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Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:19 am
by yumi22*
OOC> a bit of a off for the night...if you guys want, you can move me<

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:19 am
by MooCow*
OOC: I think Tayli will be blind until you get to the school. Sort of catatonic until then.

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:21 am
by Sarigasi Lian*
Niniko woke up. He already knew where he was, and he had known everything. They where stranded on this island. He stood up casually, looking for his weapon. He found them, with a hint of disgust. Boxing Gloves. Pathetic. He threw them away in anger. They landed with a soft thump on the floor. Basically, his hands had a better chance of doing something. The wind pulled by him, zipping along. He quickly decided he should get a better weapon, but how? All he brought along was some clothes. He could always try choking them with his bare hands. But they would shoot him before that happened. No, he had to figure out a way to kill someone. And fast. He took his items. The most he could do was wack them with his flashlight. That might work, but if they had a gun he’d be dead. He decided to make a weapon out the bamboo shoots and hopefully kill someone. As headed in the direction, alond the dirt pith, he fealt the urge to kill. He WANTED to kill…

He scooted along, for he did not want to get caught. He was open. With no weapon, you could really die. Like he cared. He went out, and if someone saw him, who cares? As the path winded down, the end broadened. He was at the bamboo forest.

Suddenly, a flash bang grenade went off. He covered his eyes, just in time, to take very little of it. He was stunned, for a few minutes. When he could see, not far from him, a girl, looking like she was blind. He walked up to her.

“Well, Well, Well…”

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:21 am
by Kaishi*
Sydney's eyes widened for the second time that day. They'd probably be doing that more often, anyway. He aimed the gun at Niniko. "Not one're not going to hurt my friends, y'hear!" Judging by the pyschotic look on Niniko's face, Niniko was probably playing to kill. Who wasn't? By the time night rolled around, practically everyone was playing. But, not this early. Never this early...the game had just begun! And Syd just got a new friend, too. "Xian." He tossed a flashbang in her direction.

Great...I'm down to six now. I'm glad I've got this gun. "Xian, when I give the signal, I want you and and that girl to high tail it out of here. Get to the school building however you can." He had a feeling that Niniko was going to fight them all. And, Sydney would make it his mission to get his newfound friend out of there and to safety. If the need arised, he'd have to fight this Niniko guy. There was little doubt about that. "So, wh-what's your name?" Even though Sydney was the one with the gun pointed at Niniko's head, he couldn't help feel scared. There was something about Niniko....

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:22 am
by Girl##*
Selene watched the unfolding carnage with glistening, shrinkwrapped eyes, her lips shivering and a small glob of spit ran down he cheek, all the colour had gone from her face so she appeared like some sort of zombie or wraith, and in the manner of a wraith, she remained unseen.

Her knees where brought up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. In her hands, she cradled her 'weapon' like it was the most precious thing in the world. An axe. 'How lucky am i.' She mumbled to herself.

She wasnt sure whether to announce herself, this new boy and the others seemed to be getting on until...No, until she knew niniko wanted, she would stay hidden.

'oh if only he was here...'

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:22 am
by yumi22*
Xian stood frozen to the spot, her eyes darting back and forth, taking in the entire scene. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she found it difficult to breath. supposed should. I..i..its..not right, not right.. she began muttering aloud. She felt Tayli's hand on her shoulder, and that seemed to snap her to reality.

She looked over at the new boy....N..Niniko, right? Thats your name right?? She looked directly at him, trying her best to hide her fear. You know me....Xian...Xian Chun. We have Biology together. Remember?? When Ms. Larson was teaching us about reproduction......and the penis on the male model fell off in her hands?? Please...Niniko...please..remember...please??

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:22 am
by MooCow*
"Who is it Xian," Tayli asked, "Syd said to go we need to go!"
"It's Niniko," Xian whispered hoarsly.
"I don't think we can trust him," Syd said not bothering to lower his voice so Niniko wouldn't hear, "go now Xian we'll meet back up at the place we planned!"

Definately not a friend, another enemy.

"I'm sure we can trust him," Xian pleaded, "no one really wants to play this game."

"I barely know him, how can we trust someone we know so little about?" Tayli said sceptically her eyesight beginning to come back into focus, but slowly, "please lets go!"

"Niniko..." Xian said still waiting for a response.

Syd realized the light grenade would detonate at any given moment. Jumping onto Tayli and Xian, for the latter this was the second time, he shielded them from the second blast of light that would most surely continue to draw more students to the location.

Niniko was blinded, at least for the time being.

"Oh god," Xian cried.

"Get out of here now Xian! Run!"


