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Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:42 am
by Bloody_Fists†

So actually tried to run. Stevan laughed to himself, This was too much fun for him to handle. Even more fun than when he made friends with that weird kid when he was eight! too bad he had to leave he would of enjoyed this game.

The gun lowered as stevan burst into laughter at elises weak attempts.
Stevans laughter was short lived as he walk over to elise and again lean by her pathetic figure. Mhm... seems like these little holes stopping you, lemme' take a look?"
Stevans hands gently rose up elises thigh to the bullet wound in her left leg. His touch was so gentle, so not like stevan. It was almost as if he cared.
This dream was stopped as he violently pressed his fingure into the wound. His finger squeelching the blood and flesh inside "cool" would be said as his finger was dragged from the bloody mess, blood dripping of his finger.

So back to stevans sick game. He stood up and looked down the barrel into elises stomach. Good place to shoot? nice and painfull im guessing.
It was enough fun and games, this stupid little sharade was boring stevan now and he wanted a new thing to do.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:43 am
by Swoosh*
((Ok, so I'll edit to concur with Stevan's post... *le sigh*))

Elise didn't even have the energy to cry out as Stevan's fingers found themselves digging around in her flesh, instead her face became contorted as she found herself unable to deal with the pain being caused. For some reason, a small nagging worry that the wounds now may be even more infected sprung to her mind, but they were soon chased away when Stevan's gun was brought out. However, any fear she may have had was soon replaced with confusion, and exhaustion, as Peri appeared to step in to stop Stevan's little games... he was walking over to her... he was reaching down to her...

So the torture continued... Elise tried to struggle as Peri helped her to her feet, but he was too strong... or maybe she was in such a weakened state. As she got hauled to her feet, she let out yet another gasp of pain. This was all too much for her.

She was supposed to be dead... Stevan was supposed to have shot her. But she was moving. Was she moving? Everything was so blurry, she couldn't tell. Maybe she had died, and was on her way to heaven.

The pain in her legs as Peri steered her outside told her otherwise. She heard muffled talk, but she couldn't tell what words were being spoken. As if her situation wasn't surreal enough already, it appeared she had just been saved by someone who had tried to kill her a while ago.

Where was he taking her? She didn't know... all she was concentrating on at the moment was not passing out, or collapsing. Peri's strong arm continued to steer her direction...

((haha. That was totally Godmodding, by the way, but never mind...and FINE. Have your fun. *waves goodbye to Elise with a mournful air*))

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:43 am
by MismatchedEyes*
She struggled against him and with a loud "fuck you" he would release her sending the bloodied mass of tattered clothing and wounds fall to the floor at his feet.One hand would wave a little circle in the air above his head as he spoke to his ally "Do with her as you wish,She doesnt want my help.Fine,Fuck her" he said before he would given Elise one solemn look.She wished to suffer and she wished to go out into the next life kicking and screaming so be it.His friend would make sure she got her wish.

One hand raised to run through his hair,this shit was getting real old.Real fast,She wouldnt be coming back after this."Let me put the bullet in her when youre done playing,I started this I want to be the one to finish it.Now go,Play.Enjoy Freak" he said with a sudden snap of his teeth."Buh bye Elise,See you on the otherside".

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:43 am
by Bloody_Fists†
Stevann watched peri take away his play thing right infront of his eyes. He wasa bout to end this nightmare for her and do her atleast one favour. God damn peri and his fucking morals.

Huh...peri let her go? He even told stevan to do as he wishes. Thank christ he was getting angry. Maybe ther'ed be two more corpses here and one of them wouldent of been stevans if peri hadnt doen this.

"Ah, elise. Back to out game" He grabbed elise by the arm and dragged her into a darkened corner. He leaned down and aimed his gun at her face and spoke. "Life and death are meaningless and pain is god.....Dont worry, You'll soon be out of the game." Stevan spoke solemnly, These were the last words elise would hear...they had to be good.

The gun was lowered to her stomach, It was point blank range. He gave her a smile, not one of those sadistic smiles he had been giving her a couple minutes ago but a happy almost joyful smile. Maybe this was just to mock her death.
"Good bye little girly, I'll probally see you soon anyways.

