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Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:20 pm
by blastinus
Ah, she had a knife. How intimidating. In truth, Reuben was tempted to try his luck with his own rather large knife, and as she broke out into a sprint, he made a half-hearted motion as if he was going to follow her, but he didn't. And as she vanished off in the distance, he shrugged, put the KABAR away, and sat down.

"And there she goes. Awfully roundabout, but mission accomplished," he said.

Privacy was a hard thing to come by on this island, and he could assume that this girl would try to spread the word of their evil deeds, but now that he thought about it, maybe that would work in their favor. Having folks coming right at them was just what they needed to make this bear trap useful. Still...

"I feel like, maybe, we're not actually communicating," he said, leaning back against his daypack as he rested his feet. "I go one way, you go another. We need to really...come together, you know?"

Sure, they'd been able to get the job done on their previous heists, but they'd been sloppy and embarrassing. They had the potential to be really fantastic muggers if they would just do a coordinated assault. Still, he didn't want to go too harsh on Teresa, since the last thing he needed was for her to turn on him, so he had to present this in a very gentle manner.

"So...I'm willing to listen. If you have an idea of how we can improve...yeah, please. I'm all ears."

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:33 am
by Yugikun
...Huh. That actually worked? Sweet. Guess that was another point to this girl and Reub. She let out her breath, let go of one part of the whip to stroke her right hand through her head, and slouched, shrank down. She took a step forward, near-twirled as she did so and made it so that the two still a part of this scene were looking at each other. It didn’t seem at the point where they were staring one another down, but there was mild intent in their eyes, a sense that whatever matter existed was important enough to be serious about.

“Yeah,” the girl said. “If we wanna, like, kill people we should prolly get better at, like, doin’ the killin’ people part, y’know?”

And here was the part where this girl came up with like, the best plan ever. Found a way to like, fuckin’ kill erryone before they even fuckin' knew what hittem. Just had to like, sit and think a moment and...




Yeah, okay, thinkin’ wasn’t this girl’s strong suit. Sue her. Put her in jail ‘cause she had no money to get sued with. Give her the death penalty ‘cause that was the way this country worked. Whatever.

“Not gonna lie, though, we’ve, uh, been doin’ pretty good so far,” she said, scrunching up her mouth slightly. “Like, y’probably wanna kill people and that’s pretty cool but, like...”

There was a brief pause. The girl tapped her foot on the ground.

“Iunno. We’ve been doin’ the Bonnie and Clyde game pretty well so far. Like, we could get more co-ordinated and shit, but... eh. Pretty sure we’re pretty good as is, y’know?”

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:52 am
by blastinus
Right, this planning session was already going fantastically. Reuben let out a sigh and pinched his forehead, pondering if this girl really understood what he was getting at.

"Well, here's the thing," he said. "We've been just dealing with scared people so far, people with no weapons or really shitty ones. What if they've got a gun? What if we turn the corner and there's Wyatt Carter with an uzi?"

Actually, the way their game had gone so far could only be called a stroke of good fortune. They'd bumbled their way into a surplus of supplies, enough to last them for at least two weeks, if not more, but they couldn't depend on that forever. They had to start playing smart, and soon.

"Sorry if I'm being harsh," he continued, giving as best of a smile as he was able, ", this is survival. We've got to take this seriously, or we're dead."

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:37 am
by Yugikun
“I mean, if we’re smart enough ‘bout this we can just, like, not run into Wyatt Carter with a gun, y’know?”

The girl’s voice had raised in volume slightly, but her posture, facial expression had not changed. Her eyes moved, but did not stay looking at any particular sight. The top corner of her lip was sucked into her mouth, and with a sound only audible to her it escaped the grip of her tooth and flicked back out again. She sighed.

“Like, iunno, if we wanna play smart we could just like, find a place, hunker down, do nothin’ ‘till our food runs out. Like, if we’re supposed to be strategic and stuff, that’s pretty clearly the best play.

The motion repeated. She looked around. Bit her lip. Sighed once more.

“But... not gonna lie, doin’ stuff that way would blow and, like, I dunno ‘bout you but I didn’t come here to do stuff that blows.” She giggled, a little bit. “So, like, if you’ve got a way to do what we’re already doin’ that won’t get us shot, I’m, like, completely all ears.”

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:44 am
by blastinus

Reuben fixed Teresa with an incredulous gaze as she looked like she was having a big old laugh. The heck did she mean by, 'stuff that blows'? They were stuck on an abandoned island full of people with guns, out in the blistering sun, and there were rainclouds gathering on the horizon? How could this 'blow' any worse?

