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Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Super Llama†

Laeil's vision on her left side began to turn red from the blood pooling around it, making it harder and harder to see.


She felt like she was going to throw up. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as the fact that he was cutting into her FUCKING EYE. Her breathing was ragged as her body tensed, and she let out a tiny, pained whimper.


Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Ares
John heard the sickening slice noise die as jammed the blade behind Laeils eyeball and continued to hack away, bringing the blade beneath the eyeball, finally seeing the steel emerge once again from the pool of warm blood now flowing down onto his hands, her face and the floor of the hangar.

John used the blade in a scooping method, and even though it was the blade's doing, he could still feel the pop as Laeil's eye came out of the socket. He quickly placed the eye into his free hand and dropped the falchion to the floor to admire what he'd just done. Taking the eye between his thumb and pointer he waved it in front of Laeil, taunting her.

"Look at yourself...seriously, I wish you could see this. Oh wait, you can! Ahahahaha!" He roared with laughter at the girl.

"Isn't it just as beautiful as I said it was?" John asked the girl.

No response.

"Well, no point in keeping it around if you don't like it Laeil."

John's smile and laughter turned into a stone cold expression as he let the eye roll into the palm of his hand. He place the eye in front of Laeil's face and with one swift motion, crushed it in his hand.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Super Llama†
Laeil could feel the blade slipping under her eye, the feeling of nausea getting worse. She couldn't help but struggle now, her body squirming as she tried to get away from Riz's blade, the wire cutting into her wrists, though Riz's grip was too great to do anything.

Suddenly, her sight on her left side began to move forward independently of her right side. No, he's... Her vision moved enough so that she could see the side of her face, and her own pained expression.

"Look at yourself...seriously, I wish you could see this. Oh wait, you can! Ahahahaha!"

Oh my God put it backputitbackputitback

"Well, no point in keeping it around if you don't like it Laeil."


She could start to feel pressure on her eye...


And then she saw nothing.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Ares
It was a strange feeling when he crushed the eye. A lot squishier then he'd ever imagined it would be. The blood and puss gushed between his fingers mixed with the "meaty" part of eye.

"There, now its gone." John said as he wiped his hand on Laeil's shirt.

"What still no reaction from you? Good lord, either you're the toughest little dyke this world has ever seen, or you're just that fucking stupid," John took a breath before continuing, "How about we loosen your lips?"

John brought the falchion back up and ran the tip across Laeil's lips.

"Or maybe we'll give you that wonderful nose job everyone seems to want to get nowadays. I heard it is all the rage!"

After running the side of the sword down the bridge of her nose, John saw the opening he needed.

"Or I about I go for some symmetry. You'll have to remind though, symmetry is making both sides look like the other isn't it?...Ah hell if it is, that is how I remember it, and I really could care less about your answer. Yeah, I think we'll go for some symmetry."

John took the tip of the blade of cut into the skin beneath Laeil's other eye.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Super Llama†
It's gone. It's really gone. She'll never see anything out of that side again.

This was worst than pain. Her mind was reeling in a panic.


But then Riz started looking for his next target.

"How about we loosen your lips?"


"Or maybe we'll give you that wonderful nose job everyone seems to want to get nowadays. I heard it is all the rage!"


"Or I about I go for some symmetry?"

She couldn't take it anymore. As the blade cut into the flesh just below her eye, the tears began to roll down her face, the saltiness stinging the empty socket on her left side. Was this how Anthony felt? That look of pained terror on his face as she unleashed all those years of pent-up anger on him came to mind as she looked up at Riz's sadistic expression.

"No more..." She said, her voice weak. "Please, for the love of God, no more..."

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Ares
He was just about to apply full on pressure to the blade to full on begin the removal process on the other eye when Laeil's voice finally came.

"Please, for the love of God, no more..."

"No more? Well okay since you asked so nicely. Plus I've actually got a better idea you know, that I'd like you to see." John whispered into the girl's ear.

John once again put down the falchion and began looking around.

"Where are you, where are you...Aha." John reached down Laeil's body and retrieved the tire iron.

He twirled it around it front of her face, smiling as he did so. He once again got nose to nose with the girl brandishing the tire iron.

"I told you I'd use this, and I'm a man of my word. I'll make this quick for you."

John rose to his feet and looked down at the girl. It was the first time he got a full circle look at the carnage he'd inflicted here. The vision was disturbing on many levels. John's arm fell to his side. He was done here and he knew it. She'd die here anyways, bleeding and bound. No one would save her.

"Forget what I said, you aren't even worth finishing. You can stay here and rot." John snarled at the girl as he packed up his weaponry.

As he walked for the exit, a small gleam on sunlight reflected off something in Laeil's fallen pack. It was a bottle, but there was something in the bottle that stood out. A rag.

A molotov...

John turned back to the girl laying on the ground remembering the burn on his leg. Why shouldn't she be burnt too? Quickly he strode over to her pack and picked out the molotov, before walking back over to Laeil herself. He quickly found the lighter she'd been using.

John paused before lighting it as he surveyed his surroundings. It was just now that he realized the hanger was absolutely filled with wooden crates and boxed. This must have been the supply hangar. A sick grin formed on his face. He pulled the rag from out of the bottle and walked over a bunch of crates and boxes and began to spread the gasoline in the bottle over as many as he could. He then took the lighter and lit the fuel, watching in awe the flames quickly spread across the wood and cardboard.

He walked back to Laeil as the flames began to rage behind him.

"Well, like they say my dear. Revenge is a bitch."

He spat on the girl before quickly escaping through the door.

Once he was outside he turned back and looked at the fire raging and the girl on the floor. It was then that he realized he should have grabbed her weapons.

"Oh well." He shrugged.

John then jogged over to the control tower.

"Hey Archer, I'm taking off. I'd run if I were you though my friend. I may or may not have just set this place on fire. See you soon buddy!" John called out in a mocking sing-song fashion.

He would have waited for Quincy Archer to show his face and blast it to hell, but he was tired and exhausted from the events so far, and it wasn't even noon yet. He needed a place to rest and maybe catch some sleep.

((John Rizzolo continued in Kotov Syndrome))

((OOC: Burning down the hangar was approved by Dodd))

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Super Llama†
Laeil laid on the ground, defeated, as Riz withdrew the sword from her other eye, sparing it. The blood from the ruined eye pooled in the eye socket before finally running down her face, mixing with the tears, and almost making it look like she was crying blood on her left side.

