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Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:19 pm
by Ohm
She had gotten stuck in a trap. A bear trap. Standing stock still with one of her legs in it, hands in pockets as if to hold back the pain. He couldn't see any blood so it hadn't pierced her leg or anything like that, but it didn't mean it was a pleasant experience,

Thomas had zoomed over like he was The Flash and started checking over the thing, seemingly trying to find something. Sean came over and got down on one knee as he pointed at the metal part with his right hand, panic in his voice.

"How do we do this?! Pull it apart?!" Sean had never dealt with a bear trap. Before he got here he'd never even seen one beyond images and he never wanted to deal with it either. That was for people who liked hunting and shit and Sean was not about that. Which meant of course he had no idea what to do. He looked up at Sakurako as if she had the answer.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:55 pm
by Sunnybunny
Sakurako closed her eyes, content with the fact that she hadn't been left to her fate alone even if her leg was throbbing. It hurt so much she could barely think, but she had to get through this.

"The only kind of bear traps I really know anything about are the reverse kind. But there should be a latch, yeah... prying it apart c-could work if you can get my leg out fast or use a stick to keep it open. Maybe the spring can be broken too, it just depends on what would be fastest."

She wondered if this was how nuts felt when you cracked them.

She wondered if this was how she was going to die.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:55 pm
by Jilly
KNIFE GIRL tumbles over as PRINCESS pins her down. The KNIFE unceremoniously drops to the ground several inches away.



SQUIRMING GIRL continues to squirm and gag under PRINCESS and the DURIAN's hold. SQUIRMING GIRL's hand gropes for the fallen KNIFE.



Ngh! Princess! Get the fuck off me!

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:37 pm
by Catche Jagger
Sean and Sakurako shouting was not helping him figure this shit out. Like, Sakurako was literally in the trap, but Sean panicking was just an escalation of already super fucked up situation.

“You can’t just pry it open. This shit is meant to stay locked up for animals and we can’t open it by… by thinking like a fucking animal!” He snapped at the other boy before quickly going back to looking over the trap.

His hands trembled slightly as they ran across the metal device. As they moved he applied pressure to certain points and discovered that the beams at the edge had a bit of give. That’d have to be enough.

Quickly, he shifted to the front of Sakurako, and pressed down on the beams, springs, at both sides as hard as he could. As he did, he could see the jaws move a bit, hopefully loosening.

“Sakurako, pull your leg out. Sean, help her.” He spoke through gritted teeth, though his voice remained level, calm.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:26 pm
by Cicada
I don't think you get off that easy.

PRINCESS awkwardly lobs the DURIAN at the KNIFE. It hits, and the knife careens into nearby underbrush. PRINCESS leans her body weight forward, speaking right at PRONE GIRL'S ear.

Wait- Sakurako. You did it to her, didn't you?
(Angrier, quieter still)
Awfully bold of you. Huh, Teresa? Did you think you could get away with it? Do you feel so clever? So special? Are you that stupid?
(Loudly talking to herself)
Sure you always were, but. No- this is inexcusable! What makes you people think you can get away with it? Do you subhuman freaks think you're better than us? Than me?

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:54 pm
by Ohm
Both Sakurako and Thomas were talking at the same time. Well, one was talking and the other was calling him an animal? Thomas was on a real edge right now he could tell, so Sean left it without any comment. It wasn't the place for it anyway.

He saw his hands move across the trap and the trap's maw loosen it's grip on her. As he watched with a general feeling of helplessness as per usual, a thought entered his mind. A lone thought along with the panicked filled, adrealine fueled thoughts of getting this girl out of this bear trap,

Where was the trapper? You wouldn't just leave something like this alone right? What was the goal?

But that thought was squashed and pulled away as Thomas told him to get her leg. Sean stood up on shaky feet and moved to help her leg out of it's entrapment as fast as he could.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:20 pm
by Sunnybunny
"Damn Thomas, tell us how you really feel."

As soon as the trap slacked, Sakurako pulled her foot back and... yeah! There! Her leg still hurt like fuck, but her new accessory had been removed. Gripping both guy's shoulders for support, she moved her foot around this way and that, wincing when she hit a particularly painful angle. Her toes were free to wiggle in her shoes, though, and for a few seconds she did that happily.

If only breaking out of the damn thing on her neck was that simple.

"Good news, everyone! You two are clutch as fuck... but the bad news is if I have to go on Maury, I won't be running back stage any time soon. Leg's about as broken as Cheri's neck."

There. She'd said it. Hopefully they wouldn't ask for details. Icky, depressing details. People say that's where the devil was.

"Now let's go get Princess and go home."

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:18 am
by Jilly

Maybe I do! Maybe I am!
Don't take it out on me just 'cause Quinn satisfied Violet more than you ever could!

