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Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:48 pm
by Aura
Saffron adjusted her grip on her pool cue as she looked out at the others. She tried to be a naturally soothing presence, someone who could brush off the bad things and help other people do the same, but that was being heavily tested right now. She had multiple people in front of her, all with their own serious problems. From forcing themselves into the lake to lost medication, her time on the island had already taken a sharp turn for the dramatic. She may well wind up spending most of her energy trying to keep herself sane with everything starting to crumble so soon.

At the moment, the medication seemed to be the most pressing issue, but Yuki had already started to go down that route. Plus, there was the fact that apparently the people in charge had given her... money? And a case full of it? She didn't know whether she should look at that as a boast on the part of the terrorists, showing that money is not an object to them and they can just throw a bunch of it on the island. Or maybe they were mocking them by showing them something that they all would have loved to get back home, but was useless to them on the island. Whatever the reason was, she couldn't see it as anything other than spiteful.

She turned back to Arizona. "Yeah, I heard it." She replied, looking over her shoulder for just a moment to see if she could see anything from that direction. "Should we do something?"

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:39 am
by Shiola
Caroline gave Yuki a blank look. The other girl wanted to help. That was a good sign. Yuki was a good student, Caroline knew of her. It was what she'd expected.

Why would she have it? Yuki is a good student, she's not a doctor or a thief. That kind of person might have my medication, if I hadn't dropped it in the lake. I'll have to keep looking. Don't think about the shouting. They aren't the ones who're going to hurt you.

"It's Geodon, an atypical anti-psychotic. For schizophrenia. You wouldn't have it, even if I hadn't just dropped it in the lake. At least, I'm pretty sure I did. Between the sunlight and the kidnapping - I'm not doing well."

Because you're a ginger and you don't want to die?

She caught herself beginning to laugh, and stopped abruptly. Sometimes the crossed wires caused her to say things she didn't mean. For a moment she was sure the reason that the yelling was coming from the sun, and she didn't question it. Not right away. Arizona brought up the yelling. Angry, horrified caterwauling that could've been coming from anywhere on the island, that she'd been sure was coming from inside of her head.

Did Arizona really say that?

Saffron confirmed it. So there either really were people yelling, or her illness was much worse than she thought. She didn't usually see money that wasn't actually there. Her faith had always taught her to spend within her means, after all.

What does that tell you about where you are?

"I heard it too. I thought it was just me, y'know." She pointed a finger at her temple. "We could try and help. I'm not sure how. I'm not sure of much right now."

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:41 pm
by Ryuki
An anti-psychotic? Yuki wasn’t sure her first aid kit had anything like that. Regardless, she checked to make sure. She put down her bags and briefcase, then reached into her duffel bag for her first aid kit. Opening it up, there was assortment of items. She looked at the medicines that it contained, looking for the Geodon. She found aspirin, ibuprofen, epipen, and iodine, but not Geodon.

“Sorry,” Yuki said to Caroline, “I guess the kits didn’t come any of that.”

Hopefully, if rescue comes or someone finds a way off this island, Caroline would be okay. Yuki was a little disappointed she couldn’t find what Caroline needed. That unfortunately meant Caroline would have to bare with her condition until then.

The yelling from a while back had everyone’s attention for the moment. Yuki did not know for sure where it came from, but they obviously sounded distressed. Yuki was unsure if they should check it out. She looked at the three other girls and determined her safety in numbers.

“If we go check on them, we should stick close to each other,” Yuki said, “They could be dangerous.”

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:30 am
by backslash
Okay. Okay. How many people were on the trip? Fuck, he didn't know. That number was too high. Too many people, too much.

One, two, three, four. Four faces, four people he loved and cared about. That was all he could think about, and even that was overwhelming, pressing down on his chest like stones.

One, two, three, crack. Andy jolted upright again when the box impacted against the tree, and he stared blankly at it for a couple seconds before twisting around to see where it had come from.

One. One of four.

He could have cried, but instead he jumped to his feet and flung himself at Axel, who found himself on the receiving end of a particularly vicious bear hug in short order. "You piece of shit," he gasped. "Don't fucking scare me. I'll kick your fucking ass."

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:53 am
by Fenris
Axel was staring at Andy's back before Andy turned around to look at him.

