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Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:43 am
by Sh4dE
Arjen's face was filled with disbelief.

"What? You really think all we need is some real good 'tude? Don't you have family? Don't you want to-"

Arjen turned away from Marco and simply stared at the cliffside.

"Y'know what? Forget it."

Marco was probably too stupid to even get it.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:30 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
"Fine, feel free to distract them." Sierra said, as she raised her body to prepare to sprint forward. "It is better than nothing."

She readied her stun gun, her finger hovering above the activation button. The moment Willow began the distraction she would rush over and tag the guy with the gun. It was a risky move but one that needed to be done. She looked to her weapon and silently cursed her luck. Of course she would have to get a weapon that required her to get close to be effective. She didn't like the prospect of having a gun either, however. She wasn't the biggest fan of fire arms and would greatly prefer a bow, but beggars can't be choosers here.

Sierra looked to Willow, her heart pounding in her chest from the expectation of what was about to go down. She stared silently at her for a moment, then nodded.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:58 am
by Melusine
The rock felt heavy in her hand. Just felt. It was quite light, actually, but here, it felt like she was carrying the world on her back. There was something particularly exciting about the situation. It was a game, and Willow loved playing games. The thrill of games weren't winning, it was the risk of losing and overcoming it. Winning was interesting, winning was the main goal for players; but Willow found the risk to be more attracting. Risk made it worthwhile, risk made the world turn for Willow.

How many turns would it take for her to win? How many turns would it take for her lose? Willow tried to compute the data, but none of it felt too appealing right now.

The rush was there again when she lifted her arm. Just like with Faith, a part of Willow rose to power. Daily life was boring, which was a good thing. Nobody wanted to run around dodging bombs all day long, but the fragment of Willow that had this inconsolable boredom wanted it. She was able to keep it under control, under a tight lease. She restrained it to certain things: video games, painting, cooking, petty jabs. However, here, the fragment, or rather, the whole of Willow was capable to fully exist within this environment.

To Willow, to risk is to live. So, because of that, the rock flew directly toward the boys. Her arm was weak, however, so the rock fell about two feet next to them. Next time, she would aim for the head.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:27 am
by ItzToxie
Forget it? Forget it. Gotcha.

Marco really didn't get Arjen. Like, all he was looking for was an excuse to bitch. Bitching wasn't gonna make anything better. Literally every conversation Marco had with Arjen was an excuse for him to bitch. Dude really needed to quit being so damn weak. "Alright, alright... But for real, quit acting all nihilistic and shit. All I'm saying is, you got it a hell of a lot better than most people here. We both do." Marco nodded his head towards the extra bags. "Case in poi-"


"The fu-" Marco looked back at the source of the sound. There was just a rock tumbling in the grass, a few feet away from them. Marco squinted at it, and the area surrounding it. There's no way a rock just fell out of a fucking tree. What sort of sorcery is this shit? He looked at the tree line, and didn't see any movement. He scowled and shook his head. "Whatever..."



A rock bounced off of his bag next to him.

Okay, okay, now shit is getting fucky. Marco grabbed his rifle and turned towards the direction the rock flew in from. "Alright, bet motherfucker." He began to walk towards the edge of the trail and to the woods, keeping the barrel lined down range, thumb over the fire selector, finger straight and off the trigger, at least until he knew if the fucking pebble tosser was or wasn't trying to kill his shit in. "Okay, what gives!? You got our attention! Whaddya want?"

No answer... This wasn't good. Marco flicked the safety off to full auto, (what he formerly thought was burst until he gave himself a second, better understanding of the weapon) and began to backpedal towards Arjen. He wanted to find something to use for cover, just in case the trees were packing heat too. Their bags probably wouldn't protect much, but it'd be decent concealment at least. On his way back up he took the time to look at Arjen, to see if he was taking cover, or pulling out his sword to back him up, or just still standing there like a dumb sore thumb... And that was his biggest mistake.

As he turned his head back to the trees, Sierra and her stun gun were in the corner of Marco's eye. Before he could even turn to point his rifle at her, Sierra's stun gun was literally in the corner of Marco's eye.

