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Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by jimmydalad
"Y-you panicked? That's all you have to say?" Cammy wailed back, tears starting to trickle down her face. Two of her classmates just died, and for what? A girl who panicked? A girl who was scared, just like her? What should she do? What could she do? She couldn't shoot her, though a part of her wanted to. She had to justify to herself that it wasn't Kammy's fault. It felt so wrong though, justifying murder.

At this point, Cammy just crumpled. She curled up into a ball and cried. Everyone was either dying, killing or just trying to survive. The situation was reaching a breaking point as far as she was concerned. She had seen people get killed, she had seen dead bodies and she had seen her classmates attacking each other like it was just everyday life. Yet, this was becoming their everyday life, so long as they were on the island.

"This is all so fucked up." Cammy coughed out, feeling the tears trickle down her hands, causing blood to travel down the length of her arm as well as getting patches of wetness on her hoodie. What the hell was going on? Why did this happen to them? It just didn't make sense. What did any of them ever do? Was there a reason or were they just victims of happenstance? Cammy didn't understand.

Cammy didn't know what else to do for a while. She just wanted to cry, get all of this negative energy out of the system and cry about her problems. She knew what people said. Crying didn't make problems go away. There were more productive things to do than cry. She didn't care though. Those people weren't in her current situation. Cammy felt no one had a right to say that to her.

She just wanted to cry, hoping the tears would help cleanse the despair.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by randomness
"Oh god."

Stephanie couldn't say much else. What were you supposed to say when you found two dead bodies in front of you? She was rather sure that no culture had developed social norms for that kind of situation.

Blood covered the floor, and the smell of gunpowder hung in the air. It was horrid. The only thought that hung in her mind was to get out of there. She dropped Mallory onto the ground where she landed with a flop.

Three dead bodies in a room and a three people alive. It seemed a little farcical, a bad set up for black comedy. There was little humor to be had in that situation, of course, given that she  was part of the scene. If anything, the bodies merely outlined how little separated them from death.

Stephanie walked over to Cammy. The girl looked like she was on the verge of tears. She obviously had it much worse, she had been here when the shots went off.

"Are you feeling okay?" The words felt meaningless, anyone could see that she wasn't. She said it anyway, hoping that even that little would help.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by Namira
Kam stood there silently and just watched as her friend blew out her rage and burst into tears. She wanted to go over there and comfort other-Cammy, and at the same time felt rooted to the spot. What reassurance could Kam offer? She was the one who'd just gunned down two people, two actual people right in front of her. Fuck.

Her head hurt a lot. It matched up pretty well with the sickness in her stomach, although Kam couldn't tell whether that was because of the bloody gash, or down to - ...the rest of it. Her mind didn't want to confront any of this, didn't want to acknowledge what she'd just done. Kammy forced herself to. She had to.

There was a moment of bizarre isolation, Cammy hunched over crying, the new arrival appearing at her side, and Kam made herself look at the bodies. She'd answered perfectly truthfully, she hadn't meant to, and a hell of a lot of comfort that was. It was an excuse, the type of thing that a kid would say. Facts were that Kam had pulled the trigger and shot them both down, bad enough that she'd killed Alex, but Carlon had got caught in the crossfire too.

She wanted, badly wanted, to reassure herself that she didn't have any other choice.

She couldn't believe that, not even for a moment.

What the hell was everyone else going to think? Everyone here? Two people wasn't an accident, they were going to think Kammy was a cold-blooded murderer even though she- she- ...

...she wanted to see Michelle so badly, if her girlfriend would even look her in the eye after this.

"I know this ... isn't the best time for all of this, but I need to know. I'm looking for Michelle... swimming Michelle. Have you seen her?"

Kammy wasn't expecting the answer to be yes. Even less that it'd been recently. Kam nearly smiled and failed miserably. Shipping yard. Cammy had seen Michelle at the shipping yard - the shipping yard... holy shit, holy fuck! That was right nearby! Only a little ways away!

She still needed to rest, but staying around this place made her queasy. Besides, the longer she waited, the colder the trail would get, and this was an actual honest-to-jesus lead! Kam just... just had to hope things would pan out. Hope she'd be forgiven.

((Kammy continued elsewhere))

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by randomness
((Skipping to avoid inactivity))

Kam was gone and Cammy only seemed to ignore her feeble attempt to help.

It was always like this. When shit went down, she always seemed to be so useless. There was nothing she could do to help. She didn't even know how to begin to help.

Things were falling apart now, and she didn't want to stay in this room any longer. She couldn't do anything here anyway. Cammy would feel better without her.

She slunk out of the hospital in silence.

((Stephanie Wright continued in Fools and High Places))

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by jimmydalad
At first, Cammy just ignored everyone. Crying just was the catharsis she needed right now, no matter what everyone else said. People said that crying didn't get you anywhere, but that didn't matter to her. Not after everything she had been through these past few days. She knew it was rude and that she would normally would never do something like this, but she just stopped caring about appearances anymore. It wasn't like it was of any importance.

After a moment of sobbing, Cammy was able to compose herself somewhat better. At least she could form a coherent sentence now, which was much better than she was in her previous state. Looking up at Kammy, she noticed how guilty she looked. She couldn't stay angry at her, even though she really should. The next thing that came out of her mouth just confirmed her thoughts.

"I-I saw her. Michelle was at the docks. S-she was with Gwen and Virgil. Y-you m-might wanna hurry, you m-m-might just catch her if you're l-lucky." Cammy blubbered out, looking away from her as she withheld certain facts. Like the whole idea that Michelle wanted to commit suicide. She couldn't let Kammy worry about her like that. It was against her nature.

After crying a little longer, she noticed she was alone. Letting out a sad sigh, she looked at the bodies of Carlon and Alex. She probably should do something about them. Standing up, she started to drag the two bodies, holding her breath so that she could mitigate the effects of the horrible smell. Moving them behind the desk, she picked up the supplies that they had. It wasn't like they were going to use them.

Making a sign of a cross on her chest and briefly praying for their peace and rest, Cammy set forth out of the hospital. What was she going to do? At this point, she wanted to survive.

((Cammy Davidson continued in Picking It Clean))