And it was like that part in every zombie movie, or game, or whatever, usually toward the beginning when okay yeah, zombies exist and that's pretty fucked up but shit hadn't totally hit the fan yet, the protagonist still has hope or whatever, like when you hear about a mud slide in Africa or whatever and a thousand people died and that's sad and shit but it hadn't happened to you so whatever. Like that. And the protagonist is just wandering around, trying to figure out what to do, and they see someone, their friend or whatever. Maybe it's a friend, or his wife, or his kid for extra sympathy points. And the protagonist is excited cause hey, time to stick out the apocalypse and everything together, everything's gonna be a-okay, and they yell their name or tap their shoulder and they turn around and oh shit, John's a fucking zombie. Oh shit, this is really happening. Oh shit, everything's fucking fucked.

It was exactly like that. Except in this stupid metaphor Axel'd already been bitten, so on the bright side, it wasn't like it could get any worse.

Andy hit him like a freight train with the most painful hug he'd ever received and he remembered waking up every morning of the trip with their limbs somehow tangled together and it was like funny in a super awkward sort of way and suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. Andy was shaking. Axel realized after a moment that he wasn't the only one.

"Fuck you," he mumbled, cause what else was he supposed to say. "Lemme see your hand."

It wasn't a bad cut, but it was getting blood everywhere, and also it was something he could deal with right now without thinking about any shit more complicated than "bandage make blood stop". He opened his bag, the heavy one, found a first-aid kit, didn't even remember how he knew it was there really, mostly because when he thought about it he did remember and then decided to stop doing that. Antiseptic wipe, bandages, tape. Not the first time he'd taped up Andy. Maybe the last, though, huh? Good fucking joke, Axel. Great job.

He wanted to say something actually funny but he couldn't think of anything. He was just staring at Andy's hand because if he looked at his face he'd probably start crying and neither of them was gonna know how to deal with that shit.

"S'okay," he said, almost more to himself than Andy, and he meant the hand, but he still felt like a liar.

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:47 am
by backslash
((Skipping to exit.))

It was like Andy had been on pause, or in slow motion for a bit, or maybe his dial had just been set between channels. Whatever the fuck. Everything around him had seemed faint and fake except for the stupid bird, and then Axel and his fucking weird box tentacle thing had snapped everything back into focus, and now Andy's thoughts were racing a hundred miles an hour. Fucking box, fucking bird, fucking Axel.

He squeezed Axel hard enough to probably put Axel's ribcage in some real danger, and even when Axel finally wriggled free of his grasp, he didn't want to let go. Andy offered his hand anyway when instructed to, grumbling when the antiseptic stung. Fucking birds.

Then they just kind of. Stood there. So to recap: island (one), classmates (a good 150ish), dead teachers (at least five), injuries (one), dumbasses standing around at the edge of some kind of jungle, not knowing what to do with themselves (two). None of these numbers were particularly good, but the last one was as close to normal as possible. Andy and Axel had done all kinds of standing around being generally stupid, in trees or otherwise. He could deal with that.

Andy flexed his hand, satisfied that the bandage stayed in place like it should. "It's good," he said finally, and his voice only shook a little. "I could punch you to test it out," he offered, trying to smile.

Axel just kept staring down at Andy's hand instead of at his face. He had the weirdest urge to ruffle Axel's hair, but that would probably get him punched instead of the other way around, and he didn't actually feel like doing that right now.

When the silence had stretched on too long, he spoke again. "You, uh. You wanna get the fuck out of here?"

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:26 am
by Fenris
Andy sounded like Andy. Scared, yeah, but still just... Andy. That was cool, cause Axel didn't sound a damn thing like himself as far as he could tell. And hearing something a little normal was kinda nice. He'd heard Andy scared before. Got a little more nervous than he did about doing illegal-type activities because he had parents who actually gave a shit what he did with his free time. His voice caught in his throat in this real particular kind of way. Axel smiled a little at the punching quip but in the way where it felt like some puppeteer hooked strings on the corners of his mouth and pulled them up without the rest of his face really getting involved. Man had jokes. Guess he wasn't the only one who wanted to be funny. Least Andy was trying harder.

He stared at Andy's hand a little longer because his hand could be anyone's hand even though that was bullshit, they were Andy's hands, he knew them. One of the only people in the world he'd ever bothered trying to love and he'd done a pretty good job of it if he did say so himself and what the fuck was the point? He focused on his breathing.

Yeah, they should probably get the fuck out of here.

