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Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:00 pm
by Zetsu
Aoi was right, Parker said. Of course Aoi was right. It was the only thing he was actually good at; give him that, at least. Which Parker did, so, you know. It was nice to get that concession. But why did he act like it was such a revelation.

Aoi shifted his weight, avoided eye contact, as Parker continued to stare at him. A good thing Aoi really didn’t like being the center of attention, because that was probably a bad place to be in right now. Add that to the list of things going for him. Unless it kept him unimportant, auxiliary, disposable. Not that Aoi planned to stay around this lot. All he owed them was a fair warning.

Garren was rambling now, and true to form, it wasn’t really making much sense. Pacing around, spouting off about a plot against him the way the brainless nerds did, unable to accept that he’d earned what was coming to him. Okay, actually, scratch the last one. This was…hm. Interesting. And he’d thanked Aoi. Wow. Really, wow. Aoi was impressed.

Maybe the island had finally shaken some sense into him. For some people, that kind of thing was just the kick they needed, the kind of thing he or she—he, in this case—would look back on as the best thing to have ever happened to him or her. Was Garren capable of that kind of self-reflection? Probably not, but after showing this kind of growth in one day, who knows. A shame he’d probably be dead before he had enough time to reach that level, in which case this probably wouldn’t have been the best thing to have ever happened in his life, anyways.

Garren was offering Aoi a hand in shaping the odds of that outcome. Huh. Katelynne had to interrupt his thoughts by checking, again, yes, we get the idea now, Quinn’s killed Violet, yes. But go ahead and ask after we’ve already run it through everybody’s skulls by triple-checking. But anyways. Garren.


Obviously, Aoi would make for a nice meat shield, but things didn’t line up if that’s what Garren was after, even taking into account that it was Garren, who had the tactical sense of a blind termite.

“Why do you want me around.”

Not that Aoi was adverse to teaming up. It was smart, if you were careful. It was probably the right thing to do. Aoi was better than getting people killed, even if they deserved it. But still, coming from Garren.

“What’s changed.”

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:41 am
by Skraal
Oliver stood silently, watching the group, raising an eyebrow as Aoi went on the attack. He took a few steps back, eyeing the group which had almost certainly began to forget about him. If this was back home, he'd probably be piping up about now, if only just to crack a joke. As things stood, however, the thought was hardly interesting.

This was all so pointless. Couldn't they realize that maintaining a group was difficult enough, much less with a guy who clearly wasn't interested in being a team player? It's not like there was safety in numbers - he had learned that the hard way back at the docks. In this hellhole, there was only one person that you could rely on, and it was yourself. Sticking to others only increased your odds of getting stabbed in the back.

He took a few more steps back into the treeline, his hand feeling into his pocket to make sure his knife was still there. After a brief flash of relief at the confirmation that his only weapon did not, in fact, fall out of his pocket, he turned and slipped into the trees, making his exit without saying a word to the nerds who were clearly more interested in having some sort of debate than doing anything useful.

((Oliver Lacroix continued in Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay))

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 11:42 pm
by Frozen Smoke
It was hard not to show a look of disgust as Garren decided to spit on the ground in front of them, but he quickly broke into talking about other things, and feigned interest took over from feigned indifference as he explained the blatantly obvious. He supposed that in context, it shouldn't be something he cared about, but it was little things like that spoke a lot about the person he was. That he didn't care to care about what others thought of him, even as his rambling edged it's way towards a conclusion, cutting out in between words like music from a fraying headphone wire. He at least had the good sense to tack on an attempt to seem as if he did, offering some disclosure and caveats around his implied offer of working together, but forgetting to actually make it seem like a good idea.

The girl spoke again, repeating the question already answered in confirmation. She looked nervous, antsy, her eyes wandering the forest rather than looking at someone. Then, she simply pulled out a map, and began to look for destinations. That was a no, if he'd ever seen one, unless she was about to suggest they head off in a direction together.

