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Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:43 pm
by General Goose
Following the latest update on the dead, a seemingly long, awkward silence followed, the only noises being Danya's animated voice continuing to ramble on meaninglessly in the background, and the occasional cough from Harun himself as he struggled to hold back tears of stress, anxiety and simple sadness.

Vera was dead. Of course, Harun, like Brendan, didn't really know her that well. Logically speaking, the only connection they had, the only reason her death hurt any more than Albert's or Jackson's or Samaya's or whoever's, was the activist club. Harun didn't really know much about her or her background or her interests beyond the obvious. Hell, Harun wasn't even sure if "friend" was the correct term to describe her.

Like with Brendan, the fact that the two hardly knew each other wasn't exactly making things easier for Harun. (The first funeral Harun attended, that of a great uncle who lived in Turkey when Harun was only 8, had been tragic for Harun for two reasons, firstly that his mother had cried, and a great way to make an 8-year old cry is to make his mother cry, and secondly that he never got to know the uncle in question better. The first reason wasn't really relevant here, but the second was). The fact they were both members of the activist club meant that, at the very least, they shared similar interests and world views, so they could probably have became closer if Harun had emerged from his shell and put some effort into it. But no, he didn't. He spent all his time on internet forums and games.

Hell, that was the main thing he wanted to do when he got back from the trip. Check on the forums and play some more games. But no, that was buggered now. All his, for lack of a better term, internet friends would have to make do without Harun. Hell, all the things he wanted to do with his life...finally read that Lord of the Flies book, finally get round to completing Ocarina of Time, get to know X better, ask Y out, get a job in games or politics...

All that stuff, gone out the window. Hell, he didn't even bring the Lord of the Flies with him.

And Vera's death, the first activist club member (friend?) to lose their life to the game, had left Harun staring at the ground, ignorant of the movement and talking that was coming from the clearing behind him. He was unaware that Danya's morbid list had long drawn to a close, unaware that the impromptu group he was now (probably) a part of was now back to discussing more pressing concerns, unaware that Brendan had just entrusted Stacy with a gun.

He eventually noticed Rashid was beside him, offering him a hand to help get him back on his feet. Mumbling a refusal, Harun climbed back to his feet himself, groggily scanning the area around him. Looking at Rashid reminded him that Hermione had died too, which sent another jolt of negative emotions down his body.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:31 am
by Brackie
"Trust in me. We're not going to get out of this unscarred, and in all likelihood, some of us are going to die here. Possibly all of us. Before this is all done, you're going to see somebody die. I don't like it. I'll avoid killing if I possibly can, but I'll do it if I have to. If it comes down to being one of us or one of our other classmates, I will shoot to kill. So don't be surprised when I do."

That's a yes, I take it then?

A brief attempt at a smile graced Brendan's face, his nervous and on-the-brink face, when she took the gun. Yes, it was going to be put to some use now. The only problem with the predicament was that Stacy seemed too inclined too use it. Perhaps he was right in all his blind assumptions, about how she was a wrestler and therefore violent. If so, that would probably explain a lot.

But while his assumptions may have been on the dot, her own assumptions were a wild hit. She didn't need to worry about him seeing someone die, he'd already faced that faucet of reality a long time ago.

He could register as these thought went through his mind that Stacy was touching his face.


No, he didn't do that.


No, not that either.




That was something like it. He couldn't really contain his eye contact with her, because as good of a person as he was, he was still against touching people he didn't know. Especially a touch this...intimate.

Goth chicks, my one weakness...

Her voice sprung up again, asking about the ammo for the gun. Brendan reached into his bag quickly, felt around for a box he hadn't touched in days, and pulled it out, all the while keeping it out of view from everyone else except the girl in front of him.

"This is it. Including the 6 already in there, there's 6 more slugs or whatever in here. I...I'd just keep this stuff out of sight until...until you need to use it, right," Brendan muttered.

He turned around and spoke to the group of people they had amassed.

"Okay, uh, I...I think we should probably try and get some rest, I don't know about most of you but...but I've only had about 6 hours of sleep in the last few days, and I-I'd really like to not blow up any time soon, so-so yeah," Brendan muttered. Part of him wasn't really sure whether or not they heard him at his current volume.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:56 am
by Zabriel†
Stacy nodded and took the box from him. "If we're lucky I won't need to use this." She thought for a moment before smiling at him.

"Maybe it's just the lack of sleep or something, but part of me really wants to...never mind, we should get some rest. I can take watch for a few hours. Once we've had some time to recharge we can think about what to do next."