Axel nodded at Andy, not trusting himself to speak, let go of his hand. Got hit outta nowhere imagining one of the girls across the lake pulling out a shotgun or some shit and blowing Andy off the map and then that'd have been the last time he ever spoke to him and he'd barely gotten any words out and then that didn't happen, so everything was fine. He got his things. Andy got his. Andy also went and picked up the tentacle-sans-knife because he was a fucking weirdo. He'd have to tell him later what an untrustworthy motherfucker that thing was.

Punctuating that point nicely was how when he picked up his bags the second one, the one he'd hurled at the artist formerly known as Knifacle, immediately dropped all its contents onto the damp earth, because it turns out maybe you shouldn't fucking throw a canvas bag at a flailing thing with a knife? Who fucking knew, right? He gritted his teeth and stuffed its admittedly pretty sparse contents into the first bag. Half-eaten bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, full bottle of Coke, couple of packages of Reese's cups. Malthusian Catastophe t-shirt. Emergency boxers. Some condoms. Just a bunch of random shit.

Couple of postcards he was gonna give his siblings. A teddy bear. That one was a gift. For him, not from him.

"Fuck," he whispered, staring at it, blinking back tears that he couldn't deal with right now, "fuck."

Andy was walking over. He looked him in the eye. He looked real alive for a dead guy.

His voice croaked.


Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:44 am
by backslash
It was fine, everything was fine, it was all just fucking peachy, Andy had retrieved his bags and the box which for some reason had a tentacle on it? Seemed like a hell of a thing to just throw away, so he had picked that up too and tucked it safely under his arm. He'd have to name it later.

There were people nearby, it turned out. Not close, but there. Girls. None of them were his girls, though, and Andy didn't super feel like making conversation with anyone but Axel right now, so he turned away. Maybe later, if his brain decided to start working right, he'd think about them again and wish them luck or some shit like that, but let's be real. He needed all the luck he could scrounge up right about now.

Axel had gotten to the very important task of just kind of staring off into space when Andy returned to his side, and then of course. Of fucking course.

It wasn't like Andy had forgotten. How could he forget? Still, hearing their name out loud, in that tone of voice- shit, he'd never heard Axel sound just like that. He didn't like it. Didn't sit right, the way that word and that tone hit him and sank down in the pit of his chest.

And okay, maybe technically Axel and Hel kind of respectively outranked Andy now on each other's VIP lists or something? Prom had been just, a whole thing, and Andy honestly still hadn't completely wrapped his head around it before... before. Before now, anyway. He had come up with some particularly creative threats for Axel when he got all that figured out, because they were practically brothers at this point but Andy still knew Axel's penchant for bullshit.

He didn't feel so great about those right in this second. Funny. He was also just going to not acknowledge that Axel was on the verge of tears, and maybe Axel would do him a solid and return the favor.

"Yeah. Let's fucking go." Words were hard, actions were easy, thinking too much was now illegal. So they left.

((Andy Silverman and Axel Fontaine continued in Break Your Halo))

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:08 pm
by Deamon
So everyone heard it, that was good. It was something concrete she could stick to. Go investigate what the yelling was. After that, she could figure out what to do specifically. One step at a time she would get her head right.

Shakily, Arizona stood up, water dripping off her frame as she so. "Yeah, we should go check," She said, her voice still scratchy. "Make sure they're alright." It was at that point, when she finally stood, that Arizona realised she was easily the largest of the group she'd attracted. The only one close to her was Saffron and she dwarfed both Caroline and Yuki. Arizona assumed she had to take the lead as a result.

"Alright..." There was another pause as Arizona looked around and thought. There were too many variables. It was impossible to account for all of them. As she'd been crouched she remembered that Yuki had been discussing being given her briefcase of mone. Saffron also had a pool cue. That meant she probably had something as well. "Alright, let me just check what I got." She said as she looked around for her bag. It was where she had left it. Both her bags sat untouched by the lake, gently leaning on one another. Her steps towards weren't graceful or measured. Arizona crouched down and opened up the one that had G001 printed on it. Her lips pursed reading the number designation. As she dug around she felt something metallic and cold. Her heart sped up as she withdrew it, only to reveal a camping stove. She looked at it for a moment. It would have to do.

Turning to the others she spoke again.

"I'll go first. I guess. Stay, uh, stay close."

Then she slung both bags over her shoulders and headed towards the treeline.