No suggestion came, but the Asian kid spoke up again.

“What’s changed.” Parker repeated, flatly, locking eyes with him from where he sat.

Context, that was what had changed. They were in Survival of the Fittest now, not the halls of GHHS, and that meant Garren's best hope of continued existence was finding people who'd tolerate him enough to keep him alive. Safety in numbers was, up to a point, a strategy. Given that Garren didn't seem to have any others, given his lack of real weapon or appreciable skills, the gamble made perfect sense. He was just doing the same thing everyone - or nearly everyone - was trying to do here, which was simply trying not to die.

Parker didn't say any of that though. He just shook his head and smiled a little, wry smile, and repeated the statement a second time to emphasise it's inanity.

"What's changed."

He looked over at Garren after that.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere."

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:06 pm
by Pippi
He guessed some people really didn’t wanna do that whole ‘self-reflection and improvement’ thing he was trying to do, huh?

Garren looked at Aoi for a few moments, then shared a glance with Parker, the other boy clearly recognising that Aoi wasn’t even trying to play nice with them. Or maybe just marvelling at what was, in all honesty, a question with a blindingly obvious answer right in front of them all. And around them all. And under their feet.

The island. It was the fucking island. That was what had changed. Didn’t get too many islands with explosive collars back in Chattanooga, did you, ya Reddit-dwelling waste of cum?

Garren pulled a face, once again trying desperately not to let his thoughts spill out of his head and into the open air. What had he just been thinking, about proving he was better than the dregs of George Hunter, the backwater that he’d rightfully been dumped into by those around him? It was easy - well, easier - to work together with the people acting friendly towards him. But it was perhaps even more important that he work just as hard with the people with sticks up their asses.

Obviously that didn’t extend to, like, people who were straight up threatening him, or proving a danger to his safety and anyone allied with him, he wasn’t gonna hold out the olive branch when he was impaled three feet on a javelin. But Aoi was just being a dickhead. Nothing more. He’d have to try with him too.

God was it tempting to just go off and call him a smooth-brained gorilla, though, like he would’ve back home.

Luckily, in a sense, he noticed then that Oliver had made his exit, something that gave him a moment to pause and let that desire burn itself out. It was a shame, honestly. That Oliver was the first one to go. Out of everyone here, he was the sorta person Garren had wanted to prove himself to the most. But, hey, he’d given the guy the option to leave. He’d taken it. Garren couldn’t exactly be mad about that.

He nodded at Parker, giving him the same kinda smile he’d given Katelynne a little while ago, letting his thoughts sort themselves out in his head.

“Appreciate it, man.”

Then he turned his focus on Aoi, and tried to work with the boy he hated, and who he had no doubt returned the feelings.

“What’s changed is that this could be the last chance I have to not be a fuckup before I, y’know, get shot in the back of the goddamn head. Contrary to what y’all might have thought, I’ve never wanted anybody at school dead. Not now. Not, like, ever.”

Garren scratched the back of his neck. He guessed that, if the end of the line was in just a few days, that’d be one regret he took to the grave. Showering, in hindsight, was pretty dope.

“Always wanted to be somebody better, but I kept putting it off and putting it off, and, well, I’ve run outta time to put it off any further. So I’m just trying to keep myself alive and, in the process, help some people out, work together, that sorta shit. Safety in numbers, mutual benefit, all that jazz.”

Man. He was getting kinda pumped, here. Like when he’d ripped into Brady back in the village, but without the lingering feeling of guilt nipping at his ankles.

“Cards on the table, I know it’s dangerous hanging with me. People hate me, and people like Quinn really hate me. If you don’t think it’s worth it, or you’ve got your own plans or ideals or, shit, whatever, then go your own way, I’m not gonna stop you or blame you for it. But I’ve got a real good feeling that if we work together we can stay safe, keep outta danger, and hey, maybe save a few people along the way.”

He grinned at the group at large, an earnestness that had long been buried tugging at the corner of his mouth.