Why won't it stop? Please, make the bleeding stop...

As Riz pulled the tire iron back out, mocking her with it, a multitude of possibilities ran through Laeil's head of what he'd do with it; none of them good.

"I told you I'd use this, and I'm a man of my word. I'll make this quick for you."

"No...please, just stop it! I'm begging you, no more!" She said urgently. Only a few minutes ago had she been struggling and hurling insults, and now she was cowering and sobbing, begging for her life in a panic. "I don't want to die..."

Riz deciding that he was finally done with her was like a godsend. As he made his way out of the hangar, she rolled over onto her side. She had already been utterly exhausted when she had come here, and this did absolutely nothing to help that. Her hands being bound behind her back made it a lot harder to get up, but it didn't stop her from trying, though her efforts didn't amount to much except flailing helplessly. She had to get her hands free somehow, then she had to stop the bleeding...somehow, and then-

Wait, why did she smell smoke?

Laeil looked back towards the hangar entrance to find the crates in the front burning, the crates and boxes being shielded by the rain and covered in decades worth of dust causing the fire to spread quickly. And in the midst of it all, Riz walked back up to taunt her one last time.

"Well, like they say my dear. Revenge is a bitch."

A wad of spit struck her on the side of her face, mixing in with the blood, as Riz ran outside, leaving Laeil to deal with the flames as panic took hold. She began to struggle once again against her bonds, the wire digging further into her wrists, drawing blood. She rolled onto her stomach, trying her hardest to pull herself up onto her knees, muscles protesting as she strained as hard as she could before collapsing back to the ground.

"It's getting pretty hot in here, isn't it?

"It's too hot..." The fire had spread, getting closer and closer as it raged out of control, the building starting to fill with smoke.

"What did I say, huh? Looks like karma came back and hit you pretty hard, huh?

Is this what it was? Karma? She had done horrible things to a lot of people on the island. Was this her payment for it all? Getting beaten to a bloody pulp, losing an eye, and now burning alive?

"Somebody help..."

"Who? By now, all the nice guys are either dead, or you managed to fuck them over so that there'd be no chance of them helping. Though seeing you desperately calling for help even though it won't do any good is amusing, too.

"Oh God, somebody help..."

"I'll see you in hell, Lyn." The voice gave one last taunt of it's own before falling silent, leaving Laeil all alone, with nothing but the raging fire for company.

No. It can't end like this.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die, especially not like this.






Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:26 am
by Solitair†

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

Robert Green sat in the waiting room of the Highland Psychiatric Hospital. The atmosphere in the place was oppressive, though not everyone around him seemed to feel the same way. There were a significant number of drained and concerned people there, to be sure, but here and there he caught a trace of boredom, the look of apathy that indicated someone who would rather be elsewhere. They didn't care about the people they came to see, not anymore.

But Rob still cared. Izzy was only a recent arrival; fatigue had not yet set in for him. There was still hope in his heart that she'd snap out of her depression and come back to him.

I'd like to think that all of this constant interaction
Is just the kind of make you drive yourself away
Each simple gesture done by me is counteracted
And leaves me standing here with nothing else to say

It began ten days ago, when Rob noticed that she hadn't shown up for work. It was quite a serious time for her to disappear, too; an important presentation was just around the corner, and the responsibility of handling it fell squarely upon the two of them. But he wasn't concerned just yet. She had a tendency to take things into her own hands when she felt it necessary, and besides, their work was nearly finished. He could handle his own material himself.

The next day, Izzy still hadn't shown up, and Rob was beginning to worry. She'd almost never taken two consecutive days off from work, so intense was her dedication to the job. He finished his preparations, and sent her an email reminding her about the presentation. Normally she wouldn't need it, but Rob felt that it was necessary for him to take the precaution.

Completely baffled by a backward indication
That an inspired word will come across your tongue
Hands moving upward to propel the situation
Have simply halted
And now the conversation's done

The third day she missed work was the day of the presentation. Her absence caught Rob off guard, but he managed to cover things up, and though his audience seemed somewhat confused, they seemed receptive enough. His boss congratulated him and expressed his concerns about Izzy, asking Rob to check up on her after work. He agreed and walked over to her house.

"Hello, Izzy? It's Rob! What's going on? You haven't been going to work! Hello?" He called her when he reached her door, but there was no response. Then he remembered that she'd given him a copy of their apartment key. He peered in, seeing her lavishly furnished living room as it usually was, only with no lights on. He flicked the switch beside the door, but nothing happened. Weird.

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

"Izzy?" he called, still getting nothing in the way of an answer. He began searching the place, finding nothing in the way of human presence until he came to her bedroom. "Izzy!" He found her wrapped in her comforter, eyes closed and shivering, her skin pale and haggard. She didn't notice him come in. "Izzy, come on! You missed the presentation! Wake up!" He shook her shoulders, but aside from her eyes snapping open, nothing happened.

He waved his hand in front of her eyes. Nothing happened.

He pinched her on the cheek. Nothing happened.

After a moment's hesitation, he reached under the covers and groped her breast. Nothing happened.

"Oh God," he gasped, realizing that something was very wrong. Then he noticed that the television was still on. It showed a static camera angle, displaying grainy footage of an abandoned building. Rob saw someone lying on the floor, unmoving. At the same time, he realized why that person wasn't moving, and that Izzy was the only person he found in the apartment.

That's right. He'd forgotten about the latest round of abductions. Her son Quincy must have been a victim. Rob and Quincy had never gotten along; the boy had flat out rejected any sort of kindness from him. Unlike Izzy, he spoke in a distinct accent and used British slang, usually 'twat' or 'bollocks', and spent most of his time sequestered in his room or jogging. Izzy still liked him, but he very blatantly did not return the compliment, ignoring or snapping at her like he did to Rob. But Izzy still defended him whenever Rob complained too hard. And now he was gone. No wonder Izzy broke down.

I'm only waiting for the proper time to tell you
That it's impossible to get along with you
It's hard to look you in the face when we are talking
So it helps to have a mirror in the room

He took her to the hospital shortly afterwards. Everyone at the firm was very sad to hear the news, but their language rubbed him the wrong way. Most of what they said was about Izzy's productivity and how they were deeply sorry to lose it. But that was understandable. They'd never know Izzy for anything else, not the way she laughs when she hears a joke, not her playful barbs, not the way she moves in bed, nothing.

