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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Looking towards Amanda in surprise as the other girl gestured for Madelaine to follow her lead and duck behind the crate, Madelaine quickly turned to follow, wondering what was on Amanda's mind. Then it occurred to her that perhaps she was taking it for granted that the people who were outside right now were non-hostile...perhaps letting them know of their position was more dangerous than not, but even so...

They couldn't just remain trapped here, waiting for someone to come for them, or for the area to turn into a danger zone....

Madelaine's thoughts were interrupted as she swirled around, startled at the sudden movements of Cody, now in a seizure, retching violently, an almost inhuman look in his blood covered eyes. It was enough to send a chill through Madelaine's blood. Feeling unsettled, so say the least, she looked away immediately. Though it occurred to her that she ought to help him in some way, looking at him now was enough to send a feeling of revulsion crawling down her spine.

Her attention turned towards the sound of shouting on the other side of the building, just outside. There was also the sound of something being pried and pushed at.

Madelaine cast a worried glance towards Amanda. "You don't suppose...there's another entrance, do you?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 pm
by OnceForgotten†
Cody's raspy, tortured breath could be heard over the near silence in the warehouse, and the only other noticeable sound was the scratching and scrambling that seemed to be going on on the other side of the door. His vision was blurred, and his eyes ached slightly, but other than that, he felt ok. He shakely stood himself up, using a crate as support, but as quick as he did, his head started pounding like it was being hit by a sledgehammer, and a wave of dizzyness swept over him. He stumbled and fell back down to his hands and knees, but he had enough sense of mind to grab his packs and crawl behind a crate.

I wonder where those two bitches went.

He layed behind the crate, waiting for everything to stop spinning. When he got his bearing again, he was going to find the two girls. And he was going to kill them.
Cody shivered. For what seemed like the millionth time, he felt cold.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 pm
by riserugu†
The frown only kept when Adam started talking, stating another of the flaws his plan seemed to share. Removing the end of his glasses from his mouth, he simply sighed replacing them along his nose. So the window idea seemed to be out now, then what? He had suggested the other door thing earlier to Adam, but that had been around the time Jill had shown up and probably went on deaf ears as the other boy found his friend.

And in busying himself in listening to Adam he hardly noticed when Jill had run off, not till her voice rang through the air some distance from where himself and Adam currently stood. Giving the other boy a quick glance, he began to run to where Jill’s voice had came.

Coming up on the sight that Jill had found he found himself grinning as he looked over the large door in question, “This is absobloodylootely great…” He mused keeping his grin as he glanced back over his shoulder, waiting to see if Adam had followed.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by Megami†
Jill kicked the door in frustration. Almost immediately afterward, she regretting doing so. A ringing noise echoed out from where her foot had come into contact with the steel door. It simply would not budge. However, as Martyn's voice rang out from around the corner, Jill smiled a bit. She had no hope of opening the door by herself, but perhaps with the help of the boys, it could be done. It seemed old and rusted, and it was not going to be an easy job.

"Hey," she addressed Martyn as he approached the vicinity, "I can't... open it. It's too heavy. Maybe if we all try together..."

Glancing back in Martyn's direction, she assumed Adam would be following along any second now. After a moment, she stepped away from the steel door, examining it in detail.

(OOC: Yeah, that's bad. Couldn't come up with much.)

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by Cactus
As Adam Dodd came around the corner of the warehouse, he knew that if there was something that would be a very bad situation at this point, it would be if the warehouse were to become a danger zone. With the people trapped inside, it would mean literally instant death for two of his closest allies.

And that would really, really suck...

As he heard the loud ringing coming from the door that Jill had kicked, Adam's eyes lit up. The girl had actually found another door. "Well, I'll be damned..." He muttered, and quickly stepped over and put his hands onto the handle that was in the middle of the door.

"Alright guys, we need to get this thing open, and quick. These danger zones have been the same for a long time, and I don't know how long that it's going to be safe here. Come on, let's try and lift this thing!"