He would wait a minute or so staring into elises eyes coldly, emotionless.

His boney white finger rubbed itself lightly over the cold metal trigger. He gently pulled it back with a small click, The barrel was sent into life. The busk shot bullets passed through the barrel and came into the world with a loud cracking sound. They left a trail of red behind them as theyflew at elise, almost like it was slow motion. Stevans arms were tugged back with the force of the shot.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:43 am
by Swoosh*
Ok... so now she wasn't being saved. The impact that she made with the floor shook her out of her daydream state.

So what the hell is happening now?? ((amen to that...))

She felt a sharp pain on her arm. She glanced up to see Stevan, once again. Great, her savior had returned. Just when she thought she'd seen the last of him...

Had this been happening to her even five minutes ago, Elise may have attempted to break free of his grip. But she was tired. She was tired of the pain, of the struggling... she was just tired. She allowed herself to be dragged across the floor, looking around her. The lifeless face of the boy swept past her. She looked over at the girl. What was left of her face.... these would be the last things she ever saw. What she was to become.

As she was dragged into the corner, Elise felt a strange sense of relief. It was going to end here. The sixteen years of teasing, of pain, of torment, they were all going to stop. Stevan's words were little more than murmurs to her as she contemplated this. She even allowed herself a little smile.

Where would she go? Heaven? She had always been a firm atheist, and didn't believe in all the crap that was spouted about sitting on clouds in the sky all day... maybe she would end up somewhere where she could finally be happy, at peace. Who knew? She would soon enough.

Some Psychology trip this turned out to be... oh, and she'd never find out how well she did in her exams. Oh well, at least she could rest with the thought that she had at least been predicted all A*s. At least now she couldn't have that taken away from her... what odd things to be thinking about when she was about to die. As Elise's final thoughts made their way through her head, she looked up at Stevan, still smiling slightly.

"Good bye little girly, I'll probably see you soon anyways."

She watched him point the gun at her stomach. Time for a few more last minute thoughts? No, probably not. There was no point to start thinking about something and then getting killed halfway through. She sat, quietly waiting the gunshot.

And then it came. Elise gave one last smile, she welcomed it. She jerked slightly as the bullet tore through her flesh, and then sat perfectly still. The burning sensation in her stomach would all be over soon, it would all be over soon... blood began to trickle from her mouth... it was too poetic for her to wipe it away. It would all be over soon...

"It'll over soon..." Elise murmured to herself. Her last words, comforting her as she faced death.

The smile never left her face as her body was completely drained of life. She had been forced to live her life in the shadows, and it was in the shadows that she had died.

Now she could finally be at peace. No more pain.

Girls #19- Elise Aversano- DEAD

((Jesus, that was hard to write. *sniff*))

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:44 am
by MismatchedEyes*
He watched the whole series of events without blinking,he watched Stevans sneering at her situation,he watched the buckshot tear through the girls body.He listened to her last words as she left the world and became some sort of insane doll,jus laying there with a smile on its face as if it had been painted on.Three corpses in the hospital,this place was getting luckier and luckier.Three corpses and god knows how many bulletholes in the walls.

"We should move,the gunshot will have brought some people and with all the commotion its not smart to lurk around here..You wasted far to much of our time trying to show off.Trying being the keyword" he said as he would reach in his pocket and pull out a packet of cigarettes.One withdrawn from the pack and it would be slid between his lips and lit with one of Stevans disposable lighters,the smoke from his lips seemed to be barely visible against all the black in the hospital.

A Couple steps were taken before he would move down onto his haunches and smile at the smiling corpse of Elise,he was fairly close to her and he was looking her for something..maybe he was admiring her? Maybe he was contemplating the opportunities that had arrived with the birth of another corpse.A Fresh one."Where should we go?"

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:44 am
by Bloody_Fists†
Stevans face was splattered with elises blood, A small grin would appear as he dropped his gun next to him. He would once again pull out a cancer stick from his pocket and light it with his trusty zippo. He had always hoped it would be the cancer thatkills him but it seemed it would be a pathetic child with a gun....Mhm...Oh well. He smoke was inhaled, His lips pursed to release the smoke into elises bloody corpse.

