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Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:14 pm
by riserugu†
((Continued from the Warehouse; Onslaught Redux))

A harsh sob racked the body of Lucinda Garnett as she fought her way down yet another path, feet tripping over themselves from time to time as she fought to keep herself upright and from falling as a constant amount of pain continued to rack her body. Her left hand was firmly held against her damaged eye, a sickly mixture of blood, tears, and another jelly-like liquid had tickled down the side of her face with her damaged eye since she had left the warehouse.

She also found herself subject to another throbbing pain in her mid-section, a bullet now lodged in thanks to whoever had fired at her as she made her way from the warehouse after taking care of that boy with the gun. The gun, which was now tightly held in her right hand, swaying along as she moved along toward an unknown destination, a destination she didn’t quite care about where would put her…

Her feet stumbled as she fought to continue on walking, praying to whoever would listen now that no one would find in her condition. With her eye in the condition it was in, at this point no doubt probably having been ruptured in the attack, and the pain spreading all over her mid-section, that sickly feeling of a warm wetness causing her tank-top to stick against dirt and bloodied skin.

Already burnt form the days in the sun, the blood just adding more redness to the once tanned skin that had long since begun to lose color with the days of lack of needed things that her body needed pressed onto more days. Now turning a somewhat sickly color, dark circles under her eyes, the blood, and dirt just adding on to her somewhat dead looking appearance.

When the sounds of rushing water reached her ears, she paused somewhat frightened wondering if she had wondered near the river, in that case being in a danger zone. Though glancing down, she tried to look at the collar as best she could, a fruitless effort in the end. But the fact it wasn’t beeping that omen-ness sound that could only end in death was enough to set some comfort in her.

But by the how loud the sound of the rushing water was, meant she was near it… but if she wasn’t close to the river (because if that had been the case the collar would have no doubt told her so) that most meant she was close to the waterfall.

Removing her map from her map as best as possible, she looked over the said area around the waterfall. There’s wasn’t anything on the map Lucinda could use as a check spot of sorts in order to confirm her location, but trusting her instincts moved forward closer toward the sound of water, and sure enough within a few minutes the view of the waterfall came into view, as did the sight of the corpses littering the ground around the area, and with that the nausea finally did get the better of her.

And rushing off to the side of the path, she all but threw up the little bit of food that was in her stomach, the feeling of the blood and jelly-like substance still dripping from her eye just making the nausea all the more worst.

Long moments passed before Lucinda felt well enough to even more from the position she was in, clutching at her stomach as the feeling remained, but with nothing left in her stomach was left with the taste of bile, and the stinging feeling of one’s stomach acid coming up instead. It seemed even longer till this was done, tears running down the length of her face and neck by now. She forcing her onto her feet within time, grabbing blindly at her bag as she dragged it along with her toward the water’s edge, eyeing the corpses and the one of the girl seemly stripped of her clothing.

Somewhat odd, but soon enough dropping onto her knees as she reached there, looking lightly over into the rippling water’s surface, clear enough still to see the damage that had been to her in her attack on that one boy. Her left eye was shut, but still it was clear to see what happened. The bullet having entered right under her eyelid, no doubt passing through the eye itself before exiting right above her eyebrow.

The left side of her face was nothing more than a bloody mess now, it looking almost as with someone had just came up to her and poured red paint down the side of her face. Another choking sob escaping her throat as nothing else seemed to want to, she lifting her left hand once more, running fingers along the path somewhat warm liquid coating her face to a good degree. Her good eye blinking as she brought the hand away to examine the red now staining the tip of her fingers, it was real… all this, the blood, the pain, everything. This, sadly, for her and her classmates was not some dream they’d be waking up from anytime soon it seemed.

Turning a bit in place, she grabbed at her bag opening it and removing the small first aid kit there… there was hardly anything left, but probably enough to take care of her eye, her mid-section was another story, probably using something else as a substitute for bandages to wrap that area.

Nonetheless, starting slowly, she bent down toward the water, cupping water into her hands and splashed it against her face in hopes of removing the blood there. A wave of stinging pain flashing over her as she worked to remove the blood, though sure enough all that she could get off was gone, and all that remained was what blood was still coming from the entrance and exit holes, and what was leaking out from under her closed eyelid. Breathing in deeply, she leaned closer toward the water and slowly opened the eyelid of the damaged eye, and sure enough more of the whiteish jelly-like substance seemed to spill out, she quickly re-closing her eye and moving to start working on working the bandages around her head, and covering her eye. Once finished, she looked over her work… it wasn’t anything grand, but it would have to do it seemed.