((OOC: Sorry for the crappy post, I've been working like crazy over thwe past week and haven't had as much time as I figured that I would))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by Megami†
Danger zone? Holy shit... Thoughts of the warehouse becoming a danger zone had not even occurred to Jill. In the course of an instant, Jill mentally visioned the throats of the two girls being blown apart instantly as their time ran out. She immediately shook the thought from her head and ran her hand through her dark brown hair.

"He'd probably do it, too," she mumbled, "Like the bastard that he is. He'd probably make this area a danger zone just to spite us, just to eliminate another set of kids..."

Jill's voice grew louder as she spoke. The thought outraged her. Never in her life had anyone had this much control over her. As she removed her fingers from her hair they reflexively travelled downward onto the cold metallic structure around her neck... the god foresaken collar.

They were trapped here, fighting for their lives, and all the while, Danya was sitting in his nice little office, probably bringing in unbelievable amounts of money from all the merchandising and marketting he had done at the expense of these poor kids... and there was nothing Jill could do about it. There was nothing any of them could do about it, right now.

Stepping back toward the door, Jill took a place beside Adam. She huffed lightly, enraged at the thoughts that had passed through her mind but trying not to let her emotions show. She glanced toward Martyn and nodded toward the door lightly. If there was one thing they could do right now, it was saving the girls. Sure, the door was old and rusty, but maybe together, the three of them could open it.

"I hope this works," she murmured toward Adam.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by Cactus
As the three teenagers used their collective energies to attempt to open the large metallic door, Adam couldn't help but be surprised by the loud creaking noise that came as the door slowly slid upwards. He didn't think that the door would make as loud a noise as it did as it moved upwards, and if there were, by chance, someone inside with a gun who might shoot first and not bother asking questions, it could present a large problem for the overexposed teenagers outside of the warehouse.

Well, if I get shot, that's my own fucking problem, I guess. Strange, I'm about the only person 'round here who hasn't been shot.

As the large door finally clicked into place, open at last, Adam looked at his two companions and sighed. It had been tough getting the door open, but now, it was open, and it was time for him to dive into the warehouse and pull out his troubled friends.

At least, here's hoping they're not in too much trouble...

Turning to Martyn and Jill, he motioned inside the building.

"Well, guys...the door's open, and if you guys want to come, feel free. Thing is, I've got two friends in there who are probably in trouble, if the sounds in there are any indication. As such..." He grinned. "I'll be right back..."

With that, he pulled out one of his pistols, checked that it was loaded and ready to go, and stepped inside the warehouse, looking left and right and then moving ahead into the darkness ahead.

Seems almost like Doom...

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by riserugu†
Martyn was to say the least, surprised as well by the sounds the large door made as they fought to push the large thing up. As the door finally clicked into place, he stepping back to eye the entrance into the warehouse lightly he grinned a little, ‘Well there goes our big surprise entrance…’ He mused in thought, leaning back on his feet as he found himself now listening as Adam spoke.

‘‘Bout loony if ‘e thinks I’m staying out ‘ere, everyone and their ‘eaf grandma probably ‘eard us opening the thing. Jill and I’ve gotta as much as a bad chance inside than out, and God only knows what’s inside waiting for us now. I could at least try and ‘elp… didn’t get that damn pistol to prance around with.’

Sifting his bag on his shoulder, he found himself sighing just a bit. “Well… This place probably has a chance of having something to power my laptop.” He muttered, watching Adam as he went inside, he glancing toward Jill with a small smile. “And I don’t know about you… but I don’t feel to good letting ‘im go in there by ‘imself…”

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by Megami†
Granted, the door was old and rusty, but Jill was astonished by the sheer amount of noise it gave off when opening it. If she had not given away their position with her yelling or the kicking of the door, the shrill shriek given by the warehouse door as it opened certainly had. Jill glanced toward Adam as he addressed herself and Martyn, then headed off into the darkness.

She shook her head lightly as Adam became enshrouded by the darkness in front of them. Who knew what was going on in that place, and yet there he went, fearlessly, to save those girls. They must really be something special. Almost instantaneously, Jill was torn. Should she follow him? He could get himself into a massive amount of trouble if something bad was going on inside.