He looked at her, how pathetic she looked now. when they first met she was threatening to kill him with a gun, Now she was laying dead at the hands of stevan. He would hold his cigarette at the side of his mouth as he spoke "Mhm...what do we have here?" he brought his hands up to elises lifeless face as he stole the glasses which she wore so well. He rest them uponhis head bringig back his hair. "No more worrying about the hair in the face" He would giggle like a child as he got up tolook at peri taking another drag.

Stevan took out his map and unfolded it, he ran his ringers over the crinkly paper as he saw a suitable place. "well i dont know about you but im going to the lighthouse?" he said as he wraped his gun around one shoulder and swung his bag over the other.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:45 am
by MismatchedEyes*
"You do what you want..Maybe Ill bump into you later on but for now Im going to see things from a new point of view.Ill go it alone,If youre still alive in a couple of days maybe Ill find you and change that..See you around,Freak" he said as his eyes closed and he brought his cigarette to his lips.This reminded him of when he had Elise,gun in one hand and cigarette in the other.Not a hint of worry about him even though he was threatening to kill the other person.

Lungs would fill with a little more tar before he released the smoke in a grey mist from the back of his throat.Elise was gone,Stevan was happy at his single kill and was that all that mattered a kill? Yes but the guy was to noisy.He was going to get them killed now he could go get himself killed although the chances alone didnt look to good they were ones he would have to put his faith into.

"Im going to stay here for a while.Ill catch up with you sometime..Remmber to watch out for the preacher and his little pack.Youre number two on there hitlist" he said before raising his cigarette oncemore.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:45 am
by Bloody_Fists†
"yeah maybe" stevan would speak with a confused tone to his voice. So the alliance didnt last long so what, Stevan could easily take care of himself, he had done pretty much all of his life.
He had one kill to his name and that was enough for now. He just had to work on that temper of his or it would be the death of him.

He took one final glance at peri before shaking his and. "See you around psycho boy" he would sayas he passed through the bullet filled door and into the bushes. The mud had started to dry now, Should be an easy walk from here , He thought to himself.
Without turning back He dissapeared into the trees and was on his way to the lighthouse

((Continued in: Where'd you go, Psycho Boy?))

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:45 am
by MismatchedEyes*
"Psycho Boy?" he said as his ally would diseppear into the forest leaving him alone with the three corpses of other students.Great,his eyes closed and for the first time since he had woken he would relax.The weight of the colt causing it to topple from his hand,the cigarette raised to his lips as he would suckle onto it.The cherry flaring up as he would swallow a mouthful of that toxic smoke,what to do now? with who? Jacob and his little pack would be hunting him and stevan.Him especially since he had sparked the fire fight and he was now alone again.

Before he would go anywhere he would decide what he wanted to do..What side of the line he wished to be on? The Saint or the Sinner? He had played the sinner so far and barely survived it and his clothes told the story of it.Muddied,blood splattered and bullethole filled.The red lines few and scattered around his body leaked more blood,seemed the sinner was saved by a saint.Not a bullet had hit him but a number had skimmed and the result were the red wounds across his body,one under his right eye.

Maybe he should play the saint? Who would belive him as a saint.Blood splattered and carrying two weapons..Maybe he could go after Jacob offer his help,no,that idiot nearly shot him when they were allies let alone now.Should the sinner become a saint?

((Continued in: Girl #30: Awakening))

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:08 am
by OnceForgotten†
Marcus' natural camoflauge had come in handy once again. Not only had he moved away from his small group of friends during the gun fight, but he had managed to stay out of sight of the two crazies in the house AND the killer Jacob. He slowly moved around the house, peering in the windows, watching the two pale kids converse. If anything, they are not lacking of firepower He had avoided Madeleine's motions to leave not because he did not want to, but because he wanted to keep tabs on these two. He figured to follow them for quite a while, and maybe at an opportune moment, strike.

delete this post since everyone is gone.