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Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:22 pm
by LadyMakaze†
For a while, Madelaine had become preoccupied, distracted by the aftershock of Andrew's death. As a force of habit, she kept her emotions tucked away beneath the surface. Her expression was calm, yet somehow subdued. She barely noticed Amanda as she approached the fallen Andrew to take the machete.

Her mind raced with her own inner musings. Like an old, broken record, a single phrase replayed like a sung recitative in her head over and over again. What will happen to us now? What will happen to us now?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Amanda embraced her. Surprised, Madelaine was shaken abruptly from her daze of numbness. Her sense of feeling and returned as she felt the closeness of the other girl's presence. As she listened to Amanda's words, a slight twinge buried itself at the back of her throat, burning slightly. Her eyes stung slightly, but she blinked to prevent her tears from spilling out.

Awkwardly, she lifted her arms to return the hug, silently grateful for the girl's kind gesture. It was then that she decided everything. Of course, the future was far beyond what she could ever predict...but she knew one thing, and that was all she needed to know. No matter what, she'll...

Shaking her head, she put the thought aside for the moment. Gently, she stepped back a bit after letting go. Smiling at the two of them, she said, "I'll stick with you then... Though who knows what we might happen to us along the way, I'll stick with you guys, no matter what."

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:22 pm
by Slayer†
"We should get going before anyone else comes. Someone who's playing probably heard the shot and could be headed here to finish off the survivors. I don't want to be here when that happens. To be blunt, I don't want to fucking be here PERIOD, but I guess there's about jack shit we can do about that, eh?" David said as he waited for the other two. Really, he didn't have any way of knowing this (except for whoever had been following him at the start of the game these two and Andrew were the first people he'd met on the island), but he just wanted to get away from this field, away from the corpse of his first murder victim.
My God, I still can't believe I did that...shit. That's never gonna get out of my head.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:23 pm
by Cactus
David's urge to leave snapped Amanda back into the gravity of the situation somewhat. She nodded. They would be best to get going, for if there was anyone else in this field who was playing, they'd likely want to come in and get a couple kills under their belt. She turned towards David and looked at the baseball player.

"So we're going to the house, right?"

The house. Amanda didn't know if it was such a good idea anymore. She had been thinking, and the house could be a fortress by now. People could be holed up in there with anti-aircraft guns and assault rifles for all she knew. Regardless, it was shelter, and who knew, perhaps everyone else had the same idea and stayed away?

As the three fell into a walk, Amanda let David lead the way, while falling back beside Madelaine. She looked at the girl, and had to wonder about the almost stoic expression she wore. Madelaine didn't know either Amanda or David very well, and as such; she guessed, Madelaine didn't feel comfortable talking much. To keep from having her mind drive her crazy, however, Amanda needed someone to talk to, and it'd be five times better if it were another girl.

" mentioned that you were a transfer student...? Where're you originally from?"

Amanda couldn't tell, as Madelaine seemed to be of a mixed heritage, much like herself.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:23 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Madelaine gazed at Amanda with interest as the trio walked together through the field. The other girl seemed amiable enough. Though Madelaine herself was quiet and more reserved by nature, nothing seemed to relieve her more than being able to have a normal conversation with someone her own age, to be able to talk about normal things, like normal people, despite the extremity of their current circumstances.

"I transferred overseas with my family from Kyoto, Japan. It was really tough getting here in the first place, what with the current government and our financial situation. But they thought it would be better for my sister, Miriam. She turning four, you see..." For a moment, she was surprised at the rate she was talking right now. She didn't think she would have the heart to talk about anything, but somehow, the words came spilling out. What surprised her more was that she realized that she rarely talked about herself to anyone else.

She continued on, "It's a lot better in America then back in Japan...there just seems to be more of everything. My family had been planning the move for a while, and somehow we all managed to make it happen."

She paused, remembering her family. Looking at the watch, she realized that little Miriam might by home from daycare by now, perhaps riding in Mom's car, listening to nursery rhymes and songs on the old beta cassette player. Dad would still be working at the factory, ready to call it a day and head home. What would she be doing by now?

Studying...perhaps even practicing for the swim club, or simply relaxing at home, waiting for Mom to return home so that she can play with Miriam. What wouldn't she do to have a normal life like that?

