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Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:03 am
by Deamon
Arizona hadn’t expected a positive reaction to her plan. So it wasn’t a surprise when she didn’t get one. But even with that there were two smaller details that she focused in on. Firstly, Jonah had called her Ari. It wasn’t a special nickname or anything. In fact most people called her Ari or ‘Zona. So in that regard she was very used to it. The important detail was that he had said it. It was a pleasant feeling. He was comfortable enough with her to call her a nickname. It was a more personal connection.

Unfortunately, none of that meant shit thanks to the second detail. It was another deliberate word choice, but unlike Jonah using one of her nicknames there was nothing positive about it. In fact, she was more angry than anything. That detail was the fact Jonah had used the word ‘You’.

It would have been innocuous enough by itself. But Arizona couldn’t help but see it in the context of Jonah’s previous actions. The implication of the statement was clear. He wanted her to stay where she was and wait for Darlene. Meanwhile, he would go on the hunt for Quinn.

The other two were speaking but Arizona didn’t hear anything they were saying. Her focus was entirely on Jonah. She glared across the room at him. Her grip on the gun tightening unconsciously. There was a familiar feeling building up inside her. It didn’t take long for it to break free.

“That’s bullshit.” She said, gaze squarely on Jonah. “You can’t do that. You can’t just keep throwing yourself into dangerous situations. It’s not fair.” Her voice remained steady, but it was hard. “We’re the only ones that can stop her.”

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:29 am
by Ruggahissy
Cecil had then asked if they were going on the hunt for someone and Emmett threw in his endorsement for going after Quinn before detailing his own plans to go after a murderer.

"Darlene, she's --" he said, trying to answer Cecil's question.

He was trying to figure out how exactly to wrap up who Darlene was: Beryl, drowning in a cage, trial, dog, marshmallows. Then Arizona crashed back in to the forefront.

"This -- This isn't about me!" he stammered, standing up from the couch. "This is about you -- Quinn. You --" he strode over to where Arizona was. He was raising his voice a bit, something uncharacteristic for him. He couldn't let Arizona confront Quinn and risk her getting hurt.

There was no risk for him. Arizona just didn't understand the reason, but she had noticed the method. Somewhere he felt ashamed of her pointing out his behavior, like he was caught stealing something. She was too perceptive.

Arizona was something precious, something shining, something that glitters. His stomach twisted up and his heart sped up like when he had to make a decision he couldn't walk back from.

"I'll do it, I already said," he stated, standing directly opposite of her.

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:27 pm
by LeslieFranc

Cecil thought that the conversation was going somewhere in some way when it suddenly went to another. Jonah looked troubled as he took more than a short moment to come up with the words to explain this Darlene person, which seemed like a bad sign to Cecil, when Arizona decided to start...something with Jonah.

He curiously watched the two face off over something he couldn't really be bothered to think about to understand, feeling a bit awkward that the tension in the room was now concentrated between the strangers they distrusted instead of with him and Emmett. Rather than the two pairs attempting to feel each other out and building some sort of trust between them, one group was openly having inner conflicts of their own instead. Well, they're probably quieter than how Emmett and I argued, he thought shamefully.

But they should probably work this out another time, he decided, looking at Arizona and then at Jonah uncertainly before sending Emmett a clueless glance.

Cecil can't say that he knew enough to judge this conversation brewing between Arizona and Jonah as unimportant, but he knew that it wasn't doing anybody any favors at the moment.

"So," he called for their attention, turning specifically to Jonah. "Back to what you were saying about this Darlene?"

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 2:26 am
by Primrosette
Well, fuck. Now this is not working out that well. Why the fuck are they having their own fight now?

Emmett noticed Cecil looking at him with a confused expression present on his handsome face and Emmett could only shrug his shoulders in response. He let out a soft sigh as he felt his attention going to the gun that was on the table for a few moments and then he shook his head a little. He hopefully that this fight would not get any more people alert of their location from outside and Emmett found himself leaning up a bit to look out of a window out of sudden caution. No one there.