She looked back toward Sarah and then the rest of the group. "You should go back to your boyfriend. He might get jealous if I keep you too long..." she giggled softly, "then again, I could always give him a reason to be."

She gave him a little wink and started back toward her friend. She'd behave herself, for the moment at least.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:45 pm
by selphie_trabia†
Sarah yawned slightly and stirred in her sleep. She frowned, squirming about from the warm body that was holding her earlier. She couldn't find it.

It was uncomfortable, sleeping without a bed. She couldn't really sleep soundly. She tossed and turned, then sat up, rubbing her eyes as she tried to rouse herself from slumber.

"Muh. uh...nm." she said eloquently.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:30 pm
by General Goose
While Harun was preoccupied with organising his thoughts and violently coughing his guts out, Brendan turned around from his private conversation with Stacy to address the group. His suggestion was pretty simple; they all get some sleep, deal with all the proper stuff in the morning. Considering Harun had had very little sleep over the last few days (hell, even during the night hours in the last few days before the stupid trip, he'd spent most of it browsing the internet), he was in no mood to disagree. Even with the possibility of someone throwing a bundle of dynamite in their midst or slitting all their throats while they slept, sleep still sounded awesome. Harun felt like he was on the brink of a mental breakdown, and sleep seemed like a great way to postpone that eventuality.

Propping his bag up against the nearest convenient tree stump for an improvised pillow, Harun made a grunt to show his agreement with Brendan's idea, then threw himself on the floor, trying to get comfortable. It was hard on the rough, dirty, uneven ground with a clunky bag serving as your pillow, but it was decent, in comparison to the rest of his time on the island.

"Night ev'ryone, sleep dreams."

Of course, he meant sweet dreams, but he was too tired to notice. Within a minute, he was asleep like a log.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:49 am
by ifnotwinter†
Erik came back to himself just in time to hear Brendan's suggestion. Sleep. That sounded - well, it sounded good, but that was about it. He glanced around in some surprise at how easily everyone else appeared to be going to bed. Was it just him? Was the mounting paranoia inside his stomach the island eating away at him, gnawing on his thoughts until he had no choice but to give in? He couldn't be the only one scanning the skeleton trees for gun barrels, the shine of light on knives. But he seemed to be.

He got up slowly from his idle tidying, grabbing his pack from the ground. Starting to reflexively hunch his shoulders, he caught himself mid-slouch and straightened upwards. Bigger target, but more intimidating. He knew how to use his height. Hell, the few fights he'd been in had mostly been won by the fact that he was just that much taller, and could talk scary when he needed to.

Not that he wanted too. But here, in this place - this place wasn't home, anymore. He couldn't just be Erik. Erik wanted to curl up in a corner and hide. Erik wanted to run and run and run until nothing mattered anymore. Erik wanted to wrap Brendan in his jacket and hold him until rescue came, as it must, keeping him safe.

Erik didn't want to be here.

But here he was. He moved slowly into the center of the group, head ducked slightly but the rest of him standing tall, immovable. "I'll." His voice cracked and he stopped, cleared his throat. "I'll stand watch. Not that tired."

Was it true? It was hard to tell anymore. H was tired, a blanket of exhaustion wrapping his shoulders, but he knew it wouldn't let him sleep. Hard to think that only - how long ago? An hour? Less, more? He'd been cracking penis jokes. It hadn't seemed real, then. He'd been high on Brendan's life, on his own.

Now it sunk in. And the one thing that washed to the surface of the fear was simple enough.


Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:21 am
by Brackie
Was...Stacy flirting with him?


It's like the big guy in the sky was saying "Hey, you're gonna die, so now you can have all the hot goth chicks you want". Seriously, it was weird. Maybe everyone really did need some sleep, if people were actually getting so tired that they were mistaking him for cute.

Well, Erik excluded at least.

Speaking of, as he watched Harun drop like a fly, Erik volunteered to keep watch. As much as Brendan wanted to say that Stacy already had that under control, well...


...What, he was supposed to justify that? He was supposed to say that, but he didn't. He was really tired, and in no mood to tell people what to do. He'd lead Stacy and Sarah across the island in safety, so he was sure that even if he stopped for a moment, everything would be okay as long as they kept their head up.

At least that was how Brendan justified his cowardice in his mind, anyway.

"Uh, sure! Stacy's, uh, actually staying up as well, so, uh, I, uh, suppose, uh, that can, uh, work, uh, yeah." Brendan stammered, before shaking his head quickly. Dammit, he was stuttering again, that was no good. He couldn't put himself up as a convincing leader if he couldn't even make out a sentence properly.