Looking over what little bandages where left, she sighed a bit, working her shirt up some and working on wrapping the bandages about the area in which the would was, breathing in sharply and the feeling of the rough bandages rubbing against the wound.

Once finished in handing the important measures, she lifted herself up and moved off to the side near where a large formation of rocks where, settling about them and moving her bag to position it against one of the rocks before resting back against it. Moving a hand inside it though it order to remove the gun, tucking it between herself and another rock, slowly resting back against the bag again.

From this position she had a good look at this side of the are of the waterfall, but not the other, so hopefully whatever guests paid a visit in the near future, it this place didn’t become a danger zone anytime soon would allow her some time to rest in a somewhat safe location, away from everyone, and the horrors of this game that where just growing worse and worse as time pressed on, but as it did.

What hand of hands was fate dealing her now, something lucky?

Or just her last hand before the end game…

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:15 pm
by Albel Nox†
((Continued from Clockworks in the Helicopter Crash Site))

Nevera leads the way to the almighty waterfall. She looks over at Scott and half smiles, handing him a peice of bread from her bag.

"I've got plenty, I really haven't eaten much. I've been saving up, so here," She also ripped a peice in half and nibbled on it. She drunk at her bottle of water as she filled up the empty ones with the cool stream water.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:15 pm
by Bloody_Fists†
((Continued from: Clockworks))

The bat was swinging in scotts hand loosely as he took the bread with the other hand. He took a bite and gave her a nervous smile and tried as hard as he could to swallow the stale bread. They had been here before, about five or six hours ago, they werent doing a good job of finding jeremy, just going round in circles it seemed. Of course he had noticed spots of blood that werent here the last time they rested here. It could of been a gunfight, a death? The bleeding contestant could still be hanging around waiting for the two to come out into there sights.

Really it was a good idea too just take another rest. Dont worry about being shot, stop letting the paranoia get to him. He slumped down on a rock near the fall, Every now and again water would be spit from the stream and onto his face, It was cool and refreshing. Brought him half way back to reality in his mind.

"See, you did a good job of leading us!, no bad guys that i can see" He said with a half hearted smile. The loose tooth at the back of his mouth was moved around with his tongue. He spat out a clump of blood and mucus were it had been bleeding. His own water was taken from his bag and he took a good drink out of it. If he ran out he always had the waterfall, But knowing his luck it had probally been poisened, one of danyas sick little jokes.

So far he had been pretty lucky. he hadnt had to kill anyone yet, But as he looked at nev he coulden help but wonder when he would have to kill her, of course he would protect her untill the end but what if they managed to be the last two? He wouldent just get that far to let the collars go off or the terrorists come down and have to shoot them both, if that happened he would have to kill her, and with his currant weapon it would have to be in the most brutal of ways. From that thought he didnt know wheather he wanted to win or not.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:15 pm
by riserugu†
The semi-loud voices over the loud crashing of the nearby waterfall where what cause Lucinda’s brain to go back into overdrive as her eye shot open, and she pulled closer to herself a bit, listening to what she could hear. Only two voices, that was good, she could handle two people… hopefully. Dragging herself onto her knees, she glanced over the rock formation she sat behind, looking over the two. Both she knew from school, not really friends but she knew them. Scott was on the baseball team, and Nev played soccer, she had a class or two with one or both of them, they maybe had even been to a play or two she was in.

Glancing downward, she glanced downward and lifted the gun off the ground, holding tightly in her hand. Breathing in deeply, she lifted the gun upward, aiming the gun toward the ground between them… hoping to scare them at least; not planning to kill them, unless need be of course. Narrowing her good eye a bit, she pulled back on the trigger her hands jerking back a bit as the gun went off, sending a bullet heading toward the ground.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:15 pm
by Albel Nox†
Nevera smiled at Scott. "I guess I did lead us somewhere good, but where did all this blood come from?" She thought for a moment. Maybe about a minute later, she heard a gun go off. She jumped and looked at Scott. "What was that?" She stood up quickly and narrowed her eyes. Nev readied her bo staff and called out. "Who ever you are, come out. Don't be a coward and shoot us from afar. At least let us see our killer!" She shook a bit as she tried to sound serious and less cowardly.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by Bloody_Fists†
He was just aknowledging nevs words when the gunshot hit the dirt between the two. He instantly jumped up and arkwards fell over the rock he was leaning on. He looked up at nev as she tried to stand there ground, but really that wouldent do shit. The attacker had a gun and we have a bat and a pole, not much of a challenge really, but best make use of what we got.