She smiled, realizing she had been carried away by her thoughts. "What about you? Since we haven't had a chance to talk much can tell me a bit about yourself."

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:23 pm
by Cactus
Amanda listened to Madelaine's story with interest. She had a hunch that Madelaine was originally Japanese but until now, that was all it had been - a hunch. It seemed that she had a fairly good family life as it were described, her family seeming to be the kind of people that worked for a living and earned their keep. Amanda couldn't help but blush a little as she looked at Madelaine and began to speak about herself.

I'm surprised she doesn't know...

"Well, I've been living in the States for as long as I can remember. I was born in upstate New York, and I moved from there to Tampa when I was about five. I lived in Tampa for awhile and then moved to Ohio when I was eight. I moved again back to New York when I was nine and I've lived here ever since."

Amanda skimmed over the times she'd moved and recalled knowing so many people. After awhile though, there was no point in getting attatched, especially if you were just going to move, like she had so many times.

"I was supposed to move again; my dad's job kind of forced him to, but I told my parents that I wasn't going my parents live both here and in Washington, DC. I actually live by myself a lot of the time, because I don't have any brothers or sisters. My mom came from Hong Kong, and she met my dad when he was overseas. They got married and moved back to the US. I can tell you're trying to figure out my heritage, so that's where that comes from." She smiled, feeling increasingly normal.

For Amanda, that hardly ever happened.

"I really love my parents and I do miss them a lot, but I'm just so sick of moving around, you know? Besides, my parents are always dropping in and it's not like I'm by myself ALL the time."

As she glanced at Madelaine, she couldn't help but see the look of calm understanding on her face. The interesting fact was, that Madelaine didn't seem to realize just WHO her father was.

"Yeah, my dad's going to freak when he finds out about all this...this kidnapping stuff..."

Her voice crumbled a little, and she shook her head to avoid reliving the memories. "They say lightning never strikes the same place twice..."

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:23 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Gradually feeling more comfortable in her place amongst the group, Madelaine listened to Amanda, gazing at her calmly as she took in everything she was saying. It seemed as though this girl had been everywhere, moving and resettling on a constant basis from an early age into her youth. Listening to her speak made the world seem so much more vast and huge.

For sure, this girl has seen more than I probably ever will. Madelaine thought to herself, not realizing that she was in fact...speaking much more truth than she actually knew.

What caught her attention though, was when Amanda told her about how she lived alone at times. She seemed relieved when Amanda told her that her parents managed to find time to visit every once in a while. And like Madelaine, she seemed to have learned to become independant on her own. But still...Amanda learned this while living alone. In Madelaine's case, she became independant while looking after those who could not look after themselves, namely, her parents. She knew what it was like to be part of a tightly-knit group, pulling through the harshest of situations, looking after one another, protecting eachother....

The thought drew Madelaine's attention to the group she was currently in now. Although she barely knew these two, depending on them now seemed almost necessary. And perhaps...just perhaps, they might be forced to depend on her as well.

She focused her attention back to what Amanda was saying, who had just uttered, in a slightly faltering voice, something about lightning never striking the same place twice.

Madelaine opened her mouth to ask her what she had meant by that comment, then decided otherwise. Judging from the dark expression that had fallen upon the other girl's face, Madelaine realized that it was a matter she would rather not have brought up.

She decided to draw attention away from the matter. "I...I just hope my family is doing alright... They'll be shocked, for sure, but... well... they should be focusing on taking care of Miriam for now. I think I can see this through..." But in her heart, she knew that this belief was only half-hearted. It was as though everything had already been decided for her.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:24 pm
by Cactus
A sister...what it would be to have siblings...but really, how would my parents have time for that?

As the trio walked, Amanda hacked at some of the long blades of grass with the machete. It was definitely sharp, and definitely worked for that respect. It would be a handy item once they got into the woods. She tried to avoid thinking about her prior kidnapping experience, but it just kept flooding back to her. The darkness, the unsetting feeling that she was moving, yet she didn't know where she was, the evil men who fed her the most meager of foods, and then shock when the blood sprayed upon her face when the FBI had found her... was almost too much to bear. Such an experience was something no child should go through.


Amanda looked up at Madelaine and gave a weak smile to the other girl. "Your parents will probably worry about you...but you've got a sister, so they'll probably rely on her to keep them sane..."

