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Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:21 pm
by Ohm
I'd love to see your take on my V8 musician, Andrew.
[+] Andrew Lapson
Andrew stands at 5’11 and weighs about 160 Lbs. He has a lean, but wiry frame to him thanks to both genetics and years of weightlifting. His long, straight dark brown hair reaches down to his collarbone, his skin is fair white and he is caucasian. His eyes are almond shaped and their color is light blue underneath a pair of thin eyebrows, his face is shaped like an oval with a straight nose. Andrew has a goatee/mustache combo that he carefully trims that covers above his upper lip stopping at the edge and below his lip, down to his chin. Andrew has calluses on the fingers of his left hand from playing the guitar. He has a small, but noticeable scar on his right cheek from an accident he had as a child.

Andrew’s fashion sense is very much thrown together, picking shirts/tank tops and pants without care for consistency and more for comfort. His wardrobe is ladened with different shirts of classic bands such as Led Zeppelin and The Who, as for pants he sticks jeans for the most part. The one thing that he wears consistently is his bomber jacket, which was his father’s.

Andrew takes great care of his appearance and hygiene, showering regularly and grooming his hair which he has been growing since middle school. There have been times where pimples had formed on his face, mostly along his chin and his forehead, but Andrew took care not to pick at them to leave scars.

On abduction day he was dressed in a white tank top with a brown bomber jacket over, one of the things his father had left behind. Along with that a pair of dark blue jeans with a pair of brown brogue boots.

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:27 pm
by Laurels
I want to request my V8 girl Chiara Masina.
[+] Chiara Masina
Chiara is around 5'8", with white skin with minimal tanning. She has honey blonde hair that is a bit of an outgrown bob, ending an inch or so past her shoulders and with the ends slightly flipped. She has light, thin eyebrows, small pale blue eyes, a small nose, a beauty mark near the outer corner of her left eye, and straight teeth. She is thin, with a small bust and with a slight tone to her arms and legs from swimming. On the day of the abduction, she was wearing a black dress with florals that ends slightly above the knees, with short bell sleeves, a knotted belt in the front, and a bit of a plunging neckline (basically this). Her makeup that day was a brown smoky eye and a painted pink lip. She was also wearing a silver chain with a silver hummingbird pendant, silver stud earrings, and a silver ring on her right ring finger.

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:45 pm
by Emprexx Plush
I'd love to see your take on Jeremiah!

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:50 pm
by Sunnybunny
I'm not sure if you ever drew Thomas Buckley, but... something something do it for the clout~

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:54 pm
by Kotorikun
Alright, I got enough for this round. Thanks!

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:30 pm
by Yonagoda
yo did I miss an opening of the sacred Kotori Requests? aw shit I shouldnht have slept till noon :(

Im excited to see how your batch would turn out! (esp shirtless ace with Magic Hat lol)

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:37 pm
by Namira
Adonis looking sick!

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:49 am
by MurderWeasel
Oh man, now that is some dashing charm. The focus put into the part of his hair blows me away; there's so much care and attention put into making all the strands lie right so they're all over but also polished. It gives him a kind of wild air, which works in tandem with the grin and the wink to totally nail the proper mood. It's weirdly awesome to me that I can almost feel the extroversion energies coming off him. Also, for some reason, with his name and all there's an almost satyr vibe going on.

On that note, the bloody edits do a great job of taking the assertive undertones and transforming them into a level of menace. I think what sells it is that the core cheerful energy remains, but becomes more disconcerting as the context evolves; he still comes off as assured and happy, and the crazy thing is no matter the level of implicit violence, the expression looks right.

You rock a ton! Thank you again for all your hard work on these. I am always in awe! :)

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:10 pm
by Kotorikun
There's a bit of a different and softer color approach here for some of them. Experimenting~ Enjoy.
[+] Claudeson Bademosi
[+] Theo Walterson
[+] Diego Larrosa
[+] Dawn Meadows

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:02 pm
by Pippi
These childes look so lovely!!! Diego looks so gentle and sad that I almost forgive him for doing a murder or two. Almost.

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:37 pm
by Buko
The GOAT! Stupid sexy Claude and sad Diego! How’re you so good and yet somehow keep improving? Very very impressive as always.

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:42 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
shovel son! :D

gardening sons!!!

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:46 pm
by Yonagoda
YOOOOO this softer style is the bomb and i am SIMPING.

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:03 pm
by Maraoone
all of these are beautiful dawn is beautiful claude is beautiful theo looks angelic but MY SONV SDKDLJVFYSDYCTDXDHFGHJ

also agreed you've somehow improved and i didnt think that was possible????? iconic????????

Re: I'll draw your character when I'm bored

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:57 am
by MurderWeasel
Ooh, these are incredible!

I really like the shading style you used for Claudeson; the ways the lines all follow the same general diagonal trajectory gives everything this sense of unity I dig. His hair is really, really nice; you got it looking super neat while also playing with the length and the options for flow that gives. Also, his nose looks incredibly real, I think due to some blending going on around the outer corners; it's great!

With Theo, right away I'm struck by his eyes. They're so pale and round that they're piercing. You did an excellent job playing with a soft color palette here; only a smidgen of separation exists between the shade of his hair and the highlights on his skin, yet they're perfectly distinct in practice.

Diego has this air of sadness about him that's perfect and touching. You've again done great work on eyes; his look so wide and shiny they almost come off as wet. I like the way you've pulled lighter tones out of the front of his hair. I also appreciate how you've handled his cross necklace vs. Claudeson's; both are just right for their pieces, and you can even tell that they're on different sorts of chains.

Finally, Dawn looks awesome, and I love both iterations of her! You did an amazing job with her jacket; I can just about feel the material it's made out of (I used to have one that was pretty similar). You got a really nice range of variety in her freckles, making this great band across her face with a bunch of size diversity. I'm also amazed how well you made the toothy lipstick smile -> natural tongue-sticking-out work, with each expression playing off the core details in slightly different ways.

These are awesome, and you rock a ton! Thank you so much for sharing your hard work and incredible talent! :)