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:45 am
by Catche Jagger
Thomas didn’t realize that he stopped breathing at some point after his last statement until Sakurako spoke and left him feeling embarrassed. He let out a deep breath as he rose to his feet to give Sakurako something more stable to hold on to.

He’d snapped a bit and she cut right through it. The momentary clarity of the earlier crisis was now replaced with all the old doubts and concerns.

“Well, um, I’m sure one- or, you know, both of us, could help you, give you something to lean on, or we could carry you if need be.” He said, giving her a nod and trying to seem as decisive as he’d felt moments ago.

Now, there were other things to be concerned with, such as the source of the bear trap, and…

“Hey, where is Princess?” Thomas asked, finally taking notice of their other companion’s absence and wheeling his head around to try and catch a glimpse of where she’d gone.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:15 am
by Cicada
(Forced smile)
Oh dear, oh, that's not funny at all...

She grabs FUNNY GIRL'S head, pushes down, and cursorily grinds her face into the earth. PRINCESS sighs as if bored.

Well, I should have seen it coming. Try again, Teresa. Why?

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:56 pm
by Jilly

Let me go and I'll tell ya.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:01 pm
by Cicada
PRINCESS silently considers the DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL underneath her. Then she gets off without another word, carefully taking a step or two away for some distance, watching intently.

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:32 pm
by Jilly
DR. WORM GIRL waits for a hot minute before shooting up and diving for the KNIFE and brandishes it at PRINCESS.


Oh, so sorry... I got places to be. I'm a busy girl. Maybe I'll tell ya later!

KNIFE GIRL rushes away. She stabs the other duffel bag near the top as a parting shot, leaving a small nick in its place.


It's been fun! Ciao, Princess!

((exits STAGE LEFT))

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:45 pm
by Cicada
Rest was needed- to reassert a more proper state of mind. Princess let the noise fade away. Teresa was loud and dumbly so. Her echo passed in a moment, then Princess could reflect on the past minute that had passed in several lifetime's worth.

Well, she now had some answer to her question, recalcitrant as Missy Stabby- crude form of address and accurately so- had been. Princess took a quiet step into the after-action void and processed the tear to one side of her bag's zipper. Unlikely anything important would fall out unless Princess flipped the bag the wrong side up and danced around with it in a fit of sheer raving lunacy. Which, she might have been closer to doing than at any point in her life prior.

Mechanically, she slung the bag onto her shoulder. Grabbed two handfuls of anything useless- what came out was the used skirt and the set of heeled boots she hadn't worn for three days now. The boots were tossed to land on top of Sean's pilfered bag. The skirt was violently torn until the stitches reunited on the wrong ends, then it also landed on the ground and received a good barefoot stomp in the singular, drowning gently in mud.

Princess considered her handiwork without emotion. It was definitely a scene.

A beginning of some story, but probably a particularly hackneyed and poorly written one. Princess decided she'd keep an open mind. Being better than her peers hadn't gotten her anywhere truly worthy of her pedigree. It had gotten her names to haunt the rest of her days, and an choice exchange of badly scripted words with one of the school's closest things to a walking fleshlight- yes, she knew what that was. That was the caliber of cultural reference she'd been reduced to.

Refreshing, in a way. Being better was no longer good enough.

She'd have to tell her tale some other way, then. Teresa had taught her that much. Words meant little, somehow. That was a scary new paradigm to have to understand.

The profoundly lonely girl abandoned her peers once more, and toughened up her callouses a bit more as she wandered off with profoundly little purpose.

((Princess McQuillan continued elsewhere))

Re: Lately Kiss My Ass Lately

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:22 pm
by Ohm
They got her leg out and he felt her hold on for support as she confirmed her leg was broken. The second worst thing that could have happened, he did not want to think of the first. It was something that was going to stick with her for the rest of this and Sean could not imagine how painfull that must have been for her.

Thomas was bumbling through his offer of help, one or both supporting her. Or carrying her if need be. Sean would happily oblige him in doing so if his next words didn't set something off in his brain.

These thoughts were washed away once it was mentioned that Princess was not there with them and that single thought from earlier came crashing back with a vengeance. Princess wasn't there and they didn't know who put this trap here. Unless she had this planned days ago, it could not have been her.

Then who? And where was she?

A quick look around showed no one around them that he could see, but someone doing this would not be out in the open. They'd be hiding and biding their time. Would this someone be stalking them in that case?

His heart beat against his chest like hammer against concrete and he felt the full cold from the rain. Their safety was gone again, fleeting as it was.

He looked over at Thomas and said. "I'll do it." As he did and moved over to her side to support her with his shoulder, he made a gesture with his right hand, two fingers pointed out with his thumb upwards while keeping eye contact. He hoped Thomas would get it.

If they wanted safety, they would have to force it. As much as he hated it.