He heard nev talking about 'letting them see their killer', which he did not like at all, it wasnt a nice thought that who ever shot that gun was going to kill them, And the way nev said it, it was like she knew for sure it would happen.

A couple cursed words were said under his breath. "Fuck, what are we gonna do now?" scott whispered to his friend. "I think first of all you should get down."

He peeped his head over the rock and took a look around, although he didnt give himself enough time to take a good look as he saw nothing. The bat was gripped in his left hand and the right hand picked up a rock, large enough to hurt someone atleast.
It was a longshot but he had to try something.
The rock was thrown out after a good look into the woods. He saw what he thought was the figure of the attacker and threw the rock at it.
"Get out here, or next time its a bullet"

No, he didnt have a gun, but as long as the attacker thought he did it should be ok, maybe he could get hold of there gun.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by riserugu†
Lucinda found herself narrowing her eye a bit listening, screaming like that they where going to end up attracting others, really how stupid where people becoming in this game? You’d figure after nine days or so, one would figure when shot at to move and get out of the way in order to keep from getting shot again. Least the boy went and moved behind another placed rock, the girl… Nev has the brash one, screaming out for her to come out, so at least they could see their killer. Bit morbid it seemed, thinking she was going to kill them, truth be told it was a something she hadn’t decided on yet.

Pursing her lips, she bent down behind the rock again undoing her daypack and digging through, hooking both of the smaller bladed weapons from Sven and Ryan into her belt. Positioning the weapon she had been issued, the Great Axe only beside her. Keeping the gun held tightly in her hand, as she began working herself up onto her feet, ducking though when she saw a semi-large rock fly by, landing some feet from her. Breathing in a bit seeing this, returned to getting up and making her way around the rock foundation.

They where going to shot? Doubtful, it seemed more like a bluff by the way it sounded, but she didn’t know, but if they did have a gun she was walking into what could be a trap. But if what she figured true, was true, they where only armed in what they had been holding moments before. Stepping out from the shade of her hiding spot, and into the clearing, she probably looked horrid. Blondish hair matted in dirt and blood, clothes in the same matter though her once light blue tank-top now stained in a large circular stain of blood from where the blood from her eye had gotten. A bandage wrapped about the said injured eye, and about her head somewhat, also stained in blood. While two blades where carried in her belt, and a pistol in her hand.

A killer she already was, but still by accident… Sven had been an accident, the other boy hadn’t died because her name hadn’t been spoken on the announcements meaning the cut she had made to his throat hadn’t been clean, probably because of the pain she had been in from when he had shot her messed up the shot. Frowning, she stopped a good few feet from the rock formation where she had been hiding, looking over the area where Nev was standing, and Scott had gone into hiding.

Musing a small grin, she looked over the other girl, “Why hello, wonderful day isn’t it?”

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by Albel Nox†
Nevera lowered her staff. "It's you, Luci." She half smiled. "You aren't here to kill are you? If you are, Scott and I won't hesitate to do so, regardless if your weapon is better."

She looked at Scott and then back at Luci. With a slight smile she set the end of her staff on the ground. "So what's it gonna be?"

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by Bloody_Fists†
ah fuck, it was lucinda and by the looks of her she crossed the insanity line a while ago. By the words that she spoke to them it seemed like she was going to kill them, give them the 'Hey hows your mother' thing then blow there faces of. Of course he stayed behind his rock, Just poking his head up for a good look at luci.

Now she was out in the open and she would demand to see that gun that he claimed to have. Fuck, it was a stupid idea, what was he going to do now? Point his fingers at her and shout bang?
He'd run out of ideas now, he didnt have many, but what he had, had just been used up. I suppose he could try the friendship thing, See how faithful and trustworthy the girl could be. Or there was always the full on attack, they could both beat her to death and take her gun, but then who gets the gun, it would be just his luck to have gotten the gun and then kill each other over who gets it.

So what was it gojng to be? A fight to the death or a partnership? Whatever the two they had a slight upper hand by the way luci was looking, not to healthy stay on the island.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by riserugu†
"You two won't hesiate to kill me?" She repeated lightly, smiling softly. "Do you think you could do that Nevera? Do you really think you could kill me? Killing isn't just something that comes easy, you can't hesiate for even a moment or you'll die."

Lucinda glanced over toward Scott somewhat, smiling a little, against popular belief it seemed this girl was currently quite far some the insanity line. She wasn't going to lose her control, that would just end in death.

