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Re: Glass Shatters

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:18 pm
by Deamon
Bret busied himself with splitting up their resources evenly and putting them into their bags. He was waiting to hear one noise in particular but it never came. That meant the other outcome had occurred. When he looked up that much was confirmed as he saw Bryan disappearing in the distance. Bret wouldn't say he was surprised by the outcome, but he had wondered if Bryan would have actually tried to make an attempt at fighting off his brother. Bryan wasn't stupid though, his principles didn't outweigh his sense. That was a good sign for his prolonged health.

Wyatt stalked back over, all primed to explode, Bret was sure he'd get a chance.

In the meantime—their follower dealt with—they were free to move on.

Bret tossed Wyatt his freshly packed bag as he reached him.

"Here." He swung his own packs over his shoulders. "Let's go."

As they walked Bret explained the details of his plan to his brother.

All they would need to do was wait and keep an eye out.

((Bret Carter continued elsewhere...))

Re: Glass Shatters

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:06 am
by MK Kilmarnock

((Wyatt Carter continued in the next one.))