“Your thoughts, Mishima?”

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 2:24 am
by Jilly
Katelynne grabbed her bag and slowly slipped from the group, nose buried in the map as she trotted away while the others kept the pow wow going.

She turned back one last time as Garren gave his elevator pitch about teaming up, safety in numbers, saving people, yadda yadda yadda.

She momentarily entertained that idea. Of sticking with Garren, making alliances, nomading across the island together as they fall in love and discover themselves and ride off into the sunset together on the back of a majestic white stallion.

Hogwash. Even if it wasn't, he didn't need her. No one did. She'd just slow them down.

It was better this way. Less people would miss her when she was gone.

((Katelynne Kirkpatrick continued elsewhere))

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:31 am
by Zetsu
Oliver left. Katelynne left. Were they selfish or illogical? Probably both. He expected little better. He knew what his classmates were capable of.

Garren, on the other hand.

"Well. You sure made lots of people wish that they were dead."

Take that. It felt good to finally be able to say it.

Had Garren actually come around, though? Hard to say. Loathe though Aoi was to credit Garren with the capability of becoming a better person, he wasn't sure he preferred the idea of Garren being a clever schemer. But no. Garren couldn't be good.

Since when had that stopped Aoi, though?

If nothing else, at least this put Aoi in a position to keep an eye on the boy.

Aoi crossed his arms. Gaze flicked from Garren to Parker to Garren. Flick, flick.

"Alright. I'm staying."

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:34 am
by Frozen Smoke
The other girl left without much fanfare, and it seemed Oliver had also taken the offer to depart, which left 3 people in their shared position. He'd meant it quite literally when he'd responded, given the need to rest his leg, but spelling all that out might have caused further considerations for the two of them. A quick glance up to the sky also revealed a particular excuse not to move, as the clouds that peeked through the leaves above them began to darken with intensity, making it a reasonable bet that there was going to be rain at some point during the day, which necessitated shelter.

Still, discussions of that could wait, there were other topics to bring up first. Namely, finding out exactly what he'd signed on for, given the implications of what Garren was saying. It sounded like he had a plan, and whilst he had his doubts that it would be a good one, knowing what he was trying to achieve seemed important. Seeing the other boy's response to it would be a good gauge on his aims too. Parker nodded in response to Garren's verbal flourishes, giving him a reserved smile that served as a less intense mirror to his expression, as if appreciating the sentiment.

"I'm on board with that. What can I do to help?"

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:17 pm
by Pippi
Jeez. Guess he couldn’t get anything to go his way without a couple kicks to the balls, huh?

First was the fact that another person had decided to break away and vanish, and this time it was Katelynne’s turn. Yeah, she’d already been assaulted by Quinn apparently, so he couldn’t blame her for not wanting to go through that whole shitshow again. Yeah, he’d given her the opportunity and the out to leave. But it still stung, more than Oliver leaving had. And by all accounts it shouldn’t have hurt; she wasn’t somebody he had particularly cared about back at school, or wanted to know, nor had they had much in the way of a conversation since first running into one another.

But it turned out that surviving a shoot-out with somebody made you feel a sorta twisted attachment to them. A sorta invisible tie that made him wanna keep on keeping on with Katelynne. He wanted to know more about this strange, horse-obsessed girl. And most of all, he’d hoped she’d be able to show some faith in his plans more than anybody.

He didn’t begrudge her. He just hoped the last he heard of her wasn’t on the wrong end of an announcement message.

Then there was the second dick kick. The little comment Aoi just had to make, before jumping into the team. Truth be told, Garren already knew. He’d always known just how badly his words and actions had affected people. Quinn wasn’t the only person whose life he had, essentially, torn to shreds.

‘How do you sleep at night, with the shit you say?’ people had asked him, and the answer was, recently at least, was that sometimes he didn’t. But before that? Before he’d realised how badly he wanted this change of heart? When you were as good at spouting reams of bullshit you didn’t mean, it wasn’t too hard to make yourself believe you weren’t doing any harm with it all.

