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Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Albel Nox†
Nevera lay on the cold school floor. A puddle of water was being formed from a leak somewhere. It continued to drip as she lay motionless. Her Bo staff was at her side clutched in her hands. Was she sleeping or just knocked out? Maybe she was playing dead? The sound of the dripping water played a part in her dreams. She dreamt that she was being chased by hordes of murderers out to kill her. She stirred in her sleep and also moaned slightly.

She darted up fast in a gasp of breath before the dream took hold of her very existence. She winced as the coldness of the room reached her bare skin. (her arms and legs that is) She unrolled her pants so that her legs were covered. She also got her black jacket from her bag. She then scooted over to a turned over desk adn leaned against it. She sighed a briefly and gently closed her eyes after setting her staff at her feet.

Sweat began to form upon her forehead and her arms as she began to get nervous. Nevera trembled lightly.

"What if, what if they come for me? I'm a gonner!!! I am half blind and can't even say no to a helping hand!" She slammed her fist on the hard floor.

She winced in pain as she thought of just how dumb that was. It was only a matter of time before she would be seen by another player that was actually taken over by the game. She held her legs close to her chest as she began to cry in her knees.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Ginsenshi†
((Continued from: ?????????))

Kouji walked upon this young girl wondering what she was talking about, "Hmm...?" Kouji sighed, as he looked at her, she was cute to him, but feel quite odd to Kouji.

He sat down on the for a few moments and just watched her. A few moments passed and he spoke, "Hello there." Kouji said in a cold emotionless voice.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Albel Nox†
She jumped to her feet and grabbed her bo staff. She pointed it at his face and a scowl was upon her face,

"What do you want, foul beast!?" She said quite unpleasently.

The grip on her staff was harsh and a little shaky.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Ginsenshi†
Kouji looked at her in shock, "Foul Beast!? ME!? But my mom always thought I was cute, never a beast." Kouji replied as he look at the girl.

Kouji then put his hand to his belt and grabbed his bayonett/dagger, "I'm not here to fight, I like you am lost and would like to get home."

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Albel Nox†
She sighed in disatifaction.

"You really wanna fight, don't you." She closed her eyes and smirked. "Well, it won't be pretty, Mr. Beast!"

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Ginsenshi†
"Did I say I want to fight you? No I didn't and I'm no beast!" Kouji asnwered as he jumped back into a fighting stance. "Fine let's go!"

Kouji stared at her and held his stance, "Grr.." Kouji growled

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Albel Nox†
Her darkened eyes glared at his stance and swug her staff at his head.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:38 am
by Ginsenshi†
Kouji was ready for such attacks and dodge the attack quickly.
"I like your style, so have a fighting partner?" KOuji asked mid-air and then landed on the ground behind her.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Albel Nox†
Ginsenshi,Dec 7 2005, 06:41 PM wrote: Kouji was ready for such attacks and dodge the attack quickly.
"I like your style, so have a fighting partner?" KOuji asked mid-air and then landed on the ground behind her.
"No....I work alone." She said with a scowl.

She ran out the door of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Her braided hair flowing slightly as she ran. She really didn't want anyone to help her, or anything. She just wanted to go home. She climbed on top of the counter and hid behind one of the open cabinet doors. She steadied her breathing and held her staff close. She thought to herself, damn, I forgot my bag!

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Ginsenshi†
Kouji looked down and saw the girl had leave her bag, "Hmm she left her bag, mm where she go?" KLouji asked aloud, and went towards the kitchen, thinking it was the way she had gone.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Albel Nox†
She heard his footsteps and got mad.

"Why did you follow me here?" She asked throwing her voice to the halls trying not to give away her location.

She began to feel a strange new feeling that said, play teh game adn kill. SHe shook her head rapidly as the thought crossed her mind.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Slayer†
OOC: Sorry to intervene, but how is Kousaka in two places at once?

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Theseus†
((continued from (korean letters)

Jeremy came running to the house, breathing heavily now. He was lost, he had left his bag back....back where? It didn't matter, he had to find Glenn, Mallory, or Fred. He had to meet up with the group. He was seperated now....standing outside with his shirt off, which was wrapped around his left arm, around the gunshot wound, Jeremy stood holding his bloody sickle.

He knew someone was probbly in the house....but it didn't matter to him. He had to check it out, he had just faced off in one of the most terrefying situations ever he had no fear of who was inside. Jeremy went to the door and slowly opened it and walked in trying to be as quiet as possible.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Ginsenshi†
"You forgot your bag, back there that's all." Kouji replied to her.

Kouji looks for her, "Where are you I want to give your bag."

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:39 am
by Albel Nox†
Nevera leapt from the cabinet and snatched her bag from his grasp.

"Keep your dirty mits off of my shit!" She said angrily.

She heard the door open adn close and looked sharply at it, seeing Jeremy come in. Her eyes widened as she threw her bag upon her shoulder and held her staff close.

"Not another one!!!"