any better, either? Even now, when she closed her eyes, she saw Keith. But he was acting suspiciously, wasn't he?

As her footsteps got slower, Emma leaned against the gurney a bit more. Walking felt automatic. A few times she closed her eyes, only to realize she'd moved a few feet ahead.

She wanted to remember Sabrina. But each time she did, Sabrina's alive, happy face was replaced by the bloodied, putrefying body in front of her, covered by sheets. She wanted to remember the rest of her family. Tina, Lizzie. She still wasn't sure if she was ready to forgive Lily, or if she'd ever be able to. She wasn't sure where exactly she was taking Sabrina. Emma had been hoping that the beach would be a good spot. It was a nice place, but she remembered what happened there.

She stopped. Her legs still felt weak. Her eyes felt heavy.

They were close to the entrance now. There was a sign to her left that said, "Art Therapy." She'd seen that same sign on her way in. For a moment, Emma stared off into space.

She wondered if she could find the bodies of the rest of her family. She knew where Lily's was, and if it turned out it wasn't a danger zone, she could go get it. It'd be a matter of finding Lizzie and Tina, then. Maybe that's what she should have been doing. Not wallowing in anger and wanting revenge, but instead putting everyone to rest.

Emma closed her eyes, letting herself rest for a moment. Taking Sabrina up the steps and then carting her around had taken a lot of out of her. It'd only be for a moment. She hoped that moment would be enough, and that no one would come across them.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:08 pm
by Laurels
((Alba Reyes continued from Volver))

Well, this wasn't a pleasant sight.

Alba and Fiyori had begun their trek around the asylum looking for anyone who mattered to them, whether good or bad. They had made their way to the Art Therapy Room, and were instead confronted with three dead bodies. One with a hole in his head, one with her neck blown apart, and the last with his body slashed open. They were all in varying stages of decay, so it was clear a lot had gone on here over the last several days.

Alba felt a bit sick, but tried to swallow back any bile. Corpses were more common than the living now, but it was still hard to see a dead person. Maybe it was because some were more rotted than others, but Alba was starting to have enough of this room.

"Okay, no one's here," Alba told Fiyori. "Let's move on."

Alba walked back to the entrance of the room, keeping the rifle by her side. As she pushed the door open, she realized someone was out there. There was a girl there, lying next to a gurney with something covered on top. Alba knew the gurney and the girl weren't there when they walked inside, so this was strange.

"Um, hello?" she said to the person.

Alba didn't know this person that well, but figured there was a chance she was one of the few good people left. At least, she could hope so.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:08 pm
by Riki
[[Fiyori Senay, continued from Volver]]

She had wished him a few but good final days of life. Fiyori wondered whether Keith got them. Doubted that, to be completely honest, but the thing that was on her mind the most was a question. How was it, dying? Dying by being slashed or what have you like Keith was.

Fiyori didn't know, and didn't have the time to think about it.

Alba had greeted two people, when she should have shot them. At least, that is what Fiyori thought briefly as she turned to face the newcomers.

Emma Luz - alive but only questionably well - and Sabrina Luz - very much not alive. They were twins, if Fiyori recalled correctly. She didn't know how it was to lose a twin. She didn't know how it was to have siblings, to be completely honest. There was a cousin in Washington but she didn't know much about him. In other words, he might as well not exist.

But for Emma, it would have to be different. Her family would had to have been her world. But now she had luz-t them all.

Fi chuckled. Very funny.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:08 pm
by KamiKaze
The door opened, and Emma flinched and opened her eyes.

She turned her head, to see two people standing in the doorway to the Art Therapy room. She tilted her head some, trying to parse them out. They both appeared to be girls, but one was tall and slender. The other, however, wore her hair in a ponytail. Emma's tired eyes looked them over. For a moment, she even wondered if she was hallucinating again. But, then it hit her.

It was Fiyori and Alba. Fiyori was a killer. She honestly didn't remember anything about Alba on the announcements, but she got the impression that it may have come up. She didn't know anymore. What's worse was that they had guns. Alba was holding a rifle, and it looked like Fiyori may have had something too.

And Fiyori chuckled, while looking right at them. As if there was something funny about it.

Emma's eyes flicked for a second towards the gurney. She'd left her sword and bag on top, next to Sabrina. It made things easier for her. Emma considered grabbing it for a moment, before letting her eyes dart back to the other two.

She kept her hands tight on the gurney, and her feet placed tightly on the ground. She felt herself grimace.

"W... what are you doing?" she began, but tried again. "What do you want?"

Her eyes flicked back to the sword.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:08 pm
by Laurels
Alba looked a lot closer at Emma and the objects on the gurney. Now that she had more time to study it, it was clear Emma was carting a body. Fiyori seemed to find reason to chuckle at this meeting, but as to what, Alba wasn't sure. This girl clearly was going somewhere with the body.

"Oh, yeah," Alba said to the girl's question. "We're just looking for some people. Jae and Kimiko, mainly. But if you've seen Bryony or Jon, that'd help a lot as well."

Alba bit her lower lip and looked at the gurney. She then looked back to the girl.

"Was that someone you were close to?" she asked, pointing to the body on the gurney.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:09 pm
by Riki
Oh, but there was something funny about it. Something funnier than the stupid word plays in Fi's head, even. Emma wouldn't get it, of course. As a matter of fact, neither would Alba. But that was no surprise by this point.

Fiyori stepped a bit closer. Not too much, but just so she would be nearer to Alba. Her eyes caught the sword laying on the gurney. Emma's weapon, it seemed. For a moment, Fiyori wanted to take out her own gun but that would've been useless.