((Continued in: The Threesome on the Move))

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:22 am
by Sarigasi Lian*
Ninko looked at the grenade. He also knew it was to detonate. But he still needed a weapon. He took a bamboo shoot and ran. He had a makeshift spear. Still, he ran after them, and luckily, he was not tired. The grenade went off. He could see it behind him, a burst of light. He had barely escaped, and he needed to get his hands on a gun. Running, he took out his map. He just came past the bamboo shoots, and saw that he was headed for the lighthouse. He couldn’t decide where to go, so he headed for the school. But, if Sydney were to go to the school, no doubt he would die. He hid at the edge to the bamboo coppice and placed him self down. He was getting a little dehydrated. He opened up water, drank some, and put it back. He glanced at his watch. 5:39, almost time for the announcements. He didn’t set up a camp, because if he where in a danger zone, he might not have enough time to get up and run. So he waited, waited for someone to cross his path.

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:22 am
by Girl##*
Just her luck, the nutcase had set up just a few feet from where she was hiding, now what. If she made a run for it she might be seen, if not then she might be seen anyway, it didnt seem to matter, so Selene made the choice to move and hope for the best.

Throwing her single day pack over her shoulder she gripped her axe with one hand and began to move through the coppice, always keeping one eye on niniko, if he came near her, she would let him have it no question, she wasnt going to die at this nutcases hands.

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:23 am
by Kaishi*
((OOC: Tayli, please refrain from doing a post like that. Even though yumi22 and yourself gave permission to control your characters somewhat, I never gave permission for anyone to control Sydney. ;) Even then, it's basically best to wait for another person to just post and all, instead of controlling their character.
But, no biggie, really. Don't worry about it. :lol:
And, another thing...really, Selene and Niniko should've been blinded. The flash is huge, and the flashbang grenade goes off in about three to five seconds from when it's detonated. But, no biggie...just keep it in mind next time a flashbang comes your way.
:P We'll pretend this one was faulty, and detonated very, very slowly. ))

Syd had been prepared to fight Niniko. Really he was. But, he changed his mind at the last moment, throwing a flashbang grenade onto the ground, near Xian. That's where Niniko's attention seemed focused, really, so he'd be able to see the flash fully. But... Darn it! It wasn't detonating. A dud, most likely. He turned to fire at Niniko, to do something other than stand there and let his newfound friend get attacked. He looked down at the flashbang grenade briefly, realizing that it would indeed go off.

Sydney jumped onto Xian and Tayli, trying to shield them both from the blast of light. He wasn't exactly the biggest, or tallest guy, so he didn't think that it would do very much. Just think on the more positive side of things... Once the big flash was over and done with, Sydney stood up again, putting on his goggles. "Let's go!!" He had gotten a little deafened by the sound of the loud Bang!! that the grenade had made, no doubt that Xian and Tayli had aswell. He hoped that the flash had blinded Niniko. Of course, it would wear off in roughly thirty minutes, just like the ringing in Sydney's ears from the loud noise of the flashbang.

((OOC: So, now I'm guessing we should make a new topic in the School Building, Tayli and Yumi22?
Tayli, Syd, and Xian have gone to the 3some on the move topic in the School Building.))

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:23 am
by Girl##*
Selene cried out as the flash reached her eyes, just as she was trying to sneak past niniko. She knew his disability meant he might still not find her but screw it she was just going to run for it like nobodies businness, and see where she ended up! Her axe was still in her hand but she was too scared at the moment to think of the advantage it gave her over the (seemingly) unarmed Niniko, he was a pyschotic guy and she was just a girl, a very scared girl. She was running in a seemingly random direction, away from Niniko, sydney and the two girls, of further into the coppice.

((OOC: Continued in the Selene Arrives. topic.))

Re: starting point for girl#4

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:23 am
by Kaishi*
Sarigasi Lian,Jun 26 2005, 01:21 PM wrote: Ninko looked at the grenade. He also knew it was to detonate. But he still needed a weapon. He took a bamboo shoot and ran. He had a makeshift spear. Still, he ran after them, and luckily, he was not tired. The grenade went off. He could see it behind him, a burst of light. He had barely escaped, and he needed to get his hands on a gun. Running, he took out his map. He just came past the bamboo shoots, and saw that he was headed for the lighthouse. He couldn’t decide where to go, so he headed for the school. But, if Sydney were to go to the school, no doubt he would die. He hid at the edge to the bamboo coppice and placed him self down. He was getting a little dehydrated. He opened up water, drank some, and put it back. He glanced at his watch. 5:39, almost time for the announcements. He didn’t set up a camp, because if he where in a danger zone, he might not have enough time to get up and run. So he waited, waited for someone to cross his path.
Niniko must have fallen asleep, or atleast missed Mr. Danya's Announcements. The audible beeping of his collar filled the air. He was in a Danger Zone, no doubt about that, and there was no way that he would be able to move out of it in time. ...Maybe he should've set up camp afterall? Same thing would've probably happened, yeah, but atleast he'd be able to die in a comfortable setting. With that, his collar exploded, destroying his neck in the process and turning it into a mere bloody mess.


((OOC: Before someone goes off on me, or makes any protest about Niniko dying... I e-mailed Sarigasi Lian yesterday, and he was fine with his character dying. Don't make assumptions, alright? ;) ))