Every day from then on, he visited her in the hospital. The doctors said that she had been severely unresponsive, to the point that they had to feed her intravenously. The last time he visited, the doctors said that she'd begun to notice her surroundings, looking at her room, though she still couldn't take care of herself or speak.

I've not been really looking forward to the performance
But there's my cue and there's a question on your face
Fortunately I have come across an answer
Which is go away
And do not leave a trace

"Mr. Green?"

Rob looked up at the receptionist. "Yes?"

"The doctor will see you now."


Quincy heard Riz call back to him. He also heard Lyn's screams of agony. He turned to Riz's retreating figure and hollered. "They'll never take you back, John! You've done unforgivable things! What parents would want you now?"


There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

He staggered, feeling blood drip from his chin, and turned back to his message, painting one last character with his thumb. After taking a few steps back, he admired his message with increasingly blurry eyes.


Yes, that'd do nicely. Though it was unclear if anyone would actually read it or if it would just burn with the hangar, Quincy needed to write this for his own sake, not any of theirs. As he inscribed it, he came to the conclusion that he'd lived his life pretty poorly. Yes, he should have given his mother and what's-his-name a chance. Yes, he should have moved on after Warren betrayed him. Yes, he shouldn't have treated everyone else like shite. But it was too little, too late. Now all he could think of was escape.

Waking up for breakfast
Burning matches
Talking quickly
Breaking baubles
Throwing garbage
Drinking soda
Looking happy
Taking pictures
So completely stupid
Just go away

As he admitted this truth, he noticed that the room around him shifted. The rust covering the doors shrunk and faded, the fog outside the window dissipated, and he could no longer sense the presence of the suited man. He stood at the top of a normal, dusty control tower, with only a shattered window indicating anything unusual. Yes, this was as it should be.

He hobbled over to his sword, gingerly gripping it in weakened fingers. Yes, soon he'd have the opportunity to start over. He didn't know where, but neither did anyone else. He'd prefer just about anything else to staying here.

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here

One quick motion and it was all over. Quincy collapsed to the floor, bleeding profusely from his throat. He could feel an icy numbness invading his body, hear a soft gurgling from his involuntary attempts to breathe. In his last moments, he still found the strength to smile.

There's no home for you here boy, go away
There's no home for you here


By now, most of the throng that I enjoyed having on Sound and Fury have quit reading in disgust. Those that remain are either trolls or those concerned about my well-being. Mostly the former. I'd like to thank the latter for caring, but they can stop now. It won't work on me.

Had a discussion with the people of the SOTF chat. I told them what I'd been working on, in the vain hope that they'd be able to provide some instinct. Sadly, all but one of them are retards who can't be bothered to spell correctly and only talk about their favorite slash pairings. If there was a machine that let me rape people over the internet, I would drain the batteries with that chat room alone.

Only one person actually bothered with manners, and while he couldn't supply me with any more facts, we had a nice conversation. It's nice to have someone to talk to, for once. When confronted with my findings, he seemed indifferent, unconcerned that the entire contest doesn't make sense. Stop worrying and enjoy life, he told me, and maybe he's right. Maybe I have been taking this too seriously, but it still irritates me, and human beings don't let go of their pet issues so easily.

Everything about SOTF irritates me. Not just the physics and 'storylines', but the fandom itself: their character worship, their misspelled gossip, their abominable fan fiction, but most of all, I hate the roleplayers, people who replicate the game on forums for their own sick amusement.

Yeah, I'm talking about you cunts, especially you, Aaron! What's next, a reenactment of the Rwanda genocide? An Auschwitz RP, perhaps? Fuck all of you. You make me sick and I want you to die.

I've had enough. I'll post again whenever I feel like it.



Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:29 am
by DetectiveArcher†
((Continued from Cause and Effect))

The sun was already beginning to make its slow descent, dipping low and threatening to sink below the horizon. The shadows grew long, stretching their grasping hands across the ground. Eddie began to quicken his pace. He didn't want to be walking around the jungle by the time it got dark. Night had always made the boy uncomfortable. That time when men couldn't sleep for thoughts of their mortality. Those were hours that weighed a person's soul and always found them wanting. He shivered to his bones as he made his way through the low hanging foliage. Best to hurry.

Neither he nor Nicole had said anything since back at the mess hall and it was starting to make him worry. He cleared his throat, attempting to break unsettling quiet. "Uhm...a-about...about back, you know, b-back there," he didn't look at her as the worlds haltingly tumbled from his lips. "I, uh...I don't kn-know if it m-matters, wasn't.... It wasn't what I thought it'd be." He wasn't quite sure what he'd expected, but what had happened wasn't it. " might r-really matter, but...I'm sorry." The rifle and daypack slung over his shoulder, Eddie stuffed his hands into his pockets, not sure what else to say. "I'm so sorry."

Eddie frowned at the distance. For some reason, it looked like the forest was warping. "D-do you see that, t-too?" Moving towards the direction of the disturbance, the dark haired boy wrinkled his nose. "Does it smell like something's burning to you?" He quickened his pace to a slow jog, his curiosity piqued. The shadows danced and whirled, flickering through the trees as the eavesdropper rushed closer to the source of the anomaly . Moving through the brush, the dark haired boy slammed to a halt, as he stepped foot onto the airfield.

One of the hangars was ablaze, smoke pouring into the bright orange sky. Wide eyed at the destruction, Eddie could only utter a quiet "holy shit," as he stared in slack jawed fascination. "D-do you s-s-see this?!" Not bothering to think about how stupid the question was, he took a few steps, edging closer to the fire. Even at his respectful distance, the heat from the flames was still enough to make the skin on his face and arms smart. "I wonder why anyone would bother to set that place on-" his question was simultaneously cut short and answered as a scream for help emanated from the burning hangar.

"Oh my God! There's someone in there!"

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:29 am
by Slayer†
OOC: Continued from Cause and Effect. GMing approved by Arch, and is kept minor, only employed to help the flow of the RP.

Nicole and Ed had walked in silence ever since they left the mess hall, despite any attempts she made at conversation. Any words she formed froze in her throat as she looked at him, and remembered the blood spatter, the noise, the smell. It still made her shudder even thinking about it, but it wasn't a mental image she could forget. It seemed like Ed couldn't forget either, as he was likewise unable to say anything, and the few times they made eye contact they quickly looked away from each other. Was she afraid of him? Well, maybe a little, but she tried to convince herself that she wasn't.