Marco's world was enveloped into a sensory overload among sensory overloads, as his vision went hot white like a film reel burning away in a projector, the cacophony of Marco's gun rattling off as he squeezed the trigger mixed with the crackling of Sierra's stun gun burnt into Marco's nerves, sending jolts that buckled his knees and arched his back and slammed him into the floor as a third, unknown, screeching sound was filling his ears.

Even as the gunfire tap tap tapped to a click, the sounds of the taser jolting and frying Marco's pain receptors mixed with the scrambling and struggling of his attempts to get away continued, along with that weird annoyingly high pitched noise that was burrowing into his brain like a power drill. As it all blurred together, Marco found out just what that last unusual sound was.

He knew where that sound was coming from.

He knew what it was.

It was him.


Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:00 pm
by Sh4dE
Arjen was fucking done with staying with Marco. Marco constantly nagged, constantly wanted to coach him as if he was Bear Grylls. Marco somehow managed to continue talking and talking and monologueing even though Arjen clearly was not in the mood for a conversation. Even though Arjen did not want to listen to Marco's voice anymore, he kept talking and Arjen hated his brain for not being able to ignore the words but instead he attentively listened to it while exhaustingly glaring into the ground wanting to rest from wandering while carrying so many bags.

What happened next was surreal. Marco stopped talking.


Then he was talking again, but not to Arjen. Other people? Arjen immediately turned around to look at what Marco was doing. Someone was throwing rocks at them. He patiently observed. Nothing unusual was happening until Marco turned around and Sierra was rushing at him.

Arjen instantly ducked and closed his eyes and he could hear gunshots and screams. Arjen wanted to scream too. That's what he did, trying to outvolume Marco's screams.

"Don't kill me. Don't kill me."

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:17 am
by Melusine
Willow's target was in front of her. He was basically a mule. He had no way to defend himself, carried heavy bags that encumbered him, and his handler got robbed by two highwaymen. It was okay, however. Willow was still playing by Sierra's rules. Since she was thinking about her, she looked to the left.

Sierra was fighting Marco. The term 'fighting' was an overestimation. There were gunshots for a brief second or so, and they did manage to scare Willow, but in the end, Sierra tased Marco in the face. Willow had to admit that while the adrenaline was rather fun, but the overall anxiety she still felt throughout her body was overcoming her.

She turned her head back toward Arjen. He was on the ground screaming. Interestingly enough, Willow felt pity. She felt bad for the guy, not enough to stop herself from robbing him but just enough for taking advantage of him. Arjen was already used, and abused, by Marco way more than enough, and so she crouched next to him.

Her gunless hand was shaking. She stopped it by grabbing Arjen's shoulder.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." She smiled. Willow remembered the blood she had smeared on her face when the dried liquid started to peel off her cheek. "I just want the bag with the ammo for the big gun."

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:46 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Sierra positioned herself over the downed Marco, putting all her weight into him, her body shaking from the adrenaline pumping through her. Her ears hurt from her tasing victim's gun being fired off while he was forced to the ground so close to her. She almost forgot just how loud firearms could be, and his shrieking wasn't doing her hearing any favors. With how loud those gunshots were and with his shrieking, there was no doubt that Marco would draw people in to investigate what was going. Quickly Sierra released her thumb from the activation button of her stun gun, its crackling coming to a halt, and slammed her elbow into the side of his head to try and get Marco to be silent before pressing the stun gun to the side of his neck.

"Shut the fuck up!" Sierra snarled into his ear as she dug her knee into his back.

How long until someone stumbles upon them? They needed to make this quick. Grab the stuff and get out. She hadn't counted on this idiot to fire off his gun when she rushed him. It made her wish she had gone with her original plan of running in and tagging him with the stun gun while he was distracted. Why couldn't things have gone smoothly?

She reach and grabbed Marco's gun and began to pull it out of his grasp, having some difficulty with both their combined weight on it. Eventually she managed to pull it free and tossed it away from them, just out of reach of anyone. She looked up and turned towards Willow and saw that she was crouched next to the other boy, trying to comfort him.