She had to think about the expression on her father's face when he would find out she had been kidnapped. He'd probably be in a meeting of some sorts, speaking with the president or something...she imagined the scene in her head...


Washington D.C.; The White House

"Come on, Aaron. This just isn't rational! There are hundreds of people in the building! You've got to think this through! Be rational about it! Aaron!!"

Vice President Steven Oliver Jones, Steve to those who knew him, knew that this was a situation that he would need to use every single ounce of political skill, every single small bit of charisma that he possessed, and every single persuasive technique in the book to get out of. Today he had opted to wear his favourite suit. It was the first suit that he had purchased after his successful weight loss in the summer of '99, and the fact that he was able to feel good fitting into a suit made this specific one have special value. However, if he wasn't able to get himself out of the situation that he currently found himself in, his suit, and most everything else in the White House might not live through the day unscathed. A bead of sweat dripped off of his forehead, making it shiny with prespiration. He held his hands up and moved slowly towards the man standing behind the president's desk. The fact that he was holding a loaded weapon scared him a little, as this was most defintely a situation he didn't figure that he'd ever have to deal with, especially as the Vice President of the most powerful nation in the world. The man opposite him had a full head of grey hair and a clean-shaven face that held trust in it. Steve knew that in order to get himself out of this mess, he'd have to use every ounce of that trust. The man motioned with the weapon at Steve, directing him into the chair opposite the desk. A little frightened, Steve sat down, and listened as the man spoke.

"Look, Steve. This is the WHITE HOUSE. The home of the President of the United States of America. The most powerful man in the world, by all accounts." He looked at the gun in his hands.

"If the the most powerful man in the world can't have a friendly game of paintball in his own house to liven things up, then what CAN I do!? Jeez! Come on, it'll loosen everyone up! Then we can all go take a swim in the presidential pool! It's hot out today, Steve!"

Steve sighed, and looked at the man in front of him. President Aaron Bridges was by all accounts a man who was concerned with his nation's safety, and took his job incredibly seriously. In public he was a stiff figure who worked hard at his job and worked in the best interets of his country.

All accounts on the man, Steven thought, were dead wrong. Outside of the public eye, Aaron was quite possibly the biggest practical joker in the White House. He was always throwing staff functions and was very widely liked by his staff and the people he met with. Some wondered why he was so laid-back and easygoing out of the public eye, and his simple response was "I need to be taken seriously once in awhile". While Steve hadn't expected Aaron to emerge from his room dressed in full paintballing gear and ready to hunt down some interns, he internally wondered why he wasn't all that surprised.

"Look, Aaron. I just don't think that running around the White House paintballing people is going to make everyone relax. Maybe make 'em all think you've gone crazy, but...I just don't think it's a good idea."

Aaron sighed. His VP, while being a polite and respectable man in his own right, along with a friend, could sometimes be a buzz-killer. Placing the paintball gun on the desk, he took off the goggles that he held on the top of his head.

"Fine. No paintballing, but I'll be damned if everyone's going to stay inside today. You let everyone know that come 5 PM, the presidential pool is OPEN for business, and I damn well expect you to be there, Steve. You need to lighten up a little."

Steve couldn't help but chuckle. He had always wondered what being the VP of a country would be like, but he had never expected that it would be like this. Or this fun, he thought silently. As the thought went through his mind, the doors to the Oval Office burst open, a breathless man bursting through the door with an unhappy look on his face. Both the president and his vice turned to look at the new arrival. Steve remembered meeting the man at a BBQ that Aaron had held last month. The man's name was Mike Way, and he worked in the homeland security branch. Oddly enough, he didn't work in the White House much, but rather in the FBI building.

The president looked at Mike and raised a brow. He was easygoing but enjoyed his privacy, and this was certainly an unwelcome arrival.

"Can I help you?" He said sternly, feeling as if his protective bubble had been burst.

The out-of-breath Mike Way couldn't remember the last time he'd felt such fear. The news he had was frankly the kind of news he wouldn't have wanted to give to anyone, especially not the Vice President of the United States. However, waiting wouldn't help anyone, least of all....

"Sorry, Mr. President, but this is urgent. Mr. Jones, it's about your daughter...her plane never made it to Paris."