Thank fuck for that! I don't want to deal with anyone else's bullshit....

Emmett settled back down into his chair and he glanced back at the two that were still in an argument. He was just now feeling more awkward about them.

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:46 pm
by Deamon
Arizona glared at Jonah as he finished. She had caught him off guard. That was clear. At the same time so he had when he raised his voice. She hadn't heard him do that before. Despite the way he stammered and stumbled over his words initially, he had closed in a way that didn't invite arguments. In a way that was supposed to settle things. Well too bad. She wasn't finished. So they were going to continue. Her focus flashed to Cecil as he spoke up. Trying in the weakest way possible to bring the conversation back to something else. That wasn't going to happen. Jonah's response had only made her angrier. He was deflecting and still trying to continue with what he had said.

She wasn't going to let him. He couldn't keep disregarding his own safety or just make decisions by himself. He couldn't keep treating her as if she was a princess that needed someone to fight for her. Nah, fuck that. He couldn't save her from Survival of the Fittest. They were already on the island. It was too late for that shit. Her eyes moved to take in Cecil and Emmett again. Maybe Cecil was right in a way. Maybe there wasn't a point of not going through it in public. As much as she wanted to in that moment. As angry as she was at Jonah for his bullshit. She lifted the gun up off the table.

"The other room," She snarled as she snatched her bag off the bed and barged past him. "Now."

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 10:39 pm
by Ruggahissy
Jonah looked back to Cecil for a moment, hoping to finish his explanation of who Darlene was.

"A friend," he said shortly before looking back to Arizona who had her fiery stare locked on him. He returned a similar look, mouth drawn tightly into a thin line. "Okay" he said a little too loudly. Jonah mouthed "Sorry" to the other two before grabbing his bag and following Arizona to the adjacent bedroom. He closed the door firmly behind them and looked at her. The two of them stared intensely at each other for a moment, saying nothing, but radiating an angry energy.

"I --"

Was as far as Jonah got before Arizona came at him, kissing him with that same angry intensity. Jonah's heart raced as he pushed back, stopping for her to pull his shirt over his head and then him doing the same, throwing both into the corner. Arizona pushed him against the wall and he pulled her back, fumbling with the back of her bra clasp.

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 4:18 am
by LeslieFranc
Cecil had a feeling that Jonah and Arizona had went another way again in their own little world. They were pretty much ignored with the way it happened. He was probably missing something because all he felt was confusion with Jonah’s inadequate Darlene explanation and subsequent apology before hastily following Arizona’s snarling command to the other room.

Taking their fight to somewhere more private? he supposed without complete conviction, as he felt like that wasn’t totally right either.

If it weren’t for that, Cecil wouldn’t have ignored the small irritation bubbling inside him. Unfortunately, this was one of the things he can’t easily comprehend just by looking, and thinking hard about it seemed like a waste of time.

Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but turn to Emmett in question.

“What was that?”

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:19 pm
by Primrosette
Emmett could only raise an eyebrow as Jonah and Arizona went off to another room for privacy and he was surprised to know that Darlene was a friend of theirs. He couldn't remember seeing them hanging out at school and it was safe for him to think that Jonah had meant that they become friends on the island. He thought back to Emil's smiling face and it still hurt that he longed to just hear him say some stupid thing that would make Emmett get all grumpy and shit. Cecil wasn't a bad person to have around but he wasn't like Emil and Emmett would have to deal with his quieter personality for as long as he could. They really needed to find Declyn.

Tomorrow. Find Declyn. Kill Lorenzo. Maybe kill Erika too. Quinn is a problem too. Find.... Adonis. Just fucking talk to Adonis, you dumbass.

"Well, shit. Looks like they need to get it out of their system." Emmett said with a knowing smirk and then he cleared his throat awkwardly. "We should, uh, maybe go outside and talk about things more privately. Don't want to disturb the two lovebirds, yeah?"

Emmett stood up from his seat and he stretched out his arms smoothly, trying hard not to hear the noises that he could slightly hear from the other room.