Does he think I hate him or something? Does he hate me? Why would he?

The day crawled on as they walked, each apparently starting to lose track of time as morning turned into afternoon, and afternoon slowly beginning to become evening. They occasionally stopped to eat and drink, only for more failed attempts at conversation to be made. That oppressive air of awkwardness just refused to leave, as omnipresent as the sounds of wildlife, or gunshots, or screams, and as stifling as the collar each bore around their neck. There was something odd about Ed that made her want to get to know him, find out why he was the way he was, but just like in school she felt herself being rebuffed whenever she thought of the possibility. What was going on in his mind now that he'd killed Wade? What was going on in hers, now that she'd seen it happen?

No real point mulling over it, is there? It happened, there's nothing you can do about it.

Slowly, but steadily, the sun was beginning to set when Ed finally snapped her out of her own thoughts with his words. Slowing down, she cast a slightly weary glance to him, listening as he tried to speak. It took him a little while, but he finally stammered out an apology to her for killing Wade. Not sure what to make of it, she raised an eyebrow at him for a second, but not so much out of flippance as just due to not knowing why he was saying such things to her.

Why is he apologising to me, of all people? I didn't ask for any apology, and it's not like I'm the one he shot.

"Eddie..." she started, her British accent sounding out for the first time in hours, before stopping for a second out of sheer lack of anything to say. After a few seconds, though, she continued. "Eddie, you really...really don't have to, y'know, apologise to me. I mean, yeah, it was h-horrible to see, but I can take it. Wade was p-p-playing the game, Eddie, it's not like he would've left you a choice. In the end, he didn't, far as I could see." she stopped for a second, trying to catch her breath, the memory making her hand and the gun she held shake for an instant. "I know you're sorry, Eddie. I'm sorry it had to happen. Just...just have to remember it's Danya's-"

Nicole was cut off by Eddie asking if she'd seen the jungle appearing to warp as he had. Figuring it a trick of the heat, she had just passed it off until he brought it up. It did seem odd, now that she thought about it, but then he asked if she picked up a burning smell and started to jog slowly. "Yeah, I smell it too. Wait, you don't know what's happening over there!" she said, quickening her own pace to catch up with him.

Just what the hell is going on? Is somebody hurt? Why would there be...

Nicole broke through the treeline a matter of miliseconds after Eddie did, gasping as she beheld the burning hangar. She could feel the heat of the flames even from this distance, almost entranced by the sight of fire and smoke, the smell and feeling of sheer heat. She barely heard Eddie as he started to ask her his question, only to be equally alarmed when a female voice screamed for help.

"Oh my God, someone's in there!" he shouted, causing Nicole to fight down a snarky comment about his gift for stating the obvious, her heart nearly jumping into her throat and racing at a breakneck pace.

"We can't just stand here," she said. "Whoever it is, we have to help them!"

"Right!" Ed turned towards the burning hangar and started to run, but the gears were already moving in Nicole's mind. There was a lot of smoke coming from that hangar, it'd be suicide to just rush in.

"Ed, wait!" she cried out, setting down her pack and opening it. This seemed to get his attention, as he stopped and looked to her.


"Take off your shirt, Ed." she told him, taking out two water bottles and setting them to the ground before taking off her own and putting it on the ground as well. She didn't care who got their rocks off to the sight of her bra-enclosed breasts right now, things were too important.


"Don't ask questions, just give it to me!" She was respectful enough to look away as he actually complied with her request, only noticing he'd done so when she felt the fabric touch her hand. Nodding, she placed both shirts next to each other as she opened each water bottle. "This is a trick the Belgians and Canadians used in the First World War," she explained to Ed as she poured water all over her shirt, then his. "They survived the first gas attacks by urinating on shirts and towels and using those as masks. There's no time to take a piss, so water will do. Take your shirt and wrap it around the lower half of your face. Don't worry, I've got a few spares."

I hope this works, if it doesn't we're both dead, but there's a life to save and no time to worry about gas mask theory!

Firmly tying her own shirt around her mouth and nose as she'd instructed Ed to do, she ignored the discomfort of it hampering her breathing. After all, it'd save their lives when they ran in there and most of the air was smoke. However, as she straightened herself up and was ready to go, she noticed that Ed seemed rather...distracted.

"Stop staring at my tits and follow me!" she shouted, more out of urgency than irritation, picking up her pack and running with speed even she didn't know she possessed. Soon enough, especially with the improvised gas mask on her face, she was gasping for air, her legs straining and her lungs burning in her chest. She was no athlete, she didn't have the speed of the track team or the sheer physical force of the football team and wrestlers, but there was somebody trapped in that hangar and nobody else around who could save them, and nothing, not even how far away they were from the hangar (which was really quite a good distance) was going to stop her from getting to them. Eventually, she reached the entrance of the hangar, stopping and trying to catch her breath. Looking behind her, she saw that Ed was there, so even though he wouldn't see it under the shirt she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, Ed, just keep your head down and we should be fine. We're going to need to do this quickly, these will help but there's only so long we'll be protected from the smoke. You ready?" Dropping the pack, she didn't give him a chance to respond, crouching low and running inside the hangar, not even taking a second to think about how foolish it was to run inside a burning building. The smoke had its effect immediately, even though she was crouching, making her cough and impairing her vision. Her eyes felt like they were burning in the smoke even as she ducked low, and she had to squint to see while she moved swiftly through the burning hangar, sweat starting to run down her body from the earlier physical exertion and the sheer unrelenting heat of the flames.

"Hello? Whoever it is, we know you're in here! It's going to be alright, we're here to help you! Hello? Are you okay?!" she called out to whoever was inside with Eddie and herself, hoping that they'd show signs of responsiveness by calling back. Regardless, she searched through the hangar until she vaguely saw a humanoid figure in the smoke. They were barely moving, but they appeared to be alive. "Hey, Ed! I think I found them! You're stronger than I am, I'll need your help carrying them out!" she said to the boy, waving him over once she actually saw him and then running over to the figure.

Oh god...

