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Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:19 pm
by Deamon
Well yeah, probably. The girl was clearly struggling. Then again Arizona couldn't speak all things considered. She'd...yeah. No blame.

"It's cool, it's cool." She muttered, making a placating gesture with one hand as she scanned the area. She looked out across the lake and the land surrounding them. The trees of the jungle encroached upon them. An impenetrable wall of green across the entire horizon. There were no silhouettes that she could make out. She wished there were. It would have been so much simpler for them if they just saw Caroline in the distance. But that wasn't how it was going to go.

That meant they were in a tough spot.

She looked down at Yuki, more because of her height than anything else.

"It's not your fault." She said, her voice soft.

Another long look out over the lake and still nothing. She chewed her lip.

"We have no idea where she went though..." Arizona swung her bag off her shoulder and rooted around inside it. She was working off the hope that in order for the whole making areas off limits idea to work they'd been given maps. It seemed that they had been.

Water dripped off her hair and face as she looked down.

"So we're here." She said, circling the lake with her finger. "If we go this way, we can go up through the jungle and eventually hit the inner circle." She didn't like the name. "And she may have went that way."

She looked up from the map and at Saffron and Yuki.

"It's the best I've got."

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:23 pm
by Aura
"Yeah, don't sweat it." Saffron tried to cheer Yuki up while Arizona was going over the map. "She can't be too far away. We can probably find her before too long." She kept her voice high and encouraging, hoping that the way she talked would influence how Yuki took it.

She listened to Arizona's appraisal of the map and where Caroline could have gotten to. Saffron believed what she had just said about there being no way that she could be too far away from them, since they had only stopped paying attention to her for maybe around a minute, a minute and a half at most. This were just complicated by the massive walls of forest that she could have run through. And since none of them were trained in tracking, at least as far as she knew, that would make following her more difficult.

Even so, she had no time to get down on her luck and start doomsaying. They needed to retain high spirits and not give up less than an hour after they woke up, and if Saffron needed to play that role, then she would do exactly that.

"Inner circle?" Saffron asked Arizona, leaning against her pool cue. "That's a start. Does it look like a place she might run to for shelter? I'll admit "Inner Circle" doesn't really give me much of an idea as to what it is."

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:44 pm
by Ryuki
“Yeah, I hope so,” Yuki said.

As much as Yuki would have liked to find Caroline, locating her sisters was top priority. Wherever Caroline went, best case scenario was that they would find her as well as one of, if not, both of her sisters. It may be a bit selfish, but with the three of them together, Yuki figured they could think of something, whether it be an escape plan or a way to stop the game.

For now, Yuki decided to follow Saffron and Arizona, wherever they thought was best. Yuki did not want to be left alone nor did she have a clear sense of direction. Plus, if Yuko and Yuka had found some friends, they could all form a collective group. That’s what she hoped at least. Her mind was set.

“Okay,” Yuki said with a bit of determination in her tone, “I’m ready when you two are.”

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:10 am
by Deamon
Saffron offered Yuki the optimism Arizona didn't possess. Caroline had gotten out of their sight quickly. Their attention had only been elsewhere for a short period of time. Based on that Arizona doubted they'd find her. None of them had experience tracking and it was luck if they went the right way. She kept those thoughts to herself though. Yuki didn't need to hear them based on how worried she was. Instead, Arizona merely nodded as her companions spoke.

"It has a manor and some houses." She said, pointing them out. "So it has shelter."

Based on the map the inner circle was where the leaders lived. It both sounded and looked like it was the center of the island in terms of whoever lived there. The inner circle name, however, wasn't welcoming. It conjured very specific imagery. Imagery that wasn't positive. Arizona folded the map up and tucked into the top of her bag. It was a waste of time to dwell on what it all meant. Once they got there she could assess. Maybe try and use it to take her mind of where they were. She could also take some time to think. Hell, maybe if she got lucky Jonah would be there.

In the meantime though.

"Yeah, I can go, just give me a minute," She said as she fished around in her second bag. Eventually, her hand found her Gymshark hoodie. Thankfully it was dry. Arizona peeled her soaked t-shirt off and pulled the hoodie on as a replacement. She didn't give a second thought to Saffron or Yuki. It wasn't like it mattered. The t-shirt was hung over one of the arms of her bag. If the temperature held there was a chance it would be dry by the time they arrived.

"Alright, let's go." She said, retrieving the map from her bag and setting off.

((Arizona Butler continued in I’m A Fucking Unicxrn))

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:49 pm
by Aura
Manors? Houses? The Inner Circle was sounding more like a plausible destination now, and not just for Caroline. Saffron wanted to check the place out too. Depending on the condition, it could be a pretty comfortable place to set up camp for a while while they figured out what they should do. Beyond looking for Caroline, that is. That was still priority at the moment, but planning ahead was never a bad idea.

"All right, I'm game." Saffron nodded to Yuki before turning to Arizona, and she promptly stopped when she realized that Arizona was changing right there in the open. Granted, it wasn't that she didn't appreciate the sight, but it was definitely an awkward time to catch a glimpse of someone in such a fashion. Once she realized that her eyes were lingering, Saffron crossed her arms and averted her gaze, choosing to not draw attention to the moment and hope that it passed by without incident. However, it did make Saffron very aware of one thing: She didn't bring any other clothes. What she had on her back was all she had.

The things you don't consider until it's too late.

With that out of the way, Saffron made sure that she had all of her things before trailing Arizona on her way into the woods. She hoped that this whole situation with Caroline could be solved quickly.

"Right behind you, Zona."

(Saffron Fields continued elsewhere...)

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:35 am
by Ryuki
As she watched the two girls leave, Yuki took a deep breath and shouldered her duffel bag. Yuki had to find her sisters! She needed to stay strong for them. She just hoped she wasn’t too late, whatever the reason.

“Hey, wait for me!,” Yuki shouted just above a whisper.

She started after Saffron and Arizona, duffel bag in tow.

(Yuki Hayashibara continued elsewhere...)