The question of why popped into Sierra's head as Willow seemed pretty gungho about robbing and hurting people, and here she was telling him that she wasn't going to hurt him. What was with this girl? Sierra wondered if she was some sort of schizo with this sudden flip in behavior. Apparently trying to mug an armed girl despite her not even doing anything to them was okay, but one guy cowering on the ground? That apparently required being nice.

Still, Arjen had been something of a pitiful sight to see and a tinge of guilt about this situation did tug at Sierra, but as horrible as it was, it had been necessary. She and Willow needed these supplies if they were to survive, and even if they didn't the worst case scenario was these two boys go on to hurt, kill, and rob other people on the island — people she knew and might be friends with. She couldn’t let that happen, if she was in a position to help it. If it meant tying them up and taking their stuff, then that's what she will do to ensure not only her safety but her friends' safety as well.

However, as she saw Arjen on the ground, pleading to them not to kill him, that justification felt really thin.

"Willow," Sierra called to her partner in crime, her voice low and emotionless. "Hurry it up. Those gunshots would be heard from miles around and all this screaming isn't helping matters."

"I'm going to hell for this, aren't I?"

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:48 pm
by ItzToxie

Marco and Sierra wrestled, if that word could be used to describe this one-sided event, on the ground for Marco's gun, as Sierra continued to taze the fuck out of him. It was hard to move around or do anything really, considering the fact he couldn't see anything except a kaleidoscope of random lights and colors, thanks to being tazed in the eyeball, let alone do anything thanks to, you guessed it, the debilitating pain that comes with getting tazed in the fucking eyeball. His ears were ringing as he rolled over to his front, doing his best to keep his rifle underneath him so Sierra couldn't grab it. Oh, and also so she'd stop tazing his face, that's another good reason, even if it meant she just moved to his neck and his back. She'd have to pry this gun from his dead fried body.

Except she didn't. She just tazed him in the back of the head some more, until he wiggled enough that she could reach under him and yank it away. It didn't help that he had the very fucking hot barrel pressed right into his junk either. Well, that did help someone, it just didn't help him. As if that bit of embarrassment wasn't enough, she elbowed him and told him to STFU. He had half a brain to tell her to shove it, but knowing that sadistic fuck, she probably would! So he just said something else, something any rational human being in his situation would say.

"Fuck you, you fucking sub-zero IQ brainlet! You tazed my fucking eye!" He tried to look at her, but he was pretty much blind, the eye that was tazed could only see a bunch of bright ass colors flashing around, even with his eyelid closed, and his properly working one was facing the ground, so really all he could see in his field of view was dirt, dirt, dirt, grass, then dark red with hot white lighting bolts flashing around every fraction of a second. Marco didn't know what in the fuck was going on with Arjen, but he wasn't hearing a struggle besides his own, so he figured he was curled up into a fetal position again, as is his nature.

Marco flailed along on the ground helplessly. "Arjen do something you useless bitch! Where the fuck are you?!" Marco wiggled around some more. "Get off of me!" He wiggled some more, but it was ineffective.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:38 pm
by Sh4dE
He looked at Marco. Oh shit they were killing Marco. Marco did not look good at all. He was down and calling him out.

Now they would be trying to kill him. While Marco and Sierra brawled on the ground, Willow demanded the bullets. Arjen was not sure of what to do. Should he give it to her? Should he help Marco? Should he run away?

Running away felt like the best option. And the safest.

"Okay, here you go."

Arjen threw all the bags, one by one at Willow, grabbed his sword and ran into the woods.

[[Arjen J. Kramer Exit]]

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:48 pm
by Melusine
The first bag hit Willow square in the face. The blow shocked her, sending electricity down her spine. Her head felt heavy, and her mind was foggy. She felt something wet on her face. Willow raised her hand to her nose and immediately saw the scarlet blood on her finger.

"Did you ju-"

Second bag hit Willow right in the chest. This one revived the pain from her previous wound, but luckily, it didn't hit the right side of her body. Instinctively, she grabbed her chest and shielded the right side of her body. She raised her left hand to defend herself. It wasn't in vain because Arjen wasn't done throwing things at her. The third bag hit her wrist. This one hurt less, but it still was a bitch.

