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Re: The Rest of My Life

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 5:53 am
by Cactus
Ariana immediately felt a lot better when Mike Brown sauntered up to Garren and Nona and started to engage them in conversation. While Garren was a loose cannon and God only knew what kinds of shit he'd talk to Nona when given the opportunity, Mike was a really good guy with a reputation for being someone who was mostly always pleasant company. Nobody was going to fuck around with Mike, and there was no way that he'd let anyone fuck around with anyone else either - particularly not the way that Garren's reputation leaned into.

"Hmm, you know, there might be?"

Attention heading back to Tanisha, she furrowed her brow and looked around the area. She didn't see any kiosks in sight, but there was so much pathway and a good lot of foliage, so Ariana wondered if some such information booth might be hidden away somewhere. As a matter of fact; she squinted and looked over at what looked to be a shielded information booth somewhat in the distance. Ariana couldn't read the letters on it, but maybe it belonged to this memorial? There was no way to tell from here, but that was the great thing about having feet and a working set of eyes: those kinds of issues were easily solved. Turning to Tanisha, she pointed at the distant booth.

"Maybe that's it? I'm going to go and check it out."

She smiled at Tanisha, took one more look at the other trio, and set off towards the mystery booth. Ariana never expected that she'd be doing so much learning on her vacation.

This trip was just full of surprises.

((Ariana Moretti continued in One Night Only))

Re: The Rest of My Life

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:54 pm
by Laurels
"Okay, cool," Tanisha said, glancing back to the wall after Ariana said she'd check out the computer.

Her eyes looked over the names. It was quite hard to take it all in. She sighed.

"Actually, let me come with you," she told Ariana.

Tanisha hurried after Ariana, leaving the memorial and the others behind.

((Tanisha Abbey continued in V7))