At the news, Steve's heart leaped up into his throat, and the president sat with a shocked look on his face.

"WHAT!? Did...did it crash!?"

Mike shook his head, and continued.

"We think sir...we think that it's the work of terrorists...we haven't recieved any ransom, any notes, anything of the sort, but we're sure that the entire plane of students has been kidnapped. We're also getting reports in from all over the country about students being missing - a great deal from New York. And sir, there's something else, that I think you should see..."

Mike walked over to the television in the president's office, and turned it on, flipping to a specific channel high in the satellite guide.

As he saw what was on the television, Steve's legs gave out on him and he fell to the ground, off of his chair that he was trying to get up from. The president simply looked at the television with a shocked look on his face as Steve tried to make sense of the images he saw...

...not AGAIN...

Amanda sighed and looked at the ground as she swung the machete, cutting some more grass. She couldn't help but looking up at Madelaine.

"I feel like a lawnmower with this thing, you know?"

Her thoughts again drifted to her father.

"I'd bet my dad's going to have a cow...but then again...if anyone can get us all out of here, find those terrorists, it'd probably be him...he's pretty resourceful."

She shrugged, and then said nothing.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:24 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Madelaine cast a worried glance towards Amanda, wondering what could possibly be on her mind right now. It was easy to tell that she was struggling to put aside something currently on her mind, but Madelaine decided it was best not to pry. She watched the machete swinging back and forth as they walked, then focused her gaze onto Amanda once more, trying to imagine what it was that she could be thinking about.

Listening to what Amanda was saying, she replied somewhat quietly, "At least that gives us some sort of hope. I don't know what your father can do, but I'd be grateful for any sort of help from home...."

"But...." Her thoughts relayed back to Andrew, how he had charged recklessly towards them, how he had been shot, and how he had fallen. "...we can't rely on him completely... All we can do now, is wait, and help ourselves." Instinctively, she reached up to touch the collar wrapped around her neck, fingertips resting against a cold, metallic surface which she could not see. It was as though she was wearing Death in a locket suspended from her neck. All it had to do, was open up, and...

She quickly brushed the thought aside. She should think positive. The prospect of somehow being saved should be giving her a sense of hope.

And she did feel a bit of hope...but she realized that it wasn't her survival she held hope for.

She looked ahead towards David for a moment, then lowered her voice so that only Amanda could hear.

"Lucky you..." she murmured unexpectedly, smiling. "With him at your side, you just might be able to see this through."

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:24 pm
by Cactus
She doesn't know.

Amanda grinned slyly. "I'm sure he'll be doing something in the near future...I guess you didn't know - which to be honest is refreshing, because that's how everyone knows me...but my dad is the vice-president of, um...the United States. I'm the VP's girl. At least that's what so many people call me."

She sighs. The stigma of being the daughter of a VIP was often difficult, especially when she just wanted a normal life of her own. How absolutely, dreadfully like the plot of some cliched romantic comedy. As for David...her thoughts on him were jumbled. She never remembered David having ever really talked to her, but undoubtedy, he did and felt obligated to protect her.

Not that it's a bad thing, I could use all the help I can get...

She lowered her voice and replied to Madelaine. "Yeah, I guess. But if you're with us too, then you'll be okay, right? Truth be told, as happy as I am to have someone who wants to guard my ass, I'm more concerned at this point with finding someone. A, uh...friend. That's what I mentioned before. I don't know how happily David's going to want to go along with it, but I need to find him. I'm, uh...worried about him, you know?"

Amanda stumbled over her last few words, trying not to make it obvious how much the person meant to her. Like most times, she likely failed at it.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:25 pm
by Slayer†
"I wouldn't count on the government intervcening." David said to Amanda. "If your father or the President tries anything, Danya will detonate the collars and kill you anyway. If we can find a way to disable the collars, then we can call in the government for help." it was really the most logical way of thinking, in his opinion. The operation the terorrists were running was in and of itself hostile towards the United States, so it was likely he'd prefer to kill them all then allow the government to rescue them.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:25 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Madelaine's eyes widened in interest as she took in what Amanda was telling her. "Vice president? Of the nation?" She shook her head in disbelief...but she quickly realized that there was no reason Amanda would come up with such a lie given their current situation. Vice President of the United States.... She whistled. That she did not expect.