“Yeah,” he said, slowly, solemnly. “Yeah, I did. That’s why I’m not asking for redemption. Just hoping that if I die, I die less of a shit-for-brains incel than I lived.”

Garren chuckled, a nervous hint to his laugh. Everyone knew that the chances of dying out here was around about 99%, give or take, but man was it scary talking about his potential demise out loud.

“But, heh, uh, hopefully it doesn’t come to that!”

He laughed again, tugging at his shirt collar. Man, he needed to change out of this thing. Sorry Umaru-Chan, but you’re getting fucking gross.

“Anyways. Aoi’s right. I’ve made a lotta people miserable, so I guess, like… that’s where you come in. To help convince people that I’m not gonna hurt ‘em or whatever, cause it’s pretty hard to help people or get them to work with you if they think your outstretched hand’s just gonna slap ‘em in the face. And in return, anything you want done, I’ll try do it. Anything you wanna say, I’ll listen.”

He gave them both another smile, still pretty intense, still kinda off putting - as a wise man once said, it was a little confused, but he got the spirit.

“First things first, we should get moving, cause I don’t have time for any of this modern art bullshit. Anywhere you guys wanna head off to?”

He paused momentarily.

“That isn’t the beach?”

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:17 pm
by Zetsu
And he was letting them decide where to go. Probably not a trap, then. Not that Aoi suspected a trap. But it didn't hurt to wonder.

As for where he wanted to go: they had no guns. That would not do, in the long run, probably. For now, though, a place where they couldn't get cornered or ambushed, and a place that let them lay low, and protected them. He would not have all of them.

As for his other plans, and he was nervous even thinking about them--could the terrorists perhaps notice his pulse ticking up for no reason?--there wasn't much he could do about them, for now. He'd already searched the house he'd woken up in. He doubted the other houses would be any different.

"Waterfall, perhaps?"

Three out of four wasn't bad. And not that Aoi cared, but the view was probably pretty nice, too.

"But first. Let me check something. If you mean it. Meant it. What you said."

He'd been wanting to do this for awhile now, but that wasn't why he was doing it. It was a good idea, objectively speaking.

Aoi took a step, then another step. Each step was slow, carefully relaxed, which contributed to the strange hyperreal feeling of being about to calmly do something he'd been fantasizing about for...years, now probably. Not with Garren specifically, mind. Garren was just the one who was here, who he had a chance with.

He was much, much closer to Garren than he liked to be close to people, now. He could make out the pores in his face, if that's what he decided to focus his eyes on. Awkward. Of course, Aoi's eyes drifted almost immediately to Garren's feet.

"Would you let me punch you in the face?"

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:43 pm
by Frozen Smoke
Parker mulled over how he was going to respond as the topic of moving on came up, and destinations started to be discussed. It wasn't that he couldn't walk, he could still move well enough, but if he stressed his leg too much today it was going to be a problem the day after, and the day after that. By that point in time it was unlikely the three of them would still be together, and given that neither of them had expressed a plan or a particular person they wanted to try and find, it wasn't like moving was inherently valuable to the group. It was just a question of whether he talked to them about his leg directly, or to convince them out of the idea of moving directly, if he wanted to stick with them for now.

Before he could address any of that though, Aoi - Garren had thankfully addressed him directly, sparing him the awkwardness of asking - spoke up, and decided to test the bounds of their new group. Parker was fairly sure Aoi had never punched anything in his life, but Garren also looked like he'd never taken one, and there was the temptation to note just how much damage one punch to the head could do. There was every chance this was just Aoi checking to see if Garren would say yes, as much as planning to actually take a swing.

His hand moved a little closer to the axe laying in the dirt by his side, but he stayed seated and visibly calm, eyes flicking over to catch Garren's reaction. Parker was curious to see just how this would play out, and what it would tell him about the two of them, so he stayed silent.