And yes, shaking one's head randomly immediately cures stuttering, Brendan would be fairly surprised if that was true.

He didn't dwell on his mind-blanks that much, but instead stepped forward and brought Erik into a hug. Granted, he had to reach up a lot to do it, but that didn't make the hug any less meaningful in his eyes.

"Thanks anyway," Brendan said quietly. He released from the hug slowly, and smiled "Wake me up at about midday, and I'll take over, you two can get some sleep as well."

Well, at least he wasn't stuttering anymore.

Part of him just wanted to kiss Erik, right there. The part that loved Erik a lot, the part that never got a chance to speak. It had to contend with the parts of him that hated being around large groups of people, the parts that didn't like showing intimacy in public, the part that was just plain petrified at the situation he was dealing with in general.

It could wait, right?

He turned back around and put his bag in the centre of the two people already fast asleep. After a few seconds of adjusting, Brendan got into something comfortable, and his bag was a pillow.

Within a minute, he was asleep.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:52 pm
by laZardo†
((Fuck me I'm inactive. Sorry if this ain't much.))

Right. Hermione was dead too. Maybe that's what she got for thinking that she could do things all by her lonesome. And there was this game's catch-22. You needed people if you didn't want to die. On the other hand you were more likely to die around the presence of people. He didn't need to reiterate the reasons that was more possible than dying alone[/i] by collar explosion. Yet it suddenly dawned - no pun intended - on him that of all the ways he feared his manner of death, dying alone was about the one thing he feared more.

As he followed Harun to the group he saw everyone getting ready for "bed."

Rashid stayed awake for a while after everyone dozed off. Maybe getting as much sleep as he did meant the powers that be allowed him the privilege of staying up late. And that was something he'd taken for granted quite often in the weeks before he arrived here. Or maybe he just didn't want to get backstabbed in his sleep (no small feat given a few people to roll him over.) Still, it was too dark to see most anything at the moment apart from the silhouettes of the sleeping figures. He turned his gaze toward his sleeping companion from the Insane Commie Posse.

It was a shame. The darkness made it a bit too risky to try stealing anything that wasn't too overly conspicuous, and that wasn't counting risking Stacy noticing and raising the alarm. Which left nothing to do apart from try to find some other way to pass the time.

"So...Stacy," he asked, "What brings you here?"

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:44 am
by Dropbear†
[[Sapphire McLeod continued from "Can You Hear Me Now?"]]

The beeping stopped once she got into the woods.

That was probably a good thing.

She had lost sight of Saul.

That was probably a very bad thing.

Spinning around rapidly like a leaf caught in the wind, she tried to search, find her partner, but it was no use. Screaming out his name, she kept running before tripping over and getting a face full of leaves. Giving a groan of pain, she lay there for a moment, starting into the ground. She was goddamn useless. Couldn't even follow her friends. And now she was alone again.


The sun had finally gone down. Sapphire had been walking for ages, going through the trees, around in circles, sobbing softly every now and then. What was she going to do? Nothing? She couldn't stand it. Do nothing but walk. Reaching into her pocket, she felt the familiar plastic and sighed. No weapons to defend. Or attack. She was the joke character, the one that was going to die no matter what happened.

Then in the darkness she heard a voice, breaking her quite sad thoughts. Given that she was walking quite loudly, the chances of them hearing her were quite high. Not good.

Do nothing or die.

Screwing up her eyes, she walked towards the voices. She didn't care any more if they were playing or not. Didn't matter at all.


Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:39 pm
by Zabriel†
Stacy returned to her place with Sarah and set the gun and ammo next to her bag. She hugged the girl and and smiled. "I'm sorry, Brendan needed me for a moment. But I'm here now."

"You can go back to sleep if you want Sarah, I'm going to take first watch."

As time passed and people started to fall asleep she found herself feeling a little tired, and kind of bored. She was nearly lost in thought before Rashid jarred her from her memories.

"Oh, you know. Kidnapped by a madman, forced into some wild battle royale. You?"

Stacy heard footfalls in the distance, getting closer. Then a voice calling out. A very familiar voice.


Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:18 am
by selphie_trabia†
((ooc: GMing approved by Dropbear))

Now that her eyes were open, Sarah was in some sembalance of wakefulness. By now, she'd passed through the stage of exhausted and moved on to the other side where she felt energetic again, even if she wasn't actually all that energetic. In short, she was completely wired.

The end result was that as soon as she heard Stacy greet the newcomer, she had launched herself into the air with a gleeful shout of happiness and tackled Sapphire to the ground in a tight, overenthusatic hug.