Astonishment aside, she began to feel a renewed sense of hope. At least... she thought. At least they'll make an effort to put a stop to this...

She continued to listen intently, learning of Amanda's desire to search for a friend of sorts. Watching Amanda carefully, Madelaine grinned as she spoke. The expression on her face when she mentioned her friend was apparent enough, but she kept silence.

At David's remark, she frowned in disdain. However, with a rapidly sinking feeling, she realized that his reasoning was plausible. Though she thought sensibly most of the time, and was in general a realist, she had appreciated the newfound sense of hope. However, that feeling was now rapidly draining away, leaving behind only an empty, hollow space of uncertainty.

She decided to direct the subject elsewhere. "In any case, let's wait until we get to the house, and then we can think about what we can do. Sooner or later, we'll probably end up bumping into someone...."

Falling silent, she swallowed hard, remembering what had happened to Andrew. If they weren't careful, it was likely that either David, Amanda, or herself might be the next one, caught unawares with a bullet lodged deep in the forehead.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:25 pm
by Cactus
Amanda sighed at David's somewhat true, yet pessemistic comment. She wanted to believe that he was wrong, that the government would find some way of getting them off without killing them all, but really, with the touch of a button, Mr. Danya could become a mass murderer.

As if he weren't already...

"I hope we bump into someone...friendly, that is. We really don't have the firepower to bump into a group of gun-wielding psychopaths. But a friend from school might be good."

Amanda sighed again. She didn't really know what to do, herself. Her only goal, aside from staying alive, of course, was to find Adam. She couldn't put her finger on why she was so enamoured with him. Perhaps it was the fact that he was nice to those, even those who treated everyone like shit. Maybe it was his infectuous enthusiasm? She couldn't figure it out. What she DID know, and remembered quite well, however, was the first time that the two had met...


It had been grade nine, the year that the majority of the students had started their high school education. As was the norm for most ambitious freshman, Amanda had wanted to get involved in as much as she thought that she could handle. She didn't do much outside of the occasional hanging out with some friends and the school band that she had joined on the first day of school. But a few months into the schoolyear, Amanda had found that she needed something else to do, as the band, while fun, just wasn't cutting it. As such, she signed up for an audition for the school play. All they had to do was prepare a dramatic monologue for presentation to the director, producer, and the stage manager. She figured that she'd be able to do it fairly well, so she memorized a monologue from the movie 'Memento'. It was a favourite of hers, and she spent quite a long time memorizing the monologue; perfecting it.

On the day of, she arrived outside the room, fairly early as it was, and had a seat on one of the chairs outside. As she rehearsed her monologue in her head, she felt fairly confident. She could do this! It was at that point that came the first time she ever laid eyes on him. Adam wasn't an impressive looking kid, not ugly, but not ground-breakingly good looking. He just looked normal, albeit a little older than her. She would later find out that he was the same age as her, a fact that surprised her immensley. He wandered around the corner of the hallway and plunked himself down beside Amanda.

There was of course, a second of awkward silence, as Amanda was kind of surprised by the fact that someone else was here, especially someone she didn't know. A few seconds went by until he looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, you here for the auditions?"

She nodded at him. "Yeah, I'm due up in about forty-five minutes, but I got here early. You too?"

Grinning and nodding, he explained his situation. "Yeah, I am. I was supposed to be in there now, but I ran a little late. Hopefully they'll let me audition. I'm Adam, by the way. Adam Dodd."

He stuck out his hand, which Amanda took with a smile. "Amanda Jones. What monologue did you prepare?"

Adam shrugged, and smiled. "I couldn't really decide on which one to do, so I figured I'd just watch a couple movies and see if there were any that struck my fancy. I ended up doing one from the Shawshank Redemption, though."

"Oh, that's a classic. I picked one from a little more of an obscure ever heard of the movie called Memento?"

At the mention of the movie, Adam's eyes lit up. "HELL yeah! That's my favourite movie! What monologue are you doing?"

"I'm doing the one where he explains about Sammy Jankis, you know, over the phone?"

Adam nodded excitedly. "Yeah, I know the one. That's a fantastic movie, oh MAN."