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:03 am
by Pippi
“... What.”

Garren stared at Aoi for about 5 seconds, blinking, waiting for the other boy to go ‘Just kidding!’ or ‘Sike!’ or something. When he didn’t, Garren turned his head to glance at Parker, looking to see what his reaction was. He stuck a finger in his ear, just to make sure his hearing hadn’t been totally fucked by the gunshots from earlier, in some batshit way that made him just hear ‘let me punch you in the face.’

Nope. Nothing. Crystal clear as always, and Parker was looking at him with an honestly unnerving level of calmness, like the dude was waiting to see what his next move was gonna be. His head swiveled back to stare at Aoi, mouth hanging open slightly, frowning.

What was this? Hadn’t Aoi just said he was gonna stick with him? He’d already hit him with a verbal punch to the gut, did he really need to follow it up with an actual, physical, painful punch to the face as well? There was no point to it, unless you were just a dickhead. Which, yeah, Aoi was, but still, he normally had some form of consistent, albeit stupid, internal logic going.

So maybe he just needed to run off of that train of thought. And so as he did so, and the gears in his head started turning and turning and whirring and finally coming to a conclusion, he grit his teeth and glared at Aoi. This was some kinda test, wasn’t it? Some bullshit way of proving Garren had the conviction or whatever to carry out and continue his plan. Christ. What an asshole. It would be really cathartic to just kick this idiot to the curb and go off with just Parker, but then what would happen? Aoi would tell anybody he met that Garren was a spineless loser, just as much of a shithead as he was in school, and easy pickings for anybody who wanted a kill.

Or, hell, he could just say nothing at all, and let everybody fill in the blanks in regards to Garren Mortimer, like they all almost certainly already had.

“Fine. Whatever,” Garren muttered, holding his hands up in surrender. “Just get it over and done with already.”

He glanced at Aoi’s hands, making sure there was nothing peeking out from between his fingers, nothing sharp or heavy that he might have been hiding. Garren rolled his neck, feeling it crack twice.

“If you wanna, like, hit me anywhere else, that’d be neat, though. Face is fucked up enough as it is, don’t need a broken nose to make it worse, yeah?”

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:35 pm
by Zetsu
Aoi looked at Garren's face. He looked at his hands. He looked at his face.

He laughed, a stifled kind of chuckle that grew as he gave up on containing it.

"Ah, forget it. I was really going to do it, though."

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:44 am
by Frozen Smoke
There was an inherent danger to punching someone in the head. The brain didn't react to getting jostled around well, enough so that people could, and did die from a single punch. It was rare, and Aoi didn't exactly look like he had the arms to do it, but it was a well enough known fact that it surely crossed at least one of their minds as Garren accepted the request. He even had enough composure to joke about it, whilst Aoi stood there, either surprised by his response or just hesitating.

He didn't even bother to make an excuse as he backed down from what he'd set up, his reassurance that he had been entirely planning to do it undermined by the fact that his threats were clearly not backed up with the will to follow them through, as he somehow managed to stay upright despite his clearly flaccid spine. Parker hadn't expected to run into anyone mentally weaker than Garren, a person who's problems with the world stemmed from the fact he was too awkward to ask girls if they'd fuck him, but life was full of surprises. It was a blessing in some ways, it meant he was less likely to argue.

The conversation hung for a moment, and he used the time to grab hold of the handle of his axe, pushing it into the ground as he used it as a lever to push himself up to his feet. He left his bag on the floor beside him, and made eye contact with the both of them for a brief moment before pointing at the sky above them, already thick with dark grey clouds that threatened rain with far more conviction than Aoi had held.

"We probably only have an hour or two before it starts raining, and I'm pretty sure we're not close enough to anything with a roof to make it there without getting soaked. Plus, the rain'll likely mean everyone else will try and head indoors too."

He left the 'And that's dangerous' out, but implied it with a concerned expression.