"You're back! I tried to find you! You're okay! yay! Sapphire!"

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:49 am
by Brackie
What are you doing, Brendan?

I'm going to help these guys. I can't shoot people, I'm not able to shoot people, but I can still help them if I just go and find something they can use.

Use for what? You know what you've seen, two of these guys look close to snapping, they've taken aboard the reality of the situation.

That doesn't change a thing. They're my friends, even Stacy. If I give them something, just any something, that means they have a chance. A fighting chance. I mean, look at me, Danya obviously doesn't want me to survive if he gave me a sex doll. But if I can just find everyone I know, get us all together, and somehow just work it out...

You keep saying that Brendan, but what does "work it out" mean? Work what out?

Work out what we're going to do.

Yeah, but you see, what you're going to do is get everyone together, everyone with weapons, and sooner or later someone's going to snap. Just like that. Look at Charlotte. Clio. Nik. Kris. Maxwell. Everyone who's killed so far. They all snapped.

My friends aren't like tha-no, I know what you're gonna say next. I don't care. We're all still classmates, friends, people. It doesn't matter. If I know them, I know that I never helped out, studied, shared classes with, or did anything with anyone I knew would snap and kill people. There had to have been a reason for what happened with the one or two I know who have started killing...but that's not what I'm going to do. I'm not finding people. People can find us.

All I'm doing is finding a way to really fight, really protect everyone here.

You keep telling yourself that Brendan.

I'm pretty sure you can keep telling yourself you're helping people when the fact is you just want to run away and hide, fuck 'em all. Even I can tell that.

I'm not even sure why I'm talking to you. I realised this was a dream about 10 seconds ago, which makes this lucid. Now, you're not me, you're now Lexie Logan-Price, and you're in your pink laced underwear, and you're coming onto me because hot damn you were one of the best looking girls at Bayvie-

"You're back! I tried to find you! You're okay! yay! Sapphire!"

If that wouldn't have worked, then the next annoucements coming in and ruining the scene would have.

...he clenched his eyes shut. It was probably too much too hope for, just wishing that the whole thing was a dream. Twenty-five people he knew, twenty-five people he recognised, twenty-five people he'd never speak to again... least Chase wasn't on there. If she'd been mentioned there in any way, then he wouldn't really know what to think.

He hadn't shown that he'd woken up yet. He still had his eyes clenched shut, trying to not think about all the stuff he'd missed over the last day. People were dead and dying all around the island, all the while he slept comfortably with people around to protect him.

Well...he'd already written up his dayplan while he slept.

It wasn't like he'd be leaving these people behind, Stacy would protect them. She had one of the most powerful handheld guns on the island as far as he knew, and that had to count for something in the long run, right?

All his things were together already, so he didn't need to make a big fuss. Brendan picked up his bag, and sat himself on the stump, only realising that there was someone else here, someone else that Sarah and Stacy seemed to recognise.

There really wasn't any point in acquainting himself with someone he'd just be abandoning, again.

Brendan stood up, and nervously fidgeted with the strap on his shoulder.

"Guys? I...I know we've all just got together and all, but, but, but, there's just some things I need to do, and people I need to, uh, find, uh, yeah. I'''ll be safe and stuff, yeah, Stacy could probably tell you why, but...I'm gonna go look around the island and see if there's anything else I can find to keep us safe, like weapons and stuff. I...I'll be really really safe, I know how to hide and keep quiet and stuff, so...if I'm not back here by tomorrow's announcements, I'll meet you all back at the town, look for a house with anyone friendly in it and stay there, I'll find you eventually. I'm...I'll keep safe, okay? won't hear me on the announcements, I promise, I...I...I'll...I'll miss you all, and...Erik, Stacy, just keep everyone safe."

Brendan scratched the back of his head nervously, avoiding their gaze, and turned around.

For a brief moment, he considered taking back his word, and staying here regardless.

Instead he just turned back around, ran to Erik, and finally kissed him.

Few moments later, he broke the kiss, and tried to keep himself smiling.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself. Just...keep my friends safe, and I promise I'll come back to guys. I promise."

Brendan kissed Erik once more, and instead of possibly doing the same to everyone there like he did to Erik, he instead headed off. He couldn't run, since he still had a bung leg with stitches. Death by torn stitches would be an embarrassing way to end up noticed by Danya.

Once he was a fair distance away from his most recently abandoned group, he stopped. Brendan slumped himself on the nearest stump, and pulled out all of his survival tools.