There was no reason to escalate. In fact, Fiyori didn't want for this situation to escalate. In a way, Emma evoked a sense of compassion in Fiyori - and she would have preferred to help her. Somehow.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:09 pm
by KamiKaze
Why were they looking for a bunch of killers plus... Bryony? Bryony was a shy girl who was artistic, Emma vaguely remembered. But did she kill too? But there was a theme to that list, and Emma didn't like it. Why would Bryony be on that list if she wasn't a killer?

Emma gripped the gurney tighter at the mention of Jae's name. She'd seen him, all right, a few days ago. She... wished she didn't. The memory of Lily's broken body came back, and Emma grimaced at the thought.

She tried to think of a good response to that. Should she tell them that she'd seen Jae a few days ago? For all she knew, they'd decided to team up. Dot and Fiyori were both there to kill Isabel, weren't they? And Dorothy... she'd been unstable. Horrible, even. Some part of her doubted Fiyori was any better.

Before Emma could answer, though, she got another question. Emma's eyes flicked towards Sabrina for a second.

"Yes," she snapped, before repeating in a quieter tone. "Yes. Is there a reason you asked?"

Even if her voice wasn't as snappish, she still felt tense. She had no idea if Fiyori or Alba would do something, but it was safe to assume they would. But Emma's eyes again, flicked, again towards the sword.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:11 pm
by Laurels
"Oh, I was just curious," Alba said. "Sorry, I was just wondering if it was someone important, on account of you pushing them around."

Alba looked over at the gurney, then back at Emma. She stepped a bit forward towards the girl.

"But yeah, we're looking for a few good people left and some of the bad ones too. Is the person under there someone we might know? Like someone on our list?"

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:11 pm
by Riki

For some reason, Fiyori thought that was a bad choice of words. Emma was on the edge of her nerves already, and asking if she - or well, her companion - was on 'the list' wasn't the best idea. In terms of de-escalation, that is.

Fiyori clasped her hands, and yawned.

"Maybe we can help ya in return?"

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:11 pm
by KamiKaze
She physically withdrew a bit as Alba stepped closer.


Emma looked back at Sabrina, as if she'd have something to say on the whole thing. She was still motionless, still resting under sheets.

"It's my... my sis- sist-"

She couldn't get the words out. It was funny. Back home, she got words out easily, didn't she? Sometimes, even when she was tired, she still could say stuff easily. Didn't she have a leadership position? But she couldn't just tell them she was her sister.

Were they genuinely trying to help? Did she find someone who had a few scraps of decency left? For a second, Emma thought about what she saw this morning, before she... found Sabrina. There'd been a list of rules for pacifism, she guessed. Was there a chance that even someone like Fiyori could be genuinely helpful?

Her facial features softened at the thought. But they hardened a second later.

No, they couldn't. Some part of her wanted it to be true. But, she couldn't take that risk.

"She isn't on that list."

Emma gripped the gurney tighter.

"I'm sorry."

She hoped that it was enough. Maybe they'd just walk away. But her eyes flicked towards the sword yet another time, just in case.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:11 pm
by Laurels
Alba could have sworn she heard the girl say "sis," but the girl insisted it wasn't anyone they were looking for. Maybe it was too hard for her to say that she lost a family member here. But Fiyori had the right suggestion that maybe they could help.

"Yeah, would you like some help?" Alba asked.

Alba stepped a bit closer, putting herself right by the gurney.

"If you want, we can help you bury her. Or at least keep an eye out while you work."

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:11 pm
by Riki
No. No, that was bad. Something was about to go terrible wrong.

Fiyori looked at Alba, at Emma and the dead companion. It would take a moment, but she had to get her gun. Her gut feeling pretty much commanded her.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:12 pm
by KamiKaze
They kept pushing the issue. Alba had gotten closer, and closer, until she was right against the gurney. Emma felt her eye twitch. However, she also felt her heart pound. She had no idea why they kept pushing for it. There had to be an ulterior motive. Maybe they were looking for a quick kill while her guard was down. Maybe they wanted to take something off her, trick her the same way Kaitlyn did. Maybe it was something else. She didn't know. But maybe it was best to get out of here.

"Please, stop-"

Emma pushed forward. She felt the gurney hit something. Something fleshy.

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:12 pm
by Laurels
Before Alba could get an answer, a large force hit her. The girl hit Alba with the gurney. She hit Alba right in the gut, causing her to stumble back a bit. Alba's hand moved up on the rifle as she stumbled backwards. Alba didn't mean to move her hand up; it only happened because her grip loosened when she got hit with the makeshift battering ram. For a split second, she thought that she was going to drop the gun, so she quickly grabbed the first part of the gun she could.

That's when a noise went off, and the air escaped from her lung.

Earlier, when she and Fiyori began to search for Jae, Kimiko, and anyone else who was left, she remembered that she needed to be more prepared in case danger came up. For that, she decided to save some time and to turn the safety off the gun. That split second could save her life or Fiyori's if they got attacked.

Looking back, that was a really stupid and reckless idea.

The bullets tore up the floor, sending bits of tile into the air. Alba quickly let go of the trigger and let herself fall on her rear end. Her breathing returned, but as she looked forward, she was frozen in shock.

"Oh god..."

Re: Family Reunion

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:12 pm
by Riki
By this point, Fiyori had caught up with Alba.

The bag had been left in the room, but the gun was held steadily in her hand, aimed at Emma. Fiyori didn't know exactly what just happened. Alba got closer and closer to the gurney, and she guessed that triggered Emma somehow. Maybe. All she did know was that Alba had used the rifle.

Fiyori stepped closer to the two.

Then, she noted the sword on the gurney again. Emma grabbed it, and Fiyori shot.