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:26 pm
by Aura
Saffron kept listening, to see if there was anything else going on in the distance, or to get a better idea of what might be waiting for them. Nothing new came, though. All they had to go on was the previous yelling, and that didn't tell them much.

Arizona was the first to start moving, and Saffron kept watching from her crouched position. Out of their impromptu group, Saffron would argue that she was probably the most impressive. The biggest for sure, and likely the strongest as well. As for athleticism... well, Saffron felt that she could argue that she was actually stronger in that department herself, but that was neither here nor there for now. Plus, she couldn't deny that Arizona did have the vital advantage of two fully functional hands. She wished that she could, but it was pretty hard to ignore.

She considered transferring her pool cue to her other hand, but she had a hard time finding a comfortable grip for it with her paralyzed fingers involved, so she kept carrying it as is. She started to wonder why she was carrying it in the first place, aside from it being a long and reasonably durable stick. It was potentially useful, but was it really necessary?

She kept the pool cue on hand for now and took position behind Arizona, following her towards the trees. She didn't feel like she was ready for a fight, and she was going to do what she could to avoid one. Diplomacy and charisma, that's what she was going to bring to the table.

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:35 pm
by Shiola
Who isn't dangerous?

Caroline stared at Yuki, answering her with a mutter. "The Apostle John said, if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves." Her gaze seemed distant, though her glassy eyes communicated a deep sadness Caroline wasn't entirely cognizant of. "We're all dangerous, Yuki."

Looking over to Arizona, she realized the other girl had stood up. It was strange, because as she was talking to Yuki she could have sworn Arizona was sitting. Yet Caroline didn't see her stand back up.

Another blank space.

It was the reason she'd been told she couldn't go on flying trips anymore. Gaps in her perception, where one moment seemed to bleed into the next with no clear connection. It shouldn't have been happening so soon. Twenty-four hours at least without medication, then one in the morning. It wasn't optimal but she'd missed doses before.

That was the last one. Last chance to seem normal. Oh wait, they never thought you were normal. They thought you believed in things that weren't there the whole time. Stupid girl believing in her stupid make-believe. You think God has anything to do with this? Where is he? Where'd he go, Caroline?

Everything seemed tense for a moment as Arizona reached into her bag, presumably looking for whatever her issued weapon might have been. Anything would've been useful in her hands. For some time Caroline had been deeply envious of girls who looked like her. Athletic, attractive, confident. Things she knew she wasn't. Seeing them always seemed to evoke some feeling that was somehow between calm and excited. Like it was nice to know that they existed, even if she was never going to be one of them. Maybe Caroline knew she seemed competent, intelligent even. Always too intense. Too strong-willed. Believing in things that weren't there, in one way or another.

Her jaw dropped as she saw Arizona retrieve a camp stove. The lid was cracked slightly ajar, and she saw what looked to be hundreds of tiny black limbs writhing and prodding at its edge. Just waiting to escape. Every fiber of her being wanted to shout and warn Arizona, but the words never came. After a moment, she managed to collect herself. Despite the small, furry legs prodding and grasping at Arizona's arm from inside of the stove, Caroline simply nodded grimly.

Context. I have to trust others, and trust in Christ.

They wouldn't fill a stove with thousands of arthropods, and if they did those arthropods would've escaped and if they had escaped someone would have noticed, certainly Arizona because she probably didn't like being felt up by hundreds of tiny clawed arms.

Arthro Taskforce. As in Arthropod. What did you expect, you stupid bitch?

Context was important. It was just a stove, and Arizona and Saffron and Yuki were just trying to help whoever was in danger.

"I’ll go first. Stay close, they’re watching you."

The presence of God always felt more real to her than the hallucinations. He was here, and He could stay here because Caroline would call Him. If fear invoked these visions, good works would invoke the presence of the Lord.

He who brings good works hears the voice of the Good Shepard, and he who does evil becomes a child of the Devil, and hears his voice. Alma five, verses forty-one and forty two. I know this.

You know this.

Following the others towards the treeline, Caroline tried her best. Standing straight, trying to feel what she needed to and ignoring the rest. Despite the bright sun, the trees seemed to suck up all of the light. It was hard to see anything past the lush wall of plant life.

What's in there? Screaming. There were screams.