"Ouch, stop." She mumbled, "Jesus Christ." Arjen stopped. He then pulled out a sword from a bag and ran away. Willow thought that being nice would get Arjen to not smash her shit in, but apparently, she was wrong. Playing by Sierra's rules sucked, she should have shot him in the face. Wiping her nose, she headed toward Sierra and Marco. The two were still struggling, but Sierra had the upper hand. Willow's ears were buzzing from the gunshot, so she assumed Sierra probably went a tiny bit deaf so she would, perhaps, not hear her.

Willow saw the glittering duct tape on the floor. She picked it up and looked behind her. Arjen was still not around. He did have a sword and he could always come back. She needed to keep an eye out for that.

"The other guy has a sword," she said loudly, warning Sierra, "so that's something else to lookout for, yay."

Her nails caught the edge of the tape while she shoved her heel on Marco's hand. She took another look behind her. Since nobody was rushing the two girls, Willow turned her back on the forest. She twisted her foot as if she was killing a cigarette while sizing out where she should start the binding. Willow decided to ask her partner.

"Do you have a suggestion?" She said, waving the duct tape in front of Sierra.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:58 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
"Bałwan..." Sierra cursed under her breathe in annoyance. Of course Marco was going to be a problem and there was only one way to solve this problem. Her finger pressing against the button of her stun gun once again to ignite it and send the current through Marco. After a second she stopped pressing the button and harshly whispered, "I told you to shut up!"

She looked back towards Willow and Arjen — or rather just Willow as she saw Arjen make a run for the woods with a big fuck-off sword in hand. Sierra grimaced as this might bite them in the ass later. She didn't really want to hurt that guy, at least he didn't try and make life difficult for them like Marco was. Sierra saw no reason to try and pursue him as it wasn't like he's got anything else of importance on him besides his weapon. Overall, they succeeded in what they sat out to do.

Now the question was what to do with the guy she was currently on top of. He had to be dealt with to ensure he wouldn't be trouble, like that whore Faith.

"We could tape him to a tree, I guess." Sierra said, pointing at the nearby treeline with her thumb. "Think we got enough tape for that?"

Sierra looked back towards the direct Arjen ran off towards, and a sense of apprehension washed over her. How long did they have? With the gunshots and the screaming that was like shooting a flare off into the night sky. It was just bound to bring people in to investigate. And with Arjen added into that mix, how long until he brings help? Given how quick he was to cut and run, she suspected there was no love loss between him and Marco but could she be sure? Marco was being a belligerent prick towards Arjen from what Sierra could see, but Arjen had been carrying his stuff. Maybe some kind of dependency? Stockholm Syndrome perhaps?

"We don't have much time, so if we're gonna do something, we gotta do it now."

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:40 am
by ItzToxie
Marco was able to struggle enough that he could peek his head up and see what was happening with Arjen. What he saw infuriated him.

He just gave her their bags, then ran away! He kept his sword at least though, haha like he’s gonna fucking use that! “Arjen you fucking poon! Get the fuck back here and help me you dumb cu-“ Sierra pressed the taser to his throat, and what would’ve come out as a nasty swear instead came out the sound a Chewbacca makes when it gets castrated, as Marco’s vocal cords tightened and stretched as he was fed more lighting. “-ULHNLULULULULURGH-“

She stopped and told him to shut up again. “AAAAH! You fucking bitch! You, Tazed, Me, In, My, Fucking, Eye!”

He managed to wiggle an arm free from under him, as he scanned the ground for something to use. He saw one of those rocks that was tossed at him earlier. Even better, it was in his reach. Y’know, Marco would be very justified in the three kills he was gonna rack up today. All he needed to do was grab that rock.

First, he’d buck and turn around and cave Sierra’s brains in until she looked like one of the brainlet images he was fond of spamming 4 Chan with. Then, he’d take the taser and zap the shit out of Willow, then jump on her head six times like she was a fucking goomba out of super Marco bros. THEN, he’d reload his rifle, hunt down Arjen, and mag dump into him like he should’ve done back on the yacht, instead of aiming for the ground.