Nicole didn't know Lyn Burbank, but she knew of her, especially when the rumour that the girl was a lesbian had spread. She didn't approve of outing people, it all seemed so cruel, but she'd never had a chance to talk to her. Now here they were, one trapped in a burning building and the other trying to get them out. "Stay calm, Lyn, you're gonna be okay! ED, GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME! I'll get the legs, you take the other end!" Grasping Lyn's legs, Nicole waited for Ed to make his way over and take hold of the girl's upper half, trying but failing to stifle the coughing that racked her body from the smoke. They had to get the girl out, and quickly. As soon as the girl was lifted up, Nicole would start moving towards the entrance. "We've got you, Lyn, just don't panic!"

Maybe I should take that advice...

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:30 am
by DetectiveArcher†
Eddie was already moving, the scorching heat of the flames hitting him like a physical blow, when Nicole called out. Whirling back to the redhead, the warmth at his back an ever present reminder of the danger the trapped young woman was in. He kept his legs tensed, ready to spring back towards the burning building as soon as she'd spoken her piece. This wasn't something he was going to let happen, if he could help it. Too many people had died while he was around. He wouldn't stand by and let another of his fellow students die.


"Take off your shirt, Ed." Nicole was already setting aside water bottles as she instructed him to disrobe. The request caught him off guard, bringing his thoughts of heroics to a grinding halt. Blinking quickly he tried to work his mouth, finding it much more difficult than it should have been. He really hadn't expected her to say anything like that. The heat of fire took a back seat to the warmth in his face as she began to peel off her own top.

"What?!" he managed finally, forcing through the unexpected haze that clouded his thoughts. My, the base of his skull perked up again, but Nicole is very good looking, isn't she?

"Don't ask questions, just give it to me!" The edge of authority in her voice had him moving with new energy, hurriedly discarding his pack and rifle, before tugging at the edges of his shirt. Struggling with the shirt, he managed to tug it over his head as the redhead explained the need for the stripping. Watching as she watered down the clothes, Eddie couldn't believe he was talking to the same person he'd been with all day. Nicole was usually very forward, but this new force of personality was different. The dark haired boy realized, as she thrust the wet fabric back into his hands, that he found her kind of scary...and entirely amazing.

She was strong. She didn't hesitate at all in her actions and she was quick of her feet. If she hadn't taken charge and stopped him, he'd probably collapse from smoke inhalation and wind up dead next to the person inside. His stomach worked into knots and his heart pounded in his chest as he nodded to his extraordinary partner. Tying the fabric across his mouth and nose, he found his eyes drifting to her amply proportioned chest. The undergarment was black and, from the sheen, silk. Eddie hadn't put much thought into what Nicole might have been wearing, but the truth was rather...stimulating. In an odd turn of thought, he realized that he'd seen much more of the female body in the past few days than in the whole of his previous life.

"Stop staring at my tits and follow me!" The curt order tore him from his thoughts like a slap in the face. His whole body burned, not at all from the fire. "Eh! Ah, I-I-I wasn't, I swear!" he fumbled in protest, following after her. He'd always been a terrible liar. He regretted saying anything. Wishing he saved his breath, Eddie struggled to keep up his pace, the heat seeming to draw the wind from his lungs. He slid to a halt behind Nicole, panting harshly in an attempt to regain some of his quickly evaporating strength. She turned and nodded to him.

"Okay, Ed, just keep your head down and we should be fine. We're going to need to do this quickly, these will help but there's only so long we'll be protected from the smoke. You ready?" He nodded back, answering shakily to the affirmative. The amazing young woman darted inside, Eddie following on top of her heels. The fire struck like a hammer blow, nearly driving the dark haired boy to his knees as he searched through the oppressive smoke and heat.

Tongues of flame licked at the walls and crept across the floor, eagerly searching for their next meal to wolf down. Hurrying to find the trapped student, Eddie was floored as a gout of flame flared sharply next to him. Scrabbling away from the grasping fire, he fought back to his one knee. Nicole's call for help drove him to his feet in flash, his eyes hurriedly scanning through the thick black clouds for her. Quickly finding her, he hustled over as she called for him again. "I'm here, I'm here!" Taking a grip under the young woman's arms, he grunted as they made their way to the door as quickly as possible.

Sweat beaded on his forehead and ran down his back before quickly boiling away as the duo and their cargo exited the burning building. Deciding that they were a safe enough distance they carefully settled the girl down, giving Eddie his first good look at the unfortunate student. "L-L-Lyn!"

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:30 am
by Super Llama†
It's too hot...

The fire were getting more intense by the second, and the heat was unbearable. Even though the flames hadn't touched her yet, it still felt like she was being burned alive. The smoke was heavy and stifling, and it was hard to see anything. Coughing violently for a few moments, she tried once again to pull herself to her knees, straining with all her might.


She fell forward once again, hitting her head against the ground as she collapsed. Her vision in her remaining eye was starting to get blurry, and she could tell she was losing too much blood. Her body was already at it's limit, and her attempts to push past that were proving to be futile. It hurt. Everything hurt, far more than she could bare.

Finally, her body seemed to just give up, rolling onto its side. She was so tired. She wished she could just close her eyes and fall asleep, and everything would go away. All her problems, all her pain would just vanish into the ether, and she wouldn't feel anything anymore. But she knew she couldn't do that. She had to stay awake, had to stay conscious, had to find a way out of here quickly.

Her body seemed to have already made up it's mind, though. Her eyelid was getting too heavy to keep open, and everything started to fade into the background. The sounds and sights were getting further away, and soon she couldn't even feel her own body anymore. The pain faded away, leaving a disturbing numbness in it's place.

This was it. No one was coming to save her, and there was no way she could get out on her own. She was destined to become just another name on the announcements, another kill for Riz to brag about. She would die, and in the end, no one would care, outside of maybe a handful of complete strangers who'd for some reason or another been rooting for her.

No...I don't want to die here.

I don't want to die...




As sudden as a bullet from a gun, Laeil snapped back to attention as she heard a voice nearby.

Whoever it is, we know you're in here! It's going to be alright, we're here to help you! Hello? Are you okay?!

"I-I'm over he-!" She started, interrupted by another coughing fit. Someone actually came to help her. It was a miracle among miracles. As she looked around to find the source of the voice, she was soon approached by not one, but TWO figures.

"Stay calm, Lyn, you're gonna be okay! ED, GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME!

"I'm here, I'm here!"

"I'll get the legs, you take the other end!"