But... would she be of any help, even then? In the moments that had followed her awakening, she had been delusional. Since snapping back to her senses and meeting up with the boys, she had yet to have a free second to even check and see what weapon she had been assigned. She could be more of a liability in there than anything.

When Martyn addressed her, however, her opinion quickly changed. It seemed as though Martyn planned on following Adam in. If she stayed outside, that would leave her a sitting duck. And that, was most definitely not what Jill wanted to be right now. Jill flipped her hair lightly, casting a large grin at Martyn.

"I'm just glad one of you has enough manners to wait for a lady," Jill replied smugly.

It was not as if she cared. In fact, she didn't. She was just being haughty... trying to make light of a grim situation. Besides, she would be a lot better off sticking with the two boys. She nodded toward the darkness that seemed to creep out of the warehouse.

"Let's go," she replied as she headed into the depths of the warehouse after Adam.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by OnceForgotten†
Cody shrunk away from the glaring light that was being emitted by the newly opened door. He noticed several silhouettes entering the warehouse, but could not make out anything about them. He decided to make a run for it. He jumped up and grabbed his gear, still dizzy from the hit he took from the bitch. He staggered towards the opening, running into one of the entrants in the process.
"Get the fuck out of my way." Cody growled at the person.

I just want to get to my bike and go. I have to regroup on this, but those girls are dead. I swear, the next time I see them, I will kill them.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Madelaine froze slightly as the sound of low, metallic creaking, loud enough to wake the dead (not that she meant offense to them), filled the vacuous space of the warehouse, letting off reverberating echoes as she tensed slightly. Her free hand found the pistol inside her skirt as light spilled into the room. An outdoor draft found its way inside, as did a new presence...

As the unknown figure made his way further into the building, Madelaine approached cautiously. It didn't seem that he would be likely to suddenly attack them, given that the person had already laid waste on the element of surprise. She squinted a bit, adjusting her eyes to the light.

After a few tense seconds, she gasped in relief, finally recognizing the familiar form of Adam. She relaxed her hold on the pistol, moving quickly towards him. Thank goodness.... she thought to herself. If it had been someone else...someone who was playing...

She shook her head to clear away the thought, just happy that she was no longer trapped inside this building. She approached Adam, but stopped short when she realized that the boy from before got there first, demanding for Adam to move aside.

Her eyes narrowed slightly in worry and suspicion. The expression she had seen on his face was not comforting in the slightest. Rather it only gave her a sense of forboding.

She tensed her hold on the pistol, not intending to use it, but simply hoping that the boy would leave quickly, and not meet them again any time soon.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 pm
by Cactus
As Amanda listened to the announcement, the blood drained from her face as she realized how many had died. The number was almost at fifty, and that was far too many for her liking. Alarm bells went off in her head, however, as the danger zones were announced as the Makeshift Hospital and the Warehouse, the area that she currently occupied. Her eyes wide, she shot a glance at Madelaine.

"We've got to get out of here!"

Across the way, Adam Dodd had been thinking exactly the same thing as the danger zones were announced. His brow had furrowed as Danya announced the two people whose deaths he were responsible for, and he had no idea what kind of an impact this would have on his two allies, especially on Jill. What he did know, however, as he was bowled into by some kid who seemed ultimately rather distracted, was that he had to get the fuck out of the warehouse, and get out of there five minutes ago.

As Amanda and Madelaine came into his view, Adam motioned violently to them. "Come on, girls! We've got to get the FUCK out of here!"

Amanda obliged him, as she was no stranger to what would happen if someone were to have their neck explode. She hadn't seen it firsthand, but she did have a vivid imagination, and seeing that wasn't on the top of her list.

Especially if the person is me.

As Amanda began to motor towards the exit, grabbing Madelaine on the way and literally dragging the girl towards the exit, Adam turned around, shoving Cody out of his way as he basically stuck out his hands to prevent Martyn or Jill from going any further into the warehouse. Not caring to see their reactions from the announcement, Adam pointed in the direction that was closest to the exit of the warehouse area. Oddly enough, it seemed to be already populated, as some people were already heading towards it, but Adam frankly didn't care.

