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Re: Return of Lord's Poorly Managed Pregaming Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:04 am
by Yonagoda
Hello, hello.

Medea- Ren is probably someone who really needs her for some positivity and love, and might be one of the friends that try to drag her out! Giselle, terminally online that she is, would probably subscribe to her gaming channel if she talked about the channel, and so will Millie since she likes games.

Randolph- you know the crush plan, I know the crush plan. Otherwise, I think... Giselle may have actually used him as inspiration for an artistic project before.

Danielle- I think given the fact that she's the partier she'd be likely to meet Isaiah, Giselle, Betty, and Ren, although their impressions are entirely different? Ren and Gis are into music (but entirely different genres) and Ren has been in the choir for a long time, so... does Dani also do that? (offering Isaiah up as an ex in case you're short on exes- or even a current boyfriend.)