여아 제 99을 위해 시작

yes its Korean

A relatively ordinary one-room school building located in the center of the island. A few desks are off to the side, due to the fact that they were hacked to pieces by some sort of weapon in the last SOTF ACT. Other than that, everything is nice and orderly.
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Post by Swoosh* »

At the sight of Glenn emerging from the school, Mallory's heart instantly felt lighter and relieved, she smiled as he approached her and Jeremy. However, her smile faded slightly at his warning.

"Right, we should go th-" She paused as Glenn looked nauseous. Had he perhaps seen something in the building that had made him feel sick? Daisuke had ran out of the building pretty quick; maybe there were dead bodies inside. Was Aiden OK? All sorts of questions raced through her head as Glenn rubbed his chest, and after shooting a worried glance at Jeremy, she stepped forward so she was stood to the side of him.

"Are... are you OK?" she asked, worry ringing out in her voice.

((uh oh. *braces self for Mallory!angst))
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Post by Sephy† »

Daisuke returned to the school, mentally yelling at himself for running off, what the fuck was he thinking?! his friends needed him!

He rushed back into the school, noting something in his peripheral vision but dismissing it as paranoia.

((OOC: going to bed now, if the $hit hits the fan and all hell breaks loose just pretend he's joining in...))

A Note to the Reader: Daisuke Andou becomes an inactive character from this point forward and is no longer roleplayed by the handler Sephy. Fellow handler Bloody_Fists takes control of Daisuke from this point until his death. Some information ahead may conflict with information you have already read. We at Survival of the Fittest apologize for this inconvenience.

((Continued in: I am Legend/Out for Blood))
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Post by Bloody_Fists† »

He watched and smiled as everyone rushed away. What did he have the plague? He saw the shadowy figures run down that small and slim corridor. They all stopped by the door for a chit chat before they decided to do anything drastic?

Stevan Arose from the floor and stood firmly on his feet. That boomstick of his was raised and aimed to what little of the figures he could see. His eye looking straight down the barrel and through the sight at the end. His blood drenched trigger finger would be wrapped around the metallic lever and pulled down.


Shot after shot was let of continuoisly, Well to be precise three, He had to kep count of those prescious bullets now.

The SPAS 12 would be let out of his grip and left to hand from his shoulders by the Strap. His hand was brought down and he took the Berreta from his jeans and held it up to where he was shooting. One more shot would be let off into the mass of shadows and figures.
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Post by Slayer† »

((Continued from: The Adventure of Meatboy))

IC: Antonio could hear the gunshots from where he was, arriving at the School from the path (he had taken the long way around so he wouldn't take Peri by surprise again, he had a feeling that wouldn't be a good idea). Taking the last turn of the path, he saw the group in front of the building, but not Peri. Lightly cursing to himself, he ducked behind a tree, watching to see what would happen next.
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Post by Theseus† »

Jeremy had watched everything...it seemed to all go in slow motion....people were running out of the school, Glenn was one of them. Mallory was obviously relieved for Glenn when Glenn froze up, something was wrong, then the gunshots. Lots of gunshots. Jeremy gripped his sickle, he knew he had to get Glenn and Mallory out of here, and something was wrong with Glenn. Running forward, pushing the thoughts of danger out of his mind, Jeremy ran up to Glenn, and said, "Glenn, what's wrong? we need to get out of here? NOW!"
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Post by Kuze* »

Heather who had been standing next to the schools door after the girl darted out of the school,she had zoned out before she buckshot started flying, 4 shells were fired only one left an impression on the door.

"God damn it "

Heather lifted her Shotgun, causing her to fall over on to her ass. Raising the shotgun so the barrell is ipointed up, she looked over at Jeremy who was standing there like an idiot, screaming and making a scene.

"Hey, Silent Bob dont you have a gun if so shoot the fuck back."
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Post by Theseus† »

Jeremy listned to heather, then looked back at Glenn, then shouted back to Heather, "No, all I got is this sickle! no gun!" Jeremy watched as she raised her shotgun to fight whoever was shooting. Jeremy was now wishing to have a gun, he wanted to shoot back, wanted to help, but he need to also get Glenn and Mallory out of here, and something was wrong with Glenn.
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden groaned as he tried to raise himself...

Dai, where is Daisuke?

(Note to the reader: Aiden Ambrose goes inactive from this point onward. Handler d0ddi0slave took control of Aiden for his death sequence and simply moved Aiden for his own convenience. Therefore, any and all information after this may vary from what you have previously read. We at Survival of the Fittest apologize for this inconvenience.)

(Continued in: You'll Never Change What's Been and Gone...)
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He couldnt help but flinch at the shotgun was fired, the sound was like thunder tearing through the surroundings.It sounded like a shotgun..Stevans maybe? someone who had killed Stevan and taken his weapon? There had to be more than one of them on the island and as a testament to this thought he noticed the heather girl had produced a shotgun.

