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Re: Swerve

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:29 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
"... Yeah. It's a no."

Maybe she was joking when she said that. Wyatt wasn't much in the mood for jokes, and he couldn't process her statement any other way. He let it roll off his shoulders like he let almost everything else roll off of him, around the only wound that ever managed to stick. This allowed him to focus on what mattered: Tirzah's question, and the nature of his request and what lay behind it.

Forced to second guess himself in the face of a tangible reminder of failure and vulnerability, Wyatt wondered if her suggestion was the normal thing to do. It didn't seem entirely unfathomable to watch somebody you loved die and have all the will to live ripped from your chest just like that. He might have blamed them before for being weak, those who reacted like that, but he wasn't sure he'd blame them anymore. That wasn't him, though. Maybe his desires weren't normal. Maybe he didn't give a fuck.

"Nah, I'm... I'm not givin' up until I find who did this." Wyatt's cadence was still every bit as slow, quiet and deliberate as when he first started speaking. "And I'm going to rip them to pieces with my bare hands. For him. But I still need you watching my back." He released Tirzah's wrist and started to rear back into a squatting position, pushing himself up to full height. "Fuck the sex stuff. I don't want that anymore. What I want is for you to help me nail whoever it was to the fucking wall."

Re: Swerve

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:49 am
by Ruggahissy
Tirzah plopped down next to Wyatt to listened to him. She blinked slowly at him and suddenly felt like this was all a lot. Tirzah had been pretty sure about her plan at the outset and it seemed like it had been a pretty decent plan until recently. This was honestly more than she had bargained for and the whole experience was starting to make her pretty tense and kind of irritable. Her lips drew into a thin line as she debated leaving Wyatt on his own to go after his bloody vendetta or perhaps just shooting him in the back of the head with her hidden gun. She gave one more long, weary blink as he stood up.

"Porque no los dos?" she said with a shrug, her voice as airy as it usually was.

He'd decided to put his trust in her -- which she wasn't really sure was advisable, but whatever -- and now that they had come this far together, they might as well go too far.

"Whatever you need, I'm here," she said, standing up as well, and then punctuating the statement with her right thumb pointing at her chest.

Re: Swerve

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:44 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Tirzah's initial response made Wyatt want to wrap a hand around her throat and squeeze. He only needed one hand; slipping it under the collar might be a bit of a pain but he could just do that and squeeze for a while. The thought saw no serious entertainment beyond that flash of anger that only made it to his eyes, the flash in the pan when the match hit the whiskey for a good ol' flambé.

"Not in the mood for it," he rumbled. He went to walk past her wishing he could step through her, stopping one step in. He needed to get away from Bret, or what used to be Bret, and she was in his way. Stepping around her, to the left? To the right? Too cumbersome. Too irritating. He'd never felt this lost and frustrated; that frustration was only compounding on itself with the realization this feeling would not go away for a long time if ever. After the mental stutter, Wyatt settled on calmly grabbing Tirzah's shoulders, lifting her about an inch or so off the ground, setting her to the side and walking where she was. He felt a little better, exerting himself like that.

He could have hit a tree, really just let loose with his rage. Almost as soon as he'd thought it, he thought of Bret disapproving. A waste of energy, he'd say, not to mention he'd bust up all of his knuckles.

Even from beyond the grave, he'd annoy him. Wyatt never looked back at his brother, knowing he'd need as much strength as possible to carry onward and that was just going to make his heart heavy. When this was all over and when he won, standing atop the pile of bodies of everybody who had to pay with their lives just so somebody could get out of here, he'd come back to get him and bring him home. It was the least he could do to try and apologize.

"Yeah. I guess you're all I have now," he said finally without looking back at her because of what was just beyond her. "But we'll need to get you a gun. So come on."

((Wyatt Carter, continued elsewhere))

Re: Swerve

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 10:03 pm
by Ruggahissy
Wyatt walked up to her looking like he was trying to shit a brick. He stopped in front of her and she briefly, slowly, moved her hand towards the zipper of her bag. For a second she looked at him stone cold, daring him to try something. He picked her up by the shoulders and moved her over to the side, which surprised her, but she allowed it.

Tirzah smirked and slitently mimicked shooting him in the back of the head with a finger gun while his back was turned.

She missed Toby terribly. Wyatt didn't like her and he was expecting a lot from her. Toby liked her like she was, and he didn't want anything from her. They were perfect. But she was glad still, that she'd given him the easy exit that he'd had.

"I guess," was her short reply.

I don't want to be the one you need. I just want to be the one you see every now and then.

((Tirzah Foss continued in Whatever))