Holy fucking shit....

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:58 pm
by Deamon
Arizona had been fully intending to keep the argument going. She was all set to go at him to unleash at him. But then when he'd entered something else took over. It didn't wash her anger away, no she kept that. But she just wanted him.

"Jonah..." She breathed between kisses. He was really struggling with her bra. "Jonah." Then as he leaned his weight forward she stumbled back, legs connecting with something solid. There was a loud crash as something else hit the floor.

"Fucking..." She gently pushed Jonah back. "Let me do it." She said, using one hand to unhook her bra and toss it onto the clothes pile. Then she maneuvered them to avoid the newly created vase shards.

For a brief moment, they stood opposite each other and all Arizona could see was him and all she could hear was her heartbeat but then she pulled him back in and they continued.

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:10 am
by Ruggahissy
A searing electric spark went down his spine when she breathed out his name. He was concentrating very hard on trying to undo the hooks on the back of her bra, but it was harder because he couldn't see the puzzle he was trying to solve. In addition, his desire to get it off quickly conversely made it harder for him to keep his finger dexterity, which in normal times he actually had quite a bit of between his automative work and cooking.

"I think I almost --"

He did not almost.

Jonah missed the warning in her tone when she said it the second time. He felt something solid and heard a crash. Jonah pulled himself away from her to look down and see the shattered remains of a thin vase that had been on the beside table. While he was staring at the broken home good, she put a little distance between them to just get the bra off herself. He frowned a little when he saw her just remove the thing in one fluid motion. He almost wanted to ask for another chance, but then there was a topless girl in front of him, so his brain short circuited and his thoughts became mush.

Jonah dumbly let her maneuver him closer, but he tried to get to her faster. He took a big step forward to hug her extremely tight, wrapping his arms around her bare back.

And then he noticed a stinging in his foot.


If he'd been wearing socks, maybe he wouldn't have gotten cut by a shard of broken vase.

He looked down, then back up at her.

"No, I'm fine. It's fine," he said, the speech switch reactivating. "One sec!"

He took hold of her waist and half tossed her onto the nearby bed. Jonah went to the bags they'd lumped next to each other, opened one and then pulled out a first aid kit.

"See, nothing that can't be fixed super fast with --"

He didn't realize it was his first aid kit he'd pulled out, and he didn't remember he'd poured a healthy amount of Lucky Charms (marshmallows only) into it for extra. The marshmallows spilled out, cascading onto him, her, the bed, and his bloody foot. Jonah sat down, dejected, on the bed next to her.

"I'm messing this up," he said looking down. "I just... everything I do I want it to be from love. I didn't mean to mess things up, and I didn't mean to get angry."

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:29 am
by LeslieFranc
It didn't take Cecil long to figure it out with Emmett's help, and with his confusion resolved, indignation soon freely found its way to his face. Just right then and there? he thought in disbelief as he stared back at the door they've disappeared into. While we were talking? With two strangers outside?

That was stupid, and rude, and—his head started to hurt.

Not worth getting worked up over, he decided. Just find something to smile about and forget it. He'll simply take this as a display of trust instead of idiocy from Jonah and Arizona, so then it would be only right that he and Emmett repay them back with leaving them their privacy for their moment of intimacy. Maybe keep a lookout while they were on it.

Forcing an awkward smile as he stood up with Emmett, he jumped when he heard a crash from the other room. He can't help but roll his eyes in irritation.

"As long as nobody's getting shot inside there," he scoffed. Heading towards the door, he suddenly paused on his steps as a thought occurred to him.

"And since we're going outside the think we should bring your gun?" he suggested, his eyebrows furrowing as he thought more about it. "Is that a violation of the house rules?"

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:12 am
by Primrosette
Emmett couldn't help what came out of his mouth next. Laughter. Fucking laughter. He didn't know why he was laughing in a gentle, soft tone of voice and he didn't know why Cecil had triggered it. He covered his mouth with his hand to stop himself from letting it out more and he was reduced into childish giggles. He honestly couldn't remember when he had last laughed at anything and he was somewhat thankful that Cecil had managed to get it out of him.