The two would end up talking for the entire forty-five minutes that Amanda had to wait for her audition. Adam told her about how he had just moved in town from Canada, and how he found it a little different than where he used to live. As Amanda went into her audition, she couldn't help but feeling such a sense of relaxation. Talking with the boy had relaxed her and made her feel comfortable, which was a stretch from how she had felt before - jittery and nervous. She pulled it off and ended up making the play. Much to her happiness, so did Adam. The two ended up acting in the play together and were on stage at the same time through much of it. They would go on to become pretty good friends. Throughout that year, however, Amanda began to develop feelings for Adam. They were small at first, but soon they blossomed into something much bigger, and much deeper than a simple crush...


Back on the path, she sighed. She hoped, and mentally PRAYED that Adam was still alive, wasn't playing, and was close. She wanted, NEEDED to feel that comfortable again.

Plus, she figured, I've got something to tell him.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:25 pm
by LadyMakaze†
Madelaine continued to walk alongside Amanda, not noticing that the distance between them had narrowed a bit...then again, she had grown more comfortable being amongst the group. Despite all that was happening to them now, she realized that she enjoyed it a bit, being with these two....especially Amanda. By this time, Madelaine was wondering to herself: Why had she not made an effort to get to know this fellow classmate? She relayed this in her mind as they continued on their way.

Already, the soft-soled brown leather moccasins she had worked to hard to keep clean and in good condition were developing dark, dirt-stained streaks and screatches. Her white ankle socks were covered in a sparse pattern of grass stains that formed brush strokes against a cotton canvas. She grimaced at the sight of this. She knew she was being ridiculous, fussing over such a trivial matter, but still...she had put an effort into making herself presentable. The state her shoes were in now was somewhat irritating.

Making an effort to distract herself, she looked back towards Amanda, wondering if there was room left for conversation. Then she noticed the distant, absent expression on Amanda's face. Raising a wry eyebrow, she casually spoke up.

"So....a penny for your thoughts?"

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:26 pm
by Cactus
Amanda looked up with a start from her thoughts. She hadn't expected anyone to speak after the last lull in the conversation, and surprisingly, she noticed that she'd become absolutely wrapped up in her thoughts. As she glanced up from her walk, she looked at Madeline, who was looking at her intently. Amanda shrugged.

"Oh, I uh...I was just thinking about my friend. I'm worried about him. He was looking forward to this trip, and I'm just, uh...worried that people might take advantage of him...he's a really, uh, close friend of mine."

Amanda sighed again.

Oh, way to go there Amanda. Just go around telling EVERYONE! Jeez, you've got to keep your mouth shut, otherwise somebody's going to say something, and there goes your chance. At least don't be so damned blatant!

"But yeah, I guess that's just what I'm wrapped up in. Just remembering things about, and stuff. Anything to feel normal, right?"

Amanda weakly smiled at Madelaine. The bullshit was freely flowing now, and Amanda was desperately trying to work her way out of it. Sooner or later, she figured Madelaine, who didn't seem stupid, would likely come to the same conclusion.

It wasn't that Amanda didn't want to admit that she was in love, it was more that...she wanted to be the one to deal with it. She'd always had trouble expressing her feelings, and this was proving to be no different.

Re: Start for Girl #5

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:26 pm
by LadyMakaze†
" I would suppose," Madelaine remarked in response, noting with amusement the slightly flustered look on Amanda's face. She smiled, not mockingly, but kindly, as if to say, It's only natural.. Being someone who was used to listening to others and giving advice, Madelaine seemed to get a hint as to what Amanda truly meant. However, if there were any assumptions made, those she kept to herself, for the sake of being tactful. piqued her curiosity a bit.

In fact, it made her somewhat envious. There was someone out there, after all, whom Amanda truly cared about. Someone she was desperate to find. If only that person knew...

But she also felt a twinge of pity for Amanda, as well as fear for what may happen. If that person was suddenly found, dead, then what would happen to Amanda? It would be as though she was chasing a shadow all this time, not realizing that the one she truly cared about and wanted to find was dead all along. Worse yet, what if that person was found...and suddenly died in front of her? What would happen then....?

Madelaine bit her lip at the thought of this, a dark, grim look falling over her face like a shadow. In a game like this, there was little room for hope...but still....

"Well...I hope you find your friend sooner or later," Madelaine remarked awkwardly, trying to sound cheerful. "Pretty lucky have someone looking for him in a place like this."