He stood there in silence watching the small group screaming at each other and a weapon..a sickle? being produced as the group screamed at each other.What would they do next? He didnt intend to hang around to find out wether they would attempt to fight back or simply run away.

That ingram with its strap wrapped around his arm was clasped in one hand while the other rested under the barrel.The small group in the distance would be targeted with his crosshairs before he squeezed the trigger of the weapon oncemore sending it into a series of quivering fits as it released rounds.The trail of fire moving as if he were hoping to cut the students in two.
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Post by Kuze* »

(continued from Bamboo coppice)

Eh-Sun walked down the path towards the school, where she started out. After a while gunshots went off and a figure of a boy's back appeired on the path.

Eh-Sun smiled as she tucked her Tarus PT 92 into the front of her grey jeans, and reached into one of her bags and gripped the handle of the Bayonett.

Eh-Sun started walking up behind the boy,raising the bayonett preparing to stab. After getting near the boy she swung it down at the boy's sholdier.

(eh tired and brain sleepy)
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Post by riserugu† »

At the concerning question coming from Mallory and Jeremy, Glenn slowly nodded his head. An almost confused look passing over his face, “Oh, yes. I quite fine, just had a bit of a dizzy spell is all.” He mused, laughing a bit. Nodding at Jeremy’s statement of leaving, but as he thought over where they could go the thunder like booms from a gun sent him trying to duck out of the way, pulling Mallory with him off to the side as Jeremy also went to move.

Once it had paused a moment, Glenn lifted his own weapon pointing and firing off three shots in rapid order from where the other shots had come from, but as he went to fire off a fourth. The gun dropped from his hand, falling and bouncing against the ground as the wave of sickness came over him again. Causing him to stumble a bit trying to move out of the line of fire, pressing up against the side of the school building and pushing a hand against his face, eyes watering a bit as he tried to figure out what was happening in the mists of all the panic at the school.

‘Something feels wrong… something’s happened…’ He muttered in thought, blinking some, as another sound ripped through the air, this sounding different from the other weapon that fried. “Get down!” He called hoping to reach the other two in time, as he took a hold of Mallory’s hand and pulled her down toward the ground as he went.

Though as he went down, a sharp pain entered his shoulder along side of where his collarbone was a gasp admitted from his throat, eyes watering again in both the physical and mental pain he had begun feeling. “Jeremy…” He got out, turning back toward the other. “Grab my gun, we’re leaving now.”
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

The shadow he had enjoyed hiding in was rapidly being beaten back by the light flaring from the barrel of the ingram as he would fire it.The shadows would give him somewhere to hide and they gave him peace.The shadows were alot of things to alot of people but one thing they were not was a person and so he would turn to the rapidly appearing black covered shape.

The light from the Ingram stopping suddenly as he turned to look towards the figure,Stevan? there was no time for thought but before he could bring his weapon up that blade had swung foreward.

The ingram would be released from his grip as his hand shot up to grab the one that was rapidly bearing down on him with that bayonet.White fingertips wrapping around the wrist of the attacker while the other arm would search for the throat of whoever had come to attack him..Whoever it was they were a mystery guest draped in shadows.
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Post by Bloody_Fists† »

Stevan watched and waited for a moment to see what impact his shots had on the crowd of students. Suddenly he heard another sound of gunfire, This time a sucsession of gunshots. He dived To the safety of the wall, But, there was no bullets flying past his head, Was he imagining things now?

He brought the pistol to the side of face as he shuffled his way over to the door frame. He was about to desend from his safety net and let rip some bullets, But then out of no where, he heard a whizzing sound fill the room. A twang was made against the window glass as it shattered and spread across the room. More bullets thudded against the door frame as he swung back behind the wall once more. His arm slithered around the door and on the wall of the hallway as his head poked out maybe a couple of inches, More shots were fired. Boom Boom Boom, as the trigger was pulled and released. The spark from the gun lighting up the darkened smokey room with each shot.
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Post by Kuze* »

Eh-Sun felt as the boy grabbed her wrist and her throat with out warning. She let out a small choked yelp, as she reached with her free hand into the large bag she picked up at the Coppice. Grabbing the first thing she could grab a small metal spanner(wrench).

Sliding her hand out of the bag, with the Spanner in it, she produced another small yelp before swinging the spanner at the boy.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

His grip on her wrist was tightening as he reached forward to try and reach for her throat as that Ingram at his side would swing freely as he pushed that bayonett clutching hand a little further away from his flesh and especially away from his jugular.

His grip on her throat would intensify as he would squeeze harder and harder as his own sharp teeth would be pressed together.The wrench would be brought up to make contact with the side of a few and he would stumble back a few steps holding his face, he could feel a tooth inside of his mouth become loose and some blood being freed from his gum as he did so.

"Fucking Bitch" he would growl at her before he would reach for that Ingram at his side to bring it up to aim towards her.
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