"Firstly," he said, his voice gathering an edge of irritation, "we can't hunker down. They rotate the danger zones, and we'd get our heads popped. Secondly, we can't do what we're doing. We're flailing around like morons!"

He realized that he was raising his voice. Moreover, he'd somehow gotten to his feet. This was oddly aggressive, but he didn't care. Nothing was getting through to this girl, and so he didn't have the time to be gentle or kind.

"I can't work with you like this." he stated, his voice cracking. He wasn't used to putting any emotion behind his words. "You going one way, me the other. You want to have fun? Too bad! It's not supposed to be fun!"

He didn't realize that he'd been so frustrated with her up until everything came pouring out. He was always so measured, so careful with people before, just swallowing his anger at them and letting himself seethe inwardly. But he couldn't do that now, not while his life was on the line.

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:09 am
by Yugikun
“I mean, like...”

The girl shrugged. Her expression did not change.

“Even if we do this good it’s not like they’re gonna, like, let both of us out or anythin’. Pretty sure I’m gonna go to hell at the end of this so, like, may as well try an’ have a big party ‘fore I go, y’know?”

The whip was still held in her left hand. The girl swung it, caught the sharp edge in her right, kept it there, for the time being.

“Like, whole point of a game is t’get the most points, so, like...” She shrugged again. “Yeah. You’re, uh, kinda wrong there.”

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:02 pm
by blastinus
"So you're doing this...because you're getting a kick out of hurting people?"

A stone dropped in Reuben's gut as the realization dawned on him. He figured that Teresa was on the same page as him, trying to survive. This was starting to sound just a wee bit like he was enabling a serial killer, and inasmuch as he was willing to compromise his morals to survive, he couldn't allow himself to be responsible for that.

"Well, heh, I'm sorry, but I can't work like that," he said with an incredulous huff, turning to gather up his things. "You want to "score points," then go ahead, but I'm leaving...before you get us both killed."

This was harsh, but necessary. Teresa could play for fun all she liked, but if that meant taking unnecessary risks and acting impulsive and foolish...his heart couldn't take that kind of stuff. She was screwing him over, and would keep screwing him over, and it was best to just cut the knot now before she did something fatally stupid down the line.

In retrospect though, if he believed all that, he shouldn't have put his back to her.

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:20 am
by Yugikun
“Well, if y’put it that way...”

The girl did nothing, as Reuben turned around. She only stood there, staring, as he packed his bag, stood up.

The moment he started walking away, there was a rush of footsteps before the whip looped above his head. There was a second where it laid on his chest before it was pulled back onto his neck, Reuben dragged with it.

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:05 pm
by blastinus
He heard the footsteps, he felt the rush of someone coming towards him, he’d even managed to draw his knife...but it was too slow, far too slow. He was jerked back. The knife slipped out of his hand, pinging along the stones. He futilely tried to grab the links of the chain whip, tried to stop it from rising to his throat, but he was merely pulled along as it was pinned against his neck.

And yet, peculiarly, he wasn’t being strangled.

A quick lesson about the nature of the weapon about his neck: a chain whip, despite the name, is not actually made of chain links or the like. It’s a series of small rods connected by metal rings. Certainly an effective bludgeoning implement, but for its chosen task, it was proving inadequate. Sure, it hurt where it was pressing in, hurt like heck, but he wasn’t at risk of a crushed windpipe.

He turned, whipping an arm around to elbow Teresa in the face, ducking out between the rods. The knife was right there...he just had to charge forward and...

He tripped over a rock, faceplanting less than a foot away from it.


Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:14 am
by Yugikun
The elbow connected. There was an indecipherable sound that burst out of the girl’s mouth as she was knocked back, as her whip clattered and hit the ground. She kept going past it, seemed to had to take a few steps back just so she wouldn’t hit the ground, but eventually she stopped, right leg in front of her, left leg behind, buried in the ground. Her eyes moved, her head walked around.

She saw the knife.

Saw Reuben, on the ground.

For a moment, everything was silent.

And then she moved first. Rushed in a near sprint in what looked like an attempt to grab the knife before he did.

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:53 am
by blastinus
He saw her rush past, saw her going for the knife. Desperation sent him back to his feet, just as she wheeled around, knife in hand. He reached out, grabbing onto her wrists, trying to pull the knife away...

He pulled towards himself, she thrust forward.

Pain. Burning. Indescribable. He stared down, at the knife in Teresa's hands, at the blood dripping from it. There was a strange sensation in his side, like something...wet. He reached down, stepping back in shock. His shirt was...