...hmm, if I go there, there might not be people. People could be keeping stuff there or something, but I could just try it. It's always worth the shot, and I have a day to find everything I can. There's so much to search here, and if I can just find Chase, then my reason for keeping up hope is still alive.

((Brendan Wallace continues in That's a bout. Salute. Shake hands.))

I still think this is a lost cause.

Well, I've never been one to pay attention to the voices inside my head, now am I? I expect that's how everyone else snapped.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:57 pm
by General Goose
Harun never had many dreams, nightmares or otherwise, in his sleep (in fact, he was one of the best pieces of evidence against the story that eating cheese before bedtimes gave you nightmares. Harun loved his mid-night cheese), and the island had done little to change to that. The uncomfortable position he was in and the rather lumpy improvisational pillow he was using had, if anything, made dreams even less likely.

Harun was, quite simply, enjoying his sleep. He was enjoying not having to worry about his friends or his own life, or having to have internal debates on whether there was an afterlife after his inevitable death. It was probably the best rest he had in quite a while, and by the time he woke up, he had fully recuperated from his abysmal mood the night before, and arguably felt the best he had felt for the several days and nights he had spent wandering about aimlessly on the island.

Of course, remembering he was on an uncivilised island in the middle of nowhere with the objective of kill or be killed caused all his negative emotions to flood back to him, and, groaning in frustration and anger, he buried his head back into his pillow, ignoring his surroundings.

Eventually, he decided to look up from his bag and take in his surroundings, only to find Brendan was half-way through a monologue about leaving.

Which was just fucking great. He'd spent the last few days desperately searching the island, hoping to find another person he could trust, only for them to decide, for some retarded reason known only to themselves, that they were gonna wander off.


A bemused, frustrated look on his face, he decided not to try and convince Brendan to stay (he looked pretty determined to go through with whatever dumb quest he had in mind), decided not to complain at any point despite his relatively low view of Brendan's latest decision, and didn't give a shit in any way when Brendan decided to give Erik a heartfelt kiss before leaving, instead preoccupying himself with checking his bag still had all his essential and non-essential supplies in, and nothing had crushed under the weight of his big fat ugly head.

When Brendan actually left, Harun muttered a casual "bye, see ya, take care" and got to his feet. Despite the unintentionally uncaring tone in which he said it, he did hope Brendan was safe and he did hope he'd see him again soon. But, still, he was too tired to show any real emotion (he'd probably used it all up over the last few days) and instead slumped against a tree stump.

"Well, that sucked."

"Now what?"

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:35 pm
by laZardo†
The night, or what was left of it, passed fairly quickly into morning. And with the morning sun came a new day, new opportunities for (albeit quiet) prayer, interrupted with new announcements detailing new killers and corpses liberated from the mortal coil, and...a new guest. Seeing Sapphire running out of the woods was enough to keep Rashid from succumbing to his own fatigue, but - perhaps to his own disappointment - it was everyone else's waking reaction to her appearance that was enough to prevent him from taking the opportunity to go for Harun's gunblade.

Then Brendan kissed Erik and left. Okay, maybe that was what really prevented Rashid from going for the gunblade. Because in all was...actually...kinda hot. No. Don't get distracted. Don't let it give them the opportunity.

And speaking of opportunity, Harun had woken up as well, taking such opportunity with him.

"Now what?"

"Now, I think it might be your turn to stand guard over me," Rashid grumbled, stretching his arms out. Maybe it was his exhaustion, or maybe he'd learned to control himself, but he also came dangerously close to thinking out loud, silently mouthing his thoughts as he leaned back where he sat.

It's not like I have a weapon I'd be sorely tempted to steal while I'm asleep. If you're gonna kill me, at least do me a favor and plant it between my eyes like you should have, you coward.

Re: Gypsy Rap

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:10 am
by Dropbear†
"Wait. I know that- GHAK!"

One moment Sapphire was thoughtfully thinking where she had heard that voice, the next moment she was on the ground in a bear hug and trying to get the stars out of her eyes. No wait, that was the sky. She had never seen so many stars- but now is not the time for that! She was being attacked by... by...


Thank you, god. Just thank you. Grinning from ear to ear, Sapphire hugged back, giggling uncontrollably as she tried to get up again. She had made it back to the original lighthouse crew. The people she spent those first hours trying not to panic, just beading and eating junk food. Oh god, that seemed like months ago. Looking around, she spotted Stacy and tried not to squeal. "Stacy! I'm so sorry, I couldn't find where you guys were and like... but it doesn't matter now, we're all here!"

Looking around the area, she frowned. "Is this it? Are you girls alone or something...?"