Fuck it. I'd much rather take the chance of saving my own ass then getting exploded by some fat fucker sitting in a chair.

"Come on, guys! This place is a danger zone,! You heard Danya...let's get the fuck out of here!"

As Adam broke into a run, he neared the group of people, and inwardly, he hoped that they were friendly, as it seemed to be towards them that he was leading everyone.

And if they aren't, then there's another wee little mistake that Adam Dodd makes in the fight for his life. And another mistake that might not cost me mine, but'll cost someone else their life. God, I hope I'm right...

((Adam, Amanda, Madelaine, Jill, Martyn...all will be continued, Christ. not the river again...*shrug* I guess so...but we're moving on quickly from there...also - this is not me moving everyone, this is just me telling everyone where we're headed. Only Adam and Amanda have run off, I'm hoping the others are in hot pursuit.))

((Adam and Amanda continued in: Back to the Scene of the Crime...))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:51 pm
by Megami†
Jill had not yet caught up with Adam Dodd as she had entered the dank and gloomy warehouse. She had, however, just heard the announcements, and the fact that Adam had killed two people was currently weighing heavily on her mind. Maybe he had an explanation. Hell, maybe nothing. He owed her that much. But now was most certainly not the time. Jill had also noticed that their worst fear had most assuredly just become their hellish reality.

Seeing Adam gesture toward the exit, she took off in a dash right behind him. Inwardly, she saw the mysterious "Danya" pushing that button and leaving her as a bloody corpse on the ground. Not going to happen. Not for a long, long time. She darted out of the warehouse as fast as she could, blindly following Adam.

As Adam gestured toward the direction from which new entourage was approaching the old warehouse, Jill's stomach sank inwardly. More people?! Ah well, Dodd was going to head toward them, apparently. Good enough. Beggers can't be choosers, right? Anyway, right now, Jill's main priority was getting to safety, and sticking with the only person she had seen on this island that she'd known (nevermind that she'd been on the swim team with Madelaine, she hadn't gotten a good enough look at her to notice) since she had awakened on this awful island. She raced off, following the group blindly to wherever their new destination was.

(OOC: Yep... you heard the man, continued at the river.)

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:51 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Madelaine looked towards the direction of the electronically distorted voice projected somewhere beyond the distance. For a while, keeping up with current events completely escaped her mind, given the situtations she had been going through for the last few hours.

She listened anxiously at the announcement being delivered, tensing slightly as she prepared to hear the names being called out, one by one.

As expected, the names of the deaths she had witnessed, Marcus, Hawley, Blaine, and Nanami (whose death Madelaine held credit for) were called out. But that wasn't the only reason she suddenly felt her form start to pale and weaken.

"So many dead..." she murmured inaudibly, leaning against the wall. It really was a war out there. This she realized. And it just kept getting worse and worse.

Things will only get worse before they get better, she thought, trying to renew her hope. Then again....who knows if it'll get better at all.

Her troubles seemed to intensify when the Danger Zones were announced. Before she could react however, she found herself practically being dragged out into the open by Amanda Jones. At this, Madelaine did not need to be prompted any further. Reason made sense that she ought to leave this place, and quickly at that.

She passed one or two not-so-familiar faces as she broke into a run, but barely noticed them, only wanting to escape this place alive, with her neck intact.


Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:51 pm
by OnceForgotten†
The announcement was blaring, and everyone was moving around. The confusion and panic seemed to be setting in, and it was more than Cody could handle. He was shoved by someone, which knocked him to the ground as a new wave of dizziness hit him. He began crawling towards the door, finally making it after what seemed like an eternity. He used the door as leverage to pull himself up, and staggered out of the warehouse. He was glad the door was where it was, because he knew that his bike was right around the corner.

Just keep going, get to Loretta, and get the fuck out of here

He found the bike. Cody swung his legs over it quickly and gave it a sharp kick, spewing grey smoke out of the duel exausts.


Cody was off.

((Continued in: Back to the Scene of the Crime...))