Yeah, he had it all figured out. He had his hand on the rock, let’s do thi-sssssssssssssssss. Marco hissed as Willow stepped on his hand, with the kinda pointy rock pressing right into his palm now. He exhaled, and gasped, before yelling again as Willow shifted her heel grinding his hand deeper into the dirt, and the rock deeper into his palm. “AAAAAAIII- You fucker!”

The two were just standing around on top of him, having a casual conversation about what to do with him. Marco was not enjoying his predicament. Not one bit. He hated it even more when they mentioned taping him to a tree.

“Uh uh! No, Naw, hell naw! You are not taping me to that fucking tree! I swear to hell itself if you even try I’ll rip your fucking tongues out! I fuckin’ mean it!” Marco stated, as if he had any power or voice in the situation at all.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:19 pm
by Melusine
"I think we should..." Willow didn't end that sentence. She didn't need to. After lifting her foot off Marcus' hand, it went to the most logical target: his head. Willow repeatedly kicked him. She had never done anything like this. There weren't any real techniques or ingenuinity behind her wailing. It was just a savage and disorganized series of strikes until Marcus stopped moving.

She knew he wasn't dead. Willow didn't have the strength nor the will to kill someone by kicking their head in. The exertion did mean she was back at heaving and panting. She had a tiny, weakened body that was prone to breaking and bleeding. Her repeatedly kicking someone in the head, the hardest bone of the human body, just meant she was also damaging herself.

"Now," she panted. Willow shallowed and wiped her nose. Her blood managed to get inside her mouth. She hated the taste. "Now, we can tie him up."

This would have been much easier if Willow was allowed to kill him, but Sierra would probably flip the switch from ally to enemy if she decided to stick a needle through his skull. It was a waiting game. Willow just needed to wait until either Sierra realize that killing might be the way to go. There were other obvious options, but Willow didn't want to think about Sierra dying or abandoning her just yet. The little bitch grew on her.

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:04 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
"Oh my God, shut-" Sierra's frustrated response towards Marco was cut off as Willow proceed to start kicking the downed boy in the head. This startled her and she jerked back in response as Willow continued to kick the boy into unconsciousness. Sierra just stared at Willow, mouth agape as she processed what had just happened. It was quite jarring just how quick Willow went from calm and comforting towards Arjen to violent psychopath kicking someone into unconsciousness.

"Ah. So that's where she went." Sierra thought grimly. "Goodbye, Dr. Jekyll. Welcome back, Ms. Hyde."

Sierra sighed and got off the knocked out boy, putting away her stun gun. She supposed she should thank Willow for making sure she saved some battery on her weapon, but she didn't want that getting to the obviously violent girl's head. Last thing she'd want is for Willow to think it was okay to assault everything on this island just because she hit a guy's snooze button.

She leaned down and wrapped her arms around around Maroc's torso, and with as much exertion as she could muster, Sierra lifted him up. She grimaced as she strained to lift someone from such an awkward angle, but she felt like an invisible timer was counting down and needed to make this quick, not perfect. She dragged him across the ground back towards the treeline, his limp body resisting somewhat along the way. After about a minute she reached the trees and rested Marco against one of them.

Sierra panted somewhat and wiped her brow with her forearm. Lugging around an unconscious person wasn't as easy as it looked, especially with this heat. With that handled, Sierra turned around and walked back over to where she tossed Marco's gun.

"Alright, get to taping.' she ordered as she bent over to pick up the assault weapon. "I'll handle the supplies."

Re: See You On The Road, Skag!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:22 am
by ItzToxie
Marco ate a boot. He didn’t have enough time to yelp out a full sentence before he ate another one. “YOU MOTHERFU-“ And another one. “ILL FUCKIN’ KI-“ And another one. “YOU BIT-“

Ahaaaaa, oooh haha! Fuck yeah! Give us another one, Give us another one!



Night night, Marco. Sleep tight.