She was too disoriented to make out who her saviors were, though apparently at least one of them knew her name. She felt one of them (the girl, she thought), lifting up her legs, while the other one picked her up from the other side. She winced as the wire around her wrists cut into her skin again, but she certainly wasn't about to complain about THAT at the moment.

As she was finally carried outside, Laeil breathed a sigh of relief - or rather, she started to, but was struck with another coughing fit, her chest starting to hurt. Finally, the two of them set her down on the ground befo-

Wait, did that girl call him...



Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:30 am
by Slayer†
Moving quickly but carefully, they managed to carry Lyn out without any real trouble, gently setting her down upon her back. Ed seemed to recognise her, the two addressing each other by name as Nicole moved over to her pack and extracted the first aid kit and a water bottle, taking the gun from her pocket and placing it on the ground. Gesturing at Ed to tell the man to take his place at Lyn's other side, she sat herself down at the girl's left, near the head. Taking this chance to finally get a look at the damage, Nicole couldn't help but grimace, her face paling a bit at the sight. It was a wonder the smaller girl was even alive with how much had been done to her.

Who the fuck could've done this?! This is sick...

Looking at the injured girl, it soon became apparent to Nicole that it wasn't as much a question of where the damage was as it was a question of where the damage wasn't. Lyn was covered in bruises and cuts, and there was blood everywhere, so much that the smell of the gore alone made her gag until she took the shirt-mask off of her face and tossed it to the side. The sudden onrush of fresh air was a relief, but she didn't have any time to savour it, as Lyn was still losing an alarming amount of blood.

Looking at the girl's face again, she visibly blanched yet another time as she finally noticed that Lyn's left eye was gone. The entire area around the eye was a sickening black and purplish colour, and there was a pulpy mess around the socket to go with all the blood, making it look like salsa was seeping out of where the eye used to be.

The pictures in the books really didn't do it justice. Ick.

What was left of the eyelid had turned massive and hideous, almost making the left side of the girl's face look monstrous. Taking a deep breath, she tried to force herself to appear strong, even though there was such an incredible amount of gore and the poor girl was bleeding to death right in front of her.

Right, gotta act...c'mon, what did all those books and lessons say? Fuck! Gotta remember, there's no time! I'm...I'm not letting Lyn die!

"Okay," she said, her hands still shaking as she opened the water bottle and first aid kit. Nodding to Eddie again, she composed herself enough to say something, her voice hard-edged from the urgency of the situation and her own attempts to remain calm. She was speaking almost too quickly to take into account whatever the boy said in response, lest her nerves cause her to scream and run away.

"Ed, don't look at the eye, focus on something else. I don't care what, just keep yourself from getting sick, okay?! I need your help here, she's going into shock and we'll have to treat both that and the bleeding!

Keep her still, elevate her legs but make sure she lays flat on her back, can you do that? I should be able to keep track of her pulse, and she was just talking, but I want you to be ready to monitor her breathing and airways if needed. You know how to do that? Put your head on her chest, count the breaths for about fifteen seconds or so, do that every minute! Other than that, just keep her still and her legs elevated."

She drew a breath, then her attention was turned to Lyn. "Lyn," she said, taking on a tone like one she'd use while speaking to a small child. "Lyn, hon, stay with me, you're going to be alright. Just try to stay perfectly still, okay? I'll...have to move your head to irrigate the blood and treat the wound, but you need to move as little as possible since you're going into shock. Can you do that?"

Okay, Nikki, so far so good. Come on, what would mum and dad do?! They're the trained professionals, not you. Dad's a surgeon, he deals with stuff like this all the time...too bad he isn't here right now, you can't let them down!

"Lift your head up a little and turn your head VERY slightly towards me, okay Lyn? You've been talking, that's good. Keep talking, I don't care what you talk about, just say whatever comes to mind, it'll keep your mind off of things and help with the breathing. Tell me about your home life or something, your hobbies?" she said, moving her right arm to cradle Lyn's head and turn it a bit towards her to irrigate the blood and keep it from pooling.

Moving her hand forward and using mostly the forearm and crook of her arm to support Lyn's head, her fingers found a spot on Lyn's neck her pulse could be taken from. An ungodly amount of blood was surging from the empty socket, falling to the ground right before Nicole's legs as she picked up the opened water bottle, holding Lyn's head gently but firmly.

Here goes nothing.

"Lyn, this is probably going to be extremely painful, but I need to do this to k-keep the blood from pooling. Stay strong, okay? Ed! Get ready, I'll need you to hold her as still as you can! You can't let her move around, got it?" Nicole didn't even wait to hear a reply, up-ending the bottle slightly to pour its contents down towards the side of Lyn's face to wash the blood away and help the irrigation. Blood and water rushed down the side of Lyn's face, soaking into the asphalt as Nicole tried to help keep the girl still and stopped pouring after a few seconds.

Nicole felt a pang of sympathy for Lyn, but after a short period poured the water again. Holding the head sideways as it was would probably irrigate the blood in and of itself, but the water helped, and Nicole's nerves were acting up too much for her to do anything other than what seemed like a good idea at the moment combined with what she remembered from OEC books and the like.

She repeated the process a few more times, each time only barely being able to keep Lyn still with Eddie's help, before concluding that she needed to wrap up the wound. It would be too dangerous to let Lyn lose any more blood, the irrigated blood already starting to pool onto the asphalt to the point where it was soaking into Nicole's pants. She'd been carefully monitoring Lyn's pulse the whole time, and there was no denying that it was weakening.

Now for the hard part...

"Ed, I dunno if she'll be able to hold her head up like that, can you support her head while I wrap these bandages? Lyn, you're almost done, you're gonna make it. Just keep talking to me and Eddie, okay?"

Nicole couldn't wait for Ed's reply. As soon as she let go of Lyn's head for Ed to hold it up along with her legs, she was reaching for the first aid kit, fetching almost the entire supply of gauze and bandages. Forcing herself not to look away from the mutilated eye socket, she was eventually able to find the lacrimal sac, from which most of the blood was coming from. Risking putting a little pressure on the area, Nicole started applying gauze there to stem the bleeding, soon getting blood all over her hands as she placed gauze down there and then started applying to the rest of the socket, though being careful to put almost no pressure down except at the lacrimal sac due to the presence of nerves in the area. The sheer amount of gauze, accurately described as "a metric fuckton", started to slow down the bleeding, though it was all over Nicole's hands and a lot of the gauze was damp with blood. Once the socket and lacrimal sack were gauzed-up, Nicole wasted no time in starting to apply the bandages and medical tape, starting to wrap up the socket and afflicted area while whispering reassuring comments to Lyn, no longer having to deal with the thrashing and screaming but just bandaging up the wound.