A rather rough cough escaped her body, she covering her mouth a bit, glancing at the bits of blood covering it as she pulled it away. Rubbing the hand along her black pants, glancing back up at the two as she kept her grip on the gun, attention on the two.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:17 pm
by Albel Nox†
Nevera loosened a bit and thought. She couldn't just sit there and ignore someone in need. Of course, if it came to killing, she'd have to do it. Still, she bit her bottom lip and looked at Scott. "Maybe we should help her?" She spoke softly to where only he could here her. She then made a brief sigh and looked at Lucinda. She slowly walked over to her and knelt about 2 feet in front of her.

"Lucinda, I don't want to hurt anyone. It's just I am willing to fight if it's needed. We were on the search for Jeremy and forming an alliance. We don't know what it may come to in the end, but for now we wish to all stick with those that do not wish to fight." She forced a smile as she was still a little frightened, mainly by the fact that Luci had a gun. Nev placed her staff behind her as a breeze picked up. "With your gun on our side, we can be powerful. You may have killed, whether you had been taken by the game or not. I wish that you would be willing enough to join us. When it comes to the end, we don't know what will happen. I know there can be only one winner, but we should be able to find a way to all survive." She then remembered how brave Kousaka had talked and now he was dead. A tear again fell from her cheek. "Many people talk tough, but fail. We want to find those people and help them. Cowards never win, and winnners also fail in the end. Even if someone won this game, wouldn't that person become something horrible? They'd end up in an insane sylum, for sure!"

She then looked over at Scott as a long sigh passed her lips. "We will help you" She then looked at Luci. "By the looks of it, you need it."

((Wow, a long post for once. Haha, well for me anyway. I haven't had a post like this since I started this character. Maybe this one is still longer. *shrugs*))

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:18 pm
by Bloody_Fists†
No, She would, nev would help, scott would stand his istance and keep away from them both if need be. He almost expected lucinda to put a bullet between nevs eyes as she finished her speach.

No he couldent trust her, she had given him no reason to thus far, and first impressions are always important, and hers was not a good one. Nev was being a psycho too, she had no idea what she was doing, Of course it could work out or it couldent, boom, to the head, dead. One less person and the next would be scott himself. If this girl decided to go trigger happy they would pretty much be fucked. He was a fast runner but hje wasnt faster than a bullet, Even if she wa sa shitty aim he was still feeling tired, his legs felt pretty much dead as it was.

He wouldent say anything to signify that he was in on helping her, He wouldent move, he would stay behind his rock and stare the two out. He did feel something for luci, some sort of guilt but it could ultimately get him killed.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:18 pm
by riserugu†
Lucinda watched the girl lightly as she spoke, lips forming into a twisted frown. "And tell me Nev, what's going to happen when it get's down to just the two of us, we'd be team-mates right, so we couldn't very well shot one another, that be breaking that little alliance code, wouldn't it? Groups are worthless, you're going to die teamed up with someone or not, it's just a matter of time." She said thoughtfully, gripping the pistol and bringing it up to aim at the girl's head.

"Why don't we just get a head-start on it all then?"

[[ ooc;; Un. I got nothing. <_< Still trying to come up with a decent way to kill her... so we can get closer to the pre-game. ]]

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:18 pm
by Albel Nox†
Nevera's eyes widened and she gasped. She looked back at Scott and then back towards Lucinda. She buit her bottom lip tough and began to run towards Scott's rock. Nev grabbed him by the arm, carefully keeping a close watch on Lucinda.

"You... and I really thought that you were a good person!" She cried. "I trusted you." She thrust her staff into the earth and cracked her knuckles. "Scott, we have to kill her now, or she will be trouble later on!" She couldn't take her gaze off of the girl.

Re: Clockwork Little Happiness

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:18 pm
by Bloody_Fists†
"Oh fuck" were the first words to leave his mouth when he saw the gun aimed, "Oh fuck me" would follow when he saw nev dashing at him.
He fell back to get out of any line of fire, but of course it was no use, this place was too open anyway. He took a hold of nev and held her infront of him. yes, he was using her as a meatsheild. Of course he was protecting her but he cant protect anyone if he took a bullet between the eyes. It was for the best.

"what? she has a fucking gun and shes a tiny psycho!" He spoke franticly, all the while they talked it gave her more time to take aim and pull back the trigger, But he didnt have a clue what to do, that adrenalin stuff, fight or flight, none of that came into mind right now. He was frozen solid, as if he accepted his fate although he knew he wouldent die here today. what was he waiting for? a miracle it seemed but none would come and he would have to do the dirty work himself.

With nev safely implace as a meatsheild he decided he would let one of the two girls to make a move first, maybe if nev goes all out and jumps at her then scott could run up behind and beat lucinda to death?

This could go wrong in many ways but of course if they get the kill it will probally be worth it right?