Of all people.... Cecil. Holy fucking shit!

"H-Heh. Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to laugh like a fucking psycho there. It's just seeing you get all frustrated is enjoyable and kinda cute." Emmett admitted honestly as he moved his hand away from his mouth and he felt a small smile form across his face, feeling more relaxed in front of Cecil. "Hah! Fuck the house rules. I'm not leaving my gun in here. I don't really think we can rely on those two if they flat out just argued and went to go fuck while people are practically killing each other as we speak."

He moved over to his bag and he unzipped it, getting his gun out easily. He then glanced back at Cecil with a more friendlier expression present on his face and he wondered if Cecil wanted to leave soon. Emmett didn't want to admit that he was about to collapsed from exhaustion and he was forcing himself to stay awake for Cecil's sake.

"Let's go and get some fresh air.... partner." He said before turning away from Cecil and he headed outside with an air of caution all around him.

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:25 pm
by Deamon
"Are you-" Arizona didn't get to finish her question as Jonah threw her onto the bed. She didn't hate that development all things considered. But then Jonah pulled out a first aid kit and opened it.

She instinctively raised her arms as a cascade of marshmallows rained down onto her and the bed.

"What the fuck!" She yelped. More of out surprise than anything else. As she lay there, covered in the unhealthy breakfast treat Arizona looked at Jonah sitting sadly next to her. Any complaint she had dying in her throat. She sat up, sending marshmallows flying and when Jonah spoke she listened. When he finished she shook her head, sending more falling from her hair. The whole situation could generously be described as a disaster. She gently rested a hand on his back.

"Hey," She started, before flicking a marshmallow off of him. "It's alright, you're only looking out for me. I know that. I didn't mean to yell at you either" There was a pause and she sighed. "But I stand by what I said."

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 6:12 pm
by Ruggahissy
Jonah smiled sadly and ate a few marshmallows off the bed.

"Thanks," he said, looking this hands clasped together in his lap. He pursed his lips and looked very seriously at the marshmallow covered floor.

"Okay," he sighed. "Okay. We can do this, but we need to just communicate a lot and be on the same page to minimize the risk." He said that knowing that he would have to try towards this goal more than Arizona. The statement was for himself as much as anyone else. What would they tell the two people they just met?

Jonah's eyes widened for a moment and then he looked up at Arizona.

"Oh. Uh oh. We left Cecil and Emmett out there. They probably think you're murdering me since we just like, broke something and then I cut myself and I yelled. We have to go back out there, they must be worried!"

Jonah stood up and walked carefully, avoiding more vase shards and marshmallows. He picked up the black shirt from the floor and threw it on before throwing over the bra and other shirt to Arizona.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I promise, I'll make it up to you," he whispered, taking the opportunity to take one last covert look at her while she was topless. Jonah opened the door and stepped out quickly.

Re: Life Is Just A Memory

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:24 am
by LeslieFranc
Cecil was a bit startled at the bubble of laughter actually coming out of Emmett, of all people, and it surprisingly didn't sound sarcastic or bitter or even a little bit mocking.

“Good to know I can at least entertain you,” he remarked.

He desperately wanted to latch on that small sliver of a chance to smile though, but he could only end up mustering a small tired smile in response. Admittedly, it widened a bit in approval when Emmett had decided to go over and take out his gun.

Emmett called him partner, and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes, a small chuckle almost forming to be let out but Cecil was too tired for now to force it out. Instead, he nodded with an awkward wan grin before going forward to follow him out through the door.

He already had one foot outside the door when Jonah had came bursting back out. He stared at the disheveled boy then back at his partner for a while, a bit lost on how to react. Turning his attention back at Jonah, he said the first thing that came into his mind.

“We were just about to leave you two to get it on in private,” he drawled with a raised eyebrow. “That was fast.”