Heh, I never thought I'd pull this off so well. I just might save her after all.

Before too long, the bandages were applied and taped off, causing Nicole to back up with a sigh of relief as she wiped the sweat off of her brow. There was a lot of bandaging applied to Lyn's head, almost in the shape/pattern of an eye patch, but it looked like the girl might just make it.

Thank the gods...first time I've ever needed to save someone's life, and it looks like I didn't fuck it up.

"Alright," she said. "Thanks for the help, Ed, let's just lay her down straight. Check her breathing, I'll get her pulse. It looks like you're gonna make it, Lyn! Just need to keep still for a while and keep the legs elevated, until we're sure the shock has gone away." After she said as much, and Laeil was laid supine on the ground, Nicole brought her hands to the girl's neck one last time. The pulse was weak, but it was there. She'd done it. For the first time in however long the ordeal had taken, she allowed herself to relax, sitting back with a grin. Not even the sheer heat radiating from the fire they'd carried Laeil out of was ruining her mood.

"Heh...I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off, to be honest."

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:30 am
by Super Llama†
Running into Eddie again was among the last things Laeil would have expected. The last time they'd been in the same place, she'd decked him hard in the face in a rage, pointed a gun at his face, and then basically told him that if she saw him again, she'd kill him. How ironic it was, then, that the next time they met, he'd help pull her from a burning fire. Judging from his reaction after putting her down, though, he probably hadn't seen who it was he'd been rescuing. If he knew beforehand, she wouldn't be surprised if he'd just decided to let her burn. She stared up at Eddie, wondering what his reaction would be to risking his life to save someone who had treated him like shit.

Suddenly, Nicole started giving out orders to Eddie. Elevate her legs, count the number of breathes; things like that. The world was slowly fading in and out as they moved her, and she barely noticed as the two of them frantically worked to stop the bleeding.

As the girl (who Laeil recognized as Nicole Husher, one of the student council members) started giving instructions to her now, she nodded in understanding. Talk about what? Her hobbies?

"W-well, I don't really have a lot of hobbies..." She started, her voice weak and hardly audible. "I read a lot of comic books...I don't actually own them, I took them from my cousin, bu-"

Nicole warned her that what she was going to do something that would likely hurt. A lot. Bracing herself, she felt the cold water run down her face, and when it hit the empty socket it hurt like a bitch. She found herself convulsing, her body tensing in pain, and let out a hiss, followed by a weak whimper. She tried to continue talking, something else about comic books, but there was something else. Something she had to tell Eddie while she still could. Something she had to know.

" saved risked your life to save me...bu-NNNNNRRGAAH!" Another rush of water, and another jolt of pain, interrupted her. She took a few sharp, rapid breaths before continuing. " didn't know it was me, did you? Would...would you have done anything if you knew it was me?" Another rush of water, another cry of pain. "I killed Jimmy...and then I treated you like shit...when all you wanted to do was help...

"I guess it's just karma that things turned out like this..." If one listened close enough, one could make out a faint slur in her speech, getting gradually worse. "I killed Anthony...I just stabbed him-NNNNNNGGGH...over and over again...he cried and begged for mercy, but I just wouldn't give it to him...I felt horrible about it right afterwards, but when I was cutting him up I...I enjoyed it. It felt good. I had real power for the first time in my life. I wanted to make everyone pay, even people that hadn't done anything. I...I wanted to hate everyone, everything, and destroy everything I hated.

"Everyone I've ever known, all they've ever done is kick me around. My family wants nothing to do with me, and now that I've killed their son, I won't even be welcome in their home anymore. I had nowhere to go, nobody who'd care if I get hurt or die in the long run. I'm lower than scum, some kind of mistake nobody wants to deal with. But...I still want to live. I want to live so badly. How pathetic is that?" She let out a half-hearted laugh. "If I kept being the psycho the terrorists probably want me to be, maybe I could outlive everyone, and in the meantime I could take out all my aggressions on everyone around me."

Nicole began to apply the gauze to the empty socket. It didn't hurt as bad as her efforts before, but it was still painful.

"But then you and Jimmy had to fuck everything up. You had to help me, be nice to me when no one else did, and suddenly I didn't know what to do anymore. You two were the first since..." She suddenly remembered Maggie. Her incessant talkativeness, her odd taste in music, that motherly concern she'd always shown her. Her smile; that warm and comforting smile. No matter how horrible things got, that smile just seemed to make everything alright. It made life worth living. "...since her, to make me feel like not everything had to be hated. That there were people willing to help me if I needed it."

Her remaining eye began to tear up as she continued. "And I just took that and threw it back in your face, just like I did her." Thinking back on it, Maggie's betrayal had to be accidental. She was just way too kindhearted to do something so malicious on purpose. But she had just pushed her aside, the most important person in her life. "God, I'm so fucked up. I'm so used to people kicking me around that when someone comes along and honestly wants to give me help, I don't have anything to give back but bitterness." She started to sob weakly as Nicole finished bandaging the eye socket. "I just want to go home...I don't care about revenge anymore...I tried playing the monster, but in the end I just ran into a bigger monster and he ate me alive...I don't care...I just want to see Maggie again...seeing everything I've done, she'll probably be scared shitless and want nothing to do with me, but I don't care..."

She looked back up at Eddie. "I'm sorry...Christ, I'm so sorry..."

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:30 am
by DetectiveArcher†
His mouth hung open, behind his impromptu mask. Eyes locked onto the bloody mess that covered Lyn's face, even as he took the spot Nicole gestured to. For a long moment, he didn't feel anything at all. He couldn't register the amount of damage that had been done to the slim young woman. His rational mind wouldn't accept what he was seeing. Blood flooded down her face, large cakes of the stuff already drying on her cheek and chin. Her left eye had been cut out, the flesh around the empty socket a dark, sickly purple. A pulpy, nearly clear, mess was smeared around the edges of the eye socket, like the ground up remains of an apple core.