No. No way! This couldn't be happening...He...

"Oh...oh no..." he said, staring at his hand, covered in his own blood, then dizziness overcame him, and he felt himself falling backwards into darkness.

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:44 am
by Yugikun
She got there first. He got there too. They grabbed the knife and for a moment — Reuben grabbing the blade, the girl grabbing the hold — they tried to bring it towards them, tried to make sure the other didn’t get it.

The next moment, the girl decided to relent her struggle, instead pushing the knife forward and sending it into Reuben’s chest. He stared at his wound, stepped back, and the girl-

“Oh shit.”

-stepped back, mouth agape, wide-eyed as Reuben fell to the ground, ceasing movement.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.”

She kept stepping back, kept expelling noise from her mouth. Her expression hadn’t changed, even though nobody was watching her. It seemed as if she was afraid. It seemed as if she did not feel the way she’d thought she’d feel. She continued like that — panicking, maybe freaking out — and then:

“Oh shit.”

She changed. A noise — like air getting sucked in at an uneven, stressed rate before some sort of emotion sputtered it out — came from her nose, her mouth as she fell forward onto her knees, started clutching the sides of her waists with her hands. The sound became louder, more frequent, and soon she was near-doubled over in laughter, her cackling audible through the circle.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shi-ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaaaaaaaa...”

And then she moved. Crawled forward, towards Reuben. She reached his body, got a hold of the knife in his stomach-


-brought it out and put it in again.

Brought it out and put it in again.

Brought it out, and put it in again.

Brought it out-


And kept it out. Brought the knife closer to herself. Still laughing, still repeating herself, she stood up. Put the knife in her pocket. She pushed, almost leapt backwards away from him and moved to his bag, dropped on the ground behind her and in front of him. She bent over — looked as if she had to stop herself from doubling, hitting the ground again — and tore into it. Put her hands inside. Brought out Jessica’s bear trap before moving away from the bag, putting it in her own. The motion was repeated with the whip on the ground, and then she moved away, nearly left the space before she turned back, looked at Reuben.

She paused.

He was still breathing.

“Well, ah, didn’t mean it to happen this quick, but, uh-ahahahahahahaha...”

She was still laughing.

“Guess this is a ciao from me, Reub-y.”

She waved, started walking off.

“See ya on the other side.”

((G31, continued in Cannibal))

Re: His Whole Life Packed In Two Bags, Just Two Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:17 pm
by blastinus
Reuben woke up less than half an hour later. He was on his back, staring up into the morning sky. Why was he on his back? And where was...oh right. He tried to lean up a bit, to see what his gut looked like, and a stabbing wave of pain shot through him, sending him curling up sideways into a ball.

She'd stabbed him. Why had she stabbed him? He thought that he and she were...She'd saved his life. She didn't have to, but she did. He was dangling over the edge of the waterfall, and she pulled him back up...for what purpose? Was that just a whim as well, some decision she made on a lark? Had Reuben meant absolutely nothing to her?

No time to worry about that. He glanced around through teary eyes, searching for...there! His bag! He shuffled towards it, one hand on his bleeding side, trying desperately not to make any movements. He reached for it, shakily, his vision blurred on the edges. It looked like things had been taken, probably by Teresa. It's what he would have done. But maybe she left something. She had to have...

Whoa, dizzy...


He slowly rose again. The sun was now waning in the distance. was already sundown? His hand was still resting on his side, perhaps the only reason he was still alive. felt so gross and wet.

The bag. Still needed the bag. He snaked his free arm up, felt around for anything cloth-ish. But what was the point? Even if he got the bandages on, they wouldn't be a tight seal. His shirt was in the way, and he couldn't take it off, not without moving his...shit, head's spinning agai-


What was that noise? It felt like someone was shouting through a megaphone...he could barely open his eyes. Everything sounded so echo-y. The announcement was reading off a list of names, but he couldn't understand them, wouldn't have cared even if he did. Through what little he could see, he perceived...daylight?

Heh, he'd made it to Day 3. His mom would be so proud.

He couldn't move, could barely turn his head. It began to sink in what was happening, and he simply nodded, letting out a discontented sigh. All this time, he thought that he'd been the brains of the operation, coming up with all these BIG plans, but who would have guessed that he was actually just the vehicle for a sick girl's carnival fun ride? He'd think it was funny, almost, but he couldn't muster the energy to laugh.

Well, no point in leaving it off. He simply laid his head back on the stony ground, closed his eyes, and stayed there, waiting for the end to come.

He wouldn't have to wait long.