"I think our best course of action is probably to use some of this crap to make a shelter and just hunker down here for the rest of the day."

((Parker_Green - Day 2 - 13:20 Local Time - In Transit to Applied Prisoners Dilemma))

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:55 am
by Pippi
The wait was almost more painful than an actual punch.

Almost. Almost, and a very big almost at that. But everybody knew that the anticipation for something you really didn’t wanna do sucked major balls, like waiting for your test results to get back, or sitting in the waiting room at the dentists. The wait made Garren wonder what it’d feel like, getting decked in his nose. He’d somehow managed to avoid having his facial features rearranged throughout high school; a gutpunch or two, sure, but no fists to the face. Probably just as fucking painful, but in a different manner. Less ‘all the wind knocked outta you’, more ‘all the goddamn snot knocked outta you’.

And then Aoi laughed, and let his arms fall to his sides, and it took his words a couple of seconds to register in Garren’s mind. The dude hadn’t followed through, and Garren wanted to suggest that it wasn’t the first time for such an occurrence, but that would require Aoi to get within 10 feet of a sexual encounter without bursting into flames.

Yes, pot calling the kettle black, he knew.

Garren narrowed his eyes again as he stared at Aoi. He really, really couldn’t get a read on this kid. He seemed to be all over the place; willing to join Garren, then insulting him, then asking to punch him, then going back on that at the last moment. He kinda figured it was that Reddit faux-philosophy circlejerk sneaking to the surface, making him do a whole bunch of arcane and overall pointless bullshit to find out a person’s ‘worth’, or something like that.

But ‘he figured’ was a dangerous phrase on the island. Best to keep an eye on the kid, and to keep it open when he slept.

With all that said and done, though, Garren let out a sigh of relief that he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. He thought he might have pissed himself, just a little bit, but if he had… if he didn’t check, it wasn’t there. It was a weird decision for Aoi to have made, but, shockingly enough, he wasn’t exactly upset that the guy had decided not to punch him. He nodded at the boy, gave a small grunt, then shifted his focus to Parker.

It was a good plan, a real good plan. Garren had to admit, when it came to logical decisions and long term planning, he was distinctly average. Okay, distinctly crap. Okay, fine, total dogshit. Another reason to get as many people together as possible, then. Given time and pressure, he was sure he could come up with a plan to keep them all safe by himself. Would it be a good plan? Absolutely not.

Could it become good with input from others, refining coal into slightly shinier coal? Maybe. Very maybe. The possibility was absolutely there. Garren gave a broad smile at Parker.

“Yeah, yeah, sounds good, makes sense to me. Just, uh, last time I fucked around with trees and branches and shit was when I fell outta my buddy’s treehouse as a kid, so…”

Garren swept his arm in a vague, random direction.

“Lead the way! Tell me where to place stuff and I’ll do the best damn placing job you’ll ever see.”

Y’know, for a day that had started off with him getting shot at, things were looking pretty peachy keen right about now.

((Garren Mortimer continued in Applied Prisoners Dilemma))

Re: no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:59 pm
by Zetsu
Nobody laughed at Aoi, and it seemed like no one was going to. Still, he felt suddenly vulnerable. He didn't like being the center the attention. Too many angles from which he could get shot, figuratively and literally.

Still nothing. Aoi backed away from Garren. Back into the corner he had came from. Nobody said anything. It was okay.


Making a shelter in the woods wasn't exactly what Aoi had in mind, but Parker's suggestion made sense. It was really a rather sensible suggestion. Yes, it was. Aoi narrowed his eyes.

Things had gone too well so far.

But it wasn't like making the bad times hurry along was going to make the bad times any less bad. And it was just a feeling. An intuition. Not logical at all to act on.

Garren's willingness to go along with it only made the feeling worse. This wasn't supposed to be this easy. But what was he supposed to do? Make things harder than they needed to be?


Of course not. Aoi only ever made things harder when they needed to be.

((Aoi Mishima continued elsewhere))