Eddie felt his stomach roll and rise into his throat, threatening to spill the meager meal he'd had earlier across the ground. It wasn't the horrible sight, or the sickly sweet stench of blood and meat that turned his guts. Not really. Looking away from the gruesome sight, Eddie thought it the raw savagery of the assault that got to him. Lyn been beaten and bruised, viciously carved up, bound and left to die in a fire. What kind of monster could do something like that? Looking back at her ruined eye, he felt his insides rebel once more. Apparently, the image helped to turn his stomach quite a bit. He took off the wet shit and set it to one side. If he did throw up, he didn't want it to get on his only shirt.

"Lyn...oh Christ," he breathed quietly, unable to raise his voice. "Who...who d-did this to you?" The sound of Nicole shouting his name snapped him back to his senses. He must have looked rather green, judging from the redhead's quick tone and instructions to avoid looking at the wound any more. He nodded quickly, holding his hand over his mouth. He forced himself to remain calm. Nicole said she needed his help and, by God, he was going to do whatever she needed him to.

"Elevate her legs?" Quickly repositioning himself, the dark haired boy hastily took Lyn's thin legs by the ankle and lifted them from the ground. "L-like this? Is this right?" A quick grunt to the affirmative gave him a boost in confidence. He could do this. Nothing to it. Now, he just had to make sure that Lyn was breathing regularly. "Y-yeah. I c-can d-do that. I c-can do this."

His arms wobbled imperceptibly as he leaned forward, pressing his hear to Lyn's chest. Alright, fifteen seconds. One-thousand one, one-thousand two, one-thousand three.... After the fifteen count was up, he raised his head, informing Nicole as to the number of inhalations, hoping it was good news. Nicole nodded before setting her mind on her own tasks. She spoke soothingly, like Lyn was a child, trying to explain what was about to happen. Eddie didn't pay much attention, instead focusing intently on his own job.

"Ed!" Nicole's voice made him pay attention. "Get ready, I'll need you to hold her as still as you can! You can't let her move around, got it?"

He blinked quickly back at the redhead. "I...I don't understand. Wh-why would she-" Nicole didn't wait for him to finish, dousing the bloody socket with bottled water. Lyn's went rigid before flailing sharply, inadvertently slamming a kick into Eddie's chest. The eavesdropper struggled, trying to keep the injured girl from moving too much. "Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!"

His stomach surged into his throat at the slight girl's reaction. Nicole nodded, indicating she was going to have to do it again. Swallowing hard and gritting his teeth, Eddie nodded back. Each time, he expected the process to get easier. It didn't. Eventually, he decided it would be best not to look, screwing his eyes shut and trying to ignore the screams and groans.

He forced his dark eyes back open when Nicole expressed her inability to support Lyn's head and wrap up the injury, leaving it to him to elevate both the girl's head and legs. "Y-yeah, ok-kay. No p-problem." She didn't seem to hear him, moving quickly away as he strained to hold up both ends of Lyn's body. Waiting for Nicole to return with the necessary tools, Eddie whispered carefully, hoping to ease the injured girl's uncertainty and fear. "L-Lyn. It's m-me, Eddie. Y-you're gonna be ok-kay. Y-you'll b-be fine, I p-promise." How much he really believed his own words, he couldn't say.

The thin girl blearily asked Eddie if he'd have done anything had he known it was her trapped in the inferno. His eyes flew open, his grip tightening on her legs. "Of c-course I w-would! Lyn, I d-don't b-blame you, for what you d-did...." Lyn didn't seem to care for his reaction. Maybe it was the loss of blood or fear of death, but the slim young woman began to confess her crimes, laying out her sins in all their terrible glory. He clamped his eyes shut, again, not wanting to hear the awful things. "No, it's not your f-fault. It's just the game. No-none of this is your fault, Lyn."

Nicole returned, going to work with careful authority, quickly applying gauze to the wound. Her hands quickly turned a dark shade of red. Blood still showed through the gauze, but a judicial application of medical tape and bandages helped to cover up the dark stains. Nicole's sure fingered work was amazing to behold and her quite reassurance sounded like God's own truth. For the first time, Eddie allowed himself the small glimmer of hope that Lyn really would survive the wound.

"Alright, thanks for the help, Ed," the voice almost made him jump. Luckily for Lyn, he suppressed the urge, instead quickly averting his gaze to the gauze covering the hastily patched wound. With a quick nod, he carefully laid the thin, wounded girl's head down, to rest on the ground. He pressed his ear against her chest, as he'd been told, and counted to fifteen again. Mentally listing off in the numbers in cadence, he hoped and prayed that the girl's ragged breathing wouldn't suddenly cut off, as he listened.

He offered a meek smile to Nicole. The student-turned-field-medic rested on her haunches, wiping the small beads of sweat away from her brow. The glow and crackle of the fire silhouetted her impressive body, the fire seeming to be emanating from her, like an aura. The thin sheen of sweat on her body glinted in the flickering light, her skin radiating a stunning alabaster glow. Her hands covered in blood, she looked like some forgotten angel of the battlefield, her body wreathed in flames.

"Y-you're amazing...." He whispered, held almost in awe by the woman's forcefulness and competence.

She gave a small chuckle. "Heh...I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off, to be honest."

He gave another timid smile. "N-no way. Th-that was amazing." He turned his focus back to Lyn, carefully stroking her hair. "S-see, you're ok, Lyn. You're gonna b-be alright." Her remaining eye began to water, she wept as she renounced her thirst for revenge. She sobbingly apologized as he held her. Eddie's own vision blurred as tears dripped down his cheeks. Sniffling, he rubbed the back of his fist against his eyes, holding Lyn's head in one arm. During the impromptu operation, he'd managed to keep his fear and frustration, his terror and anger, under control. Now that the danger had, apparently, passed the floodgates came crashing down. He couldn't believe that Lyn was apologizing. Couldn't she see that it was his fault? He'd even offered his life up for his part in screwing up her plans. He wasn't worth crying over.

"'re wrong. Lyn...I'm so sorry. I'm so goddamned sorry. N-none of this was you f-fault at all. If-if-if I ha-hadn't f-fucked up...if you hadn't w-w-wasted your time h-helping me, you wouldn't b-be like this. I d-didn't help you at all. This is all m-my f-fault." He sniffled again, casting his tear streaked gaze back to Nicole. "You s-see? It's n-not j-just W-Wade. I c-can't do anything right! I'm sneaky and a c-coward! I'm c-completely w-worthless! I'm the o-one who deserved this, not anyone else!"