Tiny dots appeared in the darkness. Like stars in the night sky. Millions of eyes, all watching the four of them. She froze, unable to continue. Even if it wasn't real, did she want them watching her the whole time? Though she knew she was watched all the time, it had always been comforting. This wasn't comfort. This felt wrong. Everything about this was wrong.

He doesn't need millions of eyes to see.

She shook her head, staring at the ground and walking to where she thought the others were going. They'd be gone when she walked into the forest. It was just the woods. Only the Heavenly Father was watching her, nothing more. It couldn't have been no more than a few yards away, and she ran to close the distance as fast as she could.

((Caroline Ford continued in Shoegazing))

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:09 pm
by Ryuki
We’re all dangerous, Yuki.

Perhaps from other people’s perspective, this is true. That was at the core of this game. To instill paranoia and fear in each of the students, and drive them to their darkest impulses.

As the others began walking towards the tree line, Yuki looked at the briefcase in her hand. She could feel a bit of anger over the terrorist’s sick sense of humor over giving her this item. Money was useless and wasted in a death game. Overcome with a sudden burst of adrenaline, Yuki got closer the lake. She swung the briefcase back and forth a few times, and then, when she had just enough momentum, she tossed the briefcase into lake. It didn’t go too far, but it disappeared into the water regardless.

With her brief adrenaline rush satisfied, she picked up her bags and hurried to close the distance between her and the other girls. When she had caught up, she noticed Caroline was missing.

“Caroline?,” Yuki called out. No response.

She hurried again towards the others.

“Hey, did either of you see where Caroline went?”

Caroline alone, without her medication was a worrying thought.

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:06 am
by Deamon
"Empty," Arizona muttered as she inspected the area around the treeline. There was no sign of anyone there. If someone had been there—and she was sure there had been—they'd left. She would have filed checking away as a waste of time. But it was better than any of the alternatives. She scratched at the side of her neck with her free hand. She was still soaked. Something would need to be done about that. Arizona stood there, looking around in an attempt to find the signs of anyone else. She was interrupted by Yuki calling out as she rushed over to her and Saffron.

Caroline had gone missing.

Welcome to the new normal. Nothing is ever simple and every decision could be deadly.

Arizona didn't understand. They had been all stood together. How had Caroline managed to get separated from them? Where had she even gone?

"Well what the fuck..." She grumbled.

They had a couple of options. But there was no easy one. She supposed there would no longer be easy choices. It was all part of the game. Arizona didn't feel comfortable letting Caroline just wander off but she had no way of finding her. Going into the jungle would have been a risk. They had no idea where they were or where it led. If they got lost or worse that would make a bad situation even worse.

"How does that even happen?" Arizona asked, uncertainty staining her voice.

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:44 pm
by Aura
Huh, nothing. Saffron knew that she had heard something, and she had witnesses to back her up on that claim, so it definitely wasn't just in her head. Her best guess was that whoever was making noise realized that they were attracting attention to themselves, so they ran away before anyone could find them. Good on their part, she supposed, but that still left her at the tail end of a fruitless search. A search that left them with less than they had when they started, because now Caroline was missing.

Saffron didn't know Caroline too well, but in the couple of minute that she had been there with them, she had been able to pick up on a few things. She was short, slight, and seemed pretty upset. Definitely not a good combination to take into the wilderness on her own. Of course, the big question was how she had managed to disappear when there were three of them there, and not have any of them pick up on it.

"All right, don't freak out. Let's just think for a second." Saffron said, trying to keep a cool head. "We were only looking away for maybe a minute, so she probably couldn't have gone too far. If we're quick, we might be able to catch up with her."

Her eyes drifted to Yuki, the one who had informed them of Caroline's disappearance. "Where was she last time you saw her? Was she looking anywhere?" Saffron leaned in closer. "It might help us guess where she is now."

Re: Dead Bxdies in the Lake

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:22 am
by Ryuki
Saffron got closer to Yuki, almost as if it were an interrogation. This made Yuki tense up, feeling intimidated.

“W-w-well,” Yuki nervously stammered, “I-I saw her heading this way toward the trees. I turned around to grab my stuff and she was...just gone.”

Yuki left out the part where she threw the briefcase full of money into the lake intentionally, out of fear of being chastised. She felt as if she didn’t take time to perform that small act of defiance, she could have kept a better eye on Caroline.

“I should have paid attention to her,” Yuki said, lowering her head, with a sad tone in her voice.